Our Christian Presidents Slaps Every Roman Catholic in the Face.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
U.S. Embassy To Vatican Will Be Moved, Not Closed

Religion News Service | By Sarah Pulliam Bailey Posted: 11/26/2013 5:10 pm EST | Updated: 11/27/2013 7:40 am EST

(RNS) The United States will move its Vatican embassy into a building on the compound of the larger American Embassy to Italy, a shift that has drawn criticism from former U.S. envoys.

Security and cost savings were behind the move, as the State Department estimates it will save $1.4 million a year by moving from the current building.

It will not downsize any embassy personnel, a State Department official told reporters Monday (Nov. 25). At the time, the official did not have total budget information of both embassies at hand. The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See has seven U.S. diplomatic personnel, and the U.S. Embassy to Italy has 63 diplomatic personnel.

Read more @ U.S. Embassy To Vatican Will Be Moved, Not Closed
The move is for security and services will not be downsized.

Long Knife slaps every American in the face with lies.
The move is for security and services will not be downsized.

Long Knife slaps every American in the face with lies.

So the vatican has been a hotbed of terrorist assaults and violence?

This is a calculated slight at the Church as the exact same time they get a Pope who advocates left leaning policies.

I guess pleasing the pro-abortion rights/birth control crowd outweighs social justice.
The move is for security and services will not be downsized.

Long Knife slaps every American in the face with lies.

So the vatican has been a hotbed of terrorist assaults and violence?

This is a calculated slight at the Church as the exact same time they get a Pope who advocates left leaning policies.

I guess pleasing the pro-abortion rights/birth control crowd outweighs social justice.

Your post is a slight at the American people, who are not as foolish as you think.

Catholics applaud the move, for security reasons because it removes an object of jihadist hatred from Vatican City.
The move is for security and services will not be downsized.

Long Knife slaps every American in the face with lies.

if only your boy Obama would have worried about security when our people in Benghazi were making repeated requests for more of it. People like you are part of the problem fake
Seriously, the U.S. claims to be a secular country and brags about the separation of church and state.

Yet, our government spends millions of tax payer dollars building and staffing an embassy to the Vatican.

Exactly how does America benefit by pandering to a religious organization? . :doubt:
Seriously, the U.S. claims to be a secular country and brags about the separation of church and state.

Yet, our government spends millions of tax payer dollars building and staffing an embassy to the Vatican.

Exactly how does America benefit by pandering to a religious organization? . :doubt:

Do you recommend rectifying this with taxation without representation?
Seriously, the U.S. claims to be a secular country and brags about the separation of church and state.

Yet, our government spends millions of tax payer dollars building and staffing an embassy to the Vatican.

Exactly how does America benefit by pandering to a religious organization? . :doubt:

Do you recommend rectifying this with taxation without representation?
Are you really this retarded?? . :cuckoo:
Seriously, the U.S. claims to be a secular country and brags about the separation of church and state.

Yet, our government spends millions of tax payer dollars building and staffing an embassy to the Vatican.

Exactly how does America benefit by pandering to a religious organization? . :doubt:

Do you recommend rectifying this with taxation without representation?
Are you really this retarded?? . :cuckoo:

Laws almost always create unanticipated consequences. This is certainly likely to be the case when politicians bend over backwards to accommodate the currents of political correctness.

ObamaCare uses the Social Security language of the Internal Revenue Code to determine who is eligible for “religious conscience” objection to the insurance mandate. Specifically, the law provides exemptions for adherents of “recognized religious sects” that are “conscientiously opposed” to accepting benefits from any insurance, public or private.

As a consequence of this provision, Muslims may claim a religious exemption that is denied Christians and Jews. Since Islam believes insurance is haraam (forbidden) and likens insurance to gambling, the religion is excluded from requirements, mandates, or penalties set forth in the bill. Others who fall into this category are the Amish, American Indians, and Christian Scientists. Although the U.S. Constitution grants all Americans equal protection of the law, some Americans are more equal than others.

