Osteen mega church shooter ID’d

Once again, we see how the parallels between progressives, sicko transgenders, and radical Islamics proven to be true

They're fundamentally the same people.
I guess I should stop being surprised, but it’s still floors me that transgender activist support radical islamests. Getting shot would’ve been a blessing compared to what would’ve happened to that tranny if they showed up in Gaza with his Free Palestine comments.
That's what happens when you indulge the mentally ill outside of a mental institution....It's always just a matter of time before they hurt themselves, someone else, or engage in other behaviours that are at odds with the laws the rest of us live under.

Shame about the kid, I didn't know the kid had died.
Based on the fear it generates. Conholes have extra large amygdala, they are prone to be more fearful than normal people.
Why on this earth would humans want to live in an area that has a higher percentage of getting killed unless they want it? You know....a good percentage do not want it. The middle east seems to have endless violence. Europe has its history against itself. Asia has a brutal history. Indigenous people around the planet in history the same. And within all of that a percentage varying wanted to live in peace and serenity. We are losing sight of this. And in areas that did not need this in the first place, the violence still occurs despite massive resources spent on it. To not treat a fellow human like vermin is right. Unless they are vermin. And we let to many of them get away with horrible things for any reason they do it.
That's what happens when you indulge the mentally ill outside of a mental institution....It's always just a matter of time before they hurt themselves, someone else, or engage in other behaviours that are at odds with the laws the rest of us live under.

Shame about the kid, I didn't know the kid had died.

Not died yet, but not expected to live.
Surprise surprise!!!!!!!!o_O

A tranny! another tranny shooter!

well....not really that surprised :rolleyes:
What is going to NOT get a lot of coverage is that Joel Olsteen's church is welcoming of homosexuals and trans people.

So there is that....

It was a tranny. It identified as a woman but was born a male. (It also died a male, but that’s another story.)

Another one for the tranny hall of shame.
Damn, it happened and according to other news sources she had a child about 5 or 6 years ago, the child that was with her. I did not think anyone born a male could get pregnant or maybe that is because SHE was born a female. She was having disputes with her ex and exes family which were Jewish. Known to authorities for a few years. Maybe she was transistioning to male? Maybe someone will get this story right.
What is going to NOT get a lot of coverage is that Joel Olsteen's church is welcoming of homosexuals and trans people.

So there is that....
If he had money, Joel would welcome the devil. Money is money to Joel and it doesn't matter where it comes from.
Damn, it happened and according to other news sources she had a child about 5 or 6 years ago, the child that was with her. I did not think anyone born a male could get pregnant or maybe that is because SHE was born a female. She was having disputes with her ex and exes family which were Jewish. Known to authorities for a few years. Maybe she was transistioning to male? Maybe someone will get this story right.
He had no baby. He was with a child.

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