Oregon Dem. Wants To Double Fed. Gas Tax

This is nothing new, during the far left take over of 2006 in Congress, they wanted to add a $1.00 gas tax to the already rising gas prices.

Obviously it never made past the talking stages, but there was talk about it.
Did you see Cavuto's interview of this guy? It was priceless.

Yup. He brayed like the jackass he is when Cavuto challenged him to specifically account for the 42 billion already handed out to the states transportation departments.
This is plan that needs to come before Congress and be voted in by a Democrat majority along about October, 2014! But not one minute sooner.
Did you see Cavuto's interview of this guy? It was priceless.

Yup. He brayed like the jackass he is when Cavuto challenged him to specifically account for the 42 billion already handed out to the states transportation departments.
I liked the look on his face when asked why should we spend more when we haven't accounted for what we have already spent.

I don't think he has been outside of his echo chamber in a decade at least.
Sure, let the dems run on that and maobamacare for 2014, should do the trick.
As I think of it, maybe an extra $5 tax on gas plus a $2 per kWh tax on electricity used to power Chevy Volts (and their ilk) would be a good thing. Good for us 1%ers who really don't give a shit what fuel costs so long as it's enough to keep the highways clear of the great unwashed.

See, I CAN think like a liberal!

Hey, just think, if they raised the tax to $1,000,000 per gallon, just think of all the tax dollars they'd take in!


Bill would nearly double federal gasoline tax | TheHill

......and the soaking of taxpayers continues ad infinitum.

This is all these friggin democrats think about. "How can I get my hand deeper into the bank accounts of those douche bags".
This also proves the axiom....A democrat never saw a tax they did not like.
All I can say to this is thank goodness it is an election year. And a bigger thanks to the voters that gave us a GOP majority in the US House.
This bill does not have a snowballs chance in a wave pool at a water park.
No Senator up for re-election would dare vote for this. Especially those who's seats are deemed "vulnerable"...For example NC's Kay Hagen. her near double digit lead vs ANY challenger has all but disappeared. Some polls conclude that if the election were held today, she'd lose.
In any event, could anyone imagine this thing somehow passing and there it is on those big signs...."Holy shit gas went up 30 cents last night"...
Now some libs on here will jump all over that remark. They will claim "it's a 15 cent increase. Not 30"..No shit.
Here's the rub. More often than not retailers will sneak a few extra cents in any tax increase. The distributors do the same. Happens with great frequency.
Also, many states have a gas tax structure that is indexed to the price of gas on certain dates.
For example. Here in NC, the gas tax is recalculated each June and December. The tax is calculated via a formula indexed to the average price of gasoline across the state.
So if the price goes up, so does the tax. So not only would NC drivers get a hit at the federal level, they get his again on the state level.
With such an increase in the federal tax, add in the additional distributor/retailer profit taking and the increase in state tax, the price of gas here could rise as much as 40 cents per gallon.....That will not be tolerated. And the voters would take out their wrath on their elected officials.
Nope, barring a total retardation in Washington, this bill is dead on arrival.
Let those jerks in Washington fuck with someone else for change.
Typical socialist enviro wacko that wants your money and doesn't want you to drive a car.
Did you see Cavuto's interview of this guy? It was priceless.

One of the best he has ever done. I am going to look for it on YouTube and post it when I find it. Everyone should hear the other side of the issue as it is extensive. I am a huge fan of Neil Cavuto. I DVR Your World with Neil Cavuto everyday. :) He follows the money...the taxpayer's money....
Typical socialist enviro wacko that wants your money and doesn't want you to drive a car.

These assholes on Capitol Hill live in the lap of luxury under a veil of security inside a bubble of non reality.
They have no idea what their constituents are thinking, what they are going through or how they live. Nor do they care. Is it any wonder the Congress has such a low approval rating.
When they come up with nonsense like this, democrat, republican, it doesn't matter, these fruitcakes have the nerve to act surprised when the hold these town hall meetings, people are angry.
Tell ya what...I am about sick of the whole stupid process. I despise the way Washington works.
Why do dems hate the working man?

Due to obamas continued failure to fix the economy {not that I think he was trying to make it better} I can barely pay bills. If gas jumps another 15 cents a gal, I'm going to have to find another job. either a 2nd to pay for gas to get to the first or just a new, closer one.
Typical socialist enviro wacko that wants your money and doesn't want you to drive a car.

These assholes on Capitol Hill live in the lap of luxury under a veil of security inside a bubble of non reality.
They have no idea what their constituents are thinking, what they are going through or how they live. Nor do they care. Is it any wonder the Congress has such a low approval rating.
When they come up with nonsense like this, democrat, republican, it doesn't matter, these fruitcakes have the nerve to act surprised when the hold these town hall meetings, people are angry.
Tell ya what...I am about sick of the whole stupid process. I despise the way Washington works.

You get what you vote for. They are simply a reflection of our own idiocy and ignorance.
Democraps want you to pay more for food, gas, medical care, etc....when most Americans can't even afford to live here, then they will spring their "socialist" trap telling everyone to let them control the entire goods and services of the US economy.
Typical socialist enviro wacko that wants your money and doesn't want you to drive a car.

These assholes on Capitol Hill live in the lap of luxury under a veil of security inside a bubble of non reality.
They have no idea what their constituents are thinking, what they are going through or how they live. Nor do they care. Is it any wonder the Congress has such a low approval rating.
When they come up with nonsense like this, democrat, republican, it doesn't matter, these fruitcakes have the nerve to act surprised when the hold these town hall meetings, people are angry.
Tell ya what...I am about sick of the whole stupid process. I despise the way Washington works.

You get what you vote for. They are simply a reflection of our own idiocy and ignorance.

With all due respect, that is a cop out.
It's not the people we vote for. It is the process. The system is flawed.
Flawed to the point where decent people can be coerced into going along with the status quo, which is the garbage that goes on up there, in their first term.
Bill would nearly double federal gasoline tax | TheHill

......and the soaking of taxpayers continues ad infinitum.

That's what Democrats do. Raise taxes. It won't be long before they figure out a way to justify taking more money from internal combustion users.

Democrats are tax and spend, Republicans are borrow and spend.

We are approaching a $17 trillion debt. Every American has been all about, "Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it."
Did you see Cavuto's interview of this guy? It was priceless.

One of the best he has ever done. I am going to look for it on YouTube and post it when I find it. Everyone should hear the other side of the issue as it is extensive. I am a huge fan of Neil Cavuto. I DVR Your World with Neil Cavuto everyday. :) He follows the money...the taxpayer's money....

Good god....that pic made all the blood from my big head rush to my little....
These assholes on Capitol Hill live in the lap of luxury under a veil of security inside a bubble of non reality.
They have no idea what their constituents are thinking, what they are going through or how they live. Nor do they care. Is it any wonder the Congress has such a low approval rating.
When they come up with nonsense like this, democrat, republican, it doesn't matter, these fruitcakes have the nerve to act surprised when the hold these town hall meetings, people are angry.
Tell ya what...I am about sick of the whole stupid process. I despise the way Washington works.

You get what you vote for. They are simply a reflection of our own idiocy and ignorance.

With all due respect, that is a cop out.
It's not the people we vote for. It is the process. The system is flawed.
Flawed to the point where decent people can be coerced into going along with the status quo, which is the garbage that goes on up there, in their first term.

No, it actually is the people we vote for. Systems don't cast votes on our behalf. Living, breathing people do. As long as the American people insist on reveling in their own ignorance, idiocy, and cowardice this is what we have to look forward to.

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