PJ Media » ObamaCare?s Muslim Exemption

And you were saying?
U.S. Embassy To Vatican Will Be Moved, Not Closed

Religion News Service | By Sarah Pulliam Bailey Posted: 11/26/2013 5:10 pm EST | Updated: 11/27/2013 7:40 am EST

(RNS) The United States will move its Vatican embassy into a building on the compound of the larger American Embassy to Italy, a shift that has drawn criticism from former U.S. envoys.

Security and cost savings were behind the move, as the State Department estimates it will save $1.4 million a year by moving from the current building.

It will not downsize any embassy personnel, a State Department official told reporters Monday (Nov. 25). At the time, the official did not have total budget information of both embassies at hand. The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See has seven U.S. diplomatic personnel, and the U.S. Embassy to Italy has 63 diplomatic personnel.

Read more @ U.S. Embassy To Vatican Will Be Moved, Not Closed

You cannot be serious that this is a big issue and an insult to Catholics. Have you ever been to Vatican City? It's a small compound in the center of Rome. And it must be like hell to try to make is secure, especially with thousands of tourists all around it every day. The government is trying to make all the embassies more secure. If they didn't, and something happened, you'd blame him for not making it more secure. Can't win, no way, no how with your reasoning. :cuckoo:
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Our Christian Presidents Slaps Every Roman Catholic in the Face.
Catholics subscribe to a dogma that burned thousands at the stake. Hundreds of their priests have been caught sodomizing children. A good slap upside their heads is in order.
First, our President is Christian? It's hard to tell sometimes. Of course, im sure that can be said of me as well sometimes.

Second, I hardly see how this is a slap to every Roman Catholic. I think there could be practical reasons that security would be difficult. But that could also simply be a pretext.

Third, I would recommend choosing not to take offense. There is no need to give anyone that kind of power over you.
Seriously, the U.S. claims to be a secular country and brags about the separation of church and state.

Yet, our government spends millions of tax payer dollars building and staffing an embassy to the Vatican.

Exactly how does America benefit by pandering to a religious organization? . :doubt:

Vatican IS a state.

( what Americans DON"T know can be a heavy book ;) )
Our Christian Presidents Slaps Every Roman Catholic in the Face.
Catholics subscribe to a dogma that burned thousands at the stake. Hundreds of their priests have been caught sodomizing children. A good slap upside their heads is in order.

Secularism has its own form of stake burning, it involved a guillotine, look up the Reign of Terror for an example.

And public school teachers have been caught aplenty sleeping with thier students, including sodomy. I guess they need a slap as well.
The move is for security and services will not be downsized.

Long Knife slaps every American in the face with lies.

So the vatican has been a hotbed of terrorist assaults and violence?

This is a calculated slight at the Church as the exact same time they get a Pope who advocates left leaning policies.

I guess pleasing the pro-abortion rights/birth control crowd outweighs social justice.

Your post is a slight at the American people, who are not as foolish as you think.

Catholics applaud the move, for security reasons because it removes an object of jihadist hatred from Vatican City.

The Vatican is a target of Jihadists, because it is the Vatican.

Once again the idiotic spin from Jakeydouchebag reaches epic proportions.

Every time we think he can't dig deeper, he burrows down another 10 ft.
Our Christian Presidents Slaps Every Roman Catholic in the Face.
Catholics subscribe to a dogma that burned thousands at the stake. Hundreds of their priests have been caught sodomizing children. A good slap upside their heads is in order.

Secularism has its own form of stake burning, it involved a guillotine, look up the Reign of Terror for an example.

And public school teachers have been caught aplenty sleeping with thier students, including sodomy. I guess they need a slap as well.

The Thread is about Catholics. Pointing your finger at those over there is no justification, it's just an attempt to deflect attention.

First, our President is Christian? It's hard to tell sometimes.
Another reason for you not to judge.
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