Open Carry will lead to wild west shoot outs

You can't?

That's the point you fucking moron!!!


Yet almost ever major city is a cesspool of crime, poverty, corruption, illiteracy and filth. All managed exclusively by criminally insane sociopathic authoritarians of the democrook party.

Thanks for playing! Now go get yourself a retroactive abortion.

You deserve it.

Yes there aren't any. That's because lots of guns and cities don't mix. If it did there would be at least 1 city right?

WTF are you talking about?

There are lots of cities in states with tolerant gun laws and there is little if any significant levels of gun crime. It's the cities in states with the most regulations that have the most crime you sniveling dipshit!

Darra Adam Khel doesn't have the murder rate Chicago does.


How can you be this stupid and not get hit by a train?
These idiots just do not get it

They think flaunting their freedom to openly carry will make it easier for others to do the same

In fact, it makes it easier to pass laws prohibiting them from doing so

Nothing says "I am not a responsible gun owner like parading your weapon a a little league game or Starbucks"

Ya know something wrong winger?

I actually agree with some of your sniveling bullshit here.

This isn't Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , I don't care to see people with their AR-15 chow slung at Wal-Mart.

The difference between you and I is that I won't push for laws against it.

Do you care to know why?

I'll tell you regardless.

It's because I'm not afraid of people who carry the tools of war anymore than I'm afraid of people who carry the tools of plumbing.

I can fuck your world up with a pipe wrench very quietly. Far more quietly than I can with my AK clone. It's the people who intentionally conceal the tools they use to victimize people that are a threat, not those who are openly willing to defend against criminal aggression.

How many times has a person entered a school with a concealed pipe wrench and committed mass murder?

Would you feel better if it was a knife that killed your child dipshit?–12)

For that matter when was the last mas murder committed by an open carrier of any sort of gun?

Those not sanctioned by leftist governments of course.
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These idiots just do not get it

They think flaunting their freedom to openly carry will make it easier for others to do the same

In fact, it makes it easier to pass laws prohibiting them from doing so

Nothing says "I am not a responsible gun owner like parading your weapon a a little league game or Starbucks"

Ya know something wrong winger?

I actually agree with some of your sniveling bullshit here.

This isn't Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , I don't care to see people with their AR-15 chow slung at Wal-Mart.

The difference between you and I is that I won't push for laws against it.

Do you care to know why?

I'll tell you regardless.

It's because I'm not afraid of people who carry the tools of war anymore than I'm afraid of people who carry the tools of plumbing.

I can fuck your world up with a pipe wrench very quietly. Far more quietly than I can with my AK clone. It's the people who intentionally conceal the tools they use to victimize people that are a threat, not those who are openly willing to defend against criminal aggression.

How many times has a person entered a school with a concealed pipe wrench and committed mass murder?

How many times has a person taken a weapon into a gun free zone and committed mass murder?

see how supporting tyranny is evil?


People like you, disarming citizens, leads to them being killed and unable to defend themselves or others.
What would happen if they were not gun free zones? Adam Lanza and James Holmes get to walk into a school or movie theater with as many weapons as they can carry?

The idea that these guys will be afraid to shoot if other people are armed is fantasy. They are prepared to die and many shoot themselves before they are done.

Criminals and crazies are the problem. Let's get some hard assed background checks

PAY ATTENTION--------those guys were BREAKING THE LAW, LAWS DID NOT STOP THEM. But an armed security guard might have stopped them.


The unrestricted open carry laws being advocated by some on this board ( not necessarily you) do not help the situation

The idea that I can bring any weapon, anywhere at anytime does not make us safer. The same law that allows you to bring your AR-15 to a little league game allows those criminals and crazies to do he same

No one has advocated that. You are engaging in hyperbole, like all liberals.
You don't listen very well, but that's why you are still a democrat. You probably won't listen now but here goes:

My scenario isn't that at all, my scenario is the very real one that exists now where if someone decides to try to take out as many people as possible, he or she will need to find a place where an intended victim won't end his spree before it begins. Like the local gun free zone.

