Open questions for those on the left

I question whether someone who has spent many decades as a LEGISLATOR is therefore qualified to be an EXECUTIVE.

Legislators make no binding decisions. They are a part of an infinite number of committees, and can weigh in at any time. They get a lot of information. But nothing they do has the same impact as an executive decision.

A private sector entrepreneur makes decisions every day that affect not only his life, but the lives of hundreds - maybe thousands - of other people. Creating real jobs and destroying them, creating real money and losing it.

Regardless of your personal feelings about President Trump, the argument about who is better "qualified" in this election is not settled or obvious.

However, they are answerable to no one (unless publically traded), bankruptcy is an acceptable option, they have no tools for dealing with the complexity of a a system of co-equal branches and 59 state governors who do not have to obey and can not be fire, and interactions are not all transactional. The ability to negotiate solutions with a disparate and often conflicting groups of people takes good knowledge of how politics really works. That said, the few presidents have come from a business background have not been very good. I also think very few come from the legislature (but I could be wrong there). Governors seem to do best.

Been taking lessons from Obama? 59 states? I could have sworn we have 50. My flag has 50 starts. How many does yours have?
You PROGs did a nice job supporting yourselves. Let's summarize:

Biden should replace the blob.

Biden is more qualified then Trump. Must be Biden's vast experience as POTUS.

Them Democrats support the working man :auiqs.jpg:

Ooops, forgot one. Their ideas suck, but it's their little ideas that might be cool.
You do realize it is possible to win the election to high public office and be really bad at it right? I could give you literally hundreds of media appearances and policy initiatives that would lead me to believe that's exactly what happened in the case of Trump. Unless of course, your version of being good at it revolves solely around being able to give your political opposition heartburn. In which case, I can only say that when you are president zero-sum politics is actually not conducive to stability.

As for Biden. Yes, he's more qualified. He has been a legislator for decades. He has contacts on both sides of the aisle. Oh and he knows swallowing bleach is a bad idea.

Yes, Democrats are more for the working man. They run on a platform of giving people healthcare, affordable college, the ability to get food. You know problems that have plagued the working man. Not a tax cut that ends up favoring the rich for 80 percent into perpetuity and 20 percent for the middle class that's finite in time. All of course without even a hint of balancing the cost as our "fiscal conservatives" claimed they wanted.

Note I said more since as long as getting your hands on vast amounts of money is the only means on can use to get elected. Money that is largely provided by corporate America. The working man will always suck hind tit under those circumstances.

"They run a platform........"
You do understand there's a big difference between running a platform and what your trusted politicians actually do right?
One only need look at what your dems did to the working man black family over the past 60 years to to understand.
But I understand it's much easier to believe what the MSM tells you daily....republicans bad, dems good.
Hers a tip...none of them are to be trusted or believed.
Do you have reading comprehension problems or something? I suggest you read my last paragraph again.

Yes, I understand the difference between running on a platform and executing the agenda. Hence that last paragraph. On the other hand. The last Democratic president has at his signature accomplishment a bill that gave millions more people access to health insurance and got rid of preexisting conditions. This president's signature bill was the tax cut I described in my last post.

Of those two accomplishments, only one is geared toward helping the working man.
Why or why not do you support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ?

Why or why not do you support Joe Biden?

Why or why not do you support Maxine Waters?

Why or why not do you support Ilhan Omar ?

Why or why not do you support Nancy Pelosi?

Why or why not do you support Rashida Tlaib?

Why or why not do you support Stacey Abrams?

Why or why not do you support Chuck Schumer?
Good questions, but good luck in getting any REAL answers from the liberal lunatics on here. I would bet good money that many of them will use these questions to bash our president.

Any excuse. :26:
You PROGs did a nice job supporting yourselves. Let's summarize:

Biden should replace the blob.

Biden is more qualified then Trump. Must be Biden's vast experience as POTUS.

Them Democrats support the working man :auiqs.jpg:

Ooops, forgot one. Their ideas suck, but it's their little ideas that might be cool.
You do realize it is possible to win the election to high public office and be really bad at it right? I could give you literally hundreds of media appearances and policy initiatives that would lead me to believe that's exactly what happened in the case of Trump. Unless of course, your version of being good at it revolves solely around being able to give your political opposition heartburn. In which case, I can only say that when you are president zero-sum politics is actually not conducive to stability.

As for Biden. Yes, he's more qualified. He has been a legislator for decades. He has contacts on both sides of the aisle. Oh and he knows swallowing bleach is a bad idea.

Yes, Democrats are more for the working man. They run on a platform of giving people healthcare, affordable college, the ability to get food. You know problems that have plagued the working man. Not a tax cut that ends up favoring the rich for 80 percent into perpetuity and 20 percent for the middle class that's finite in time. All of course without even a hint of balancing the cost as our "fiscal conservatives" claimed they wanted.

Note I said more since as long as getting your hands on vast amounts of money is the only means on can use to get elected. Money that is largely provided by corporate America. The working man will always suck hind tit under those circumstances.

"They run a platform........"
You do understand there's a big difference between running a platform and what your trusted politicians actually do right?
One only need look at what your dems did to the working man black family over the past 60 years to to understand.
But I understand it's much easier to believe what the MSM tells you daily....republicans bad, dems good.
Hers a tip...none of them are to be trusted or believed.
Do you have reading comprehension problems or something? I suggest you read my last paragraph again.

Yes, I understand the difference between running on a platform and executing the agenda. Hence that last paragraph. On the other hand. The last Democratic president has at his signature accomplishment a bill that gave millions more people access to health insurance and got rid of preexisting conditions. This president's signature bill was the tax cut I described in my last post.

Of those two accomplishments, only one is geared toward helping the working man.

Both were geared toward helping the working man. One took money from the working man and one let the working man keep more of his money. Care to take a guess?

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