OPINION----Trump may be "begging" the House to be impeached

And when they lawfully make such a request, then it becomes a matter of the law. Trump is not violating any law at this time regarding his tax returns. That's why the OP cannot be taken seriously.

Here's the questions to ask your half brain....

Does Congress have a LEGAL right to request Trump's tax returns???..........Yes or No?

Did Trump lie when he said during his campaign that he would release them after an audit???..........yes or No?

Has the IRS EVER confirmed that Trump's returns are under audit???............Yes or No?

Is there ANY law that prevents someone from releasing his tax returns IF they're under audit???.......Yes or No??

Have a good time in "defending" the clown's lies......LOL

No, the point is that Trump is violating no law regarding his tax returns. Are you capable of seeing that?

Can't help your stupidity and cult loyalty on this forum.......Stay dumb....I really don't care.

I guess that means you're unable to see truth. Too bad, it's liberating.
Again, this may only be my personal opinion, but Trump's smarter advisers may have convinced him that the ONLY way for him to win another term, may be IF he pushed the democrat House to begin impeachment proceedings..........Playing the "victim" card is perhaps Trump's only remaining gambit for a second term.

From the various investigations surrounding this administration's corrupt actions....to this administration's complete disregard of security clearance.........From Trump believing Russia and Saudi Arabia over our own intelligence services.....to completely defying the law regarding access to his tax returns......Trump may be cajoling and coaxing the House to impeach him...........and reap the same "rewards" of a political victim as Bill Clinton did in the late 1990s.

As an example of this political [albeit, moronic] strategy by Trump, let's keep in mind that although the IRS Code CLEARLY specifies that when officially requested, the IRS "SHALL" release someone's tax returns, the statute ALSO requires a direct reason for such disclosures to not be just political.....and that reason may only be IF the House is contemplating impeachment proceedings against Trump.

.........and, given the complete capitulation of the weak=spined republican Senate, impeachment would fail and Trump can play the victim to his moronic base and rally their mindless support.

As it has been for the last TWO years........its all about Trump and screw the needs to address the real problems facing our nation.

Is this where we pretend Trump's success is non-existent and he's desperate for another term despite being a loser?
And when they lawfully make such a request, then it becomes a matter of the law. Trump is not violating any law at this time regarding his tax returns. That's why the OP cannot be taken seriously.

Here's the questions to ask your half brain....

Does Congress have a LEGAL right to request Trump's tax returns???..........Yes or No?

Did Trump lie when he said during his campaign that he would release them after an audit???..........yes or No?

Has the IRS EVER confirmed that Trump's returns are under audit???............Yes or No?

Is there ANY law that prevents someone from releasing his tax returns IF they're under audit???.......Yes or No??

Have a good time in "defending" the clown's lies......LOL

No, the point is that Trump is violating no law regarding his tax returns. Are you capable of seeing that?

Can't help your stupidity and cult loyalty on this forum.......Stay dumb....I really don't care.

I guess that means you're unable to see truth. Too bad, it's liberating.

Let's just expose the depths of your stupidity. NO ONE has suggested that Trump has done anything illegal with his tax returns. But there are good and valid reasons for requesting them: EMOLUMENTS

Trump is the first President in history not to divest his holdings prior to assuming the Presidency, and foreign governments have been lining up to book rooms and events at his hotels the world over ever since. Is this pay for play.

Other questions the tax returns will answer:

1. Who does Donald Trump owe money to, other than Deutches Bank?

2. Who has been funding his projects? We know that American banks and interests will not lend to Trump because of his history of bankruptcies. For example, we know that the Chinese government recently gave Trump Resort in Indonesia a $500 million loan. And in return, Trump dropped his allegation that the Chinese were manipulating currencies. I know contractors who worked on Trump Tower Toronto and they told me at the time that Trump's people were supervising construction, but the Saudi's signed all of their cheques. That building was subsequently sold to a Russian businessman, but the Trump Corporation continued to operate the Hotel, until it went bankrupt, during the 2016 election.

