Opinion: Trump Syria Strikes Not Strong Enough

The US should hit Damascus and take out Assad’s command and control infrastructure if you really want to stop gas attacks and give rebel forces a big boost. I want to see something more along these lines...

Why not attack Russia too?

What are the chances that some of this chemical stuff is coming from Russia? Hit the Kremlin, take out Putin, start a world war, see 1/3 of people die, all so you can have a little wank.

Could be a good plan to clean up the cities...

I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

A Balkanisation of Syria will make things 100% worse. The West should not be involved, The West has already interfered in the Middle East for too long, time to GTFO and let The Middle East deal with The Middle East.
How? The West would not be involved in the end under my proposal. It would be the United Nations.

You mean the UN where China and Russia have permanent member vetoes? Yeah, that's going to work. The US doesn't have enough friends to get the UN working for it now.
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if they Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Well...the West already DID dictate how the Middle East should be divided and plundered. They cobbled together a bunch of states forcing together people who couldn't stand each other. These sovereign nations were created by western interference. Perfect example - Iraq. There is no real Iraqi identity...they are Sunni, Shia, etc etc first. Libya..is another. In the meantime you have the Kurds who have been shat on multiple times after supporting various western attempts at interference.

Why shouldn't a consortium of nations - not just western - sit down and figure out a solution that doesn't involve the exterminations of large numbers of civilians....maybe a federation :dunno:

Would you like it if someone said America should be Balkanised because you have all these internal problems, that the only solution to your internal civil problems is to have America North, America South, America East, America West?

As I said The West has NO business interferring in The Middle East, let them deal with their OWN problems and if they all want to just kill each other then that's their business.

The West has got NOTHING from recent interring only increased Terrorist attacks in The West because of the interferring in The Middle East coupled with the fucking Manufactured Migrant Crisis.

So the solution is what in regards to the refugee crisis that will grow if nothing is done? Or the spreading instability of surrounding states?

Don't forget you have been involved in Afghanistan now for SEVENTEEN YEARS and that place is still chaos, still daily suicide attacks, The Taliban has now regrouped and you have thousands of troops still there, nearly TWO DECADES already, you have nearly been stuck in the quagmire of Afghanistan for 20 years and have achieved nothing, the place is still in chaos.

Are you NEVER going to learn from these mistakes? It seems no you are not.
I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Turkey is a NATO nation and if U.N. could ensure a peaceful border...dunno. Why are these Kurdishs region acting autonomously right now inside Iraq and Syria?
I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Why is Turkey allowing the various Kurdish groups to operate autonomously right now? What if Kurds had U.N. protection?
Who are the Kurds?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if they Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Well...the West already DID dictate how the Middle East should be divided and plundered. They cobbled together a bunch of states forcing together people who couldn't stand each other. These sovereign nations were created by western interference. Perfect example - Iraq. There is no real Iraqi identity...they are Sunni, Shia, etc etc first. Libya..is another. In the meantime you have the Kurds who have been shat on multiple times after supporting various western attempts at interference.

Why shouldn't a consortium of nations - not just western - sit down and figure out a solution that doesn't involve the exterminations of large numbers of civilians....maybe a federation :dunno:

Would you like it if someone said America should be Balkanised because you have all these internal problems, that the only solution to your internal civil problems is to have America North, America South, America East, America West?

As I said The West has NO business interferring in The Middle East, let them deal with their OWN problems and if they all want to just kill each other then that's their business.

The West has got NOTHING from recent interring only increased Terrorist attacks in The West because of the interferring in The Middle East coupled with the fucking Manufactured Migrant Crisis.

So the solution is what in regards to the refugee crisis that will grow if nothing is done? Or the spreading instability of surrounding states?
Exactly spot on Coyote.
So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if they Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Well...the West already DID dictate how the Middle East should be divided and plundered. They cobbled together a bunch of states forcing together people who couldn't stand each other. These sovereign nations were created by western interference. Perfect example - Iraq. There is no real Iraqi identity...they are Sunni, Shia, etc etc first. Libya..is another. In the meantime you have the Kurds who have been shat on multiple times after supporting various western attempts at interference.

Why shouldn't a consortium of nations - not just western - sit down and figure out a solution that doesn't involve the exterminations of large numbers of civilians....maybe a federation :dunno:

Would you like it if someone said America should be Balkanised because you have all these internal problems, that the only solution to your internal civil problems is to have America North, America South, America East, America West?

As I said The West has NO business interferring in The Middle East, let them deal with their OWN problems and if they all want to just kill each other then that's their business.

The West has got NOTHING from recent interring only increased Terrorist attacks in The West because of the interferring in The Middle East coupled with the fucking Manufactured Migrant Crisis.

