Opinion: Trump Syria Strikes Not Strong Enough

I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.
I am on the Right, I am 100% against the Perpetual Warmongers on both the Right and on the Left.

The situation is if they want a full on war aka WWIII then America will have to do that on their own with the little dog Britain following behind, what the happening the other night illustrated is that America cannot get together an actual coalition for another war, the French had minimal involvement in the bombing the other night. Did any other NATO member agree to participate when asked? No, they said no they were not getting involved, short of some full on attack on a random European nation who is a member of NATO via aerial bombardment which would then mean that all members of NATO have to get involved, no European nation except Britain is orgasmic about war.

I don't think anyone really wants war...but the worrisome thing is that the same tangle of alliances and groups exists as was present in the lead up to WW2. You have a lot of independent agendas and emerging regional powers: Turkey, Iran, Europe, US, Russia...and their proxies and semi-proxies.

"I don't think anyone really wants war"

The Neo-Conservatives want war, they want WWIII, it is OUR collective moral obligation to this planet and to the future of this planet that we prevent the Neo-Conservatives from getting their perverted and twisted wish.

So many nations have issues with other nations, but these issues with careful diplomacy can if not be resolved at least can be made less volatile, with this attitude there remains a hope for tomorrow, if the Neo-Conservative Warmongers have their way, there is no hope for tomorrow, there will be no second chances for the majority of this planet.

This is not being OTT, we are in a very very serious situation at this time in world history and everyone should start thinking about this and how collectively we who are Anti-Neo-Conservatives can do our best to avert the unthinkable happening.

Absolutely. But our president has no respect for diplomacy and has essentially gutted the State Department :(

Trump gutted the State Department because it was full of Obama Hold Overs.

What normally happens is ambassadors from the previous Administration (all political appointees) - leave, and are replaced by new ones. Key positions - usually have an overlap so it isn't unoccupied. There is nothing wrong with that - it's normal. What's NOT normal is not filling those positions. We don't even have an ambassador for South Korea! And they aren't filled because of political opposition but because Trump hasn't nominated anyone. These are things usually done by the first few months of a new administration. He has no respect for the State Department or Diplomacy. He likes his Generals. Just take a look at the cuts he proposed to State Department funding and you can see what I mean.

Many of those positions need Senate approval, the RINOs who control The Senate most of whom hate Trump and have hated Trump since he announced he was running for President, they are deliberately being inactive, another example of Trump has nominated I think another 15 judicial positions and instead of confirming them The Senate has now gone away for a two week holiday.

IMHO Trump should gut the Department of Justice considering it's full of Obama snakes participating in the Political Witch Hunt.
I don't think anyone really wants war...but the worrisome thing is that the same tangle of alliances and groups exists as was present in the lead up to WW2. You have a lot of independent agendas and emerging regional powers: Turkey, Iran, Europe, US, Russia...and their proxies and semi-proxies.

"I don't think anyone really wants war"

The Neo-Conservatives want war, they want WWIII, it is OUR collective moral obligation to this planet and to the future of this planet that we prevent the Neo-Conservatives from getting their perverted and twisted wish.

So many nations have issues with other nations, but these issues with careful diplomacy can if not be resolved at least can be made less volatile, with this attitude there remains a hope for tomorrow, if the Neo-Conservative Warmongers have their way, there is no hope for tomorrow, there will be no second chances for the majority of this planet.

This is not being OTT, we are in a very very serious situation at this time in world history and everyone should start thinking about this and how collectively we who are Anti-Neo-Conservatives can do our best to avert the unthinkable happening.

Absolutely. But our president has no respect for diplomacy and has essentially gutted the State Department :(

Trump gutted the State Department because it was full of Obama Hold Overs.

What normally happens is ambassadors from the previous Administration (all political appointees) - leave, and are replaced by new ones. Key positions - usually have an overlap so it isn't unoccupied. There is nothing wrong with that - it's normal. What's NOT normal is not filling those positions. We don't even have an ambassador for South Korea! And they aren't filled because of political opposition but because Trump hasn't nominated anyone. These are things usually done by the first few months of a new administration. He has no respect for the State Department or Diplomacy. He likes his Generals. Just take a look at the cuts he proposed to State Department funding and you can see what I mean.

