Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

I just glanced through quickly. Seems GC is determined that it be bigotry.. well,, then he made bigoted statements about religion. Ah yes,, religion.. that's the difference. Marriage is a "religious" ceremony.. "That which GOD has joined." most liberals are atheists and I would think their bigoted selves would want nothing to do with a Christian/Religious ceremony.

Yeah, yeah, yeah . . . .

You can pontificate all you want. It all boils down to just two things, both of them mentioned in the thread title.
So, in other words, you are going to continue to evade all the points being bigoted and intolerant of those that do not share your viewpoint and then call THEM bigots and intolerant! How about actually addressing the topic or did you start the thread just to call someone names...
I would like to add to my prior post (#116). Some of US find Homosexual intercourse ( I can't call it "love making"), disgusting and repulsive. I do not condone or validate such behavior, and with that in mind, I do not want to sanction Gay marriage. Now, perhaps some of you jolly folks can wave your fairy wand and use enough pejoratives to make opponents of gay marriage just "go away". Enlighten me, HOW do I get past my instinctual feelings of revulsion at what seems such a horrid act? And why should we allow these people to wed? With all this equivocation, some of us will never hold Homosexuality the same as Heterosexuality, NEVER. NEVER. NEVER, EVER. So, what are you going to do, put us into reeducation camps? Lobotomies, Gulags for Heterosexuals?
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Yeah, yeah, yeah . . . .

You can pontificate all you want. It all boils down to just two things, both of them mentioned in the thread title.
So, in other words, you are going to continue to evade all the points being bigoted and intolerant of those that do not share your viewpoint and then call THEM bigots and intolerant! How about actually addressing the topic or did you start the thread just to call someone names...

Exactly, he started it to be bigoted and intolerant of any view that opposes his. Too funny. :lol:
Why do Gays want to get married in the first place if they receive the same rights in civil unions.?

To start with, because they DON'T. Do you know what the unconstitutional DOMA is? As long as DOMA is the law of the land, I don't receive the same rights, benefits and privileges as heterosexual couples. Even with my legal, state marriage certificate issued by the State of California, I do not get the same rights as heterosexual couples.

I will try to make this VERY simple. We want the exact same rights, benefits and privileges that are afforded legally married heterosexuals. It has nothing to do with religious marriage...we already HAVE equal access to that. If the state issues marriage licenses to heterosexual couples, then we should have marriage licences issued to us. If it is the word "marriage" that you object to, then have it changed to civil unions for all because anything else is separate but equal (ever hear of it)?

It bothers me that Gays are so cavalier and insulting as to religious beliefs. I believe their marriage push is more related to destroying traditional religious belief, than marriage...
So you think that by gays and lesbians wanting to be married, to be part of the institution of marriage destroys it? You don't have a very favorable view of you "institution" do you?

The Conservative Case FOR Gay Marriage
Gay atheists hate god.. hypocrites that they want a "That which God has joined together" type of ceremony.
I would like to hear from some posters who bring polygamy up all the time.....what is it about allowing gay marriage that triggers polygamy that would not be triggered by straight marriage?

What legal justification would we have to ban polygamy if the government is not allowed to define marriage as being between one man and one woman? I want to here a rational argument that defends that position, if anyone actually has one.

they dont. Consenting adults should be allowed to enter whatever contract they see fit.

But hen who actually gives a shit besides you? I dont care if 4 people want to hook up. That has no affect on my life. More to the point:

Buddy: So you have some interesting Neighbors.
Me: yup i think they are all married together.
Buddy: No shit
Me Yup
Buddy: So hows work...

Same goes for a gay couple. Unless you actually found out that they are gay, how would you even know? Why would you even care? Live your life and be happy.

Marriage is more than a mere contract. I would be fine if there were a "domestic partnership" contract that addressed issues.
BUt gays don't want that.
btw, what rights are gays being denied?
Oh you don't think the polygamist don't want polygamy to be legal? WTF? Do you have a brain in your head?

A Conservative arguement? LOL what a jerkoff. Use some common sense.

It is all about freedom. Morally, I am less offended be polygamists than by buttfvckers. But I keep my person beleifs out of it. It is about personal freedom for all. I say let them all get married. I might draw the line at a man and his dog, but it is no less offensive to me than Adam and Steve. They are all just a bunch of sickos and just as unnatural.

