Opinion: Trump Syria Strikes Not Strong Enough

I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

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You were played by the orange one long ago, just now seeing it?
Played? You supported Obama :auiqs.jpg:

I did? News to me dick wad.
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

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I thought of you when I made this post, you wrote what I was thinking as well. . .

Breaking! President Trump Orders Syria Attacked

It's a bit comforting to have like-minded people like you here.....
I notice the left and the right are in disarray over this war. Some refuse to even call it a war so that the Constitution can once again be ignored.

You can really tell who let's the TV do the thinking for them.

Some folks have integrity, some just run on emotion.
War Powers Act allows for this type of action.
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

View attachment 187866

You were played by the orange one long ago, just now seeing it?
Played? You supported Obama :auiqs.jpg:

I did? News to me dick wad.
I’m not wanting to talk about what’s in your mouth. Please stay on subject.
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

View attachment 187866

You were played by the orange one long ago, just now seeing it?
Played? You supported Obama :auiqs.jpg:

I did? News to me dick wad.
I’m not wanting to talk about what’s in your mouth. Please stay on subject.

Probably not because you still have it in your ass. BTW you changed the subject to obama. You started the thread and deflected.
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

View attachment 187866
“Paranoia big destroyer!”
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

View attachment 187866

You were played by the orange one long ago, just now seeing it?
Played? You supported Obama :auiqs.jpg:

I did? News to me dick wad.
I’m not wanting to talk about what’s in your mouth. Please stay on subject.

Probably not because you still have it in your ass. BTW you changed the subject to obama. You started the thread and deflected.
No. You had said that people had been “played” by Trump. I simply pointed out the irony that an Obama supporter would feel they could make such a claim.
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

View attachment 187866

You were played by the orange one long ago, just now seeing it?
Played? You supported Obama :auiqs.jpg:

I did? News to me dick wad.
I’m not wanting to talk about what’s in your mouth. Please stay on subject.

Probably not because you still have it in your ass. BTW you changed the subject to obama. You started the thread and deflected.
What! You must have been eating my ass.
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

View attachment 187866
I thought of you when I made this post, you wrote what I was thinking as well. . .

Breaking! President Trump Orders Syria Attacked

It's a bit comforting to have like-minded people like you here.....
I notice the left and the right are in disarray over this war. Some refuse to even call it a war so that the Constitution can once again be ignored.

You can really tell who let's the TV do the thinking for them.

Some folks have integrity, some just run on emotion.
War Powers Act allows for this type of action.
Wrong. These are the conditions required by the law.

(c) The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.

Avalon Project - War Powers Resolution
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

View attachment 187866
Thank you for stating the truth
I could not agree with you more.
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

View attachment 187866
I thought of you when I made this post, you wrote what I was thinking as well. . .

Breaking! President Trump Orders Syria Attacked

It's a bit comforting to have like-minded people like you here.....
I notice the left and the right are in disarray over this war. Some refuse to even call it a war so that the Constitution can once again be ignored.

You can really tell who let's the TV do the thinking for them.

Some folks have integrity, some just run on emotion.
War Powers Act allows for this type of action.
Wrong. These are the conditions required by the law.

(c) The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.

Avalon Project - War Powers Resolution

Trump is just another in a long line of American war criminals. The American people, failing to hold accountable their leaders, wipe their ass with the constitution and then wonder why our leaders don't respect it.
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The US should hit Damascus and take out Assad’s command and control infrastructure if you really want to stop gas attacks and give rebel forces a big boost. I want to see something more along these lines...

Why not attack Russia too?

What are the chances that some of this chemical stuff is coming from Russia? Hit the Kremlin, take out Putin, start a world war, see 1/3 of people die, all so you can have a little wank.

