Open Carry will lead to wild west shoot outs

Man, being civil (ish) is hard work.

When it comes to debating moonbats, it's pointless.

I actually have a lot of respect for Saul Alinsky, and have adopted his tactics. His politics of course were absolutely insane, but he was the Sun Tzu of political warfare.
You see...

Assholes like you are the reason I can have no respect at all for bed wetting liberals.

Assuming you have the cognitive skills to process the context of my post let alone the reading comprehension skills ( big fucking stretch mind you), you diligently maintain your utter ignorance of the fact that people who OC are some of the most relaxed and polite people you can associate with.

Your dedication to ignorance and bullshit is what defines fascist pigs like you. I truly wish Roe V. Wade came early enough so that some of the hippie whores that birthed insipid self absorbed parasites like you had the "choice" to wash genetic garbage like you down a drain.

Now, Pete, that is just gall-darned unfriendly of you!

BTW, I live in Gabby Gifford's old political district. She still appears in public and makes speeches. I am sure that the sight of you and your phallic symbol AR-15 in the audience would bring a warmth to her heart!

Howdy ex-neighbor. I used to live just west of Tucson.

You mentioned Safeway ... The guy with the gun at the scene of the Giffords' shooting hid out in the Walgreens right next door while unarmed bystanders took down the shooter.

Sadly, they couldn't stop him before he murdered innocent people, including an 8 year old girl.


I'm sure that Gabby would be characterized as a "bed wetter" by some people on this thread. It may be true, since being shot in the brain has a tendency to decrease one's bladder control....
You liberal gun grabbers can continue to make up horrific scenarios, wring your hands in fear, and soil your panties all you want to but it won't change the fact that concealed carry and open carry laws have not only not caused Wild West like shoot outs, but they have not increased crime in any city or state where it is the law.

Put up smoke screens, derail the points, go off on tangents, and call us childish names all you want, the facts remain not in your favor.
Well, I am off to the rifle range, so that I can meet all these super polite gun enthusiasts that fill up this state. If they are as polite and nice as Pete, the bar won't be too high, so it should be pretty easy.

Carry on!
I am so glad that you have some friends from AZ. Come out and visit them sometime. I'll take you to Safeway, and you can intimidate the hell out of the 20 year old female cashier!

You see...

Assholes like you are the reason I can have no respect at all for bed wetting liberals.

Assuming you have the cognitive skills to process the context of my post let alone the reading comprehension skills ( big fucking stretch mind you), you diligently maintain your utter ignorance of the fact that people who OC are some of the most relaxed and polite people you can associate with.

Your dedication to ignorance and bullshit is what defines fascist pigs like you. I truly wish Roe V. Wade came early enough so that some of the hippie whores that birthed insipid self absorbed parasites like you had the "choice" to wash genetic garbage like you down a drain.

Now, Pete, that is just gall-darned unfriendly of you!

BTW, I live in Gabby Gifford's old political district. She still appears in public and makes speeches. I am sure that the sight of you and your phallic symbol AR-15 in the audience would bring a warmth to her heart!

I'm sure that if the moonbat dipshit who shot her in the head (and still managed to miss anything vital ) was openly carrying his glock with a 33 RND magazine security would have taken notice...
Now, Pete, that is just gall-darned unfriendly of you!

BTW, I live in Gabby Gifford's old political district. She still appears in public and makes speeches. I am sure that the sight of you and your phallic symbol AR-15 in the audience would bring a warmth to her heart!

Howdy ex-neighbor. I used to live just west of Tucson.

You mentioned Safeway ... The guy with the gun at the scene of the Giffords' shooting hid out in the Walgreens right next door while unarmed bystanders took down the shooter.

Sadly, they couldn't stop him before he murdered innocent people, including an 8 year old girl.


I'm sure that Gabby would be characterized as a "bed wetter" by some people on this thread. It may be true, since being shot in the brain has a tendency to decrease one's bladder control....


A democrook with a brain!!

Best punch line I've seen all day!!
Well, I am off to the rifle range, so that I can meet all these super polite gun enthusiasts that fill up this state. If they are as polite and nice as Pete, the bar won't be too high, so it should be pretty easy.

Carry on!

Make sure to be a condescending fascist asshole and talk down to them. It will help endear you to them.

Why would open carry lead to shoot outs and not concealed carry?

Why would open carry lead to shoot outs and not concealed carry?

It won't.

It hasn't.

Bed wetters are terrified OC will become trendy.
Anti-gun loons, summed up:

Gun-related violent crime is out of control! We must further restrict the rigts of the law abiding!!
What's that? You want to carry a gun so you can protect yourself from violent crime? You're paranoid!!!
Well, I am off to the rifle range, so that I can meet all these super polite gun enthusiasts that fill up this state. If they are as polite and nice as Pete, the bar won't be too high, so it should be pretty easy.

Carry on!
You'll be surprised, gun folks usually are friendly. At the range and even at the unmonitored quarry. Bunch of strangers blasting away, talking guns and sometimes swapping weapons without ever meeting them before. Although new chick shooters with a 12 gauge do worry me a bit.

Now if you go there and run your trap about how evil guns are you'll probably find some that can be even unfriendly in a personal way.
You see...

Assholes like you are the reason I can have no respect at all for bed wetting liberals.

Assuming you have the cognitive skills to process the context of my post let alone the reading comprehension skills ( big fucking stretch mind you), you diligently maintain your utter ignorance of the fact that people who OC are some of the most relaxed and polite people you can associate with.

