Opinion: Trumps outreach to women should include to mothers/students, "if I lose, China is going to take more jobs that your children should have".


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It's the ticket in 2020, and it should be, America First vs China First. If I were him, I would expand the reality of what China has planned. The siphoning of American wealth and industry is going to go well beyond manufacturing. If mothers and students understand that THEIR industry, be it A.I, high tech, programming, Data Science etc. is at risk, they might realize that it isn't just the poor middle class blue collar factory worker who is at risk, THEY and/or their childrens future is at risk.

There is no fear mongering when the reality is this stark. Just look how aggressive China has been over the last few years even with a strong president who confronts them. Aggressive spying, on your soil, in consulates. Imagine how they will act if he isn't the president? I think Trump stating last night that the deal with China means "less to me now" is a signal to everyone, "I'm in this to beat China, especially after they sent this Wuhan Virus to our shores". Of all the politicians, only Trump has had the balls to act AND speak out against them.

Paint this battle for what it is. A battle between capitalism and liberty vs communist and oppression. America has to protect it's industries, I.P and yes, jobs, from communist state theft.
It's the ticket in 2020, and it should be, America First vs China First. If I were him, I would expand the reality of what China has planned. The siphoning of American wealth and industry is going to go well beyond manufacturing. If mothers and students understand that THEIR industry, be it A.I, high tech, programming, Data Science etc. is at risk, they might realize that it isn't just the poor middle class blue collar factory worker who is at risk, THEY and/or their childrens future is at risk.

There is no fear mongering when the reality is this stark. Just look how aggressive China has been over the last few years even with a strong president who confronts them. Aggressive spying, on your soil, in consulates. Imagine how they will act if he isn't the president? I think Trump stating last night that the deal with China means "less to me now" is a signal to everyone, "I'm in this to beat China, especially after they sent this Wuhan Virus to our shores". Of all the politicians, only Trump has had the balls to act AND speak out against them.

Paint this battle for what it is. A battle between capitalism and liberty vs communist and oppression. America has to protect it's industries, I.P and yes, jobs, from communist state theft.
Trump has had a term to do all those great things he promised. I suppose he will bullshit his voters with the same results for 4 more years.
The best and most accurate scare tactic of the election is 4 more years of Trump's crazy shit.
The best and most accurate scare tactic of the election is 4 more years of Trump's crazy shit.

Before the Wuhan Virus Americas economy was on rocket fuel, the envy of the world. What more do you want a president to do?
The best and most accurate scare tactic of the election is 4 more years of Trump's crazy shit.

Before the Wuhan Virus Americas economy was on rocket fuel, the envy of the world. What more do you want a president to do?
The test of a presidency is not how he does on a good day but the way they act during a crisis. He has failed to inspire confidence in anyone who wasn't already in the cult.
The best and most accurate scare tactic of the election is 4 more years of Trump's crazy shit.

Before the Wuhan Virus Americas economy was on rocket fuel, the envy of the world. What more do you want a president to do?
The test of a presidency is not how he does on a good day but the way they act during a crisis. He has failed to inspire confidence in anyone who wasn't already in the cult.
Uh-huh. You don't know who will or won't vote for Trump in November. In the polling booth, the choice is between Trump and Joe Biden.
How many voters will vote for Joe Biden to handle a crisis? Not many. Correct.

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