Oregon said Obama stay away..so guess who's coming to Roseburg?

I'd say we'll know if the president was wrong to go if most of the families refuse to meet him for political reasons.
His plans are to meet privately with them.

I'm confident a fair number will appreciate the opportunity to meet with him.

That's the way it should be and if the families want to meet with him they should. These families want the world to stop and recognize their loss.
omg, we need to pass out crying towels

the people are actually going to REJECT that Obama. HOW CAN THAT BE

oh gawd my sides hurt

stand with Roseburg REJECT that thug Obama
Go with that numb nuts. It's rural area, and is considered part of Roseburg, but since you don't understand Roseburg, Oregon or rural America, your ignorance is forgiven.
And you understand Roseburg? Where the fuck do you live?

Yes I do, and where the fuck do you live?
As I have posted numerous times in the thead: I am an Oregonian. I know all about Roseburg and southern Oregon. You do not.

And I lived in Oregon most of my life. I have friends and family that I visit several times a year. I also have business interests in Oregon. So apparently when you say I don't you are lying.

It's the internet. I own a unicorn ranch in Oregon.

Good for you. It works well in your fairy world.
You go right ahead and play that lol. My daughter was supposed to attend a track meet at ucc this week.

The college isn't in Roseburg. It's 6 miles outside Roseburg.

Go with that numb nuts. It's rural area, and is considered part of Roseburg, but since you don't understand Roseburg, Oregon or rural America, your ignorance is forgiven.

I live in rural NY dumbass.

Rural NY is nothing like rural in the Pacific Northwest, dumbass.
Wrong. Totally wrong.

You are an idiot and a pathetic liar.
Go with that numb nuts. It's rural area, and is considered part of Roseburg, but since you don't understand Roseburg, Oregon or rural America, your ignorance is forgiven.

I live in rural NY dumbass.

Rural NY is nothing like rural in the Pacific Northwest, dumbass.

you wouldn't know having never been anywhere.
There is nothing different about rural Oregon or the rural areas of Pacific NW. I have spent almost all of my life in the Pacific NW. I have also been across the country and in rural areas throughout the country, including the Northeast. I spent three years of university in southern Oregon. I have no idea what the fuck he thinks he knows...not much it seems. He's wrong, dead wrong about the Roseburg area. It's conservative, but no looney tunes conservative.

Papa... is full of it. Just completely full of it.

he probably thinks upstate new York is like new York city....

that's what happens when people like him spew without having a clue.

I never said that, I said rural New York is not like rural Oregon, sorry you are ignorant to the differences in culture, economics, politics and social issues that vary from state to state.
Go with that numb nuts. It's rural area, and is considered part of Roseburg, but since you don't understand Roseburg, Oregon or rural America, your ignorance is forgiven.
And you understand Roseburg? Where the fuck do you live?

Yes I do, and where the fuck do you live?
As I have posted numerous times in the thead: I am an Oregonian. I know all about Roseburg and southern Oregon. You do not.

And I lived in Oregon most of my life. I have friends and family that I visit several times a year. I also have business interests in Oregon. So apparently when you say I don't you are lying.
I think you are full of shit and lyng now, because if any of that were true, you would have said so long, long ago. You're lying....you're so full of it.

I usually don't talk about where I have lived or am living now. Have I? You have no clue as to where I live or have lived.

In sports I have talked about the Trailblazers and meeting several of them. I don't divulge a lot of my private life on the Internet.

Also on threads I talked about being in Seattle and the slide last year.

But I find your ignorance pretty entertaining.
I never said it should be, your reading comprehension is pretty bad.

You praised the old bag who said Eugene and Portland steal national elections in Oregon,

I assumed you were agreeing with her.

Now you're saying she's full of shit?


It is Oregon politics dumb shit, the Willamette Valley determines Oregon elections. That is the way it is.

No, the vote count determines Oregon elections.

More ignorant stupidity, just because Oregon votes Democratic, it doesn't mean that Douglas County or Roseburg does and that is what we are talking about.

good grief, that you have to even explain to someone. scary they are allowed to vote for OUR LIVES. whoa

Their reading comprehension is so poor, it is sad how they leap and jump to conclusions.
The very same can easily be said about RW Republican conservatives and the entire GOP. Don't be such a hypocrite.

