Orange-handed Boy Wonder, “Clown Prince” Jared Kushner, official laughing stock of the Middle East


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
You just couldn't make this stuff up as Jared Kushner is caught orange-handed with his hand in the cookie jar.

Even Kushner's protagonists in the Trump administration have turned silent as Jared's orange hand is caught in the cookie jar because he would not release some cookies and escape detection.

Jared Kushner and his felon father are going to jail.

Kushner is caught taking money from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

Perhaps Trump should be asking Congress to finance a detention facility for the Trump family and associates instead of a wall.

“Clown Prince” Jared Kushner Is Officially the Laughing Stock of the Middle East

Boy Wonder
George Nader and Elliott Broidy do not think very highly of the First Son-in-Law.

MAY 22, 2018 2:11 PM
Jared Kushner HRH Clown Prince Jared Kushner of New Jersey
By Ronen Zvulun/Reuters.

On Monday night, the Associated Press published an extensive report detailing the efforts of Elliott Broidy, a top fund-raiser for Donald Trump, and his business partner, Middle East fixer George Nader, to score more than $1 billion from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates by lobbying the Trump administration to adopt a harsher position on Qatar. The operation, it seems, was wildly successful. Broidy supplied the relationship with the president, and Nader allegedly had a connection with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. Qatar, despite its support for the Muslim Brotherhood, has long been a critical U.S. ally in the Gulf region, providing a military base for U.S. Central Command. But Broidy, who dubbed Qatar “the snake,” helped convince Trump otherwise, using scripts prepared for him by Nader.

In the run-up to the initial meeting, Nader told Broidy the princes “are counting on you to relate [their position] blunt and straight,” and advised him to make sure to “take advantage of this priceless asset,” i.e. the president of the United States. When the two met in the Oval Office, Broidy reportedly passed “messages to the president from the two princes” relaying their interest in working together. So when Trump announced his support for the U.A.E.- and Saudi-led blockade of Qatar, Broidy and Nader were reportedly ecstatic—as were M.B.Z. and M.B.S., as the two princes are known. As Broidy reportedly told Trump during a December 2 meeting, the crown princes were “most favorably impressed by his leadership,” and offered to assist with the Middle East peace plan being devised by First Son-in-Law Jared Kushner. Kushner, after all, had reportedly developed a close relationship with M.B.S. when he took a last-minute trip to Riyadh in October—just weeks before the blockade—during which the two men apparently “stayed up until nearly 4 A.M. several nights, swapping stories and planning strategy.” According to one report, Kushner even provided M.B.S with a list of names of people who were disloyal to him, based on U.S. intelligence. (A spokesperson for Kushner’s lawyer called the story “so obviously false and ridiculous” that it did not merit a response.)

Naturally, as the A.P. notes, Broidy did not share Nader’s true opinion of Kushner with the president, which was—is?—that he’s a total moron.

“You have to hear in private my Brother what Principals”—presumably M.B.S. and M.B.Z.—“think of ‘Clown prince’s’ efforts and his plan!” Nader, who was convicted in 2003 on 10 counts of sexually abusing minors, wrote to Broidy, who had been convicted in 2009 of bribing public officials. “Nobody would even waste cup of coffee on him if it wasn’t for who he is married to.”

Obviously, Nader and the crown princes were not alone in their assessment of Kushner‘s abilities, or in their conclusion that cultivating Boy Wonder was child’s play. In February, The Washington Post reported that the U.A.E., along with several other countries, had discussed ways to gain leverage over the senior adviser to the president by taking advantage of his “complex business arrangements, financial difficulties, and lack of foreign-policy experience.” One month later, reports surfaced that Prince Mohammed had bragged about making Kushner his own personal emissary, claiming to have the First Son-in-Law “in his pocket.”

M.B.Z., too, was eager to take advantage of the “Clown Prince,” reportedly claiming in private to have requested that Kushner convince Trump to fire former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, having used “everything in [his] power to make Kushner pass on the message that Tillerson need[ed] to be removed.” Once the deal was done, a source closed to the Emirati ruler said the prince had been “gloating to every member in the Gulf ruling families that he was the mastermind behind firing Tillerson.”

Of course, there’s always the danger that Kushner’s conflicts of interest will start to overlap. Last week introduced a new wrinkle in the Kushner-Middle East story when his family company, in desperate need of a financial bailout for its underwater Midtown tower, was reported to be close to signing a deal with a real-estate company whose largest investor is the Qatari sovereign wealth fund.
Considering the article is almost a year old where the hell are the charges against Kushner?
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You just couldn't make this stuff up as Jared Kushner is caught orange-handed with his hand in the cookie jar.

Even Kushner's protagonists in the Trump administration have turned silent as Jared's orange hand is caught in the cookie jar because he would not release some cookies and escape detection.

Jared Kushner and his felon father are going to jail.

Kushner is caught taking money from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.

