Osteen mega church shooter ID’d

For my next prediction… This guy wrote an extensive manifesto just prior to the shooting. The manifesto could give us insight into his motivations.

But we will not be allowed to see it, because that has been deemed… Unsuitable for our reading at this time.
he doesn't look like he's capable of the art of writing.
I want to know.

These people don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain most of the time. And why, oh why, would this person decide to do something like this?

Is she just insane or is she lashing out or -- What?

Yes, it's poltical. Because people don't do things like this unless it's political. They just don't.


Aren't most mass shooters?

You would think so but I've not personally done a study on them. I suspect some people commit mass shootings out of a sense of desperation. Maybe this woman felt desperate to stop the purely christian message of this Osteen guy saying that being transgender makes you a good candidate for being mentally unhinged? There is actually solid grounds to support that position.

BTW, did you know that Nutter Keri Lake was offered a bribe of millions of dollars if she would just drop out of the Arizona race and she not only turned it down, but turned the guy in?

That's Nutty!!!

I guess Keri just doesn't want to get ahead in politics.
My bad. This doesn't help "The Narrative" so let's break it up. Move along, please.

first off let me say how difficult it has been made by search engines to find anything that is detrimental to the transmovement. I had to change my search terms several times to get to murders by trans... all the internet wants to tell us is how many trans are murdered in a year...what they fail to tell you is that they are mostly murdered by other trans or situations where drugs and sex are involved. I know many want to think of the trans movement as a peaceful, 'we jis wanna git mahrried' kinda movement but it is not. use your brain and your eyes.

having said that, see the following for a partial reminder. Democrats memories are so short and so fractured that they cannot deal with more than a few examples at a time. amiright? you know i am.

What happened to the child that the combatant involved in it? Last I'd read the child was still alive.

At least the combatant got deleted and there's one less of those sorts of weirdos around.
You would think so but I've not personally done a study on them. I suspect some people commit mass shootings out of a sense of desperation. Maybe this woman felt desperate to stop the purely christian message of this Osteen guy saying that being transgender makes you a good candidate for being mentally unhinged? There is actually solid grounds to support that position.

BTW, did you know that Nutter Keri Lake was offered a bribe of millions of dollars if she would just drop out of the Arizona race and she not only turned it down, but turned the guy in?

That's Nutty!!!

I guess Keri just doesn't want to get ahead in politics.
I am not going to derail on nutter Keri Lake.

I do think there is a high degree of mental illness in many mass shooters though.

It was a tranny. It identified as a woman but was born a male. (It also died a male, but that’s another story.)

Another one for the tranny hall of shame.
So my guess of lunatic white boy with clueless “parents” was mostly correct?

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