Many of those positions need Senate approval, the RINOs who control The Senate most of whom hate Trump and have hated Trump since he announced he was running for President, they are deliberately being inactive, another example of Trump has nominated I think another 15 judicial positions and instead of confirming them The Senate has now gone away for a two week holiday.

IMHO Trump should gut the Department of Justice considering it's full of Obama snakes participating in the Political Witch Hunt.

The Senate has basically approved anything Trump has nominated for key positions - so that is not an issue. The problem is - Trump has NOT nominated people for important State Department vacancies. He has not done what most presidents do during the transition and the first few months. Even Trump's judicial appointments are being cleared at a much faster rate than Obama's.
I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if the Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration and more problems.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Would you like it if someone said America should be Balkanised because you have all these internal problems, that the only solution to your internal civil problems is to have America North, America South, America East, America West?

As I said The West has NO business interferring in The Middle East, let them deal with their OWN problems and if they all want to just kill each other then that's their business.

The West has got NOTHING from recent interring only increased Terrorist attacks in The West because of the interferring in The Middle East coupled with the fucking Manufactured Migrant Crisis.
The US should hit Damascus and take out Assad’s command and control infrastructure if you really want to stop gas attacks and give rebel forces a big boost. I want to see something more along these lines...

Why not attack Russia too?

What are the chances that some of this chemical stuff is coming from Russia? Hit the Kremlin, take out Putin, start a world war, see 1/3 of people die, all so you can have a little wank.

Could be a good plan to clean up the cities...

I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

A Balkanisation of Syria will make things 100% worse. The West should not be involved, The West has already interfered in the Middle East for too long, time to GTFO and let The Middle East deal with The Middle East.
How? The West would not be involved in the end under my proposal. It would be the United Nations.
The US should hit Damascus and take out Assad’s command and control infrastructure if you really want to stop gas attacks and give rebel forces a big boost. I want to see something more along these lines...

Why not attack Russia too?

What are the chances that some of this chemical stuff is coming from Russia? Hit the Kremlin, take out Putin, start a world war, see 1/3 of people die, all so you can have a little wank.

Could be a good plan to clean up the cities...

I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

A Balkanisation of Syria will make things 100% worse. The West should not be involved, The West has already interfered in the Middle East for too long, time to GTFO and let The Middle East deal with The Middle East.
How? The West would not be involved in the end under my proposal. It would be the United Nations.

I am 100% opposed to The UN, from the beginning it has been a Neo-Marxist organisation. I am 100% opposed to allowing The UN to do anything, IMHO The UN needs to be dismantled.

If any organisation should be dealing with situations in The Middle East then it should be The Arab League and only The Arab League.
The US should hit Damascus and take out Assad’s command and control infrastructure if you really want to stop gas attacks and give rebel forces a big boost. I want to see something more along these lines...

Why not attack Russia too?

What are the chances that some of this chemical stuff is coming from Russia? Hit the Kremlin, take out Putin, start a world war, see 1/3 of people die, all so you can have a little wank.

Could be a good plan to clean up the cities...

I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

A Balkanisation of Syria will make things 100% worse. The West should not be involved, The West has already interfered in the Middle East for too long, time to GTFO and let The Middle East deal with The Middle East.
How? The West would not be involved in the end under my proposal. It would be the United Nations.

I oppose UN involvement in any actions that do not involve dousing themselves in gasoline and playing with matches.
I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if they Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Well...the West already DID dictate how the Middle East should be divided and plundered. They cobbled together a bunch of states forcing together people who couldn't stand each other. These sovereign nations were created by western interference. Perfect example - Iraq. There is no real Iraqi identity...they are Sunni, Shia, etc etc first. Libya..is another. In the meantime you have the Kurds who have been shat on multiple times after supporting various western attempts at interference.