It always fascinates me that people like you always talk about gay sex. You talk about it more than we do it, or talk about it ourselves.....always been a puzzlement....

Welcome to the conversation Lesbo. Let my set your sick mind "straight". It is the gay sex we find offensive. If you just wanted to be freinds with another women, we would not be talking about it. But morally, you are commiting vile acts against God. But again, you will need to take that up with God. What happens in your bedroom is your business. Just keep your mental lillness away from me and my children. You sick MFers are pushing this sh*t in schools that is an invasion on my parental rights. STOP fvcking with my freedom, I don't fvck with yours.

If you find it "offensive"...why do you talk about it so much? That has always been a puzzlement to me.

As to keeping away, I find that your toxic hate is potential more harmful to kids than anything gay people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
I would like to add to my prior post (#116). Some of US find Homosexual intercourse ( I can't call it "love making"), disgusting and repulsive. I do not condone or validate such behavior, and with that in mind, I do not want to sanction Gay marriage. Now, perhaps some of you jolly folks can wave your fairy wand and use enough pejoratives to make opponents of gay marriage just "go away". Enlighten me, HOW do I get past my instinctual feelings of revulsion at what seems such a horrid act? And why should we allow these people to wed? With all this equivocation, some of us will never hold Homosexuality the same as Heterosexuality, NEVER. NEVER. NEVER, EVER. So, what are you going to do, put us into reeducation camps? Lobotomies, Gulags for Heterosexuals?

You keep your sexual genitals in your bedroom and keep it to urself and the gays will too. Then you mind your own business, that is how it works. Or do you peek into homes of heretosexuals to make sure no sodomy is occurring and they are all just doing the missionary position.
U all r welcome to watch me and my mate, we are exhibitionists. It's not pretty, but,,,,
Which is why I never mentioned animals but go ahead and ignore the valad points that I brought up. Both polygamy AND inter-familial marriages would fall in line with the EXACT same arguments that gay marriage has. Why can I not marry my sister then? Go ahead, give me a reason that the gays do not have to deal with...

Then why aren't the bigamists, polygamists and incestists trying to make their case now? There is nothing stopping them from challenging the Constitutionality of bans on their relationships. If you REALLY want to marry your sister, then challenge it. The opposition would have to provide a compelling state reason to deny your relationships and would have to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing them. Can you provide any? Can you provide any overriding harm in allowing gays and lesbians to get married? What is your compelling state reason in denying legal, civil marriage to gays and lesbians.
Organized Christian religion has been around a lot longer than marriage between sodomites. It seems to me that radical homosexuals are bigoted toward Christianity. Like the pot-head anti-war protestors of the 60's stupid sissies are so full of themselves that they seem to think freedom of speech only applies to burning the Flag or men wearing dresses.

Simply not true.
I would like to add to my prior post (#116). Some of US find Homosexual intercourse ( I can't call it "love making"), disgusting and repulsive. I do not condone or validate such behavior, and with that in mind, I do not want to sanction Gay marriage. Now, perhaps some of you jolly folks can wave your fairy wand and use enough pejoratives to make opponents of gay marriage just "go away". Enlighten me, HOW do I get past my instinctual feelings of revulsion at what seems such a horrid act? And why should we allow these people to wed? With all this equivocation, some of us will never hold Homosexuality the same as Heterosexuality, NEVER. NEVER. NEVER, EVER. So, what are you going to do, put us into reeducation camps? Lobotomies, Gulags for Heterosexuals?

You keep your sexual genitals in your bedroom and keep it to urself and the gays will too. Then you mind your own business, that is how it works. Or do you peek into homes of heretosexuals to make sure no sodomy is occurring and they are all just doing the missionary position.
U all r welcome to watch me and my mate, we are exhibitionists. It's not pretty, but,,,,

Yeah, gays arent interested in showing off their attractions.
Organized Christian religion has been around a lot longer than marriage between sodomites. It seems to me that radical homosexuals are bigoted toward Christianity. Like the pot-head anti-war protestors of the 60's stupid sissies are so full of themselves that they seem to think freedom of speech only applies to burning the Flag or men wearing dresses.