Could be a good plan to clean up the cities...
..history has shown even sustained bombing usually does not get the job done
..it ''worked'' in the Balkans 1999 after a couple months of bombing--
..but even after the A-bombs, and most of their major cities were mainly destroyed, Japan still did not want to surrender
..in took 2 major, sustained bombing operations with B52s POUNDING NVietnam just to negotiate the US to get out of Vietnam...
Germany, Japan, England WW2

..Assad and the Syrians are probably more stubborn/committed because of these ''unsustained ''attacks --as were the Germans, Japanese, and English in sustained attacks
..a lot of Germans finally knew it was hopeless after the ground fighting was not going their way--yet they still fought on--very faithfully
Defiant Syrians take to the streets of Damascus after airstrikes | Daily Mail Online

..but then these Syrian strikes raise hopes/etc of anti-Assadians --but this does not tip the scales
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I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

WTF are you smoking? NATO has no business in the Middle East. Nor should we or any of our allies help the “rebel cause”. The rebels are die hard Sunni jihadists. The same Islamic fucks that carry out terror attack after terror attack in Western countries. Fuck them, let Assad bomb the shit out of them, hang them, burn them, and gas them for all I care. No fucking way should we sacrifice any troops for Sunni pieces of shit that have proven to be on the bottom rung of humanity. Let them all kill each other, the only good Muslim is a dead one.
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

View attachment 187866

You were played by the orange one long ago, just now seeing it?
Played? You supported Obama :auiqs.jpg:


As the Great Douche said of CIC Obama and his Red Line on Gassing folks!
GOP Congress then did not take the matter up.
I am utterly disgusted with Trump if these attacks are real. The chemical attack was a BIG time false flag to further the PNAC agenda and I am sickened to think that Trump was manipulated into attacking a country that has been under attack by the CIA, Saudi intel, MI5/MI6/Mossad proxy army that is ISIS/al qaeda. This is nothing but another step towards fulfilling the neocon PNAC plan. Trump is just another deep state puppet and it appears to me that we have been "played".

View attachment 187866

You were played by the orange one long ago, just now seeing it?

By "played" you mean I should have been more optimistic had the Hildebeast been able to cheat her way into the position of CEO of USA.INC???? LMAO! I do not participate in the elections of this banana republic and despise neocons and fabian socialists...but it is the fabian socialists that have been the best pawns the banking oligarchs could ever hope to have.

I had reason to believe that Trump had the backing of the "white hats" and that somehow they would be able to steer us from going over the cliff....so basically we are fucked and the sheeple of this country have earned what is coming on them.
The US should hit Damascus and take out Assad’s command and control infrastructure if you really want to stop gas attacks and give rebel forces a big boost. I want to see something more along these lines...

The um Rebels are Islamic Fundamentalists affiliated with both ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front, why do you want to support the Rebels who are terrorists? If Assad is removed that creates a vaccum for the terrorists to move in, like what occurred in Libya, if Assad is removed then in moves ISIS again and there will be among other things a complete Genocide of Syrian Christians, is that what you would like to happen?

IMHO the gas attack was a False Flag specifically designed to pull Trump into the Syrian conflict, 48 hours earlier Trump announced he was going to reduce involvement in Syria and then very conveniently there was the gas attack. Assad's forces have systematically cleared huge sections of Syria from ISIS, so it makes absolutely no sense at all that basically having nearly won that war Assad would then do a gas attack and anything where the White Helmets are filming something is to be treated as a potential False Flag because the White Helmets themselves have been independently filmed assisting ISIS terrorists.

Also what exactly are these "National Interests" in Syria that Washington DC keeps babbling about? Syria is more than 10,000 miles away from America, how do you have "National Interests" there? You do not, you would be better served bringing all your troops home and using some of them to help protect your border to act as a deterrant to the countless Illegal Invaders you have crossing your border from Mexico and from Central America via Mexico.
I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
The strikes in Syria were "strong" enough. We don't need "stronger' at this point.

Let's end the nightmare and get out of there now.

Nobody wants more war.
I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?

They just said on TV it was only 17 minutes.

Wow. I was giving a guess. I expected somebody to come in and say something like, "No. It was actually an hour and a half." :lol:

It was actually 16 minutes and 24 seconds :smoke:
In fact....I'm relieved the strikes were not that strong.

Lets turn the page, today is a new day.


That's all.

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