So the solution is what in regards to the refugee crisis that will grow if nothing is done? Or the spreading instability of surrounding states?

Don't forget you have been involved in Afghanistan now for SEVENTEEN YEARS and that place is still chaos, still daily suicide attacks, The Taliban has now regrouped and you have thousands of troops still there, nearly TWO DECADES already, you have nearly been stuck in the quagmire of Afghanistan for 20 years and have achieved nothing, the place is still in chaos.

Are you NEVER going to learn from these mistakes? It seems no you are not.
Had we listened to General Massoud commander of Northern Alliance in 1988 the Taliban would not have come to power.
The US should hit Damascus and take out Assad’s command and control infrastructure if you really want to stop gas attacks and give rebel forces a big boost. I want to see something more along these lines...

Why not attack Russia too?

What are the chances that some of this chemical stuff is coming from Russia? Hit the Kremlin, take out Putin, start a world war, see 1/3 of people die, all so you can have a little wank.

Could be a good plan to clean up the cities...

Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

A Balkanisation of Syria will make things 100% worse. The West should not be involved, The West has already interfered in the Middle East for too long, time to GTFO and let The Middle East deal with The Middle East.
How? The West would not be involved in the end under my proposal. It would be the United Nations.

You mean the UN where China and Russia have permanent member vetoes? Yeah, that's going to work. The US doesn't have enough friends to get the UN working for it now.

If we put enough pressure on Russia to drop veto it could happen. China has been abstaining from previous votes.
I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.
Turkey would invade it.
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Turkey is a NATO nation and if U.N. could ensure a peaceful border...dunno. Why are these Kurdishs region acting autonomously right now inside Iraq and Syria?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Why is Turkey allowing the various Kurdish groups to operate autonomously right now? What if Kurds had U.N. protection?
Who are the Kurds?

IMHO Turkey cannot be trusted and Turkey should not be in NATO anymore, Erdogan's Turkey is radically different than the Kemalism of pre-Erdogan Turkey, this Turkey under Erdogan is more in line with the Ottomans and not with Atatürk, Erdogan is returning Turkey to the Ottoman Turkey and as such Turkey should not be trusted and they should be thrown out of NATO. There is now no democracy or secularism in Erdogan's Turkey. Considering Erdogan has aligned himself with his fellow Islamists it's ridiculous and also dangerous to trust Turkey as being a member of NATO.
The Alt-Right wants nuclear.

I'll bite.

WTF, do you base THAT nonsense on?

There is no Alt-Right, it is a MSM creation.

There is an Alt-right.

It just has NOTHING to do with the MSM creation of the same name.

Men Rights groups, anti-censorship gamers, for two groups I know are part of it.
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined[1]grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right[2][3][4] fringe hate groups.[5][6] Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic and white supremacist,[7][8][9] frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism,[10][11][12][13] identitarianism,[14] nativism and Islamophobia,[15][16][17][18][19]antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia,[10][20][21][22][13] right-wing populism[23][24] and the neoreactionary movement.[7][25] The concept has further been associated with several groups such as American nationalists, paleoconservatives, paleolibertarians, Christian fundamentalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates, and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[15][24][25][26][27][14]

Alt-right - Wikipedia
You believe in werewolves don’t you? Easter Bunny?
So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Turkey is a NATO nation and if U.N. could ensure a peaceful border...dunno. Why are these Kurdishs region acting autonomously right now inside Iraq and Syria?
So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Why is Turkey allowing the various Kurdish groups to operate autonomously right now? What if Kurds had U.N. protection?
Who are the Kurds?

IMHO Turkey cannot be trusted and Turkey should not be in NATO anymore, Erdogan's Turkey is radically different than the Kemalism of pre-Erdogan Turkey, this Turkey under Erdogan is more in line with the Ottomans and not with Atatürk, Erdogan is returning Turkey to the Ottoman Turkey and as such Turkey should not be trusted and they should be thrown out of NATO. There is now no democracy or secularism in Erdogan's Turkey. Considering Erdogan has aligned himself with his fellow Islamists it's ridiculous and also dangerous to trust Turkey as being a member of NATO.
Why are Kurds operating autonomously now? Why doesn’t Turkey crush them now?
So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Turkey is a NATO nation and if U.N. could ensure a peaceful border...dunno. Why are these Kurdishs region acting autonomously right now inside Iraq and Syria?
So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Why is Turkey allowing the various Kurdish groups to operate autonomously right now? What if Kurds had U.N. protection?
Who are the Kurds?