Yeah, these fags have derogatory terms for straights too. But the hate only goes one way in their eyes. Hypocrites!!! I have seen this nasty hateful queers talk freely because my wife is in the beauty industry. I have had to go to dinner with these freaks. Many of whom are AWEFUL humans. The little whiny feminine queens are the worst. I no longer attend my wives company functions because of these little girly sickos.

And I bet they are the happier for the lack of your attendance....no one wants to be around a hater.
At least the fags aren't producing little liberal fag freak babies.

No, the heterosexuals do that.

Although...more and more gays and lesbians ARE raising children...their own and the children that the heterosexuals have thrown away.
if they legalize gay marriage, can't they legalize pot, I mean, I love it so much I want to marry it.
I gotta agree. Those fvcking Mormons gotta be able to marry their 10 wives too. It will be a never ending freak show I guess. Who knows where it will go. Some towel head bastard will want to marry his goat, sheep or donkey. etc etc.

Hell Obama married RuPaul. I don't think anyone even noticed.

Just keep the freaks away from me and my family. Thank God for the 2nd amendment.
No one is asking for polygamy or bestiality. Those are dried up old arguments the Social Conservatives tried thinking America would be just dumb enough to follow them down that primrose path. Marriage is still two committed, loving, sober taxpaying adult citizens. Not a gaggle of Mormons nor a man and his goat.

There are people that are asking for polygamous marriages, and even bestiality. If we legally change the definition from the traditional one of between one man and one woman what legal justification would we have to tell two men they cannot marry the same woman? Bestiality is an easy one to defend, but polygamy is going to be harder.

Why? If you can't defend it, maybe it's something that shouldn't be defended....that's how our civil rights go.....government cannot restrict it without a compelling reason...if you can't come up with compelling reasons to restrict polygamy (just like the government cannot come up with compelling reasons to restrict gay marriage), maybe it will be legalized.
Well, New York has done the right thing. Which brings to mind a question.

Can any person here who is "opposed to gay marriage" come forward and justify their position on the basis of anything other than intolerance and bigotry? Seriously.

Please don't start with "the Bible does not condone same sex marriage." Perhaps it doesn't. So WHAT? Let's say the Bible contained a passage which said: "Marriage is only between a man and a woman. If thou shalt marry one of the same sex as yourself, thou shalt burn in the fiery pits of HELL!" So what? Isn't invoking the Bible just another way of shoving religion down the throats of other people? Yup. In other words, intolerance and bigotry.

No, my friends - we all know what is really involved here, don't we? I am wondering if there is anyone here who has the stones to come right out and tell it like it is: "I am opposed to same sex marriage because I hate gays everything they stand for. No other reason."

Intolerance and bigotry. There really does not seem to be any other reason.
Had an assistant manager at a previous job that is gay. We've remained close friends outside of work.
He is also our local president of the democratic headquarters and we've had some spirited debates on several issues.
He and his partner agree that, by definition, they shouldn't "marry".
They both are fine with 'civil union' or 'legal partnership'.

But I guess they're just being intolerant and bigoted........

I expect some straight couples, if asked, would be okay with "civil union" or "legal partnership" too.....doesn't make it equal or right....especially with several states have passed laws SPECIFICALLY banning those too.
No one is asking for polygamy or bestiality. Those are dried up old arguments the Social Conservatives tried thinking America would be just dumb enough to follow them down that primrose path. Marriage is still two committed, loving, sober taxpaying adult citizens. Not a gaggle of Mormons nor a man and his goat.

There are people that are asking for polygamous marriages, and even bestiality. If we legally change the definition from the traditional one of between one man and one woman what legal justification would we have to tell two men they cannot marry the same woman? Bestiality is an easy one to defend, but polygamy is going to be harder.

Why? If you can't defend it, maybe it's something that shouldn't be defended....that's how our civil rights go.....government cannot restrict it without a compelling reason...if you can't come up with compelling reasons to restrict polygamy (just like the government cannot come up with compelling reasons to restrict gay marriage), maybe it will be legalized.

what could be better than gay marraige of two loving people except maybe 5 .. .. ... .. .
Why do Gays want to get married in the first place if they receive the same rights in civil unions.?

It bothers me that Gays are so cavalier and insulting as to religious beliefs. I believe their marriage push is more related to destroying traditional religious belief, than marriage...

My view is that many act out as spoiled brats that want their way no matter how intolerate they are..

We don't.

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