Your dedication to ignorance and bullshit is what defines fascist pigs like you. I truly wish Roe V. Wade came early enough so that some of the hippie whores that birthed insipid self absorbed parasites like you had the "choice" to wash genetic garbage like you down a drain.

Now, Pete, that is just gall-darned unfriendly of you!

BTW, I live in Gabby Gifford's old political district. She still appears in public and makes speeches. I am sure that the sight of you and your phallic symbol AR-15 in the audience would bring a warmth to her heart!

Howdy ex-neighbor. I used to live just west of Tucson.

You mentioned Safeway ... The guy with the gun at the scene of the Giffords' shooting hid out in the Walgreens right next door while unarmed bystanders took down the shooter.

Sadly, they couldn't stop him before he murdered innocent people, including an 8 year old girl.

You see...

Bed wetters like you would have condemned the man if he had rushed into the scene, opened fire and killed the moonbat assailant because he may have hurt someone else.

You fascist dumbfucks can't comprehend the idea that a rational person, armed or not, does not rush into situations where lives are at stake. They assess the circumstance and react accordingly. There is a lot of liability when it comes to engaging sociopaths in violent conflict, and it also has to do with fascist trial lawyers who ruin people's lives for a living without regards to what is just, right or fair.
Complete made up nonsense.

Care to elaborate? I'm open to any honest discussion

Need I?

Ok, well there are two problems with your made up scenario. First, that someone hell bent on carnage isn't going to go somewhere were its possible that some CCW permit carrier will get off a lucky shot and end his spree too early, he'll go to a gun free zone as we have already seen numerous times. And the second and major problem is that concealed carry has been around in many states for a long time and it hasn't happened yet.

Name one instance where a fully automatic weapon was used to kill a large group of people, outside of war. Because unless its a fully automatic weapon, he can't fire bullets faster than I can with my 380. can post nice when you want to

Someone looking to massacre is looking for one thing...a large number of targets. They are not afraid if there are armed people there, they are looking to go out in a blaze of glory...they expect to die

We are talking about open carry, not concealed carry. Personally, I don't care as much about CCWs. I find they tend to have had thorough background checks and training. It is the morons taking their AR-15 for a walk that worry me. These idiots are looking to intimidate and obviously lack the brains to blow their nose
I do not want these morons in movie theaters, churches, little league games or Jack in the Box. They have amply demonstrated that they are not responsible gun owners
No, he's talking about the ones who wet their beds and panties by the idea that some person might have a gun and therefor try to take everyone's guns away.

So the guys who are so scared someone will have a gun they have to carry one at all times?

What are you 10 years old? Read the posts you respond to and make some sense will ya?

You guys are doing the name calling, who is 10 years old? I'm just pointing out how bad your name calling is. I mean if anyone is scared it's the people so paranoid they won't leave the house without a gun. My old mother does it every day and you big bad gun carriers are too scared?
Name ONE bed wetter.

You can't?

That's the point you fucking moron!!!


Yet almost ever major city is a cesspool of crime, poverty, corruption, illiteracy and filth. All managed exclusively by criminally insane sociopathic authoritarians of the democrook party.

Thanks for playing! Now go get yourself a retroactive abortion.

You deserve it.

Yes there aren't any. That's because lots of guns and cities don't mix. If it did there would be at least 1 city right?
So the guys who are so scared someone will have a gun they have to carry one at all times?

What are you 10 years old? Read the posts you respond to and make some sense will ya?

You guys are doing the name calling, who is 10 years old? I'm just pointing out how bad your name calling is. I mean if anyone is scared it's the people so paranoid they won't leave the house without a gun. My old mother does it every day and you big bad gun carriers are too scared?


No fuckstick I'm doing the name calling, and it does nothing to marginalize the points I or anyone have made. Everyone else here treats you bed wetters with kid gloves.

You're afraid of an inanimate object that can be made to propel lead core munitions by manipulating a trigger and causing a chemical reaction. You're programmed to promote an agenda where only the state has access to those tools. You're too fucking stupid to see what a disaster that sort of endeavor has led to. There is no reason at all not to call you what you are...

A complete blithering idiot.
Because these laws are in non-urban areas (backwards Town USA), practiced by people who lead lives of quiet desperation.

Google Open Carry Shooting: About 30,700,000 results (0.20 seconds)

Do your homework, sparky.

QUESTION: From outward appearances, what's the difference between an "open cary activists" crossing the mall parking lot, and a mass murderer on his way into the mall???

Like this moron here:


And this comes from pro-gun rights folks.

These idiots just do not get it

They think flaunting their freedom to openly carry will make it easier for others to do the same

In fact, it makes it easier to pass laws prohibiting them from doing so

Nothing says "I am not a responsible gun owner like parading your weapon a a little league game or Starbucks"

Ya know something wrong winger?

I actually agree with some of your sniveling bullshit here.

This isn't Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , I don't care to see people with their AR-15 chow slung at Wal-Mart.

The difference between you and I is that I won't push for laws against it.

Do you care to know why?

I'll tell you regardless.

It's because I'm not afraid of people who carry the tools of war anymore than I'm afraid of people who carry the tools of plumbing.

I can fuck your world up with a pipe wrench very quietly. Far more quietly than I can with my AK clone. It's the people who intentionally conceal the tools they use to victimize people that are a threat, not those who are openly willing to defend against criminal aggression.

How many times has a person entered a school with a concealed pipe wrench and committed mass murder?

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