Opinion We’ve All Just Made Fools of Ourselves — Again


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Opinion | We’ve All Just Made Fools of Ourselves — Again

It’s an ok article, but Trump supporters not need to apologize for shit.

The entire investigation was a lie.

“You have a president who, in my opinion, beyond a shadow of a doubt, sought to, however ham-handedly, collude with the Russian government, a foreign power, to undermine and influence our elections.” — Beto O’Rourke, presidential candidate

“I think there’s plenty of evidence of collusion and conspiracy in plain sight.” — Adam Schiff, chairman of House Intelligence Committee

“I called [Trump’s] behavior treasonous, which is to betray one’s trust and aid and abet the enemy, and I stand very much by that claim.” — John Brennan, former C.I.A. director

“The biggest scandal in U.S. history is coming into focus. On Friday Rachel Maddow made it clear. Donald Trump conspired with the enemy.” — Rob Reiner, film director

Maybe it’s time to declare a national sabbath. Maybe it’s time to step back from the scandalmongering and assess who we are right now.

Democrats might approach this moment with an attitude of humility and honest self-examination. It’s clear that many Democrats made grievous accusations against the president that are not supported by the evidence. It’s clear that people like Beto O’Rourke and John Brennan owe Donald Trump a public apology. If you call someone a traitor and it turns out you lacked the evidence for that charge, then the only decent thing to do is apologize.
Dems were wrong and dragged POTUS through the mud for 675 days.

They need to apologize and run a better candidate in 2020 and stop being such pussies.
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Opinion | We’ve All Just Made Fools of Ourselves — Again

It’s an ok article, but Trump supporters not need to apologize for shit.

The entire investigation was a lie.

“You have a president who, in my opinion, beyond a shadow of a doubt, sought to, however ham-handedly, collude with the Russian government, a foreign power, to undermine and influence our elections.” — Beto O’Rourke, presidential candidate

“I think there’s plenty of evidence of collusion and conspiracy in plain sight.” — Adam Schiff, chairman of House Intelligence Committee

“I called [Trump’s] behavior treasonous, which is to betray one’s trust and aid and abet the enemy, and I stand very much by that claim.” — John Brennan, former C.I.A. director

“The biggest scandal in U.S. history is coming into focus. On Friday Rachel Maddow made it clear. Donald Trump conspired with the enemy.” — Rob Reiner, film director

Maybe it’s time to declare a national sabbath. Maybe it’s time to step back from the scandalmongering and assess who we are right now.

Democrats might approach this moment with an attitude of humility and honest self-examination. It’s clear that many Democrats made grievous accusations against the president that are not supported by the evidence. It’s clear that people like Beto O’Rourke and John Brennan owe Donald Trump a public apology. If you call someone a traitor and it turns out you lacked the evidence for that charge, then the only decent thing to do is apologize.
Dems were wrong and dragged POTUS through the mud for 675 days.

The need to apologize and run a better candidate in 2020 and stop being such pussies.
Trump, Russia, Possible Collusion (REMIX)
Three Lessons for the Left from the Mueller Inquiry

Painting the pig’s face

  1. The left never had a dog in this race. This was always an in-house squabble between different wings of the establishment. Late-stage capitalism is in terminal crisis, and the biggest problem facing our corporate elites is how to emerge from this crisis with their power intact. One wing wants to make sure the pig’s face remains painted, the other is happy simply getting its snout deeper into the trough while the food lasts.

Trump empowered

  1. But it’s far worse than that. It is not just that the left wasted two years of political energy on Russiagate. At the same time, they empowered Trump, breathing life into his phoney arguments that he is the anti-establishment president, a people’s president the elites are determined to destroy.

The Corbyn experience

  1. But the most important lesson of all for the left is that support among its ranks for the Mueller inquiry against Trump was foolhardy in the extreme.
Dems, say your sorry and hold those responsible for the lie accountable and maybe you will begin to not look like cvnts.
Three Lessons for the Left from the Mueller Inquiry

Painting the pig’s face

  1. The left never had a dog in this race. This was always an in-house squabble between different wings of the establishment. Late-stage capitalism is in terminal crisis, and the biggest problem facing our corporate elites is how to emerge from this crisis with their power intact. One wing wants to make sure the pig’s face remains painted, the other is happy simply getting its snout deeper into the trough while the food lasts.

Trump empowered

  1. But it’s far worse than that. It is not just that the left wasted two years of political energy on Russiagate. At the same time, they empowered Trump, breathing life into his phoney arguments that he is the anti-establishment president, a people’s president the elites are determined to destroy.

The Corbyn experience

  1. But the most important lesson of all for the left is that support among its ranks for the Mueller inquiry against Trump was foolhardy in the extreme.
Ha, that's great.

I just posted this same article from consortium. http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/22096767/ Great piece.
Three Lessons From ‘Failed’ Mueller Inquiry
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It's not about "making fools of ourselves". Democrats used the intelligence agencies to attempt a political coup and they need to be held accountable.
If not for the investigation Trump would have felons working for him (on our dime) in the Whitehouse right now. Trump should apologize for not vetting his cronies better. most Trump supporters should apologize for being low quality people.
If not for the investigation Trump would have felons working for him (on our dime) in the Whitehouse right now. Trump should apologize for not vetting his cronies better. most Trump supporters should apologize for being low quality people.
Which felons?

Aside from Flynn, who did nothing until he allowed himself to be entrapped, nobody who copped a plea was going to get anywhere near the White House.

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