IMHO Turkey cannot be trusted and Turkey should not be in NATO anymore, Erdogan's Turkey is radically different than the Kemalism of pre-Erdogan Turkey, this Turkey under Erdogan is more in line with the Ottomans and not with Atatürk, Erdogan is returning Turkey to the Ottoman Turkey and as such Turkey should not be trusted and they should be thrown out of NATO. There is now no democracy or secularism in Erdogan's Turkey.
Erdogan has openly stated he wanted Turkey to be the Caliphate to Unite the Middle East and destroy Israel.

In regards to the Kurds............Turkey has vowed to invade if the Kurds try to make a Nation there
I don't think we should be involved at all, but if we are going to interfere I'm tired of these short term missile strikes that don't actually accomplish anything. It's really just us flexing our muscle, knowing that Syria is incapable of responding in any significant way. Does anybody think an hour long bombing really hampered their chemical weapons program for any significant amount of time?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.
Turkey would invade it.

Erdogan has openly stated on multiple occasions that he would not allow for the Kurds to have a Kurdistan, he has openly stated that Turkey would invade and crush it and the Kurds within.
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

No it makes no sense, Balkanisation is not the way to go and the Kurds should get nothing, if they Kurds get a Kurdistan then Turkey will be right in there to demolish it, which then causes a further disintegration.

Why The West feels they have some automatic right to dictate what a SOVEREIGN nation should do or feels they have some automatic right to dictate that a SOVEREIGN nation should be split into segments is the height of absolute arrogance.

Well...the West already DID dictate how the Middle East should be divided and plundered. They cobbled together a bunch of states forcing together people who couldn't stand each other. These sovereign nations were created by western interference. Perfect example - Iraq. There is no real Iraqi identity...they are Sunni, Shia, etc etc first. Libya..is another. In the meantime you have the Kurds who have been shat on multiple times after supporting various western attempts at interference.

Why shouldn't a consortium of nations - not just western - sit down and figure out a solution that doesn't involve the exterminations of large numbers of civilians....maybe a federation :dunno:

Would you like it if someone said America should be Balkanised because you have all these internal problems, that the only solution to your internal civil problems is to have America North, America South, America East, America West?

As I said The West has NO business interferring in The Middle East, let them deal with their OWN problems and if they all want to just kill each other then that's their business.

The West has got NOTHING from recent interring only increased Terrorist attacks in The West because of the interferring in The Middle East coupled with the fucking Manufactured Migrant Crisis.

So the solution is what in regards to the refugee crisis that will grow if nothing is done? Or the spreading instability of surrounding states?
Who are the Kurds?
The US should hit Damascus and take out Assad’s command and control infrastructure if you really want to stop gas attacks and give rebel forces a big boost. I want to see something more along these lines...

Why not attack Russia too?

What are the chances that some of this chemical stuff is coming from Russia? Hit the Kremlin, take out Putin, start a world war, see 1/3 of people die, all so you can have a little wank.

Could be a good plan to clean up the cities...

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

A Balkanisation of Syria will make things 100% worse. The West should not be involved, The West has already interfered in the Middle East for too long, time to GTFO and let The Middle East deal with The Middle East.
How? The West would not be involved in the end under my proposal. It would be the United Nations.

You mean the UN where China and Russia have permanent member vetoes? Yeah, that's going to work. The US doesn't have enough friends to get the UN working for it now.

If we put enough pressure on Russia to drop veto it could happen. China has been abstaining from previous votes.

Russia has threatened to go to war with the US, and you think you can put enough pressure on Russia?

The world is changing. The US is bullying, and China is rising. Soon China will be number one and Russia won't have to give a flying fuck about the US. The US will be afraid of the Chinese military in 20 years time.

What will happen to the school yard bully when one of the weaker kids suddenly grows muscles?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.
Turkey would invade it.

Erdogan has openly stated on multiple occasions that he would not allow for the Kurds to have a Kurdistan, he has openly stated that Turkey would invade and crush it and the Kurds within.
He can be dealt with diplomatically. Pressure can be applied.
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Turkey is a NATO nation and if U.N. could ensure a peaceful border...dunno. Why are these Kurdishs region acting autonomously right now inside Iraq and Syria?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Why is Turkey allowing the various Kurdish groups to operate autonomously right now? What if Kurds had U.N. protection?
Who are the Kurds?

IMHO Turkey cannot be trusted and Turkey should not be in NATO anymore, Erdogan's Turkey is radically different than the Kemalism of pre-Erdogan Turkey, this Turkey under Erdogan is more in line with the Ottomans and not with Atatürk, Erdogan is returning Turkey to the Ottoman Turkey and as such Turkey should not be trusted and they should be thrown out of NATO. There is now no democracy or secularism in Erdogan's Turkey.
Erdogan has openly stated he wanted Turkey to be the Caliphate to Unite the Middle East and destroy Israel.

