Osteen mega church shooter ID’d

first off let me say how difficult it has been made by search engines to find anything that is detrimental to the transmovement. I had to change my search terms several times to get to murders by trans... all the internet wants to tell us is how many trans are murdered in a year...what they fail to tell you is that they are mostly murdered by other trans or situations where drugs and sex are involved. I know many want to think of the trans movement as a peaceful, 'we jis wanna git mahrried' kinda movement but it is not. use your brain and your eyes.

having said that, see the following for a partial reminder. Democrats memories are so short and so fractured that they cannot deal with more than a few examples at a time. amiright? you know i am.

Coyote says: 'So 4'.

no dear...more than that. have you forgotten the times these folk have gone into bars and shot the place up or set it on fire? The number of angry trans who have shot up children. Trans 'parents' who have abused their own children. Why do you protect these folks? Your children if you have any, are their target. Keep closing your eyes until it comes back to roost on your home.
I am not going to derail on nutter Keri Lake.
Nothing nutty about having the integrity to sacrifice millions for the good of your country.

I do think there is a high degree of mental illness in many mass shooters though.
Obviously. Takes a highly charged emotional state to shoot people, and highly emotional people are basically irrational.
Nothing nutty about having the integrity to sacrifice millions for the good of your country.

Assuming she is telling the truth.

Obviously. Takes a highly charged emotional state to shoot people, and highly emotional people are basically irrational.
I don't know...some seem pretty damn coldblooded organized about it.
Violent Trans Attacks are trending upwards

Colorado Springs shooter: nonbinary
Nashville school shooter: trans
Aberdeen shooter: trans
Denver school shooter: trans
Iowa school shooter: trans/genderfluid
Lakewood Church shooter: trans

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