Perhaps Trump should be asking Congress to finance a detention facility for the Trump family and associates instead of a wall.

“Clown Prince” Jared Kushner Is Officially the Laughing Stock of the Middle East

Boy Wonder
George Nader and Elliott Broidy do not think very highly of the First Son-in-Law.

MAY 22, 2018 2:11 PM
Jared Kushner HRH Clown Prince Jared Kushner of New Jersey
By Ronen Zvulun/Reuters.

On Monday night, the Associated Press published an extensive report detailing the efforts of Elliott Broidy, a top fund-raiser for Donald Trump, and his business partner, Middle East fixer George Nader, to score more than $1 billion from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates by lobbying the Trump administration to adopt a harsher position on Qatar. The operation, it seems, was wildly successful. Broidy supplied the relationship with the president, and Nader allegedly had a connection with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. Qatar, despite its support for the Muslim Brotherhood, has long been a critical U.S. ally in the Gulf region, providing a military base for U.S. Central Command. But Broidy, who dubbed Qatar “the snake,” helped convince Trump otherwise, using scripts prepared for him by Nader.

In the run-up to the initial meeting, Nader told Broidy the princes “are counting on you to relate [their position] blunt and straight,” and advised him to make sure to “take advantage of this priceless asset,” i.e. the president of the United States. When the two met in the Oval Office, Broidy reportedly passed “messages to the president from the two princes” relaying their interest in working together. So when Trump announced his support for the U.A.E.- and Saudi-led blockade of Qatar, Broidy and Nader were reportedly ecstatic—as were M.B.Z. and M.B.S., as the two princes are known. As Broidy reportedly told Trump during a December 2 meeting, the crown princes were “most favorably impressed by his leadership,” and offered to assist with the Middle East peace plan being devised by First Son-in-Law Jared Kushner. Kushner, after all, had reportedly developed a close relationship with M.B.S. when he took a last-minute trip to Riyadh in October—just weeks before the blockade—during which the two men apparently “stayed up until nearly 4 A.M. several nights, swapping stories and planning strategy.” According to one report, Kushner even provided M.B.S with a list of names of people who were disloyal to him, based on U.S. intelligence. (A spokesperson for Kushner’s lawyer called the story “so obviously false and ridiculous” that it did not merit a response.)

Naturally, as the A.P. notes, Broidy did not share Nader’s true opinion of Kushner with the president, which was—is?—that he’s a total moron.

“You have to hear in private my Brother what Principals”—presumably M.B.S. and M.B.Z.—“think of ‘Clown prince’s’ efforts and his plan!” Nader, who was convicted in 2003 on 10 counts of sexually abusing minors, wrote to Broidy, who had been convicted in 2009 of bribing public officials. “Nobody would even waste cup of coffee on him if it wasn’t for who he is married to.”

Obviously, Nader and the crown princes were not alone in their assessment of Kushner‘s abilities, or in their conclusion that cultivating Boy Wonder was child’s play. In February, The Washington Post reported that the U.A.E., along with several other countries, had discussed ways to gain leverage over the senior adviser to the president by taking advantage of his “complex business arrangements, financial difficulties, and lack of foreign-policy experience.” One month later, reports surfaced that Prince Mohammed had bragged about making Kushner his own personal emissary, claiming to have the First Son-in-Law “in his pocket.”

M.B.Z., too, was eager to take advantage of the “Clown Prince,” reportedly claiming in private to have requested that Kushner convince Trump to fire former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, having used “everything in [his] power to make Kushner pass on the message that Tillerson need[ed] to be removed.” Once the deal was done, a source closed to the Emirati ruler said the prince had been “gloating to every member in the Gulf ruling families that he was the mastermind behind firing Tillerson.”

Of course, there’s always the danger that Kushner’s conflicts of interest will start to overlap. Last week introduced a new wrinkle in the Kushner-Middle East story when his family company, in desperate need of a financial bailout for its underwater Midtown tower, was reported to be close to signing a deal with a real-estate company whose largest investor is the Qatari sovereign wealth fund.
Let me see I can never keep it straight is this we have him now #7456 or is it #7564. There are so many TDS sufferers claiming every little wet dream is the one to end Trump and some how put Hillary in as president I have trouble keeping track.
Let me see I can never keep it straight is this we have him now #7456 or is it #7564. There are so many TDS sufferers claiming every little wet dream is the one to end Trump and some how put Hillary in as president I have trouble keeping track.

You need to expand your mind from microscopic to megascopic and allow the truth in.

Start soon. You have a herculean task.
Let me see I can never keep it straight is this we have him now #7456 or is it #7564. There are so many TDS sufferers claiming every little wet dream is the one to end Trump and some how put Hillary in as president I have trouble keeping track.

You need to expand your mind from microscopic to megascopic and allow the truth in.

Start soon. You have a herculean task.
Dude, do yourself a favor and Google "self awareness". :auiqs.jpg:
Yet another lame ass “Trump is responsible for everything Saudi Arabia does” narratives.
Oh Kushner is a joke alright.