This to me is the central question of the Trump Presidency. Trump is a loyalty guy. He's loyal to you only so long as you're loyal to him. American banks weren't loyal to Donald Trump. To this day, they refuse to fund his projects. Trump told the American people that his sons were going to embark on building more Trump Hotels in the US, since he was precluded from doing deals abroad during his Presidency, but that plan foundered because American banks still won't lend to money to Donald Trump.

Is Donald Trump destroying the American economy to get revenge on the American business establishment who he blames for his failures? Is that why Trump is tearing up trade agreements, starting trade wars, cutting taxes and running up deficits, and general blowing up every bi-lateral agreement that has made American the richest most powerful nation in the world? Because it sure looks like it to me.
And when they lawfully make such a request, then it becomes a matter of the law. Trump is not violating any law at this time regarding his tax returns. That's why the OP cannot be taken seriously.

Here's the questions to ask your half brain....

Does Congress have a LEGAL right to request Trump's tax returns???..........Yes or No?

Did Trump lie when he said during his campaign that he would release them after an audit???..........yes or No?

Has the IRS EVER confirmed that Trump's returns are under audit???............Yes or No?

Is there ANY law that prevents someone from releasing his tax returns IF they're under audit???.......Yes or No??

Have a good time in "defending" the clown's lies......LOL

No, the point is that Trump is violating no law regarding his tax returns. Are you capable of seeing that?

Can't help your stupidity and cult loyalty on this forum.......Stay dumb....I really don't care.

I guess that means you're unable to see truth. Too bad, it's liberating.

Let's just expose the depths of your stupidity. NO ONE has suggested that Trump has done anything illegal with his tax returns. But there are good and valid reasons for requesting them: EMOLUMENTS

Trump is the first President in history not to divest his holdings prior to assuming the Presidency, and foreign governments have been lining up to book rooms and events at his hotels the world over ever since. Is this pay for play.

Other questions the tax returns will answer:

1. Who does Donald Trump owe money to, other than Deutches Bank?

2. Who has been funding his projects? We know that American banks and interests will not lend to Trump because of his history of bankruptcies. For example, we know that the Chinese government recently gave Trump Resort in Indonesia a $500 million loan. And in return, Trump dropped his allegation that the Chinese were manipulating currencies. I know contractors who worked on Trump Tower Toronto and they told me at the time that Trump's people were supervising construction, but the Saudi's signed all of their cheques. That building was subsequently sold to a Russian businessman, but the Trump Corporation continued to operate the Hotel, until it went bankrupt, during the 2016 election.

This to me is the central question of the Trump Presidency. Trump is a loyalty guy. He's loyal to you only so long as you're loyal to him. American banks weren't loyal to Donald Trump. To this day, they refuse to fund his projects. Trump told the American people that his sons were going to embark on building more Trump Hotels in the US, since he was precluded from doing deals abroad during his Presidency, but that plan foundered because American banks still won't lend to money to Donald Trump.

Is Donald Trump destroying the American economy to get revenge on the American business establishment who he blames for his failures? Is that why Trump is tearing up trade agreements, starting trade wars, cutting taxes and running up deficits, and general blowing up every bi-lateral agreement that has made American the richest most powerful nation in the world? Because it sure looks like it to me.

Your second sentence destroys your argument.
Here's the questions to ask your half brain....

Does Congress have a LEGAL right to request Trump's tax returns???..........Yes or No?

Did Trump lie when he said during his campaign that he would release them after an audit???..........yes or No?

Has the IRS EVER confirmed that Trump's returns are under audit???............Yes or No?

Is there ANY law that prevents someone from releasing his tax returns IF they're under audit???.......Yes or No??

Have a good time in "defending" the clown's lies......LOL

No, the point is that Trump is violating no law regarding his tax returns. Are you capable of seeing that?

Can't help your stupidity and cult loyalty on this forum.......Stay dumb....I really don't care.

I guess that means you're unable to see truth. Too bad, it's liberating.

