Oral suction circumcision allowed to continue , unbelievable

In fact the only good parts of the NT are the parts in which jesus quotes the Talmud and the most famous Talmudist of his time-----HILLEL----(ask Ross Perot)

This is off subject. Today there is no need for this ritual and it needs to be stopped. I can only imagine if Priests did this, but hey its ok , its a Jewish thing.
Regardless it has to come to an end.

Priests have their own thing------there is no need for lots of rituals-----
hemostasis by mouth is not exactly a "jewish" thing----it is done by an extremely tiny group-------in fact a MINORITY of chassidim-----a minority of a small minority and is a throw back to the past techniques of medical practice------like the use of leeches. -------George Washington was "leeched" in his final illness. The practice has nothing to do with sex. That it is not entirely safe is the only issue that decent intelligent people cite. Overall----circumcision in the hands of mohels--SO SAFE------that they are often asked to train doctors ---both in the USA and abroad. I did not circumcise my son and would not-------nor would I ask a colleague to do it---------and certainly not "health care provider" Penelope-----the
rabbi did it---------he was an ARTIST. I have seen botched circumcisions----
lots-----after the fact-----ragged edges----bad scaring---mostly muslims. BTW---I have never witnessed a -------direct suck circumcision----but I have witnessed lots of orthodox circs. -----all flawless

BS, they are not asked to train Doctors. The train other rabbis, they are not doctors.
It's pro choice!! The parents choose... What's the problem?

Its against the law for Men to suck little boys penises in the US and its disgusting. they should be put in jail.

Perhaps you might thing is ok for the neighbor to suck on your little boys genitalia , does that make it ok?
In fact the only good parts of the NT are the parts in which jesus quotes the Talmud and the most famous Talmudist of his time-----HILLEL----(ask Ross Perot)

This is off subject. Today there is no need for this ritual and it needs to be stopped. I can only imagine if Priests did this, but hey its ok , its a Jewish thing.
Regardless it has to come to an end.

Priests have their own thing------there is no need for lots of rituals-----
hemostasis by mouth is not exactly a "jewish" thing----it is done by an extremely tiny group-------in fact a MINORITY of chassidim-----a minority of a small minority and is a throw back to the past techniques of medical practice------like the use of leeches. -------George Washington was "leeched" in his final illness. The practice has nothing to do with sex. That it is not entirely safe is the only issue that decent intelligent people cite. Overall----circumcision in the hands of mohels--SO SAFE------that they are often asked to train doctors ---both in the USA and abroad. I did not circumcise my son and would not-------nor would I ask a colleague to do it---------and certainly not "health care provider" Penelope-----the
rabbi did it---------he was an ARTIST. I have seen botched circumcisions----
lots-----after the fact-----ragged edges----bad scaring---mostly muslims. BTW---I have never witnessed a -------direct suck circumcision----but I have witnessed lots of orthodox circs. -----all flawless

BS, they are not asked to train Doctors. The train other rabbis, they are not doctors.

ROFLMAO------sheeesh---and you claim to be a health care provider!!!!----yup---they train doctors -----specifically in circumcision------not specifically to do the jewish ritual----but just the circumcision. ---------a mohel (person trained to do circumcisions)------is not necessarily a rabbi------of course some doctors are rabbis and some rabbis are doctors and some Mohels are rabbis. The mohel who "did" my son-----was also a rabbi but he was not a doctor--------also-----The temple high priests 2000 years ago were not Pharisees-----nor were the money changers in the
temple courtyard that so angered the Pharisee activist----JESUS OF NAZARETH.
Some people do several different things-----some people----cannot----2000
years ago a PHARISEE could not be a temple high priest-----because the ROMANS did not like the idea. -------also ----a Pharisee could not be a money changer-----because the Pharisees DESPISED the money changers of the temple courtyard------they were in the POCKET OF THE ROMANS just as were the high priests Now try to cope with reality. Herod was an edomite----not exactly
qualified to be king------Pharisees hated him too because he was in the pocket of
the Romans. I hope you are still ok. There is more----the person who slaughters animals for kosher meat------need not be a rabbi---but can be----he
must be trained and certified to do the job--------got it all straight now?.

