Oregon Gunman: Conservative Republican

Oregon Gunman described himself as a "Conservative Republican" in an online dating profile.


Spiritual Passions: ironcross45 - Doesn't Like Organized Religion, Left-hand Path, Magick and Occult, Meditation, Not Religious, But Spiritual
And?...Your point?.....
The point is clear: conservative Republicans are more likely to become unhinged and commit mass murder.

They are extreme in their thought processes - this site is evidence of that

Become enraged when things don't go their way, like when Democrats actually have votes in Congress, too

Exhibit irrational paranoia, as when they are convinced the gummint is coming for their guns

Feel put upon

Feel like they are losing their White country

How many more do you need?
the only clear point is that you are a dyed in the wool hard core left wing moon bat that violates the very tenets of your own ideology.
You throw out these ridiculous generalizations while acting absurdly offended when others do the same.
I have a better idea...
Instead of playing the name games...

Let's us pray for the victim's this crap has to stop....

What crap is that?
Let me guess you want the killings to continue...

No. Some of your conservative brethern see nothing wrong with mass killings and simply say there is nothing we can do to solve the problem. Just ask them.
Yes., we enjoy the carnage.
You are too stupid to realize how stupid you are.
Go take a flying fuck on a rolling donut.

Okay, tell us the solution then.....
The solution to WHAT?....Mental illness?......The lack of civility brought on by the influence of extreme left wing policies? This anything goes amorality that left wingers promote?....This brand of narcissism that liberalism has bred into this society that makes these people believe it is ok to act out and not consider the consequences before they act?
All of the above are caused by liberalism.
This is not a discussion. So don't bother responding.
Mixed race? Another one of Obama's boys.
He has nothing to do with Obama. Oh wait, Obama hate syndrome? Got it.

That dog won't hunt... Obama policy's are the fault not his race.

He is a intellectual do nothing lightweight... Bless his heart
And an elitist.
Obama and the Clintons may hate each other, but they are cut from the same stock....Over stuffed, privileged, arrogant, snobs that look down their noses on the great unwashed masses.
If anyone believes these people are in the least bit interested in the human condition of the average American, they are living in a parallel universe.
Unfortunately the solution is going to be along the same lines of a personal trainer talking to an obese woman; "You didn't get this way overnight and you won't correct your self overnight." It will take a generation or two., blah blah blah
Taxing or otherwise artificially increasing the cost the exercise of a right with the intent to limit the exercise of same violates the constitution.
Every time.
Point to where it says that in the constitution
Oh... THAT game. OK...
A $1500 tax on abortion, placed with the intent to limit the exercise the right to an abortion does not violate the constitution.
A $1500 tax on churchgoers, placed with the intent to limit the free exercise of religion does not violate the constitution
A $1500 tax on news stories, places with the intent to limit the right to a free press, does not violate the constitution
A $1500 tax on political signs and banners, placed with the intent to limit the right to free speech, does not violate the constitution.
A $1500 tax on the purchase a firearm, placed with the intent to limit the exercise of the right to arms, does not violate the constitution.
Surely, you agree.

In other words, there is no constitutional text to prevent installing what I suggested. Thanks for proving my point.
No..Your idea fails in the category of common sense and logic.
Your idea is a simplistic over reaction to an event that has tragically repeated itself all too often.
Your idea seeks to strip the rights of all.
The typically liberal response is to punish the innocent to get to the guilty. Low hanging fruit.
Well no. I never mentioned taxes. Dipshit brought it up asking if I thought taxes could be levied on guns and abortions. I said constitutionally it is valid. Naturally the gun nut lies about what I said
Noe sure you you're disagreeing with me here.
Who is Noe?
Not sure how you're disagreeing with me here.

Wasn't disagreeing with you.

