Osteen mega church shooter ID’d

So you listen to whatever Trump says. I figured as much, Trumper.
Trump has the best words. The proof is in the pudding. Trump keeps blessing the American people with his wisdom, especially on national security lately, and America takes what he says seriously. That's why he's gonna get kicked in the nuts again come November.
She also has "Free Palestine" inscribed / written on the side of her weapon .. When are we going to take mental illness seriously ?

Mental illness will be taken seriously when gun dealers start refusing sales to people who mark the Non-binary box on the BATF Form 4473. "Non-binary" is after all, a mental illness.

Not sure when people will realize when someone believe they are the wrong sex that they have psychological problems. That is not how a properly functioning mind works, nor is it how an emotionally stable person thinks.

Trannies really are mentally ill people. They need treatment, not encouragement in their psychosis.

Most Texans say this type of thing is an acceptable price for unrestricted gun rights

None of them say that. That's a lie.

The only ones who do are people like you when you lie in order to be a contrarian and want to lie about those you hate to help keep the fires of that hate burning.

Texans, republicans, gun owners and so on much like myself want to ban criminals, nutballs and dopeheads. If we ban the people from our society that want to go out and intentionally hurt others then we have no need for gun laws.

If you ban every gun right now we're still left with all those crazies, druggies and criminals.

We want a country that's safe because the bad people aren't tolerated. If you ban guns it won't be any safer because the bad people are still here
The same can be said of the MAGA cult

Youre attempts at being inflammatory and trying to piss off others with pointless and hate filled comments is really boring and transparent. It's very child like.

If you make someone mad with a sound and valid argument loaded with proveable facts and credibility that's one thing. But purposefully trying to make someone mad with just name calling and thoughtless comments makes the world a worse place.
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Actually, it sounds like she was born female and only briefly identified as male. The seven year old shot in the incident was her biological child.

Or maybe she finds Zionist GENOCIDE worse than Palestinian transphobia.

As should any decent human being.

Oh, wait, I forgot who I was talking to.

Here's the better question- how was someone with a history of mental illness and minor criminal record able to buy a gun?
Ok. We shall see.
“Moreno had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and Munchausen by proxy - and that she was investigated by Child Protected Services four times and found to have harmed the child twice” https://t.co/uyoM6cUw0x
— Jack Poso \uD83C\uDDFA\uD83C\uDDF8 (@JackPosobiec) February 12, 2024

BREAKING: The child who was injured when a mentally ill trans terrorist shot up a Texas church is in critical condition and is not expected to make it.

This photo is from the shooter’s Instagram and there’s speculation that this is the child.

Please say a prayer for the kid \uD83D\uDE4F\uD83C\uDFFB pic.twitter.com/LKIDkamnZy
Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 12, 2024
I seriously doubt he will concede this point as this would be admitting that he has been lied to by the medical community.

Political correctness in the medical and science communities has usurped actual medicine and actual science in some cases. This is one of those cases.

Nope, the problem is that you haven't convinced me that gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

50 years ago, they called homosexuality a mental illness.
100 years ago, they called women having opinions a mental illness called "Hysteria". (Their wombs were making them crazy!!!)

My definition of mentally ill would be an inability to function in society. Most trans folks do. They hold down jobs, they maintain households, and so on.

This woman had other issues, to be certain.

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