It is very likely that Herod was willing to kill John the Baptist----because John the Baptist-----was-----most likely-----a PHARISEE too. ask hashev----he knows details like that. -----btw----John the Baptist is the NT answer to ELIJAH----sorta like a "gilgul" of Elijah------ask hashev
PS---most health care workers KNOW----that the person who does a "PROCEDURE"----best is someone who had done LOTS OF THEM.
My procedure is spinal tap--------I have never done a circumcision------
I wonder if Penelope can "draw blood"-----just about anyone can
qualify to be a phlebotomist. Technically----were she to convert to Judaism---
she might be trained to do circumcisions and become a FEMALE MOHEL----
I have no idea if she could be trained to the a SHOCHET (the person who slaughters animals kosher style) Let's ask hashev
PS---most health care workers KNOW----that the person who does a "PROCEDURE"----best is someone who had done LOTS OF THEM.
My procedure is spinal tap--------I have never done a circumcision------
I wonder if Penelope can "draw blood"-----just about anyone can
qualify to be a phlebotomist. Technically----were she to convert to Judaism---
she might be trained to do circumcisions and become a FEMALE MOHEL----
I have no idea if she could be trained to the a SHOCHET (the person who slaughters animals kosher style) Let's ask hashev

You crazy, no doctor would have a rabbi show him how to do a circumcision. They are becoming less and less here in the states.
It's pro choice!! The parents choose... What's the problem?

Its against the law for Men to suck little boys penises in the US and its disgusting. they should be put in jail.

Perhaps you might thing is ok for the neighbor to suck on your little boys genitalia , does that make it ok?

It is not against the law for a trained person to perform a circumcision on a male
------those persons who use ORAL SUCTION on the circumcision wound----
are not SUCKING PENISES except in the minds of utterly perverted bitches
and their supporters in perversion. There are lots of perverts in the world who
imagine that sluts like Penelope become health care workers just to have the opportunity to see lots of male dicks-----and even fiddle around with them.-----
Anyone interested in the minds of white trash---visit methadone clinics and listen
to the chit chat---------white trash even joke about OBSTETRICIANS-----like how much fun they have doing digital exams on chicks---------for the record----Ob-gyn clinic is no fun for anyone-----except, maybe, Penelope. ---there have even been cases of white trash putting on a white coat and attending OB-GYN clinic-------
for "fun"
PS---most health care workers KNOW----that the person who does a "PROCEDURE"----best is someone who had done LOTS OF THEM.
My procedure is spinal tap--------I have never done a circumcision------
I wonder if Penelope can "draw blood"-----just about anyone can
qualify to be a phlebotomist. Technically----were she to convert to Judaism---
she might be trained to do circumcisions and become a FEMALE MOHEL----
I have no idea if she could be trained to the a SHOCHET (the person who slaughters animals kosher style) Let's ask hashev

You crazy, no doctor would have a rabbi show him how to do a circumcision. They are becoming less and less here in the states.

wrong-----again-----a "RABBI" is not a mohel-----a mohel might be a rabbi---
but not necessarily ------I would not have a doctor who is not a mohel circumcise my son-------too many complications. Every real health care worker knows that the person who does a "procedure" best is the one who has done the procedure
the most. ------if you are really a health care worker------or work in or around a hospital-------ask.......----the mohel who circumcised my son-----was also a rabbi----and -------the guy most engaged------by DOCTORS in the hospital in which my son was born------he was recommended -----by the real health care workers. I was new to that area and that hospital----in fact---even that state. Do not be shy------ANYONE might know-------the first time I heard the name of the BEST---was from the charming Jamaican lady who pushed the food trays. She was a health care worker of a kind-------very cheerful and kind-----so what do you do in the field of Health? btw----what is becoming "less and less here in the states"???
PS---most health care workers KNOW----that the person who does a "PROCEDURE"----best is someone who had done LOTS OF THEM.
My procedure is spinal tap--------I have never done a circumcision------
I wonder if Penelope can "draw blood"-----just about anyone can
qualify to be a phlebotomist. Technically----were she to convert to Judaism---
she might be trained to do circumcisions and become a FEMALE MOHEL----
I have no idea if she could be trained to the a SHOCHET (the person who slaughters animals kosher style) Let's ask hashev

You crazy, no doctor would have a rabbi show him how to do a circumcision. They are becoming less and less here in the states.

