Our Communist Party


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Our Communist Party

19 Jun 2024 ~~ By LLoyd Billingsley

As Victor Davis Hanson notes, “our Soviet Union” features our own Brezhnev in Joe Biden and our own Pravda in the establishment media that praises the Delaware dullard as “sharp as a tack.” Our Soviet Union also features Stalinist show-trials, imprisonment without trial, government control of media, deep state agencies deployed against the people, and our very own communist party.
Long before the Russia hoax, the Soviet Union interfered with American elections by running their own candidates of the Communist Party USA, a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR. The CPUSA candidate in 1924, 1928 and 1932 was William Z. Foster, author of Toward Soviet America: The Crises and Decline of Capitalism and the Impending Rise of Socialism in the United States. That classic was first published in 1932, when Stalin was planning his career in mass murder. The Soviets also supported proxies in the Progressive Party such as Henry Wallace (1948) and Vincent Hallinan (1952), but during the 1960s they returned to the CPUSA.
Obama’s beloved Frank Marshall Davis was a CPUSA stalwart and lifelong admirer of the Soviet Union’s all-white dictatorship. Bernie Sanders is basically a Rip Van Winkle communist, and like Obama, Sanders never saw a Stalinist dictator he didn’t like.
Angela Davis now comes billed as an advocate of “social justice,” and back in 2020 Davis was a big booster of Joe Biden. The Delaware Democrat was “problematic in many ways” but “to vote for ourselves I think that means that we will have to campaign for and vote for Joe Biden.”
The former Communist Party USA candidate has been rather quiet about Biden’s record in office. We’ll see who the Lenin Peace Prize winner endorses in November.

Even Communists realize the Marxist Socialism doesn't work.
They know that Communism itself never works because it involves people, who are just bags of emotions walking around.
The vast majority of believers are envious of those better off than them.
The ones who end up succeeding are the communist/socialist leaders and there are a lot of dead people as the cost.
The Democrats have learned from this and follow that plan.
The CPUSA quit running candidates for president because Democrats are on the same page. It became noticable when Obama was nominated by the DNC and the complicit Media proclaimed ih the second coming of Christ (Anti-Christ).
VDH has a sharp mind and tongue and is truly mightier then the sword when it comes to the political discourse and it's historical roots and analogies.
The DNC has become a disgraceful evil Stalinistic vengeful government of traitors led by a corrupt emperor.
The USSR, German Workers Socialist Party, Democrat Socialist Party of America. The label never matches when Commies are involved. It's always a cover story or beard when destructive organizations and people are involved. If you use a "popular" phrase the Democrat Party is "Trans".
To hear them explain, they've ALWAYS felt that they should be the sole holders of power. "Democrats" ALWAYS thought Constitutional government needed to be dismantled and destroyed. They've always had this nagging drive to jail and even eliminate with extreme prejudice these deplorable individuals standing in the way of progress. Its the Trans-Democrat Party.
Decency and honesty was driven from the party and it will never return.
Their false flag operation of Jan 6th and lawfare concocted by Nancy Pelosi and her fellow travelers has crashed and burned.

Our Communist Party

19 Jun 2024 ~~ By LLoyd Billingsley

As Victor Davis Hanson notes, “our Soviet Union” features our own Brezhnev in Joe Biden and our own Pravda in the establishment media that praises the Delaware dullard as “sharp as a tack.” Our Soviet Union also features Stalinist show-trials, imprisonment without trial, government control of media, deep state agencies deployed against the people, and our very own communist party.
Long before the Russia hoax, the Soviet Union interfered with American elections by running their own candidates of the Communist Party USA, a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR. The CPUSA candidate in 1924, 1928 and 1932 was William Z. Foster, author of Toward Soviet America: The Crises and Decline of Capitalism and the Impending Rise of Socialism in the United States. That classic was first published in 1932, when Stalin was planning his career in mass murder. The Soviets also supported proxies in the Progressive Party such as Henry Wallace (1948) and Vincent Hallinan (1952), but during the 1960s they returned to the CPUSA.
Obama’s beloved Frank Marshall Davis was a CPUSA stalwart and lifelong admirer of the Soviet Union’s all-white dictatorship. Bernie Sanders is basically a Rip Van Winkle communist, and like Obama, Sanders never saw a Stalinist dictator he didn’t like.
Angela Davis now comes billed as an advocate of “social justice,” and back in 2020 Davis was a big booster of Joe Biden. The Delaware Democrat was “problematic in many ways” but “to vote for ourselves I think that means that we will have to campaign for and vote for Joe Biden.”
The former Communist Party USA candidate has been rather quiet about Biden’s record in office. We’ll see who the Lenin Peace Prize winner endorses in November.

