Opinion: Trump Syria Strikes Not Strong Enough

All options must be on the table when considering a possible response to events.

The situation is the Kurds are just not worth it. As it is unfortunately Turkey remains a NATO member and you cannot have other NATO members sending in teams to assassinate the leader of another NATO member, that would be completely insane to do so.
Who would know? The penumbras of foreign affairs. Doesn’t Israel spy on the United States? You don’t think the Brit’s spy on Merkel? Please tell me your not that naive? But you are right. The Kurds are in a hot mess. Wish there was some way to help them.

Of course everyone spies on everyone else, it's been that way for a very long time. Yes the Kurds are in a mess, but it's historically always been that way and it'll remain that way because the negative ramifications of allowing them a Kurdistan outweigh anything else.
I was throwing out a scenario that I think might be viable. I do think there is away to get Russia to get Assad to the negotiation table.
That ship sailed a long time ago. When much of the bloodshed could have been avoided. You know, because the US "cares" so much.

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'
The groups fighting would not have done a Peace Deal..........can't make Peace with ISIS..............and all the other foreign factions hell bent on War.

The situation is the Kurds are just not worth it. As it is unfortunately Turkey remains a NATO member and you cannot have other NATO members sending in teams to assassinate the leader of another NATO member, that would be completely insane to do so.
Who would know? The penumbras of foreign affairs. Doesn’t Israel spy on the United States? You don’t think the Brit’s spy on Merkel? Please tell me your not that naive? But you are right. The Kurds are in a hot mess. Wish there was some way to help them.

Of course everyone spies on everyone else, it's been that way for a very long time. Yes the Kurds are in a mess, but it's historically always been that way and it'll remain that way because the negative ramifications of allowing them a Kurdistan outweigh anything else.
I was throwing out a scenario that I think might be viable. I do think there is away to get Russia to get Assad to the negotiation table.
That ship sailed a long time ago. When much of the bloodshed could have been avoided. You know, because the US "cares" so much.

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'
The groups fighting would not have done a Peace Deal..........can't make Peace with ISIS..............and all the other foreign factions hell bent on War.

To bring peace you cooperate on eradicating ISIS. Then you move forward on a democratic transition.

The US rejected that idea on the hope that the terrorists would accomplish the job.
Who would know? The penumbras of foreign affairs. Doesn’t Israel spy on the United States? You don’t think the Brit’s spy on Merkel? Please tell me your not that naive? But you are right. The Kurds are in a hot mess. Wish there was some way to help them.

Of course everyone spies on everyone else, it's been that way for a very long time. Yes the Kurds are in a mess, but it's historically always been that way and it'll remain that way because the negative ramifications of allowing them a Kurdistan outweigh anything else.
I was throwing out a scenario that I think might be viable. I do think there is away to get Russia to get Assad to the negotiation table.
That ship sailed a long time ago. When much of the bloodshed could have been avoided. You know, because the US "cares" so much.

West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'
The groups fighting would not have done a Peace Deal..........can't make Peace with ISIS..............and all the other foreign factions hell bent on War.

To bring peace you cooperate on eradicating ISIS. Then you move forward on a democratic transition.

The US rejected that idea on the hope that the terrorists would accomplish the job.

Not possible when the political landscape is obsessed with a BS Russia investigation....................and parties from all over have different wanted outcomes....

It is why it has dragged on forever..........that is correct..........the rest of the world tossed weapons into the arena to ensure a bloodbath.
I'll bite.

WTF, do you base THAT nonsense on?

There is no Alt-Right, it is a MSM creation.

There is an Alt-right.

It just has NOTHING to do with the MSM creation of the same name.

Men Rights groups, anti-censorship gamers, for two groups I know are part of it.
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined[1]grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right[2][3][4] fringe hate groups.[5][6] Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic and white supremacist,[7][8][9] frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism,[10][11][12][13] identitarianism,[14] nativism and Islamophobia,[15][16][17][18][19]antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia,[10][20][21][22][13] right-wing populism[23][24] and the neoreactionary movement.[7][25] The concept has further been associated with several groups such as American nationalists, paleoconservatives, paleolibertarians, Christian fundamentalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates, and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[15][24][25][26][27][14]

Alt-right - Wikipedia
You believe in werewolves don’t you? Easter Bunny?
White supremacist[28] Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism and did so, according to the Associated Press, to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, neo-fascism and neo-Nazism.[29][30][31] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 United States presidential election.[32]

Alt-right - Wikipedia

Your own definition asserts that the term is associated with "American Nationalism".at the end of paragraph TWO.

Yet, opens with "white supremacists".

Really? As though American nationalism is a small force?

That is bullshit spin, of EPIC proportions.
There is no Alt-Right, it is a MSM creation.

There is an Alt-right.

It just has NOTHING to do with the MSM creation of the same name.