In regards to the Kurds............Turkey has vowed to invade if the Kurds try to make a Nation there

Yes and yes, it's bizarro that Turkey under Erdogan is still allowed to remain as a member of NATO, Erdogan is also openly hostile to The West.
So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.
Turkey would invade it.

Erdogan has openly stated on multiple occasions that he would not allow for the Kurds to have a Kurdistan, he has openly stated that Turkey would invade and crush it and the Kurds within.
He can be dealt with diplomatically. Pressure can be applied.

How exactly is that going to happen?
Exactly my point. NATO should go all out to help rebel cause. The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria and that’s all. They won’t go to the mat for Assad.

So you want America and NATO to now basically be ISIS and the other Islamic Terrorist groups air force?

The Russians are protecting their economic asset in Syria, okay so they have a right to do that, at least they articulate WHAT their actual interest in Syria is, unlike America who babble about protecting "America's National Interests" without actually telling the world WTF America's National Interests are in a nation that is 10,000 miles away from America, you have NO National Interests OR Economic Interests in Syria so why the fuck are you even there to begin with?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.
Turkey would invade it.

Erdogan has openly stated on multiple occasions that he would not allow for the Kurds to have a Kurdistan, he has openly stated that Turkey would invade and crush it and the Kurds within.
Arm the Kurds to the teeth. Especially anti tank weapons.
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Turkey is a NATO nation and if U.N. could ensure a peaceful border...dunno. Why are these Kurdishs region acting autonomously right now inside Iraq and Syria?
Then if Putin wants to keep his precious assets he better put pressure on Assad to accept a negotiated solution. Let Russia deal with Putin. US can deal with Kurds, Arab league of states with Sunni groups. U.N. can rubber stamp whole thing, Syria divided into three (Britain drew up boundary in 1920’s the lost Syria to the French) areas. It’s an artificial country anyway. Let the Kurds have their slice and fight against themselves, let Assad and his Alawite klan have Damascus and chunk of territory there, and let Sunni groups have their slice of pie as well. Let Arab States squabble over that shitty slice. Then, let U.N. peace keepers set up DMZs between the three areas. Shazam. Problem solved. I digress...I’m just throwing out to the group.

Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Why is Turkey allowing the various Kurdish groups to operate autonomously right now? What if Kurds had U.N. protection?
Who are the Kurds?

IMHO Turkey cannot be trusted and Turkey should not be in NATO anymore, Erdogan's Turkey is radically different than the Kemalism of pre-Erdogan Turkey, this Turkey under Erdogan is more in line with the Ottomans and not with Atatürk, Erdogan is returning Turkey to the Ottoman Turkey and as such Turkey should not be trusted and they should be thrown out of NATO. There is now no democracy or secularism in Erdogan's Turkey. Considering Erdogan has aligned himself with his fellow Islamists it's ridiculous and also dangerous to trust Turkey as being a member of NATO.
Why are Kurds operating autonomously now? Why doesn’t Turkey crush them now?

Because Erdogan is waiting for something else to happen so he can then go in under the cover of that, whatever the something else happening is that would be his cover because it would distract everyone else from paying attention to him going in and wiping the Kurds out.
Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Turkey is a NATO nation and if U.N. could ensure a peaceful border...dunno. Why are these Kurdishs region acting autonomously right now inside Iraq and Syria?
Dividing Syria makes the most sense...give the Kurds have a bit.

Why are you arguing for something that would escalate the chaos, ie. giving the Kurds their own region, everyone knows that Turkey would not allow that and if it happened it would escalate things and Turkey would go in and bomb the new Kurd region.
Why is Turkey allowing the various Kurdish groups to operate autonomously right now? What if Kurds had U.N. protection?
Who are the Kurds?

IMHO Turkey cannot be trusted and Turkey should not be in NATO anymore, Erdogan's Turkey is radically different than the Kemalism of pre-Erdogan Turkey, this Turkey under Erdogan is more in line with the Ottomans and not with Atatürk, Erdogan is returning Turkey to the Ottoman Turkey and as such Turkey should not be trusted and they should be thrown out of NATO. There is now no democracy or secularism in Erdogan's Turkey.
Erdogan has openly stated he wanted Turkey to be the Caliphate to Unite the Middle East and destroy Israel.

In regards to the Kurds............Turkey has vowed to invade if the Kurds try to make a Nation there

Yes and yes, it's bizarro that Turkey under Erdogan is still allowed to remain as a member of NATO, Erdogan is also openly hostile to The West.
What is our CIA up to these days? MI 6 ? Surely Mr. Erdoğan can be dealt with.

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