Nice strawman argument you built but I'm sorry to tell you it won't fly.

There are a few holes in your argument.

#1, how does one shoot and kill another before s/he begins their "spree"? Does one who sees another carrying a gun openly as a threat, and does that give the 'hero' the right to shoot?

#2, Have you ever heard of suicide by cop?

#3, Gun free zones are not intended to prevent mass murder. What they do is increase the penalty for violating the act. See CA Penal Code, Sec. 626.9 ((a), This section shall be known, and may be cited, as the Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995.

see: CA Codes (pen:626-626.11)

#1 it's not hard to imagine (since we are making stuff up) that I'm in a Starbucks drinking my coffee and I see a guy stop in the center if the mall, pull out an AR-15, and aim it at the Cinna-Bon store. Maybe he gets off a shot or three, maybe he even hits someone before I, being behind him put a couple of 380 rounds into the back of his head. That ends his spree right quick. The thing is that if he's in an area where he knows people are allowed to carry guns, he knows that he can't tell who has the gun and which place to point it first.

#2 people who die by cop are t looking to take out as many bystanders as possible, they are looking to get killed in spectacular fashion. Different scenario.

#3 irrelevant, the reason I bring them up is to make the point that a shooter who is looking for maximum carnage, isn't going to go where he knows others will be armed.

How do you know what a mass murderer has in his head? Most mass murders seem to be planned and most don't include an escape plan.

As for your bravado, how many times have you engaged a shooter with your gun? How do you know how you would react when the target is shooting back? You may hit the black time after time when the target is paper and your hand is steady, but few of us have the capability of a fictional character such as Dirty Harry.

I recall being in a make shift tent when I was 17 years old with a friend and his dog while backpacking in the Marble Mountains of Northern California. In the middle of the night the dog started to whimper and headed to the bottom of the lean-to. I asked my friend, "did your hear that" (I had heard what sounded like a very large animal moving in the brush). He said, "Oh shit, I thought I was dreaming". We both went for our guns, I had a 30-30 lever action and as the bear went through our camp my hands and arms were shaking. I don't know if I'd been able to hit the critter and I'm glad he or she decided there was nothing to eat and left.
There are a few holes in your argument.

#1, how does one shoot and kill another before s/he begins their "spree"? Does one who sees another carrying a gun openly as a threat, and does that give the 'hero' the right to shoot?

#2, Have you ever heard of suicide by cop?

#3, Gun free zones are not intended to prevent mass murder. What they do is increase the penalty for violating the act. See CA Penal Code, Sec. 626.9 ((a), This section shall be known, and may be cited, as the Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995.

see: CA Codes (pen:626-626.11)

#1 it's not hard to imagine (since we are making stuff up) that I'm in a Starbucks drinking my coffee and I see a guy stop in the center if the mall, pull out an AR-15, and aim it at the Cinna-Bon store. Maybe he gets off a shot or three, maybe he even hits someone before I, being behind him put a couple of 380 rounds into the back of his head. That ends his spree right quick. The thing is that if he's in an area where he knows people are allowed to carry guns, he knows that he can't tell who has the gun and which place to point it first.

#2 people who die by cop are t looking to take out as many bystanders as possible, they are looking to get killed in spectacular fashion. Different scenario.

#3 irrelevant, the reason I bring them up is to make the point that a shooter who is looking for maximum carnage, isn't going to go where he knows others will be armed.

How do you know what a mass murderer has in his head? Most mass murders seem to be planned and most don't include an escape plan.

As for your bravado, how many times have you engaged a shooter with your gun? How do you know how you would react when the target is shooting back? You may hit the black time after time when the target is paper and your hand is steady, but few of us have the capability of a fictional character such as Dirty Harry.

I recall being in a make shift tent when I was 17 years old with a friend and his dog while backpacking in the Marble Mountains of Northern California. In the middle of the night the dog started to whimper and headed to the bottom of the lean-to. I asked my friend, "did your hear that" (I had heard what sounded like a very large animal moving in the brush). He said, "Oh shit, I thought I was dreaming". We both went for our guns, I had a 30-30 lever action and as the bear went through our camp my hands and arms were shaking. I don't know if I'd been able to hit the critter and I'm glad he or she decided there was nothing to eat and left.

if the bear had decided to attack, you would have found out. I am going with the human with the gun every time, even a left wing pussy like you.
A lot of innocent people got caught in the crossfire.