PS----the rabbi showed me how he did it------I held the baby-----he was an artist----
should have trained to be a surgeon. He did the hemostasis by CAPILLARY
ACTION---------do you know what that means --health care worker????. He
used two small standard clamps------and a stainless steel Mogen--------utter
perfection.-------virtually no bleeding-----healed beautifully
PS---most health care workers KNOW----that the person who does a "PROCEDURE"----best is someone who had done LOTS OF THEM.
My procedure is spinal tap--------I have never done a circumcision------
I wonder if Penelope can "draw blood"-----just about anyone can
qualify to be a phlebotomist. Technically----were she to convert to Judaism---
she might be trained to do circumcisions and become a FEMALE MOHEL----
I have no idea if she could be trained to the a SHOCHET (the person who slaughters animals kosher style) Let's ask hashev

You crazy, no doctor would have a rabbi show him how to do a circumcision. They are becoming less and less here in the states.

PS----the rabbi showed me how he did it------I held the baby-----he was an artist----
should have trained to be a surgeon. He did the hemostasis by CAPILLARY
ACTION---------do you know what that means --health care worker????. He
used two small standard clamps------and a stainless steel Mogen--------utter
perfection.-------virtually no bleeding-----healed beautifully

Really then its null and void until the rabbi sucks to draw blood right, and also can't anesthetize
the area. How do the female mohels do it, are you one?
PS---most health care workers KNOW----that the person who does a "PROCEDURE"----best is someone who had done LOTS OF THEM.
My procedure is spinal tap--------I have never done a circumcision------
I wonder if Penelope can "draw blood"-----just about anyone can
qualify to be a phlebotomist. Technically----were she to convert to Judaism---
she might be trained to do circumcisions and become a FEMALE MOHEL----
I have no idea if she could be trained to the a SHOCHET (the person who slaughters animals kosher style) Let's ask hashev

You crazy, no doctor would have a rabbi show him how to do a circumcision. They are becoming less and less here in the states.

PS----the rabbi showed me how he did it------I held the baby-----he was an artist----
should have trained to be a surgeon. He did the hemostasis by CAPILLARY
ACTION---------do you know what that means --health care worker????. He
used two small standard clamps------and a stainless steel Mogen--------utter
perfection.-------virtually no bleeding-----healed beautifully

Really then its null and void until the rabbi sucks to draw blood right, and also can't anesthetize
the area. How do the female mohels do it, are you one?

oh----so you don't know what CAPILLARY ACTION IS------sheeeesh----you should hand your high school diploma back if you have one------I would never consider anesthesia for an infant circumcision------there is no anesthesia without
complication-----even local. I even had my ears pierced without anesthesia.
I am not a mohel and never met a female mohel-----but how do they do what? hemostasis?------how do YOU do it? if you cut your finger slicing the cabbage-----how do you handle the bleeding? How do you help those patients unfortunate enough to fall into your hands if they BLEED?.---------CAPILLARY ACTION-----google it. Hemostatsis is important in all surgical procedures-------all medical care providers know that. Can someone please tell Penelope about CAPILLARY ACTION
BTW Penelope-----why do you insist on referring to the mohel as "the rabbi" ---not all mohels are rabbis------some mohels are just trained in circumcision-----I have no idea what PERCENTAGE of mohels are rabbis. ----but it seems clear to me that you know nothing about medical practice
PS---most health care workers KNOW----that the person who does a "PROCEDURE"----best is someone who had done LOTS OF THEM.
My procedure is spinal tap--------I have never done a circumcision------
I wonder if Penelope can "draw blood"-----just about anyone can
qualify to be a phlebotomist. Technically----were she to convert to Judaism---
she might be trained to do circumcisions and become a FEMALE MOHEL----
I have no idea if she could be trained to the a SHOCHET (the person who slaughters animals kosher style) Let's ask hashev

You crazy, no doctor would have a rabbi show him how to do a circumcision. They are becoming less and less here in the states.

