Open questions for those on the left

Was this suppose to be a question for the left to respond to? seems most are unable to wait & reply to what is offered, get those insults rolling early. so you may not get many to answer your OP, to bad because its an interesting question.
Why or why not do you support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Why or why not do you support Joe Biden?

Why or why not do you support Maxine Waters?

Why or why not do you support Ilhan Omar ?

Why or why not do you support Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not do you support Rashida Tlaib?

Why or why not do you support Stacey Abrams?

Why or why not do you support Chuck Schumer?

None of them represent me In Congress.

Biden is going to be the nominee who has a chance of beating the blob so I will vote for him.

We learned that Biden has a chance of beating a blob, so he's going to vote for him. Well articulated.
Why or why not do you support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Why or why not do you support Joe Biden?

Why or why not do you support Maxine Waters?

Why or why not do you support Ilhan Omar ?

Why or why not do you support Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not do you support Rashida Tlaib?

Why or why not do you support Stacey Abrams?

Why or why not do you support Chuck Schumer?

Sure. You covidiots are just looking for stock answers anyway. Biden is running for President. He's a career politician that's infinitely more qualified to be President than the lump of shit we have sitting in the Oval Office right now. That's why I support him. He's competent. The current pile of poo isn't. Schumer, Pelosi, and Waters are Senators and Representatives that I can't vote for because I live in another district. Not a matter of supporting them but at least they provide balance to a world swimming in a sea of a Republican Party that can't seem to govern its way out of a wet paper bag.

So let's get to the the youngsters. Quite simply put, they and others like them are your future whether you like it or not. We're now into our fourth decade of the abject failure that is the ideology of conservatism. A belief system that has no success stories but whose policies are recycled year after year even when they've been shown to be failures (see trickle down economics, Prager). These youngsters might speak off the cuff and rely too much on social media, but they are bringing new ideas to the table and that's what really scares you. So you label them (The Squad), shout them down, and belittle them with the help of your alt-right media klaxxons. But they have to live with the shit that you (and I) have created long after we're gone. It's about time that some new thinking is brought to the table. Are all of these ideas viable in every detail? No. But a lot of those big ideas have little ideas inside them that can be done.

Evolution. A society. An economy. A nation must at some point evolve. It can't stay stuck in the past because a small group of people are too scared to move forward.
Fuck you up your greasy ass.
Why or why not do you support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Why or why not do you support Joe Biden?

Why or why not do you support Maxine Waters?

Why or why not do you support Ilhan Omar ?

Why or why not do you support Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not do you support Rashida Tlaib?

Why or why not do you support Stacey Abrams?

Why or why not do you support Chuck Schumer?

None of them represent me In Congress.

Biden is going to be the nominee who has a chance of beating the blob so I will vote for him.
Still AGAIN, please refer to post #2 in this thread. Thank you VERY much.
Cute that you believe you’re worth the trouble for me to scroll up. I’m sure I’m missing nothing important
Why or why not do you support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Why or why not do you support Joe Biden?

Why or why not do you support Maxine Waters?

Why or why not do you support Ilhan Omar ?

Why or why not do you support Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not do you support Rashida Tlaib?

Why or why not do you support Stacey Abrams?

Why or why not do you support Chuck Schumer?

None of them represent me In Congress.

Biden is going to be the nominee who has a chance of beating the blob so I will vote for him.

We learned that Biden has a chance of beating a blob, so he's going to vote for him. Well articulated.
Joe Biden made a great VP
Based on what, exactly?

Based on what I said ... exactly ... try not to blind yourself with rage this time ...

"... with him next-in-line to the Presidency, my dear Obama was immune to impeachment ... because what kind of foolish idiot would want Biden as actual President? ..."

I took the liberty of highlighting the operative words ... so you can see it through your tears ...
You PROGs did a nice job supporting yourselves. Let's summarize:

Biden should replace the blob.

Biden is more qualified then Trump. Must be Biden's vast experience as POTUS.

Them Democrats support the working man :auiqs.jpg:

Ooops, forgot one. Their ideas suck, but it's their little ideas that might be cool.
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You PROGs did a nice job supporting yourselves. Let's summarize:

Biden should replace the blob.

Biden is more qualified then Trump. Must be Biden's vast experience as POTUS.

Them Democrats support the working man :auiqs.jpg:

Ooops, forgot one. Their ideas suck, but it's their little ideas that might be cool.
You do realize it is possible to win the election to high public office and be really bad at it right? I could give you literally hundreds of media appearances and policy initiatives that would lead me to believe that's exactly what happened in the case of Trump. Unless of course, your version of being good at it revolves solely around being able to give your political opposition heartburn. In which case, I can only say that when you are president zero-sum politics is actually not conducive to stability.