Just pointing out that you asked me about taxing abortions and if I'd be okay with that. I said constitutionally, there is no barrier to taxing abortions or firearms. Then you came back and said I "wanted to tax" firearms. That is a lie.
Unfortunately the solution is going to be along the same lines of a personal trainer talking to an obese woman; "You didn't get this way overnight and you won't correct your self overnight." It will take a generation or two., blah blah blah
Taxing or otherwise artificially increasing the cost the exercise of a right with the intent to limit the exercise of same violates the constitution.
Every time.
Point to where it says that in the constitution
Oh... THAT game. OK...
A $1500 tax on abortion, placed with the intent to limit the exercise the right to an abortion does not violate the constitution.
A $1500 tax on churchgoers, placed with the intent to limit the free exercise of religion does not violate the constitution
A $1500 tax on news stories, places with the intent to limit the right to a free press, does not violate the constitution
A $1500 tax on political signs and banners, placed with the intent to limit the right to free speech, does not violate the constitution.
A $1500 tax on the purchase a firearm, placed with the intent to limit the exercise of the right to arms, does not violate the constitution.
Surely, you agree.

In other words, there is no constitutional text to prevent installing what I suggested. Thanks for proving my point.
No..Your idea fails in the category of common sense and logic.
Your idea is a simplistic over reaction to an event that has tragically repeated itself all too often.
Your idea seeks to strip the rights of all.
The typically liberal response is to punish the innocent to get to the guilty. Low hanging fruit.

Factually incorrect. Everyone who wants to buy a gun can buy one. Not one gun currently in circulation will be confiscated unless it is used in a crime. Do you have something against that boy?
in an online dating profile.
:lmao: i described myself as a young, handsome, very rich, well educated, world traveling gentleman, looking for a young very beautiful busty blond adventurous female to share my life with.

i got over 10,000 replies with over 3,500 photos......., do you believe me???? :lmao:
in an online dating profile.
:lmao: i described myself as a young, handsome, very rich, well educated, world traveling gentleman, looking for a young very beautiful busty blond adventurous female to share my life with.

i got over 10,000 replies with over 3,500 photos......., do you believe me???? :lmao:

Calling yourself a conservative republican basically means you're a jerk who hates everyone.
Well no. I never mentioned taxes. Dipshit brought it up asking if I thought taxes could be levied on guns and abortions. I said constitutionally it is valid. Naturally the gun nut lies about what I said
Noe sure you you're disagreeing with me here.
Who is Noe?
Not sure how you're disagreeing with me here.
Wasn't disagreeing with you.
Just pointing out that you asked me about taxing abortions and if I'd be okay with that. I said constitutionally, there is no barrier to taxing abortions or firearms. Then you came back and said I "wanted to tax" firearms. That is a lie.
You want to enact a license fee, which is the same thing.
Well no. I never mentioned taxes. Dipshit brought it up asking if I thought taxes could be levied on guns and abortions. I said constitutionally it is valid. Naturally the gun nut lies about what I said
Noe sure you you're disagreeing with me here.
Who is Noe?
Not sure how you're disagreeing with me here.
Wasn't disagreeing with you.
Just pointing out that you asked me about taxing abortions and if I'd be okay with that. I said constitutionally, there is no barrier to taxing abortions or firearms. Then you came back and said I "wanted to tax" firearms. That is a lie.
You want to enact a license fee, which is the same thing.

According to you. And it's not a license fee; it's an insurance policy that will compensate the victims (if any). So you're wrong; yet again.
Noe sure you you're disagreeing with me here.
Who is Noe?
Not sure how you're disagreeing with me here.
Wasn't disagreeing with you.
Just pointing out that you asked me about taxing abortions and if I'd be okay with that. I said constitutionally, there is no barrier to taxing abortions or firearms. Then you came back and said I "wanted to tax" firearms. That is a lie.
You want to enact a license fee, which is the same thing.
According to you. And it's not a license fee; it's an insurance policy that will compensate the victims (if any). So you're wrong; yet again.
Two questions:
- How does your proposed restriction not qualify as a infringement on the right to arms?
- What, in your book, DOES qualify as an infringement on the right to arms?

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