Let's just expose the depths of your stupidity. NO ONE has suggested that Trump has done anything illegal with his tax returns. But there are good and valid reasons for requesting them: EMOLUMENTS

Trump is the first President in history not to divest his holdings prior to assuming the Presidency, and foreign governments have been lining up to book rooms and events at his hotels the world over ever since. Is this pay for play.

Other questions the tax returns will answer:

1. Who does Donald Trump owe money to, other than Deutches Bank?

2. Who has been funding his projects? We know that American banks and interests will not lend to Trump because of his history of bankruptcies. For example, we know that the Chinese government recently gave Trump Resort in Indonesia a $500 million loan. And in return, Trump dropped his allegation that the Chinese were manipulating currencies. I know contractors who worked on Trump Tower Toronto and they told me at the time that Trump's people were supervising construction, but the Saudi's signed all of their cheques. That building was subsequently sold to a Russian businessman, but the Trump Corporation continued to operate the Hotel, until it went bankrupt, during the 2016 election.

This to me is the central question of the Trump Presidency. Trump is a loyalty guy. He's loyal to you only so long as you're loyal to him. American banks weren't loyal to Donald Trump. To this day, they refuse to fund his projects. Trump told the American people that his sons were going to embark on building more Trump Hotels in the US, since he was precluded from doing deals abroad during his Presidency, but that plan foundered because American banks still won't lend to money to Donald Trump.

Is Donald Trump destroying the American economy to get revenge on the American business establishment who he blames for his failures? Is that why Trump is tearing up trade agreements, starting trade wars, cutting taxes and running up deficits, and general blowing up every bi-lateral agreement that has made American the richest most powerful nation in the world? Because it sure looks like it to me.

Your second sentence destroys your argument.

No it doesn't. The argument for getting Trump's tax returns is that Congress is writing laws to prevent Presidential candidates from profitting from the Presidency. It is essential to see Trump's tax returns because he is the only President in history to be running a business as well as sitting in the Oval Office.

I personally think that the People of the United States should be billing the President for every weekend he spends at Mar-a-lago is he is only there to sell access and influence, and TRUMP is billing the taxpayers for the SS rooms, meals, and Air Force One to fly him down and back. He should be paying those expenses out of his own pocket.
So am I sensing that because a parent gave their child the post tax fruits of their labor that this is somehow wrong? Wish my P’s did that for me, but I don’t covet nor hold it against those so blessed. In any event having succeeded on my own gives me a sense of accomplishment and contentment.
Now as for trumps tax returns, a majority of morons in congress are incapable of reading a financial statement not less a income tax statement, and quite frankly who gives a rats ass.
So am I sensing that because a parent gave their child the post tax fruits of their labor that this is somehow wrong? Wish my P’s did that for me, but I don’t covet nor hold it against those so blessed. In any event having succeeded on my own gives me a sense of accomplishment and contentment.
Now as for trumps tax returns, a majority of morons in congress are incapable of reading a financial statement not less a income tax statement, and quite frankly who gives a rats ass.

Let's be clear. We don't hold it against Fred that he made a lot of money and left it to his children. We hold it against his children that they sought to defraud the US government of the taxes rightfully owed on Fred's Estate.

We also refuse to believe the lie that Donald Trump is a self-made billionaire. Donald still receives income from Fred's apartment buildings in New York City because his brother and sisters refused to sell their father's properties. Which is a good thing, because without that income and the security it provides, Trump would have been dead broke years ago.

It wasn't until Trump started doing business with Russians that he suddenly had a lot of cash to spend.
I've always "admired" how Trump ass kissers so thoroughly address a thread's topic......

That's what the media and their Democrat friends are doing when someone tells them we have a national emergency at our Southern Border.

There is no emergency at the Southern Border. There is a humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border, which the President has manufactured with his own wrong-headed policies. People who are fleeing narco-terrorism and running to the United States NOW precisely because they are afraid that Trump is going to close the southern border, and they won't be able to get in later on.

Trump said his "zero tolerance" policies would discourage people from trying to claim asylum. As always, Trump did exactly the wrong thing and made it worse.

Yesterday Trump put a plaque with his name on it on a piece of fencing authorized, financed and built under Obama and claimed it was part of his new "wall".

