Opps, Video shows a stillborn birth, NOT AN ABORTION.

Why should I be any different than you, or your 'friends'?

No matter what someone posts from Hannity, O'Reilly, Rush, etc, you and your ilk refuse to believe a word of it.

I'm the same about Cuomo, Maddow, etc.

Except for ONE major "flaw" in your twisted logic (or lack of) the O/P offered a verbatim transcript.....something that if you choose not to believe you can search for yourself.

Once you do that, THEN you can pass your usual judgment.
and how long did it take for Cuomo to twist his words to get that answer?

Beleive what you want,

I dont' trust Cuomo as far as I could throw his fathers grave.

Especially on partisan issues.

Here was an opportunity for you to show some kind of fairness and an ethical spine........but, alas, YOU BLEW IT !!!

Here was an opportunity for you to show some kind of fairness and an ethical spine

Why should I be any different than you, or your 'friends'?

No matter what someone posts from Hannity, O'Reilly, Rush, etc, you and your ilk refuse to believe a word of it.

I'm the same about Cuomo, Maddow, etc.

The very person who put the video out there NOW admits it's not what they led everyone to believe it was..

It's right there.
If these people will murder doctors they will certainly lie to place women back into reproductive bondage.

At what point do Conservatives show any shame whatsoever????????

Let me get this straight: the savages known a Liberal demand the right to kill a human being.....

....and those who object to same are supposed to be ashamed????

Are you nuts?

This thread isn't about that..

It's about a conservative outfit lying.

Weigh in on that or move along.

In the cosmic scheme of thing.....even if their is a dispute about whether the particular you quote is 100% true or not....

...there is absolutely no question about whether the slaughter of the innocent is worse.

I retract the query as to whether or not you are nuts.....

....it's pretty clear.
You didn't have any problem slaughtering any innocents in Iraq.

Move along little girl.

These things are much to complex for you.

Requires a little thinking.

And regurgitation seems to be all you are good at.

Just admit you are in favor of slaughtering innocent unborn human beings for matters of convenience.

You'd be a subhuman...but an honest subhuman.
At what point do Conservatives show any shame whatsoever????????

Let me get this straight: the savages known a Liberal demand the right to kill a human being.....

....and those who object to same are supposed to be ashamed????

Are you nuts?

This thread isn't about that..

It's about a conservative outfit lying.

Weigh in on that or move along.

In the cosmic scheme of thing.....even if their is a dispute about whether the particular you quote is 100% true or not....

...there is absolutely no question about whether the slaughter of the innocent is worse.

I retract the query as to whether or not you are nuts.....

....it's pretty clear.
You didn't have any problem slaughtering any innocents in Iraq.

Move along little girl.

These things are much to complex for you.

Requires a little thinking.

And regurgitation seems to be all you are good at.

Just admit you are in favor of slaughtering innocent unborn human beings for matters of convenience.

You'd be a subhuman...but an honest subhuman.

Don't you have a website to plagiarize?

And nice little racist rant there..
Let me get this straight: the savages known a Liberal demand the right to kill a human being.....

....and those who object to same are supposed to be ashamed????

Are you nuts?

This thread isn't about that..

It's about a conservative outfit lying.

Weigh in on that or move along.

In the cosmic scheme of thing.....even if their is a dispute about whether the particular you quote is 100% true or not....

...there is absolutely no question about whether the slaughter of the innocent is worse.

I retract the query as to whether or not you are nuts.....

....it's pretty clear.
You didn't have any problem slaughtering any innocents in Iraq.

Move along little girl.

These things are much to complex for you.

Requires a little thinking.

And regurgitation seems to be all you are good at.

Just admit you are in favor of slaughtering innocent unborn human beings for matters of convenience.

You'd be a subhuman...but an honest subhuman.

Don't you have a website to plagiarize?

And nice little racist rant there..

See.....I wounded you by demanding you admit to your acquiescence to the slaugher of the unborn....

....so, like any good Liberal, you attempt to lie about me: I never plagiarize.

But you Liberals do in every thread: you never do more than quote what the DNC, NYTimes, MSNBC, etc. tell you....and never give credit.

Now, then....I'm made my position clear....you have the most disgusting, immoral views about destroying human life....and complain, instead, about some insignificant disagreement.

....let's drop it here: stop trying to bring me into this discussion.
This thread isn't about that..

It's about a conservative outfit lying.

Weigh in on that or move along.

In the cosmic scheme of thing.....even if their is a dispute about whether the particular you quote is 100% true or not....

...there is absolutely no question about whether the slaughter of the innocent is worse.

I retract the query as to whether or not you are nuts.....

....it's pretty clear.
You didn't have any problem slaughtering any innocents in Iraq.

Move along little girl.

These things are much to complex for you.

Requires a little thinking.

And regurgitation seems to be all you are good at.

Just admit you are in favor of slaughtering innocent unborn human beings for matters of convenience.

You'd be a subhuman...but an honest subhuman.

Don't you have a website to plagiarize?

And nice little racist rant there..

See.....I wounded you by demanding you admit to your acquiescence to the slaugher of the unborn....

....so, like any good Liberal, you attempt to lie about me: I never plagiarize.

But you Liberals do in every thread: you never do more than quote what the DNC, NYTimes, MSNBC, etc. tell you....and never give credit.

Now, then....I'm made my position clear....you have the most disgusting, immoral views about destroying human life....and complain, instead, about some insignificant disagreement.

....let's drop it here: stop trying to bring me into this discussion.

You posted here, first, dearie.

And I like said, you could give 2 shits about people getting slaughtered.

Move along.
This takes the cake.