Men Rights groups, anti-censorship gamers, for two groups I know are part of it.
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined[1]grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right[2][3][4] fringe hate groups.[5][6] Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic and white supremacist,[7][8][9] frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism,[10][11][12][13] identitarianism,[14] nativism and Islamophobia,[15][16][17][18][19]antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia,[10][20][21][22][13] right-wing populism[23][24] and the neoreactionary movement.[7][25] The concept has further been associated with several groups such as American nationalists, paleoconservatives, paleolibertarians, Christian fundamentalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates, and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[15][24][25][26][27][14]

Alt-right - Wikipedia
You believe in werewolves don’t you? Easter Bunny?
White supremacist[28] Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism and did so, according to the Associated Press, to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, neo-fascism and neo-Nazism.[29][30][31] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 United States presidential election.[32]

Alt-right - Wikipedia

Your own definition asserts that the term is associated with "American Nationalism".at the end of paragraph TWO.

Yet, opens with "white supremacists".

Really? As though American nationalism is a small force?

That is bullshit spin, of EPIC proportions.
It’s Wikipedia. Not realiable source.
There is an Alt-right.

It just has NOTHING to do with the MSM creation of the same name.

Men Rights groups, anti-censorship gamers, for two groups I know are part of it.
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined[1]grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right[2][3][4] fringe hate groups.[5][6] Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic and white supremacist,[7][8][9] frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism,[10][11][12][13] identitarianism,[14] nativism and Islamophobia,[15][16][17][18][19]antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia,[10][20][21][22][13] right-wing populism[23][24] and the neoreactionary movement.[7][25] The concept has further been associated with several groups such as American nationalists, paleoconservatives, paleolibertarians, Christian fundamentalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates, and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[15][24][25][26][27][14]

Alt-right - Wikipedia
You believe in werewolves don’t you? Easter Bunny?
White supremacist[28] Richard Spencer initially promoted the term in 2010 in reference to a movement centered on white nationalism and did so, according to the Associated Press, to disguise overt racism, white supremacism, neo-fascism and neo-Nazism.[29][30][31] The term drew considerable media attention and controversy during and after the 2016 United States presidential election.[32]

Alt-right - Wikipedia

Your own definition asserts that the term is associated with "American Nationalism".at the end of paragraph TWO.

Yet, opens with "white supremacists".

Really? As though American nationalism is a small force?

That is bullshit spin, of EPIC proportions.
It’s Wikipedia. Not realiable source.

It can be effected by popularly held misconceptions.

As it has here.

My point about white supremacists vs American nationalists stands.

Sure both can be lumped under "Alt-right".

But to put white supremacists, in their thousands, ahead of the untold millions of American nationalists, in a listing, is utterly insane and dishonest.
Whee! The new guy wants more WARS! Bush, Darth Vader and VP Dubya's wars did not get the nukes into the skies.

What are you suggesting? The CIA and MI6 assassinate him? Are you smoking crack or something tonight? This is just insane what you are suggesting.
All options must be on the table when considering a possible response to events.

The situation is the Kurds are just not worth it. As it is unfortunately Turkey remains a NATO member and you cannot have other NATO members sending in teams to assassinate the leader of another NATO member, that would be completely insane to do so.
Who would know? The penumbras of foreign affairs. Doesn’t Israel spy on the United States? You don’t think the Brit’s spy on Merkel? Please tell me your not that naive? But you are right. The Kurds are in a hot mess. Wish there was some way to help them.

Of course everyone spies on everyone else, it's been that way for a very long time. Yes the Kurds are in a mess, but it's historically always been that way and it'll remain that way because the negative ramifications of allowing them a Kurdistan outweigh anything else.
I was throwing out a scenario that I think might be viable. I do think there is away to get Russia to get Assad to the negotiation table.

I agree that getting everyone to the negotiating table ie. diplomacy is a better option than a military option.
All options must be on the table when considering a possible response to events.

The situation is the Kurds are just not worth it. As it is unfortunately Turkey remains a NATO member and you cannot have other NATO members sending in teams to assassinate the leader of another NATO member, that would be completely insane to do so.
Who would know? The penumbras of foreign affairs. Doesn’t Israel spy on the United States? You don’t think the Brit’s spy on Merkel? Please tell me your not that naive? But you are right. The Kurds are in a hot mess. Wish there was some way to help them.

Of course everyone spies on everyone else, it's been that way for a very long time. Yes the Kurds are in a mess, but it's historically always been that way and it'll remain that way because the negative ramifications of allowing them a Kurdistan outweigh anything else.
I was throwing out a scenario that I think might be viable. I do think there is away to get Russia to get Assad to the negotiation table.

I agree that getting everyone to the negotiating table ie. diplomacy is a better option than a military option.
Limited military action can be used as a diplomatic tool to get people to negotiation table. “We gave you a jab...do you really want our right cross?”
The US should hit Damascus and take out Assad’s command and control infrastructure if you really want to stop gas attacks and give rebel forces a big boost. I want to see something more along these lines...

And where EXACTLY is your link that provides unbiased, factual proof that a) there even was a gas attack; and b) that Assad instigated it (if there was one)?

BTW - the 'White Helmets' are NOT unbiased...miles from it.

The OPCW Investigators have not even reached the site yet.

Famed War Reporter Robert Fisk Reaches Syrian 'Chemical Attack' Site, Concludes "They Were Not Gassed"

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