Why shouldn't a consortium of nations - not just western - sit down and figure out a solution that doesn't involve the exterminations of large numbers of civilians....maybe a federation :dunno:

Would you like it if someone said America should be Balkanised because you have all these internal problems, that the only solution to your internal civil problems is to have America North, America South, America East, America West?

As I said The West has NO business interferring in The Middle East, let them deal with their OWN problems and if they all want to just kill each other then that's their business.

The West has got NOTHING from recent interring only increased Terrorist attacks in The West because of the interferring in The Middle East coupled with the fucking Manufactured Migrant Crisis.

So the solution is what in regards to the refugee crisis that will grow if nothing is done? Or the spreading instability of surrounding states?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if they Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Well...the West already DID dictate how the Middle East should be divided and plundered. They cobbled together a bunch of states forcing together people who couldn't stand each other. These sovereign nations were created by western interference. Perfect example - Iraq. There is no real Iraqi identity...they are Sunni, Shia, etc etc first. Libya..is another. In the meantime you have the Kurds who have been shat on multiple times after supporting various western attempts at interference.

That was a hundred freaking years ago. How long are they going to be using that as an excuse for their dysfunction?
The Alt-Right wants nuclear.

I'll bite.

WTF, do you base THAT nonsense on?

There is no Alt-Right, it is a MSM creation.

There is an Alt-right.

It just has NOTHING to do with the MSM creation of the same name.

Men Rights groups, anti-censorship gamers, for two groups I know are part of it.

Well I was referring to the Alt-Right the MSM created one.

Considering the Mainstream Right has now basically turned into RINOS (Right In Name Only) then those who are on the Conservative Right effectively are an Alt-Right, an Alternative Right meaning an Alternative to the RINOS who are now predominately Cuckservatives and on too many issues side with the Liberals.
I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if the Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration and more problems.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Would you like it if someone said America should be Balkanised because you have all these internal problems, that the only solution to your internal civil problems is to have America North, America South, America East, America West?

As I said The West has NO business interferring in The Middle East, let them deal with their OWN problems and if they all want to just kill each other then that's their business.

The West has got NOTHING from recent interring only increased Terrorist attacks in The West because of the interferring in The Middle East coupled with the fucking Manufactured Migrant Crisis.
The comparison between Syria and the United States is ridiculous. Syria is a creation of 1920’s imperialism by the West. Trying to clump ethnic groups into one border was a mistake after World War One in both Middle East and the former Yugoslavia. All of the bloodshed that occurs when they finally begin to break apart is indeed, in many ways, a responsibly of the West.
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if they Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Well...the West already DID dictate how the Middle East should be divided and plundered. They cobbled together a bunch of states forcing together people who couldn't stand each other. These sovereign nations were created by western interference. Perfect example - Iraq. There is no real Iraqi identity...they are Sunni, Shia, etc etc first. Libya..is another. In the meantime you have the Kurds who have been shat on multiple times after supporting various western attempts at interference.

Why shouldn't a consortium of nations - not just western - sit down and figure out a solution that doesn't involve the exterminations of large numbers of civilians....maybe a federation :dunno:

Would you like it if someone said America should be Balkanised because you have all these internal problems, that the only solution to your internal civil problems is to have America North, America South, America East, America West?

As I said The West has NO business interferring in The Middle East, let them deal with their OWN problems and if they all want to just kill each other then that's their business.

The West has got NOTHING from recent interring only increased Terrorist attacks in The West because of the interferring in The Middle East coupled with the fucking Manufactured Migrant Crisis.

So the solution is what in regards to the refugee crisis that will grow if nothing is done? Or the spreading instability of surrounding states?

Exactly The West already has contributed significantly in fucking up The Middle East, it began in the 1920s, creating Iraq, Saudi Arabia etc it's now time for The West to GTFO and allow The Middle East to deal with it's own problems and as I said The Arab League should be in control of the situation.

