OPINION---This forum often reminds me of a Trump rally....

It is no secret to sane Americans that whenever Trump is in need of an ego boost (which is often,) he heads somewhere for a "rally" where his handlers assure him that his cult members will display their loyalty, devotion and unhinged love of his moronic speeches, filled with childish derogatory name-calling of his opponents.

Well, we all know that on here, 95% of posters are all part of the Trump cult culture......"defending" the orange clown with constant reminders of hos he won in 2016.......calling the few of us on the left "commies," and rushing to put "smiley" icons on any thread that reveal just how racist, xenophobic and inept this administration really is.....with a liar-in-chief refusing to believe that a majority of Americans have had enough of his bullshit.

But, for Trump cultist posters on here, this forum is a haven that makes them "think" that with the exception of a few dissenting voices, ALL Americans are on their side in adoring this demagogue and charlatan.

A rude awakening is in store for these cultists.....the next two years will be fun....Interesting times to be alive.
That's funny. This forum reminds me of an endless Antifa rally.
Not nearly enough people. (maybe an old joke. not enough time to read every post)
It is no secret to sane Americans that whenever Trump is in need of an ego boost (which is often,) he heads somewhere for a "rally" where his handlers assure him that his cult members will display their loyalty, devotion and unhinged love of his moronic speeches, filled with childish derogatory name-calling of his opponents.

Well, we all know that on here, 95% of posters are all part of the Trump cult culture......"defending" the orange clown with constant reminders of hos he won in 2016.......calling the few of us on the left "commies," and rushing to put "smiley" icons on any thread that reveal just how racist, xenophobic and inept this administration really is.....with a liar-in-chief refusing to believe that a majority of Americans have had enough of his bullshit.

But, for Trump cultist posters on here, this forum is a haven that makes them "think" that with the exception of a few dissenting voices, ALL Americans are on their side in adoring this demagogue and charlatan.

A rude awakening is in store for these cultists.....the next two years will be fun....Interesting times to be alive.

This forum's posters are 95% Trump ass kissers......while among ALL Americans, the orange clown usually polls no higher than 40%............... DO THE SIMPLE MATH, cult members.........lol
so whose ass are you kissing nat?....just asking....
It is no secret to sane Americans that whenever Trump is in need of an ego boost (which is often,) he heads somewhere for a "rally" where his handlers assure him that his cult members will display their loyalty, devotion and unhinged love of his moronic speeches, filled with childish derogatory name-calling of his opponents.

Well, we all know that on here, 95% of posters are all part of the Trump cult culture......"defending" the orange clown with constant reminders of hos he won in 2016.......calling the few of us on the left "commies," and rushing to put "smiley" icons on any thread that reveal just how racist, xenophobic and inept this administration really is.....with a liar-in-chief refusing to believe that a majority of Americans have had enough of his bullshit.

But, for Trump cultist posters on here, this forum is a haven that makes them "think" that with the exception of a few dissenting voices, ALL Americans are on their side in adoring this demagogue and charlatan.

A rude awakening is in store for these cultists.....the next two years will be fun....Interesting times to be alive.
That's funny. This forum reminds me of an endless Antifa rally.

Really? This forum reminds you of an endless Antifa rally? Have you even read most of the posts on this forum? They are about 70 percent for the conservatives, about 25 percent for the liberals, and 5 percent (or less) for Antifa.
The real telling thing about the low IQ of rumpublicans is how they disregard truth and facts that do not conform to their ideals or wants. You can see it in any rally of his just listen to his words extolling how great he is and how no one has done it better than him. Pure propaganda just as Goebbels dictated.

Excellent plan. Keep calling people stupid. That will win them over to your side.

Hey, do you think that maybe they can sense your hatred and contempt and thus oppose you and your side?
Unwinnable people. Really dumb argument you got there, but I'm not surprised by that.

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Many of the working class whites that voted for Trump, if they did not actually vote for Obama, still come from working class union backgrounds, and would be completely "winnable" by the dems.

If the libs in charge of the dem party, were not obvious hostile and contemptuous of them.

Barry Oblingo's AGs were mob consiglieries, not people seriously interested in prosecuting all the crimes being perpetrated right under their noses during his regime.

Oh REALLY???..............So, Obama's AG didn't do anything....

So care to tell us you eternal asshole WHY the Trump-ass kissing Congress under TOTAL republican control just sat on their asses???