PS----the rabbi showed me how he did it------I held the baby-----he was an artist----
should have trained to be a surgeon. He did the hemostasis by CAPILLARY
ACTION---------do you know what that means --health care worker????. He
used two small standard clamps------and a stainless steel Mogen--------utter
perfection.-------virtually no bleeding-----healed beautifully

Really then its null and void until the rabbi sucks to draw blood right, and also can't anesthetize
the area. How do the female mohels do it, are you one?

oh----so you don't know what CAPILLARY ACTION IS------sheeeesh----you should hand your high school diploma back if you have one------I would never consider anesthesia for an infant circumcision------there is no anesthesia without
complication-----even local. I even had my ears pierced without anesthesia.
I am not a mohel and never met a female mohel-----but how do they do what? hemostasis?------how do YOU do it? if you cut your finger slicing the cabbage-----how do you handle the bleeding? How do you help those patients unfortunate enough to fall into your hands if they BLEED?.---------CAPILLARY ACTION-----google it. Hemostatsis is important in all surgical procedures-------all medical care providers know that. Can someone please tell Penelope about CAPILLARY ACTION

No blood circumcision is null and void right or wrong, that is why the rabbi sucks, point is it should be done in hospital, this is not the stone age, although I imagine when you start offering sacrifices on the temple mount, you'll want to take up stoning again. PS: everyone knows what a capillary is, and everyone knows to put a tourniquet on or apply pressure, they don't run up to an person with an injury and start sucking, and the only time they do is for a bite from a poisonous snake and then you spit.
PS---most health care workers KNOW----that the person who does a "PROCEDURE"----best is someone who had done LOTS OF THEM.
My procedure is spinal tap--------I have never done a circumcision------
I wonder if Penelope can "draw blood"-----just about anyone can
qualify to be a phlebotomist. Technically----were she to convert to Judaism---
she might be trained to do circumcisions and become a FEMALE MOHEL----
I have no idea if she could be trained to the a SHOCHET (the person who slaughters animals kosher style) Let's ask hashev

You crazy, no doctor would have a rabbi show him how to do a circumcision. They are becoming less and less here in the states.

PS----the rabbi showed me how he did it------I held the baby-----he was an artist----
should have trained to be a surgeon. He did the hemostasis by CAPILLARY
ACTION---------do you know what that means --health care worker????. He
used two small standard clamps------and a stainless steel Mogen--------utter
perfection.-------virtually no bleeding-----healed beautifully

Really then its null and void until the rabbi sucks to draw blood right, and also can't anesthetize
the area. How do the female mohels do it, are you one?

oh----so you don't know what CAPILLARY ACTION IS------sheeeesh----you should hand your high school diploma back if you have one------I would never consider anesthesia for an infant circumcision------there is no anesthesia without
complication-----even local. I even had my ears pierced without anesthesia.
I am not a mohel and never met a female mohel-----but how do they do what? hemostasis?------how do YOU do it? if you cut your finger slicing the cabbage-----how do you handle the bleeding? How do you help those patients unfortunate enough to fall into your hands if they BLEED?.---------CAPILLARY ACTION-----google it. Hemostatsis is important in all surgical procedures-------all medical care providers know that. Can someone please tell Penelope about CAPILLARY ACTION

No blood circumcision is null and void right or wrong, that is why the rabbi sucks, point is it should be done in hospital, this is not the stone age, although I imagine when you start offering sacrifices on the temple mount, you'll want to take up stoning again. PS: everyone knows what a capillary is, and everyone knows to put a tourniquet on or apply pressure, they don't run up to an person with an injury and start sucking, and the only time they do is for a bite from a poisonous snake and then you spit.

very good Penelope-----you response is excellent evidence that you are clueless-----how many patients did you kill?
You crazy, no doctor would have a rabbi show him how to do a circumcision. They are becoming less and less here in the states.

