Osteen mega church shooter ID’d

Another tranny shooter....
And another Bernie Sanders fan like this shooter in Virginia that tried to assassinate the entire GOP Congress

What is it about Leftism and Bernie Sanders?
Just shows that these trannies have mental issues and not so much hormonal deficiencies.
Are they mental before their problems or do the problems make them mental?

I don't hate them, I pity them. I feel the same way toward them as I would toward someone with any other disease or affliction.

I DO hate those who try to transition young people. I'm talking Pre-K children and Elementary school kids. AFAIC, those peole should be thrown into the deepest, darkest dungeons on the Planet and left there.

But the Trans people themselves? They need help, not hate.

To a point.
The poor kid that the transgender nutbag dragged along was killed. He was probably what sicko's fuck toy or something.
I'm guessing the shooter knew that no one would care once someone shot his head off, so he brought the youngster.

That is how these sick minds think.

Now we sit back and wait for Potato head to come out with more legislation ideas to limit the ability of those in the church to defend themselves with a firearm.
Are they mental before their problems or do the problems make them mental?

I don't hate them, I pity them. I feel the same way toward them as I would toward someone with any other disease or affliction.

I DO hate those who try to transition young people. I'm talking Pre-K children and Elementary school kids. AFAIC, those peole should be thrown into the deepest, darkest dungeons on the Planet and left there.

But the Trans people themselves? They need help, not hate.

To a point.
The left normalizes them, they aren't normal, and probably never were normal.
But fact is, I don't need to be pressured to pretend they are normal from the left.
Once again, we see how the parallels between progressives, sicko transgenders, and radical Islamics proven to be true

They're fundamentally the same people.

Commander Hassig on the Lakewood Church shooter: "We do have some antisemitic writings that we have uncovered during this process ... We do want to stress that she acted alone." pic.twitter.com/zn3D7JXsH5
The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) February 12, 2024
The left normalizes them, they aren't normal, and probably never were normal.
But fact is, I don't need to be pressured to pretend they are normal from the left.
It's how dimocraps work -- "Please tolerate me!" Then; "You really should accept me." Then, "You MUST idolize me!"

I'll go with 'tolerate' and that's about it.

dimocraps are scum
Most Texans say this type of thing is an acceptable price for unrestricted gun rights
Sure. Good guys with guns, killed the terrorist nut ball with a gun, with the dead chick only wounding two? Does it get any better?

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