His father is a loser. So is Kushner. He literally slept his way to where he is.

And to put that high-talking, Zionist wimp in charge of the Middle East is laughable...were it not so sad/potentially dangerous.
Let me see I can never keep it straight is this we have him now #7456 or is it #7564. There are so many TDS sufferers claiming every little wet dream is the one to end Trump and some how put Hillary in as president I have trouble keeping track.

As far as I am concerned, Hilary (that corrupt bitch) IS President.

I don't respect/recognize the Electoral College...only the popular vote.

Hell, if she did a Guaido and declared herself POTUS...I would stop following Trump altogether and might actively support her for POTUS (even though I despise her politically).

And if the reverse were the case (with Trump losing EC and winning PV)...I would do the same thing for him.

I DON'T CARE WHAT THE 'LAW' SAYS. DONALD (the dangerously idiotic) TRUMP IS NOT POTUS. HILLARY (the corrupt bitch) CLINTON IS.
Let me see I can never keep it straight is this we have him now #7456 or is it #7564. There are so many TDS sufferers claiming every little wet dream is the one to end Trump and some how put Hillary in as president I have trouble keeping track.

As far as I am concerned, Hilary (that corrupt bitch) IS President.

I don't respect/recognize the Electoral College...only the popular vote.

Hell, if she did a Guaido and declared herself POTUS...I would stop following Trump altogether and might actively support her for POTUS (even though I despise her politically).

And if the reverse were the case (with Trump losing EC and winning PV)...I would do the same thing for him.

I DON'T CARE WHAT THE 'LAW' SAYS. DONALD (the dangerously idiotic) TRUMP IS NOT POTUS. HILLARY (the corrupt bitch) CLINTON IS.
And when 51% vote the other 49% to the gallows?

We are not and never have been a democracy. Claiming Hillary is the rightful president is asinine - law does matter.
Let me see I can never keep it straight is this we have him now #7456 or is it #7564. There are so many TDS sufferers claiming every little wet dream is the one to end Trump and some how put Hillary in as president I have trouble keeping track.

As far as I am concerned, Hilary (that corrupt bitch) IS President.

I don't respect/recognize the Electoral College...only the popular vote.

Hell, if she did a Guaido and declared herself POTUS...I would stop following Trump altogether and might actively support her for POTUS (even though I despise her politically).

And if the reverse were the case (with Trump losing EC and winning PV)...I would do the same thing for him.

I DON'T CARE WHAT THE 'LAW' SAYS. DONALD (the dangerously idiotic) TRUMP IS NOT POTUS. HILLARY (the corrupt bitch) CLINTON IS.
And when 51% vote the other 49% to the gallows?

We are not and never have been a democracy. Claiming Hillary is the rightful president is asinine - law does matter.

Not to me it doesn't.

I follow NO LAWS I don't agree with (unless to not do so is too much of a hassle to justify the action).

Wimps/weak people blindly follow laws. Men/women of honor do not.

And not following British laws is EXACTLY how America was born.

The Electoral College laws are unjust and I do not follow/honor them.

Hillary (the corrupt bitch) Clinton IS POTUS to me.

You are clearly closed minded on this...a waste of my time.

We are done here.

Have a nice, safe, sheepish, conformist day.
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Let me see I can never keep it straight is this we have him now #7456 or is it #7564. There are so many TDS sufferers claiming every little wet dream is the one to end Trump and some how put Hillary in as president I have trouble keeping track.

You need to expand your mind from microscopic to megascopic and allow the truth in.

Start soon. You have a herculean task.
Lol funny coming from one so mentally ill. Have you been tearing the rubber off the walls of your room lately? You know banging your head on hard surfaces can do more damage to any already damaged mind.

If you have any money left in your commissary account you might try reading a newer news article. That is if you can take time out of your busy schedule of playing with your Barbie dolls.
Let me see I can never keep it straight is this we have him now #7456 or is it #7564. There are so many TDS sufferers claiming every little wet dream is the one to end Trump and some how put Hillary in as president I have trouble keeping track.

As far as I am concerned, Hilary (that corrupt bitch) IS President.

I don't respect/recognize the Electoral College...only the popular vote.

Hell, if she did a Guaido and declared herself POTUS...I would stop following Trump altogether and might actively support her for POTUS (even though I despise her politically).

And if the reverse were the case (with Trump losing EC and winning PV)...I would do the same thing for him.

I DON'T CARE WHAT THE 'LAW' SAYS. DONALD (the dangerously idiotic) TRUMP IS NOT POTUS. HILLARY (the corrupt bitch) CLINTON IS.
I see. So if you have a majority in anything in your book that should be law. So ethics, constitution, common sense, even intelligence play no part in decision making. Only majority. As my mother once asked me "if your friends all jumped off a cliff would you follow them"?

Seems you are more concerned with feelings then actual law.

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