Even Communists realize the Marxist Socialism doesn't work.
They know that Communism itself never works because it involves people, who are just bags of emotions walking around.
The vast majority of believers are envious of those better off than them.
The ones who end up succeeding are the communist/socialist leaders and there are a lot of dead people as the cost.
The Democrats have learned from this and follow that plan.
The CPUSA quit running candidates for president because Democrats are on the same page. It became noticable when Obama was nominated by the DNC and the complicit Media proclaimed ih the second coming of Christ (Anti-Christ).
VDH has a sharp mind and tongue and is truly mightier then the sword when it comes to the political discourse and it's historical roots and analogies.
The DNC has become a disgraceful evil Stalinistic vengeful government of traitors led by a corrupt emperor.
The USSR, German Workers Socialist Party, Democrat Socialist Party of America. The label never matches when Commies are involved. It's always a cover story or beard when destructive organizations and people are involved. If you use a "popular" phrase the Democrat Party is "Trans".
To hear them explain, they've ALWAYS felt that they should be the sole holders of power. "Democrats" ALWAYS thought Constitutional government needed to be dismantled and destroyed. They've always had this nagging drive to jail and even eliminate with extreme prejudice these deplorable individuals standing in the way of progress. Its the Trans-Democrat Party.
Decency and honesty was driven from the party and it will never return.
Their false flag operation of Jan 6th and lawfare concocted by Nancy Pelosi and her fellow travelers has crashed and burned.

Our Communist Party

19 Jun 2024 ~~ By LLoyd Billingsley

As Victor Davis Hanson notes, “our Soviet Union” features our own Brezhnev in Joe Biden and our own Pravda in the establishment media that praises the Delaware dullard as “sharp as a tack.” Our Soviet Union also features Stalinist show-trials, imprisonment without trial, government control of media, deep state agencies deployed against the people, and our very own communist party.
Long before the Russia hoax, the Soviet Union interfered with American elections by running their own candidates of the Communist Party USA, a wholly owned subsidiary of the USSR. The CPUSA candidate in 1924, 1928 and 1932 was William Z. Foster, author of Toward Soviet America: The Crises and Decline of Capitalism and the Impending Rise of Socialism in the United States. That classic was first published in 1932, when Stalin was planning his career in mass murder. The Soviets also supported proxies in the Progressive Party such as Henry Wallace (1948) and Vincent Hallinan (1952), but during the 1960s they returned to the CPUSA.
Obama’s beloved Frank Marshall Davis was a CPUSA stalwart and lifelong admirer of the Soviet Union’s all-white dictatorship. Bernie Sanders is basically a Rip Van Winkle communist, and like Obama, Sanders never saw a Stalinist dictator he didn’t like.
Angela Davis now comes billed as an advocate of “social justice,” and back in 2020 Davis was a big booster of Joe Biden. The Delaware Democrat was “problematic in many ways” but “to vote for ourselves I think that means that we will have to campaign for and vote for Joe Biden.”
The former Communist Party USA candidate has been rather quiet about Biden’s record in office. We’ll see who the Lenin Peace Prize winner endorses in November.

Even Communists realize the Marxist Socialism doesn't work.
They know that Communism itself never works because it involves people, who are just bags of emotions walking around.
The vast majority of believers are envious of those better off than them.
The ones who end up succeeding are the communist/socialist leaders and there are a lot of dead people as the cost.
The Democrats have learned from this and follow that plan.
The CPUSA quit running candidates for president because Democrats are on the same page. It became noticable when Obama was nominated by the DNC and the complicit Media proclaimed ih the second coming of Christ (Anti-Christ).
VDH has a sharp mind and tongue and is truly mightier then the sword when it comes to the political discourse and it's historical roots and analogies.
The DNC has become a disgraceful evil Stalinistic vengeful government of traitors led by a corrupt emperor.
The USSR, German Workers Socialist Party, Democrat Socialist Party of America. The label never matches when Commies are involved. It's always a cover story or beard when destructive organizations and people are involved. If you use a "popular" phrase the Democrat Party is "Trans".
To hear them explain, they've ALWAYS felt that they should be the sole holders of power. "Democrats" ALWAYS thought Constitutional government needed to be dismantled and destroyed. They've always had this nagging drive to jail and even eliminate with extreme prejudice these deplorable individuals standing in the way of progress. Its the Trans-Democrat Party.
Decency and honesty was driven from the party and it will never return.
Their false flag operation of Jan 6th and lawfare concocted by Nancy Pelosi and her fellow travelers has crashed and burned.

CUSA is covered by the 1st Amendment and membership is legal. Back in the 50's, Harry Truman and the democrat party went to war with imbedded communism in the U.S. with the establishment of HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee). Being a democrat party creation it had the total support of the media at the time. When the war on communism went bad, the media and the democrat party turned on a freaking dime and blamed the unfortunate era on a single republican senator who didn't even chair a committee. The press and Hollywood got away with it and it's known as McCarthyism today. It's another chilling reminder of how the the power of the propaganda arm of the democrat party can distort history. .
CUSA is covered by the 1st Amendment and membership is legal. Back in the 50's, Harry Truman and the democrat party went to war with imbedded communism in the U.S. with the establishment of HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee). Being a democrat party creation it had the total support of the media at the time. When the war on communism went bad, the media and the democrat party turned on a freaking dime and blamed the unfortunate era on a single republican senator who didn't even chair a committee. The press and Hollywood got away with it and it's known as McCarthyism today. It's another chilling reminder of how the the power of the propaganda arm of the democrat party can distort history. .
Voicing communism is "legal" but treason is punishable by death. BY DEATH!!!

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