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 10,000 times and I might be a Trump voter.
That's what the media and their Democrat friends are doing when someone tells them we have a national emergency at our Southern Border.

Boy....did you ever hit that nail right.on the...........................

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I've always "admired" how Trump ass kissers so thoroughly address a thread's topic......

That's what the media and their Democrat friends are doing when someone tells them we have a national emergency at our Southern Border.

There is no emergency at the Southern Border. There is a humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border, which the President has manufactured with his own wrong-headed policies. People who are fleeing narco-terrorism and running to the United States NOW precisely because they are afraid that Trump is going to close the southern border, and they won't be able to get in later on.

Trump said his "zero tolerance" policies would discourage people from trying to claim asylum. As always, Trump did exactly the wrong thing and made it worse.

Yesterday Trump put a plaque with his name on it on a piece of fencing authorized, financed and built under Obama and claimed it was part of his new "wall".

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 10,000 times and I might be a Trump voter.
Well shame on you....cuz you keep getting fooled.

What's the difference between a humanitarian crisis and a national emergency?
The only difference is that you have to forget about Sanctuary Cities allowing illegals to vote and suck the cash out of our social programs and the fact that people carrying drugs and committing murders all over the US are coming across that border by the hundreds.
I've always "admired" how Trump ass kissers so thoroughly address a thread's topic......

That's what the media and their Democrat friends are doing when someone tells them we have a national emergency at our Southern Border.

There is no emergency at the Southern Border. There is a humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border, which the President has manufactured with his own wrong-headed policies. People who are fleeing narco-terrorism and running to the United States NOW precisely because they are afraid that Trump is going to close the southern border, and they won't be able to get in later on.

Trump said his "zero tolerance" policies would discourage people from trying to claim asylum. As always, Trump did exactly the wrong thing and made it worse.

Yesterday Trump put a plaque with his name on it on a piece of fencing authorized, financed and built under Obama and claimed it was part of his new "wall".

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 10,000 times and I might be a Trump voter.
Well shame on you....cuz you keep getting fooled.

What's the difference between a humanitarian crisis and a national emergency?
The only difference is that you have to forget about Sanctuary Cities allowing illegals to vote and suck the cash out of our social programs and the fact that people carrying drugs and committing murders all over the US are coming across that border by the hundreds.
They are coming by the thousands. Soon to be tens of thousands. We are importing insurrection when these invaders realize they aren't getting what they were promised.
Again, this may only be my personal opinion, but Trump's smarter advisers may have convinced him that the ONLY way for him to win another term, may be IF he pushed the democrat House to begin impeachment proceedings..........Playing the "victim" card is perhaps Trump's only remaining gambit for a second term.

From the various investigations surrounding this administration's corrupt actions....to this administration's complete disregard of security clearance.........From Trump believing Russia and Saudi Arabia over our own intelligence services.....to completely defying the law regarding access to his tax returns......Trump may be cajoling and coaxing the House to impeach him...........and reap the same "rewards" of a political victim as Bill Clinton did in the late 1990s.

As an example of this political [albeit, moronic] strategy by Trump, let's keep in mind that although the IRS Code CLEARLY specifies that when officially requested, the IRS "SHALL" release someone's tax returns, the statute ALSO requires a direct reason for such disclosures to not be just political.....and that reason may only be IF the House is contemplating impeachment proceedings against Trump.

.........and, given the complete capitulation of the weak=spined republican Senate, impeachment would fail and Trump can play the victim to his moronic base and rally their mindless support.

As it has been for the last TWO years........its all about Trump and screw the needs to address the real problems facing our nation.
That's an entertaining spin on reality, but you're right in one respect. If the Dumbocrats go down the impeachment road now that Mueller's job is done and Trump's been vindicated, he will be reelected.
now that Mueller's job is done and Trump's been vindicated,

Do you even remotely realize what a fucked up statement the above is???

Trump "vindicated"????

Are you really an example of one of those "poorly educated" Trump cult members?

Who turns your computer on for you?

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