As for Biden. Yes, he's more qualified. He has been a legislator for decades. He has contacts on both sides of the aisle. Oh and he knows swallowing bleach is a bad idea.

Yes, Democrats are more for the working man. They run on a platform of giving people healthcare, affordable college, the ability to get food. You know problems that have plagued the working man. Not a tax cut that ends up favoring the rich for 80 percent into perpetuity and 20 percent for the middle class that's finite in time. All of course without even a hint of balancing the cost as our "fiscal conservatives" claimed they wanted.

Note I said more since as long as getting your hands on vast amounts of money is the only means on can use to get elected. Money that is largely provided by corporate America. The working man will always suck hind tit under those circumstances.
"The blob"... "tRump"... this is why no one takes liberals seriously and why good Americans don't care when you're angry. This breed of lib believes that making up names or commenting on someone's appearance should mean that the person shouldn't be President.

There was a list of questions asked, and liberals choose to respond like nine-year olds...
Well, most of them DO have the mentality of nine year olds or younger than that. They ARE a sorry bunch!
And there's the reason you live in a fly-over State. Lack of intelligence.
Hey, shithead, MY I.Q. is 147. What's YOURS, again?
"The blob"... "tRump"... this is why no one takes liberals seriously and why good Americans don't care when you're angry. This breed of lib believes that making up names or commenting on someone's appearance should mean that the person shouldn't be President.

There was a list of questions asked, and liberals choose to respond like nine-year olds...
Well, most of them DO have the mentality of nine year olds or younger than that. They ARE a sorry bunch!
And there's the reason you live in a fly-over State. Lack of intelligence.
Hey, shithead, MY I.Q. is 147. What's YOURS, again?
The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IQ test does not return a value less than 55 so he could not test.
Joe Biden made a great VP
Based on what, exactly?

Based on what I said ... exactly ... try not to blind yourself with rage this time ...

"... with him next-in-line to the Presidency, my dear Obama was immune to impeachment ... because what kind of foolish idiot would want Biden as actual President? ..."

I took the liberty of highlighting the operative words ... so you can see it through your tears ...

I see, so there's nothing he did which made him a great VP?

I agree with you, but you've got an odd way of conveying that message...
Why or why not do you support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Why or why not do you support Joe Biden?

Why or why not do you support Maxine Waters?

Why or why not do you support Ilhan Omar ?

Why or why not do you support Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not do you support Rashida Tlaib?

Why or why not do you support Stacey Abrams?

Why or why not do you support Chuck Schumer?
They support the American Worker.

ROFLMAO! :abgg2q.jpg:
Why or why not do you support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Why or why not do you support Joe Biden?

Why or why not do you support Maxine Waters?

Why or why not do you support Ilhan Omar ?

Why or why not do you support Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not do you support Rashida Tlaib?

Why or why not do you support Stacey Abrams?

Why or why not do you support Chuck Schumer?
Good questions, but good luck in getting any REAL answers from the liberal lunatics on here. I would bet good money that many of them will use these questions to bash our president.
Because like most Democrats they put people above politics.

Are they perfect? Fuck no, but they are a damn sight better than anything the tRump party can come up with.

"Democrats put people in front of politicis"
That's the most delusional post I've heard from you. Out of far.
Why or why not do you support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Why or why not do you support Joe Biden?

Why or why not do you support Maxine Waters?

Why or why not do you support Ilhan Omar ?

Why or why not do you support Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not do you support Rashida Tlaib?

Why or why not do you support Stacey Abrams?

Why or why not do you support Chuck Schumer?
AOC: sponsored bill to ban congress members from trading stocks
Lawmakers should lose their salaries when they shutdown government.

Biden: AOC said that in another country, she wouldnt be in the same party as Biden
Biden supports same ideas that led to Trump.

Maxine Waters? hmm, apparently she makes a living criticizing Trump.

Omar? she called Stephen Miller a white nationalist. Good enough for me.
And wants to legalize marijuana.

Pelosi? She supports vote by mail. (very important)
Attempted to bring back net neutrality.

Tlaib? was praised by Samuel L Jackson.

Stacy Abrams? I dont live in georgia, but Will Ferrell was canvasing for her, so there must be something good. Besides, Brian Kemp is in tight with white supremacists. Obviously wants to spread coronavirus more.

Schumer? made sure that Trump couldnt get anything from the $2 trillion corona fund.
He supports election security from foreign interference.
Called out Trump's lack of negotiating ability.
You PROGs did a nice job supporting yourselves. Let's summarize:

Biden should replace the blob.