And you don't know what the town is expecting, so don't speak for people you don't know and don't know what they think. What a complete jackass to try to speak for an entire town, especially where you have never set foot. I grew up in Oregon. I have been to Roseburg. I spent years at university in southern Oregon. Based on my knowledge of the area and town, it is likely, as it is in pretty much every town and city and region of our country, that people will be pleased to have the President of the US come to their town and speak when a tragedy hits them. So, you are just showing what an ass you are to assume that they would not welcome him. Don't people like you know how to think at all????
Roseburg isn't pleased. Like all the rest of rural Oregon, they despise Obama, and progressives.

A nitwit on a forum speaks for the whole town.

It's obvious you don't understand the state politics in Oregon.

They voted for Obama twice. :)
Rural communities in Oregon have no voice. National elections in our state are stolen by Eugene and Portland.

Right, dingbat, they have no voice, and we're forcing the family members to meet and greet the President. Jezus, you're one stupid cow.
Roseburg isn't pleased. Like all the rest of rural Oregon, they despise Obama, and progressives.

A nitwit on a forum speaks for the whole town.

It's obvious you don't understand the state politics in Oregon.

They voted for Obama twice. :)
Rural communities in Oregon have no voice. National elections in our state are stolen by Eugene and Portland.

Right, dingbat, they have no voice, and we're forcing the family members to meet and greet the President. Jezus, you're one stupid cow.

Speaking of cows, how are you doing Carla?
And here's some news for you anti-gun nutters....

Straight from the CDC where most of the media is drawing their numbers (while not as good of a source as the FBI or the Justice Department) we can find out that of those 32,352 gun deaths, 21,175 of them were suicides. That leaves us with 11,177 deaths to account for. But as it turns out, the FBI records that 8,583 deaths were murders of various sorts involving guns of all types. The remaining roughly 2,500 were accounted for by accidents and unintentional injuries. These include hunting accidents, toddlers getting hold of unsecured weapons and shooting somebody or just plain idiots who proved Darwin right

Families mourn those killed in suicides just as much as someone killed in a murder

The bigger question is why do we allow people struggling with depression to have access to a gun?

Are we, as a country, really this dumb?
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday
Once again political gain on the back of a tragedy.

What political gain is there for Obama? He can't run again

Obama is personally sick of the number of massacres that have occured during his presidency and our unwillingness to do anything about it
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday
Once again political gain on the back of a tragedy.

What political gain is there for Obama? He can't run again

Obama is personally sick of the number of massacres that have occured during his presidency and our unwillingness to do anything about it
The gain is his legacy that he seems to be obsessed with and he doesn't give a crap about these massacres.

He has literally done nothing to prevent them.

All he does is fuel the fire with his anti American rhetoric his anti police rhetoric his anti religion rhetoric.
I'm sure he'd be welcome in Eugina or Portfagland.

Roseburg is where decent men and women live, though. They aren't interested in being used by the asshole who's responsible for ten ppl getting shot in their school.

Roseburg Residents Speak-Out: CONCEALED CARRY Saves Lives, Not More Gun Control
Concealed carry was legal in the school.
721.3 Student Misconduct
The following actions and/or behaviors are the types of misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions are not designed to define misconduct in all-inclusive terms and in no way should this be considered an exhaustive list:

  1. Possession or use, without written authorization, of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, or any other weapons or destructive devices that are designed to or readily capable of causing physical injury, on College premises, at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at functions sponsored or participated in by the College.
Student Code of Conduct - Umpqua Community College
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
As far as I see, the school was a gun free zone.
I'm sure he'd be welcome in Eugina or Portfagland.

Roseburg is where decent men and women live, though. They aren't interested in being used by the asshole who's responsible for ten ppl getting shot in their school.

Roseburg Residents Speak-Out: CONCEALED CARRY Saves Lives, Not More Gun Control
Concealed carry was legal in the school.
721.3 Student Misconduct
The following actions and/or behaviors are the types of misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions are not designed to define misconduct in all-inclusive terms and in no way should this be considered an exhaustive list:

  1. Possession or use, without written authorization, of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, or any other weapons or destructive devices that are designed to or readily capable of causing physical injury, on College premises, at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at functions sponsored or participated in by the College.
Student Code of Conduct - Umpqua Community College
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
As far as I see, the school was a gun free zone.

YES it was. and that's all thanks to the liberal/progressive/democrat POLICIES.
no more Democrats to run our lives come 2016. they are now getting us killed
Na, h
the problem is that in rightwingnuthackworld, the president is somehow not a legitimate president, so they rail and cry and whine and lie about him. they're so full of hate that they can't bear to give him the respect that should be accorded to his office. (despite a pathetic incompetent like bush being appointed by the supreme court, which was just hunky dory with them).

gee... I wonder what's different about *this* president.