Just like now.

Link it liar.

So much for you not using abusive language.

And, surely you do know that innocent people were killed in old west shootouts.

Surely you know that ...

"Liar" isn't abusive at least not in the sense I meant in my promise.

You need to link two points you made:

1. That lots innocent people are caught in the crossfire between bad guys and good guys "just like today."

2. That lots of innocent people were back then as well.

I say you can't do it, you know you can't do it and that makes you a liar.
#1 it's not hard to imagine (since we are making stuff up) that I'm in a Starbucks drinking my coffee and I see a guy stop in the center if the mall, pull out an AR-15, and aim it at the Cinna-Bon store. Maybe he gets off a shot or three, maybe he even hits someone before I, being behind him put a couple of 380 rounds into the back of his head. That ends his spree right quick. The thing is that if he's in an area where he knows people are allowed to carry guns, he knows that he can't tell who has the gun and which place to point it first.

#2 people who die by cop are t looking to take out as many bystanders as possible, they are looking to get killed in spectacular fashion. Different scenario.

#3 irrelevant, the reason I bring them up is to make the point that a shooter who is looking for maximum carnage, isn't going to go where he knows others will be armed.

How do you know what a mass murderer has in his head? Most mass murders seem to be planned and most don't include an escape plan.

As for your bravado, how many times have you engaged a shooter with your gun? How do you know how you would react when the target is shooting back? You may hit the black time after time when the target is paper and your hand is steady, but few of us have the capability of a fictional character such as Dirty Harry.

I recall being in a make shift tent when I was 17 years old with a friend and his dog while backpacking in the Marble Mountains of Northern California. In the middle of the night the dog started to whimper and headed to the bottom of the lean-to. I asked my friend, "did your hear that" (I had heard what sounded like a very large animal moving in the brush). He said, "Oh shit, I thought I was dreaming". We both went for our guns, I had a 30-30 lever action and as the bear went through our camp my hands and arms were shaking. I don't know if I'd been able to hit the critter and I'm glad he or she decided there was nothing to eat and left.

if the bear had decided to attack, you would have found out. I am going with the human with the gun every time, even a left wing pussy like you.

A punk is a pussy who calls people names while hiding behind a keyboard.
How do you know what a mass murderer has in his head? Most mass murders seem to be planned and most don't include an escape plan.

As for your bravado, how many times have you engaged a shooter with your gun? How do you know how you would react when the target is shooting back? You may hit the black time after time when the target is paper and your hand is steady, but few of us have the capability of a fictional character such as Dirty Harry.

I recall being in a make shift tent when I was 17 years old with a friend and his dog while backpacking in the Marble Mountains of Northern California. In the middle of the night the dog started to whimper and headed to the bottom of the lean-to. I asked my friend, "did your hear that" (I had heard what sounded like a very large animal moving in the brush). He said, "Oh shit, I thought I was dreaming". We both went for our guns, I had a 30-30 lever action and as the bear went through our camp my hands and arms were shaking. I don't know if I'd been able to hit the critter and I'm glad he or she decided there was nothing to eat and left.

if the bear had decided to attack, you would have found out. I am going with the human with the gun every time, even a left wing pussy like you.

A punk is a pussy who calls people names while hiding behind a keyboard.

that describes you quite well, thanks. :eusa_whistle:
Care to elaborate? I'm open to any honest discussion

Need I?

Ok, well there are two problems with your made up scenario. First, that someone hell bent on carnage isn't going to go somewhere were its possible that some CCW permit carrier will get off a lucky shot and end his spree too early, he'll go to a gun free zone as we have already seen numerous times. And the second and major problem is that concealed carry has been around in many states for a long time and it hasn't happened yet.