Go on, nitwit.........How did those years of the Benghazi investigation worked out for you idiots???...LOL
Didn't do anything but become the first AG held in contempt by congress.
Oh yah what was it? Oh yes selling m16's to the mexicans that ended up killing an American border agent.
Yes, for the majority of posters on here who have finally found a forum where their xenophobia, misogyny, and racist attitudes can find support from fellow morons, are actually "concluding" that THIS is what makes America "great" again.....

The soon painful kick in their collective asses will be interesting to watch....Expect some "new" screen names after the next national elections.
My my from the new home for Jew haters.
Really? This forum reminds you of an endless Antifa rally? Have you even read most of the posts on this forum?
Yes. Every thread is Trump bashing. Everything he does is the latest "scandal" you all expect to bring him down. Never ends here.
That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.
American workers don’t need those damn unions shoving those high wages and benefits down their throats.

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.

That's what we love about you right wing assholes: That "fuck the worker" mentality of yours.

Unions create unsustainable costs that make businesses close or move jobs overseas. The Unions screw the workers.

So American workers should compete with foreign to see who can make the least?

That's what we call a race to the bottom.

What's not to like about the state of the economy, jobs, energy prices

Well, THAT was also happening during the last Obama term......But, I digress and forget that a half-black guy is not to be praised by Trump ass kissers........Keep watching Fox and Friends, praising the economy and not giving a crap about the debt and deficits.

You're just an anti Trump hypocrite. Give credit where credit is due. We are two, and a half years in to the Trump Administration. Obama is fortunately a distant memory. We can't afford his 1.6% GDP growth anymore.

Here's a baseball analogy........Trump (the rather obese player) gets called as a pinch runner on third base.....and you Trump ass lickers boast that he hit a fucking triple???................LMAO

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.
American workers don’t need those damn unions shoving those high wages and benefits down their throats.

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.

That's what we love about you right wing assholes: That "fuck the worker" mentality of yours.

Unions create unsustainable costs that make businesses close or move jobs overseas. The Unions screw the workers.

So American workers should compete with foreign to see who can make the least?

That's what we call a race to the bottom.

What's not to like about the state of the economy, jobs, energy prices

Well, THAT was also happening during the last Obama term......But, I digress and forget that a half-black guy is not to be praised by Trump ass kissers........Keep watching Fox and Friends, praising the economy and not giving a crap about the debt and deficits.

You're just an anti Trump hypocrite. Give credit where credit is due. We are two, and a half years in to the Trump Administration. Obama is fortunately a distant memory. We can't afford his 1.6% GDP growth anymore.

Here's a baseball analogy........Trump (the rather obese player) gets called as a pinch runner on third base.....and you Trump ass lickers boast that he hit a fucking triple???................LMAO

So, I will ask yet again. Would it be Obama's fault if the economy were tanking right now? You obviously avoided the question and spout nonsensical analogies.

I've said it before, and I will say it again. It became Trump's economy when he passed his tax cuts, and it was further solidified as his when he started to impose tariffs. If the economy tanks now, it will be Trump's fault.

But it isn't tanking is it? Why do Democrats continue to hope our economy fails and people suffer? Black unemployment is at an all time low. Why isn't the media talking about that?
You have to ask yourself does the Black Community put RACE and victimhood above economic and social success? It seems it largely does.
You have to ask yourself does the Black Community put RACE and victimhood above economic and social success? It seems it largely does.

Keep wearing turtlenecks.....
That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.
American workers don’t need those damn unions shoving those high wages and benefits down their throats.

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.

That's what we love about you right wing assholes: That "fuck the worker" mentality of yours.

Unions create unsustainable costs that make businesses close or move jobs overseas. The Unions screw the workers.

So American workers should compete with foreign to see who can make the least?

That's what we call a race to the bottom.

What's not to like about the state of the economy, jobs, energy prices

Well, THAT was also happening during the last Obama term......But, I digress and forget that a half-black guy is not to be praised by Trump ass kissers........Keep watching Fox and Friends, praising the economy and not giving a crap about the debt and deficits.

You're just an anti Trump hypocrite. Give credit where credit is due. We are two, and a half years in to the Trump Administration. Obama is fortunately a distant memory. We can't afford his 1.6% GDP growth anymore.

Here's a baseball analogy........Trump (the rather obese player) gets called as a pinch runner on third base.....and you Trump ass lickers boast that he hit a fucking triple???................LMAO

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.
American workers don’t need those damn unions shoving those high wages and benefits down their throats.