When CNN host Andrew Cuomo confronted Deleiden about Fiorina’s graphic claims from the GOP debate stage, Deleiden said:

“Carly Fiorina was referencing a sequence in our video that shows footage of a born-alive infant from a late term abortion actually moving in the specimen pan.”

Cuomo reminded him that it was a stillborn fetus, not an aborted one:

“But if you’re talking about organ harvesting and abortions and how terrible they are why would you use a stillborn fetus, which is not a function of an abortion?”

Deleiden protested:

“It’s the same baby, whether it’s born dead or alive, whether the organs are harvested or not.”

Cuomo showed unbelievable patience as he explained why the video was so deceptive:

“It’s also completely irrelevant to the point you’re trying to make, which is, ‘Look at what they do to these babies.’” It was born stillborn. It was not aborted. Doesn’t that matter to you if you’re talking about abortion?”

Of course according to Deleiden, it doesn’t matter one bit.

“It’s the same kind of fetus,” he said.

Cuomo hammered the last shot home, saying:

“My point is context. You’re saying, ‘what they do in abortions,’ that wasn’t an abortion. That’s my point.”

CNN forces anti-abortion group’s head to admit fetus in video was stillborn, not an abortion

“Carly Fiorina was referencing a sequence in our video that shows footage of a born-alive infant from a late term abortion


"...it was a stillborn fetus, not an aborted one..."

This takes the cake.

When CNN host Andrew Cuomo confronted Deleiden about Fiorina’s graphic claims from the GOP debate stage, Deleiden said:

“Carly Fiorina was referencing a sequence in our video that shows footage of a born-alive infant from a late term abortion actually moving in the specimen pan.”

Cuomo reminded him that it was a stillborn fetus, not an aborted one:

“But if you’re talking about organ harvesting and abortions and how terrible they are why would you use a stillborn fetus, which is not a function of an abortion?”

Deleiden protested:

“It’s the same baby, whether it’s born dead or alive, whether the organs are harvested or not.”

Cuomo showed unbelievable patience as he explained why the video was so deceptive:

“It’s also completely irrelevant to the point you’re trying to make, which is, ‘Look at what they do to these babies.’” It was born stillborn. It was not aborted. Doesn’t that matter to you if you’re talking about abortion?”

Of course according to Deleiden, it doesn’t matter one bit.

“It’s the same kind of fetus,” he said.

Cuomo hammered the last shot home, saying:

“My point is context. You’re saying, ‘what they do in abortions,’ that wasn’t an abortion. That’s my point.”

CNN forces anti-abortion group’s head to admit fetus in video was stillborn, not an abortion

“Carly Fiorina was referencing a sequence in our video that shows footage of a born-alive infant from a late term abortion


"...it was a stillborn fetus, not an aborted one..."


Just amazing too, right?

Verbatim, text and video.

And still..
At what point do Conservatives show any shame whatsoever????????

Let me get this straight: the savages known a Liberal demand the right to kill a human being.....

....and those who object to same are supposed to be ashamed????

Are you nuts?

This thread isn't about that..

It's about a conservative outfit lying.

Weigh in on that or move along.

In the cosmic scheme of thing.....even if their is a dispute about whether the particular you quote is 100% true or not....

...there is absolutely no question about whether the slaughter of the innocent is worse.

I retract the query as to whether or not you are nuts.....

....it's pretty clear.
You didn't have any problem slaughtering any innocents in Iraq.

Move along little girl.

These things are much to complex for you.

Requires a little thinking.

And regurgitation seems to be all you are good at.

And lots of copying and pasting and then copying and pasting and then copying and pasting... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
The kicker is that of all people, Conservatives themselves should be railing on this guy, because stillbirths are supposed to be part of G-d's plan and all that jazz.

How dare someone convolute a still-birth with an abortion. Heresy!
Sub-Saharan Africa Has World's Highest Rates of Stillbirths...

Research: Sub-Saharan Africa Has World's Highest Rates of Stillbirths
January 19, 2016 - Medical researchers have found that nearly all of the estimated 2.6 million stillbirths across the world last year occurred in low- and medium-income countries.
In a series of articles published Monday in the medical journal The Lancet, the authors found that sub-Saharan Africa had the highest rates of stillbirths in the entire world, as well as the slowest rates of improvement. At that rate, according to the researchers, it will be more than 160 years before the average expectant mother in sub-Saharan has the same chance of delivering a living baby as a woman in a rich nation.


Sughra Ramzan, who is pregnant, waits for a doctor at Muzaffargarh District Hospital's maternity ward in Punjab province, Pakistan. Pakistan has the highest rates of stillbirths at 43.1 per 1,000 total births, followed by nine sub-Saharan countries.​

Of 186 countries measured, Pakistan had the highest rates of stillbirths at 43.1 per 1,000 total births, followed by nine sub-Saharan countries — Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Guinea-Bissau, Somalia, Djibouti, Central African Republic, Togo and Mali. On the other hand, wealthier nations such as Iceland and Denmark, have the world's lowest rates of stillbirths. The studies defined a stillbirth as an infant who has died in the womb after 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Overall, average stillbirth rates around the world fell, from 24.7 per 1,000 total births to 18.4 per 1,000 births, between 2000 and 2015 -- a decline of 2 percent, which is far slower than progress on reducing maternal deaths or deaths of newborns and young children. The World Health Assembly has endorsed a target of 12 per 1,000 total births or fewer by at least 2030.

Research: Sub-Saharan Africa Has World's Highest Rates of Stillbirths
you get that folks. a dead baby is an oops to these leftist. they don't care about the unborn/ human life and they don't care YOU. so why vote for them?

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