Biden is more qualified then Trump. Must be Biden's vast experience as POTUS.

Them Democrats support the working man :auiqs.jpg:

Ooops, forgot one. Their ideas suck, but it's their little ideas that might be cool.
You do realize it is possible to win the election to high public office and be really bad at it right? I could give you literally hundreds of media appearances and policy initiatives that would lead me to believe that's exactly what happened in the case of Trump. Unless of course, your version of being good at it revolves solely around being able to give your political opposition heartburn. In which case, I can only say that when you are president zero-sum politics is actually not conducive to stability.

As for Biden. Yes, he's more qualified. He has been a legislator for decades. He has contacts on both sides of the aisle. Oh and he knows swallowing bleach is a bad idea.

Yes, Democrats are more for the working man. They run on a platform of giving people healthcare, affordable college, the ability to get food. You know problems that have plagued the working man. Not a tax cut that ends up favoring the rich for 80 percent into perpetuity and 20 percent for the middle class that's finite in time. All of course without even a hint of balancing the cost as our "fiscal conservatives" claimed they wanted.

Note I said more since as long as getting your hands on vast amounts of money is the only means on can use to get elected. Money that is largely provided by corporate America. The working man will always suck hind tit under those circumstances.

"They run a platform........"
You do understand there's a big difference between running a platform and what your trusted politicians actually do right?
One only need look at what your dems did to the working man black family over the past 60 years to to understand.
But I understand it's much easier to believe what the MSM tells you daily....republicans bad, dems good.
Hers a tip...none of them are to be trusted or believed.
Why or why not do you support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Why or why not do you support Joe Biden?

Why or why not do you support Maxine Waters?

Why or why not do you support Ilhan Omar ?

Why or why not do you support Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not do you support Rashida Tlaib?

Why or why not do you support Stacey Abrams?

Why or why not do you support Chuck Schumer?
Support in what way? It is an odd question because I am not their constituent. My local problems and concerns are not their local problems and concerns. They are local representatives not national. Tbe better question would be to ask their constituents.
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I question whether someone who has spent many decades as a LEGISLATOR is therefore qualified to be an EXECUTIVE.

Legislators make no binding decisions. They are a part of an infinite number of committees, and can weigh in at any time. They get a lot of information. But nothing they do has the same impact as an executive decision.

A private sector entrepreneur makes decisions every day that affect not only his life, but the lives of hundreds - maybe thousands - of other people. Creating real jobs and destroying them, creating real money and losing it.

Regardless of your personal feelings about President Trump, the argument about who is better "qualified" in this election is not settled or obvious.

However, they are answerable to no one (unless publically traded), bankruptcy is an acceptable option, they have no tools for dealing with the complexity of a a system of co-equal branches and 59 state governors who do not have to obey and can not be fire, and interactions are not all transactional. The ability to negotiate solutions with a disparate and often conflicting groups of people takes good knowledge of how politics really works. That said, the few presidents have come from a business background have not been very good. I also think very few come from the legislature (but I could be wrong there). Governors seem to do best.
Why or why not do you support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Why or why not do you support Joe Biden?

Why or why not do you support Maxine Waters?

Why or why not do you support Ilhan Omar ?

Why or why not do you support Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not do you support Rashida Tlaib?

Why or why not do you support Stacey Abrams?

Why or why not do you support Chuck Schumer?
This from a fucking moron who supports a proven fraud,, business cheat, tax cheat, woman abuser, accused child rapist, adulterer, pathological liar, reality show host, bigot, racist, Jerry Epstein wanna be fat assed piece of shit impeached Donald Trump. I left out chronic bankrupter. "I will be working so hard I won't have time to golf",
I question whether someone who has spent many decades as a LEGISLATOR is therefore qualified to be an EXECUTIVE.

Legislators make no binding decisions. They are a part of an infinite number of committees, and can weigh in at any time. They get a lot of information. But nothing they do has the same impact as an executive decision.

A private sector entrepreneur makes decisions every day that affect not only his life, but the lives of hundreds - maybe thousands - of other people. Creating real jobs and destroying them, creating real money and losing it.

Regardless of your personal feelings about President Trump, the argument about who is better "qualified" in this election is not settled or obvious.
They are familiar with the issues we face every day. They know how government works./

I guess you are saying Trump had this "executive experience'? I think our country does more than build buildings & cheat tenants & be a realitr tv host.

Trump was handed a fortune & his father had bailed him out several times. He has gone bankruptcy several times.

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