That are often way above market, and drive companies out of business and jobs off shore. Maybe take an Econ course instead of Minority and genders studies.

That's what we love about you right wing assholes: That "fuck the worker" mentality of yours.

Unions create unsustainable costs that make businesses close or move jobs overseas. The Unions screw the workers.

So American workers should compete with foreign to see who can make the least?

That's what we call a race to the bottom.

What's not to like about the state of the economy, jobs, energy prices

Well, THAT was also happening during the last Obama term......But, I digress and forget that a half-black guy is not to be praised by Trump ass kissers........Keep watching Fox and Friends, praising the economy and not giving a crap about the debt and deficits.

You're just an anti Trump hypocrite. Give credit where credit is due. We are two, and a half years in to the Trump Administration. Obama is fortunately a distant memory. We can't afford his 1.6% GDP growth anymore.

Here's a baseball analogy........Trump (the rather obese player) gets called as a pinch runner on third base.....and you Trump ass lickers boast that he hit a fucking triple???................LMAO

So, I will ask yet again. Would it be Obama's fault if the economy were tanking right now? You obviously avoided the question and spout nonsensical analogies.

I've said it before, and I will say it again. It became Trump's economy when he passed his tax cuts, and it was further solidified as his when he started to impose tariffs. If the economy tanks now, it will be Trump's fault.

You have to ask yourself does the Black Community put RACE and victimhood above economic and social success? It seems it largely does.

Keep wearing turtlenecks.....

Then how do you explain the lack of acknowledgement from the Black Community that Trump's policies are working to help them both economically, and socially. If more Blacks are employed, that's a good thing,. Right? What is Trump doing that is anti Black? They have no reason to not support him, and his policies. They are working to better their lives.
It is no secret to sane Americans that whenever Trump is in need of an ego boost (which is often,) he heads somewhere for a "rally" where his handlers assure him that his cult members will display their loyalty, devotion and unhinged love of his moronic speeches, filled with childish derogatory name-calling of his opponents.

Well, we all know that on here, 95% of posters are all part of the Trump cult culture......"defending" the orange clown with constant reminders of hos he won in 2016.......calling the few of us on the left "commies," and rushing to put "smiley" icons on any thread that reveal just how racist, xenophobic and inept this administration really is.....with a liar-in-chief refusing to believe that a majority of Americans have had enough of his bullshit.

But, for Trump cultist posters on here, this forum is a haven that makes them "think" that with the exception of a few dissenting voices, ALL Americans are on their side in adoring this demagogue and charlatan.

A rude awakening is in store for these cultists.....the next two years will be fun....Interesting times to be alive.

You are always welcome to go elsewhere!
The urbanites are going full blown Communist, which always becomes Totalitarian Oppression. That is what one Party Democrat rule will look like. Trump is resisting that, and the Left hates him for it. That is why the over the top investigations of every hoax they can invent.
It is no secret to sane Americans that whenever Trump is in need of an ego boost (which is often,) he heads somewhere for a "rally" where his handlers assure him that his cult members will display their loyalty, devotion and unhinged love of his moronic speeches, filled with childish derogatory name-calling of his opponents.

Well, we all know that on here, 95% of posters are all part of the Trump cult culture......"defending" the orange clown with constant reminders of hos he won in 2016.......calling the few of us on the left "commies," and rushing to put "smiley" icons on any thread that reveal just how racist, xenophobic and inept this administration really is.....with a liar-in-chief refusing to believe that a majority of Americans have had enough of his bullshit.

But, for Trump cultist posters on here, this forum is a haven that makes them "think" that with the exception of a few dissenting voices, ALL Americans are on their side in adoring this demagogue and charlatan.

A rude awakening is in store for these cultists.....the next two years will be fun....Interesting times to be alive.
The simple fact that you admitted trump is very popular on this forum should tell you you something . but your to dumb to get it
The simple fact that you admitted trump is very popular on this forum should tell you you something . but your to dumb to get it

My apologies.....Trump is ALSO very popular with FOX, Rasmussen polling AND White Nationalists..........LMAO
The simple fact that you admitted trump is very popular on this forum should tell you you something . but your to dumb to get it

My apologies.....Trump is ALSO very popular with FOX, Rasmussen polling AND White Nationalists..........LMAO
You should laugh your ass off moron im tri racial and like him as do millions of others of color

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