Name one instance where a fully automatic weapon was used to kill a large group of people, outside of war. Because unless its a fully automatic weapon, he can't fire bullets faster than I can with my 380. can post nice when you want to

Someone looking to massacre is looking for one thing...a large number of targets. They are not afraid if there are armed people there, they are looking to go out in a blaze of glory...they expect to die

We are talking about open carry, not concealed carry. Personally, I don't care as much about CCWs. I find they tend to have had thorough background checks and training. It is the morons taking their AR-15 for a walk that worry me. These idiots are looking to intimidate and obviously lack the brains to blow their nose
I do not want these morons in movie theaters, churches, little league games or Jack in the Box. They have amply demonstrated that they are not responsible gun owners

Yeah I can post nice but it's rely a waste of time. It was more fun when I could hammer away with any manner of foul language and surliness, but, I promised.

You're wrong in that a person looking for mass casualties will look to go to where the defenseless are. We have evidence of that in every single mass shooting so far.

You cannot blanket cover or broad brush everyone who carries openly. You should know that. It's easy and it maybe soothes your liberal senses to denegrate someone who doesn't agree with your thinking but it doesn't make it true in any logical sense.
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What are you 10 years old? Read the posts you respond to and make some sense will ya?

You guys are doing the name calling, who is 10 years old? I'm just pointing out how bad your name calling is. I mean if anyone is scared it's the people so paranoid they won't leave the house without a gun. My old mother does it every day and you big bad gun carriers are too scared?


No fuckstick I'm doing the name calling, and it does nothing to marginalize the points I or anyone have made. Everyone else here treats you bed wetters with kid gloves.

You're afraid of an inanimate object that can be made to propel lead core munitions by manipulating a trigger and causing a chemical reaction. You're programmed to promote an agenda where only the state has access to those tools. You're too fucking stupid to see what a disaster that sort of endeavor has led to. There is no reason at all not to call you what you are...

A complete blithering idiot.

And you're too scared to come out of your house without your little gun. My old mother does that everyday. Looks like you win as most scared. :eusa_clap:
That's the point you fucking moron!!!


Yet almost ever major city is a cesspool of crime, poverty, corruption, illiteracy and filth. All managed exclusively by criminally insane sociopathic authoritarians of the democrook party.

Thanks for playing! Now go get yourself a retroactive abortion.

You deserve it.

Yes there aren't any. That's because lots of guns and cities don't mix. If it did there would be at least 1 city right?

WTF are you talking about?

There are lots of cities in states with tolerant gun laws and there is little if any significant levels of gun crime. It's the cities in states with the most regulations that have the most crime you sniveling dipshit!

Darra Adam Khel doesn't have the murder rate Chicago does.


How can you be this stupid and not get hit by a train?

Wow, talk about stupid. First you yell there aren't any when I ask you for examples. Now you say there are lots of them. You seem more than a little confused. I think it's clear who isn't very smart, and that would be you.
As for your bravado, how many times have you engaged a shooter with your gun? How do you know how you would react when the target is shooting back? You may hit the black time after time when the target is paper and your hand is steady, but few of us have the capability of a fictional character such as Dirty Harry.
What are you talking about? There are no guarantees in life. All we can do is increase or decrease the odds. I'd rather have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it.
How do you know what a mass murderer has in his head? Most mass murders seem to be planned and most don't include an escape plan.

As for your bravado, how many times have you engaged a shooter with your gun? How do you know how you would react when the target is shooting back? You may hit the black time after time when the target is paper and your hand is steady, but few of us have the capability of a fictional character such as Dirty Harry.

I recall being in a make shift tent when I was 17 years old with a friend and his dog while backpacking in the Marble Mountains of Northern California. In the middle of the night the dog started to whimper and headed to the bottom of the lean-to. I asked my friend, "did your hear that" (I had heard what sounded like a very large animal moving in the brush). He said, "Oh shit, I thought I was dreaming". We both went for our guns, I had a 30-30 lever action and as the bear went through our camp my hands and arms were shaking. I don't know if I'd been able to hit the critter and I'm glad he or she decided there was nothing to eat and left.

if the bear had decided to attack, you would have found out. I am going with the human with the gun every time, even a left wing pussy like you.