PS----the rabbi showed me how he did it------I held the baby-----he was an artist----
should have trained to be a surgeon. He did the hemostasis by CAPILLARY
ACTION---------do you know what that means --health care worker????. He
used two small standard clamps------and a stainless steel Mogen--------utter
perfection.-------virtually no bleeding-----healed beautifully

Really then its null and void until the rabbi sucks to draw blood right, and also can't anesthetize
the area. How do the female mohels do it, are you one?

oh----so you don't know what CAPILLARY ACTION IS------sheeeesh----you should hand your high school diploma back if you have one------I would never consider anesthesia for an infant circumcision------there is no anesthesia without
complication-----even local. I even had my ears pierced without anesthesia.
I am not a mohel and never met a female mohel-----but how do they do what? hemostasis?------how do YOU do it? if you cut your finger slicing the cabbage-----how do you handle the bleeding? How do you help those patients unfortunate enough to fall into your hands if they BLEED?.---------CAPILLARY ACTION-----google it. Hemostatsis is important in all surgical procedures-------all medical care providers know that. Can someone please tell Penelope about CAPILLARY ACTION

No blood circumcision is null and void right or wrong, that is why the rabbi sucks, point is it should be done in hospital, this is not the stone age, although I imagine when you start offering sacrifices on the temple mount, you'll want to take up stoning again. PS: everyone knows what a capillary is, and everyone knows to put a tourniquet on or apply pressure, they don't run up to an person with an injury and start sucking, and the only time they do is for a bite from a poisonous snake and then you spit.

very good Penelope-----you response is excellent evidence that you are clueless-----how many patients did you kill?

None that I know of, sorry I'm not a vampire.
PS----the rabbi showed me how he did it------I held the baby-----he was an artist----
should have trained to be a surgeon. He did the hemostasis by CAPILLARY
ACTION---------do you know what that means --health care worker????. He
used two small standard clamps------and a stainless steel Mogen--------utter
perfection.-------virtually no bleeding-----healed beautifully

Really then its null and void until the rabbi sucks to draw blood right, and also can't anesthetize
the area. How do the female mohels do it, are you one?

oh----so you don't know what CAPILLARY ACTION IS------sheeeesh----you should hand your high school diploma back if you have one------I would never consider anesthesia for an infant circumcision------there is no anesthesia without
complication-----even local. I even had my ears pierced without anesthesia.
I am not a mohel and never met a female mohel-----but how do they do what? hemostasis?------how do YOU do it? if you cut your finger slicing the cabbage-----how do you handle the bleeding? How do you help those patients unfortunate enough to fall into your hands if they BLEED?.---------CAPILLARY ACTION-----google it. Hemostatsis is important in all surgical procedures-------all medical care providers know that. Can someone please tell Penelope about CAPILLARY ACTION

No blood circumcision is null and void right or wrong, that is why the rabbi sucks, point is it should be done in hospital, this is not the stone age, although I imagine when you start offering sacrifices on the temple mount, you'll want to take up stoning again. PS: everyone knows what a capillary is, and everyone knows to put a tourniquet on or apply pressure, they don't run up to an person with an injury and start sucking, and the only time they do is for a bite from a poisonous snake and then you spit.

very good Penelope-----you response is excellent evidence that you are clueless-----how many patients did you kill?

None that I know of, sorry I'm not a vampire.

who is the idiot who wants to put a TOURNIQUET on a circumcised penis?----oh---it's Penelope. She claims to be a health care worker. For those confused---one of the world's worst places to KEEP a baby for a simple procedures is a hospital-------Penelope who claims to be a health care worker does not even
understand the term NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION. I took my baby home FAST--- and his circumcision was done---------on my desk at home----Penelope is clueless.-------in fact----in a very jewish orthodox manner----it was perfect. (uhm----I am retired now-----but used to be a real health care provider.)
Thread has been cleaned up. Stop flaming each other

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