Orlando Sentinel Endorses Mitt Romney


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Orlando Sentinel Endorses Mitt Romney After Supporting Obama In 2008

By Nick Wing

Four years after throwing its support behind then-presidential candidate Barack Obama, the Orlando Sentinel is saying it's time to change course.

Orlando Sentinel Endorses Mitt Romney After Supporting Obama In 2008
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Romney is not our ideal candidate for president. We've been turned off by his appeals to social conservatives and immigration extremists. Like most presidential hopefuls, including Obama four years ago, Romney faces a steep learning curve on foreign policy.

But the core of Romney's campaign platform, his five-point plan, at least shows he understands that reviving the economy and repairing the government's balance sheet are imperative — now, not four years in the future.

Romney has a strong record of leadership to run on. He built a successful business. He rescued the 2002 Winter Olympics from scandal and mismanagement. As governor of Massachusetts, he worked with a Democrat-dominated legislature to close a $3billion budget deficit without borrowing or raising taxes, and pass the health plan that became a national model.

Orlando Sentinel endorses Mitt Romney for president - Orlando Sentinel
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