A punk is a pussy who calls people names while hiding behind a keyboard.


A punk is the sort of douchebag who stands by an indefensible position and incites anger from people who would otherwise be justified in kicking his stupid ass, but knows that they're God fearing law abiding people...

Or in your case hiding behind the anonymity of a keyboard.
You guys are doing the name calling, who is 10 years old? I'm just pointing out how bad your name calling is. I mean if anyone is scared it's the people so paranoid they won't leave the house without a gun. My old mother does it every day and you big bad gun carriers are too scared?


No fuckstick I'm doing the name calling, and it does nothing to marginalize the points I or anyone have made. Everyone else here treats you bed wetters with kid gloves.

You're afraid of an inanimate object that can be made to propel lead core munitions by manipulating a trigger and causing a chemical reaction. You're programmed to promote an agenda where only the state has access to those tools. You're too fucking stupid to see what a disaster that sort of endeavor has led to. There is no reason at all not to call you what you are...

A complete blithering idiot.

And you're too scared to come out of your house without your little gun. My old mother does that everyday. Looks like you win as most scared. :eusa_clap:

My 1911 is "little"?

When she gets beat to death by a thug who could have looked like your messiah's son come talk to me. Otherwise she should have aborted your dumbass.

No fuckstick I'm doing the name calling, and it does nothing to marginalize the points I or anyone have made. Everyone else here treats you bed wetters with kid gloves.

You're afraid of an inanimate object that can be made to propel lead core munitions by manipulating a trigger and causing a chemical reaction. You're programmed to promote an agenda where only the state has access to those tools. You're too fucking stupid to see what a disaster that sort of endeavor has led to. There is no reason at all not to call you what you are...

A complete blithering idiot.

And you're too scared to come out of your house without your little gun. My old mother does that everyday. Looks like you win as most scared. :eusa_clap:

My 1911 is "little"?

When she gets beat to death by a thug who could have looked like your messiah's son come talk to me. Otherwise she should have aborted your dumbass.

Well at least you don't deny being too scared to leave the house without it. You're like a scared little bunny.
Yes there aren't any. That's because lots of guns and cities don't mix. If it did there would be at least 1 city right?

WTF are you talking about?

There are lots of cities in states with tolerant gun laws and there is little if any significant levels of gun crime. It's the cities in states with the most regulations that have the most crime you sniveling dipshit!

Darra Adam Khel doesn't have the murder rate Chicago does.


How can you be this stupid and not get hit by a train?

Wow, talk about stupid. First you yell there aren't any when I ask you for examples. Now you say there are lots of them. You seem more than a little confused. I think it's clear who isn't very smart, and that would be you.



You illustrate just how mentally feeble moonbats are.

If you'll look back the point was that there aren't any cities dominated by republicans.

Nice try bed wetter, retroactive abortion is still a viable solution for you. I suggest an ingestion of at least 10 sleeping pills, a bottle of Z-Quil and a short swim over a long lake.

That way you'll at least contribute something to ecology.
And you're too scared to come out of your house without your little gun. My old mother does that everyday. Looks like you win as most scared. :eusa_clap:

My 1911 is "little"?

When she gets beat to death by a thug who could have looked like your messiah's son come talk to me. Otherwise she should have aborted your dumbass.

Well at least you don't deny being too scared to leave the house without it. You're like a scared little bunny.

That's all you have? Childishness really?
And you're too scared to come out of your house without your little gun. My old mother does that everyday. Looks like you win as most scared. :eusa_clap:

My 1911 is "little"?

When she gets beat to death by a thug who could have looked like your messiah's son come talk to me. Otherwise she should have aborted your dumbass.

Well at least you don't deny being too scared to leave the house without it. You're like a scared little bunny.

I also keep a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher in my car. I suppose that makes me a scared little bunny too.

Don't worry though, when I see a car with an Obama sticker on fire I'll drive right past it.

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