Operation american spring

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LOL, as soon as I saw the phrase "unarmed and non-violent" in the OP, there was no chance that this could work. VIOLENCE.... DEATH.... BLOOD IN THE STREETS are the only ways that this country is going to be fixed. That's why I have no use for the Tea Party..... they're unwilling to put their lives on the line for what they believe in, unlike groups like the New Black Panther Party on the other side, which I have no doubt are willing to use violence and death for further their ideology.
You didn't bust a gut, probably a beer belly

Now time for intermission and some more entertainment for you all..all that hate you need to laugh every now and then....enjoy

all that chicken shit in this thread, the chicken does the: chicken shit fever...
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LOL, as soon as I saw the phrase "unarmed and non-violent" in the OP, there was no chance that this could work. VIOLENCE.... DEATH.... BLOOD IN THE STREETS are the only ways that this country is going to be fixed. That's why I have no use for the Tea Party..... they're unwilling to put their lives on the line for what they believe in, unlike groups like the New Black Panther Party on the other side, which I have no doubt are willing to use violence and death for further their ideology.

You could always fire the first shot for freedom and get others motivated. Otherwise, you're just being unarmed and non violent like the ones you criticize.
American spring? What it's that some play on Islamic spring?
No, a grouping of right-wingers pretending to be a bi-partisan movement, that just happens to be politically biased to the point that it only targets Democrats (and possibly Republicans) that right-wingers don't like.

If it was a real 'American Spring', it wouldn't just be calling for all the high profile Democrats to be removed, but all the high profile Republicans as well.
American spring? What it's that some play on Islamic spring?
No, a grouping of right-wingers pretending to be a bi-partisan movement, that just happens to be politically biased to the point that it only targets Democrats (and possibly Republicans) that right-wingers don't like.

If it was a real 'American Spring', it wouldn't just be calling for all the high profile Democrats to be removed, but all the high profile Republicans as well.

removing all the ENTRENCHED career politicians (because they have been corrupted from being there so long) and that would be from both parties is fine with me. then we set term limits and start over

but that isn't what anyone in this thread would know about..dumping on others is their game...It was posted in January, so that should tell you a lot about the people here
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American spring? What it's that some play on Islamic spring?
No, a grouping of right-wingers pretending to be a bi-partisan movement, that just happens to be politically biased to the point that it only targets Democrats (and possibly Republicans) that right-wingers don't like.

If it was a real 'American Spring', it wouldn't just be calling for all the high profile Democrats to be removed, but all the high profile Republicans as well.

removing all the ENTRENCHED career politicians (because they have been corrupted from being there so long) and that would be from both parties is fine with me. then we set term limits and start over

but that isn't what anyone in this thread would know about..dumping on others is their game

Let's ROLL, Stephanie!
No, a grouping of right-wingers pretending to be a bi-partisan movement, that just happens to be politically biased to the point that it only targets Democrats (and possibly Republicans) that right-wingers don't like.

If it was a real 'American Spring', it wouldn't just be calling for all the high profile Democrats to be removed, but all the high profile Republicans as well.

removing all the ENTRENCHED career politicians (because they have been corrupted from being there so long) and that would be from both parties is fine with me. then we set term limits and start over

but that isn't what anyone in this thread would know about..dumping on others is their game

Let's ROLL, Stephanie!

He look Steph is rolling!!!

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but that isn't what anyone in this thread would know about..dumping on others is their game...It was posted in January, so that should tell you a lot about the people here
Others? I'm pretty sure everyone is enjoying dumping on you. You started a thread about millions of people marching on Washington, complete with "let's roll people!" battle cry, that not only you didn't lift a finger to actually participate in it managed a couple dozen people .

That is dump-worthy well into 2018 according to all known dumping protocols.

So one more time Steph... LET'S ROLL!
In fact I think it is your defining moment, it is like that one kid saying "I see dead people" or Brando screaming "Stella" or maybe even Clark Gable's frankly I don't give a damn.

Forever Stephanie = Let's Roll people
American spring? What it's that some play on Islamic spring?
No, a grouping of right-wingers pretending to be a bi-partisan movement, that just happens to be politically biased to the point that it only targets Democrats (and possibly Republicans) that right-wingers don't like.

If it was a real 'American Spring', it wouldn't just be calling for all the high profile Democrats to be removed, but all the high profile Republicans as well.
I think it's a play on the Arab spring. Either way it was a joke.
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