Na, his policies just suck.
I would never support him even if he 100% was Oglala Sioux like me.

Embrace the suck
It's just so ironic that RWrs don't want peole to have health care but they do want everyone to own at least one gun. Ironic as all get out.

Everyone has healthcare... where do you leftwing loons get this shit from?
Yeah, they have it now, but the didn't before ACA. Millions of people did not have health care. Where do you get the idea they did?

Because they did.. the ACA has not changed that.

Obviously you are a Faux News viewer.....where in the hell do you all come up with such nonsense as what you posted? Surely you don't believe your own crap.

At least post a link to where you are getting your crap information, or admit that you don't know what you are talking about.

More than 5 million Americans who didn’t have health insurance before have been able to get coverage since September, according to a new report released Thursday.
Report: 5.4 Million Newly Insured Under Obamacare - NBC News
I'm sure he'd be welcome in Eugina or Portfagland.

Roseburg is where decent men and women live, though. They aren't interested in being used by the asshole who's responsible for ten ppl getting shot in their school.

Roseburg Residents Speak-Out: CONCEALED CARRY Saves Lives, Not More Gun Control
Concealed carry was legal in the school.
721.3 Student Misconduct
The following actions and/or behaviors are the types of misconduct for which students may be subject to disciplinary action. These prohibitions are not designed to define misconduct in all-inclusive terms and in no way should this be considered an exhaustive list:

  1. Possession or use, without written authorization, of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals, substances, or any other weapons or destructive devices that are designed to or readily capable of causing physical injury, on College premises, at College-sponsored or supervised functions or at functions sponsored or participated in by the College.
Student Code of Conduct - Umpqua Community College
So, was UCC a "gun-free zone" or not? The school was essentially a hybrid of competing firearms regulations: their official policy prohibited the "possession, use, or threatened use of firearms on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations," but state law required they allow concealed firearm permit-holders to carry weapons on campus, while the Oregon State Board of Higher Education's policy nonetheless barred guns from "college buildings":
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?

As The Oregonian reported, some UCC students present on campus during the mass shooting were carrying firearms with them (but did not intervene in the event):
Read more at snopes.com: Umpqua Community College Is a Gun-Free Zone?
As far as I see, the school was a gun free zone.
Of course it was a gun free zone, it was a school.
What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday
Obama has to make it about Obama showing us who he really is a political opportunist.

Obama showing compassion is being a political opportunist?

Obama has had alot of practice showing compassion. This has been like the tenth massacre he has had to deal with
Saying we need to politicize this I'm going to politicize this is not showing compassion doing as the town asked and not coming would be.

'The town' asked him not to come?
Yes not every single resident but the majority did after his less than compassionate comments before the bodies had even been removed from the scene.

The majority? Why don't you post a link to back up your "imaginary beliefs"?
Obama is President of the United States of America --- ALL of them.

The newspaper owner IS NOT.

Obama doesn't take orders from piss ant newspaper owners ... unlike the Fox Lies Talking Heads who take their marching orders from the Republican owners / editors.


What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday
David Jaques, the publisher of the conservative newspaper the Roseburg Beacon, says he believes that President Obama would not be welcome to the town after making remarks politicizing the shooting that left nine dead and nine injured at Umpqua Community College on October 1. Jaques told Breitbart News that he believes officials of Douglas County would also not welcome the President using the tragedy to score political points for a gun control agenda.

So a Conservative says the President is not welcome to a site of a tragedy...

So this just proves there is a conservative in the world who is an asshole.

Is there a conservative who ISN'T?

never met them
Obama is President of the United States of America --- ALL of them.

The newspaper owner IS NOT.

Obama doesn't take orders from piss ant newspaper owners ... unlike the Fox Lies Talking Heads who take their marching orders from the Republican owners / editors.


What a pig.

Roseburg doesn't want him there, asked him to stay away, has been quite public about it.

So of course he's got to come and harass us on our own turf.

This isn't going to end well.

Obama Not Welcome In Roseburg, Says Local Newspaper Publisher

"President Obama will travel to Roseburg, Ore. on Friday to meet with the families of victims of the mass shooting at a community college there last week, White House officials said."

Obama to visit Roseburg Friday

oooooooooo, he doesn't take orders. are you Obots forgetting WHO PAYS THE THUGS salary? so yeah we can give him orders. so your little piss ant rant was just that, pissy

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