The West has achieved not a great deal in nearly 100 years in that region, time to GTFO.
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if the Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration and more problems.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Would you like it if someone said America should be Balkanised because you have all these internal problems, that the only solution to your internal civil problems is to have America North, America South, America East, America West?

As I said The West has NO business interferring in The Middle East, let them deal with their OWN problems and if they all want to just kill each other then that's their business.

The West has got NOTHING from recent interring only increased Terrorist attacks in The West because of the interferring in The Middle East coupled with the fucking Manufactured Migrant Crisis.
The comparison between Syria and the United States is ridiculous. Syria is a creation of 1920’s imperialism by the West. Trying to clump ethnic groups into one border was a mistake after World War One in both Middle East and the former Yugoslavia. All of the bloodshed that occurs when they finally begin to break apart is indeed, in many ways, a responsibly of the West.

"Syria is a creation of 1920’s imperialism by the West."

I have just mentioned this in my post # 75, so the solution therefore is to GTFO already instead of forcing yet MORE Western Imperialism on them and The Middle East.
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if they Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Well...the West already DID dictate how the Middle East should be divided and plundered. They cobbled together a bunch of states forcing together people who couldn't stand each other. These sovereign nations were created by western interference. Perfect example - Iraq. There is no real Iraqi identity...they are Sunni, Shia, etc etc first. Libya..is another. In the meantime you have the Kurds who have been shat on multiple times after supporting various western attempts at interference.

Why shouldn't a consortium of nations - not just western - sit down and figure out a solution that doesn't involve the exterminations of large numbers of civilians....maybe a federation :dunno:

Would you like it if someone said America should be Balkanised because you have all these internal problems, that the only solution to your internal civil problems is to have America North, America South, America East, America West?

As I said The West has NO business interferring in The Middle East, let them deal with their OWN problems and if they all want to just kill each other then that's their business.

The West has got NOTHING from recent interring only increased Terrorist attacks in The West because of the interferring in The Middle East coupled with the fucking Manufactured Migrant Crisis.

So the solution is what in regards to the refugee crisis that will grow if nothing is done? Or the spreading instability of surrounding states?

"So the solution is what in regards to the refugee crisis that will grow if nothing is done? Or the spreading instability of surrounding states?"

The solution is Designated Safe Zones along the border of Syria and Turkey.
The Alt-Right wants nuclear.

I'll bite.

WTF, do you base THAT nonsense on?

There is no Alt-Right, it is a MSM creation.

There is an Alt-right.

It just has NOTHING to do with the MSM creation of the same name.

Men Rights groups, anti-censorship gamers, for two groups I know are part of it.
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined[1]grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right[2][3][4] fringe hate groups.[5][6] Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic and white supremacist,[7][8][9] frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism,[10][11][12][13] identitarianism,[14] nativism and Islamophobia,[15][16][17][18][19]antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia,[10][20][21][22][13] right-wing populism[23][24] and the neoreactionary movement.[7][25] The concept has further been associated with several groups such as American nationalists, paleoconservatives, paleolibertarians, Christian fundamentalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates, and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[15][24][25][26][27][14]

Alt-right - Wikipedia
I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
The Alt-Right wants nuclear.

I'll bite.

WTF, do you base THAT nonsense on?

There is no Alt-Right, it is a MSM creation.

There is an Alt-right.

It just has NOTHING to do with the MSM creation of the same name.

Men Rights groups, anti-censorship gamers, for two groups I know are part of it.
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined[1]grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right[2][3][4] fringe hate groups.[5][6] Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic and white supremacist,[7][8][9] frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism,[10][11][12][13] identitarianism,[14] nativism and Islamophobia,[15][16][17][18][19]antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia,[10][20][21][22][13] right-wing populism[23][24] and the neoreactionary movement.[7][25] The concept has further been associated with several groups such as American nationalists, paleoconservatives, paleolibertarians, Christian fundamentalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates, and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[15][24][25][26][27][14]

Alt-right - Wikipedia

^^^^ Complete hysterical nonsense.

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