Our Congress

With Hillary sure to win The White House the only hope of controlling her is for the GOP to give up on Donald and focus all their money and energy and pep rallies on voting for GOP senators everywhere.

If Hillary cannot capture the Senate too then there is very little damage she can do. Mitch McConnell can continue to prevent her for the next 4 years from seating any new SCOTUS justices, and the high court will simply shrink down to 7 eventually. Most likely Ginsberg will die or retire next. Good riddance too.
should the supreme court be abolished? or do you just like the number 7 for some reason?
Read the Constitution.

There is nothing magical about 9.

Any odd number will do in order to avert ties.

Right now 8 is an abomination because it essentially gives circuit courts of review SCOTUS status for decision purposes when the high court ties 4 and 4.
should only republicans decide who is on the supreme court?
So far the GOP Presidents have appointed the best jurists to the high court.

Billy Boy appointed Ginsberg and she is the worst.

ALL of BHO's appointments have stunk too.

The GOP has a great track record of appointing strict constructionists. That is what the Founding Freemasons obviously had in mind.

Swing voters are good too. Right now Roberts and Kennedy are the two swing voters.
Should only republicans be allowed to be president too? Like a one party state?
Although W made some good SCOTUS appointments, he is knows as the worst POTUS since Carter.

But obviously you cannot outlaw one party or the other or any of them.

This is not China or N.Korea.
should the supreme court be abolished? or do you just like the number 7 for some reason?
Read the Constitution.

There is nothing magical about 9.

Any odd number will do in order to avert ties.

Right now 8 is an abomination because it essentially gives circuit courts of review SCOTUS status for decision purposes when the high court ties 4 and 4.
should only republicans decide who is on the supreme court?
So far the GOP Presidents have appointed the best jurists to the high court.

Billy Boy appointed Ginsberg and she is the worst.

ALL of BHO's appointments have stunk too.

The GOP has a great track record of appointing strict constructionists. That is what the Founding Freemasons obviously had in mind.

Swing voters are good too. Right now Roberts and Kennedy are the two swing voters.
Should only republicans be allowed to be president too? Like a one party state?

But obviously you cannot outlaw one party or the other or any of them.
why not?
was reagan a communist too?
Reagan started out Communist and morphed into RINO.
was bush a communist?
GHW and W were both fascist. Not communist by any stretch. But they both nominated excellent SCOTUS justices. Both of them were failed Presidents. But both of them benefitted the Nation with their SCOTUS nominations.

You seem to ask a lot of obvious questions. Are you lame?
so bush was a fascist reagan was communist all the democrats are communists.... what is trump?

and no none of this is obvious
was reagan a communist too?
Reagan started out Communist and morphed into RINO.
was bush a communist?
GHW and W were both fascist. Not communist by any stretch. But they both nominated excellent SCOTUS justices. Both of them were failed Presidents. But both of them benefitted the Nation with their SCOTUS nominations.

You seem to ask a lot of obvious questions. Are you lame?
so bush was a fascist reagan was communist all the democrats are communists.... what is trump?

and no none of this is obvious
Trump is a robber baron moron, same as Romney.

These business tycoons are not qualified to be POTUS.
was reagan a communist too?
Reagan started out Communist and morphed into RINO.
was bush a communist?
GHW and W were both fascist. Not communist by any stretch. But they both nominated excellent SCOTUS justices. Both of them were failed Presidents. But both of them benefitted the Nation with their SCOTUS nominations.

You seem to ask a lot of obvious questions. Are you lame?
so bush was a fascist reagan was communist all the democrats are communists.... what is trump?

and no none of this is obvious
Trump is a robber baron moron, same as Romney.

These business tycoons are not qualified to be POTUS.
what are you?
what are you?
"Nonpartisan Unaffiliated" is what my ballot says.

I normally vote for the lesser of two weevils.

GOP senators are currently the lesser of all the weevils.

For POTUS I can write-in McMullin the CIA guy. That gives me a clear conscience.
With Hillary sure to win The White House the only hope of controlling her is for the GOP to give up on Donald and focus all their money and energy and pep rallies on voting for GOP senators everywhere.

If Hillary cannot capture the Senate too then there is very little damage she can do. Mitch McConnell can continue to prevent her for the next 4 years from seating any new SCOTUS justices, and the high court will simply shrink down to 7 eventually. Most likely Ginsberg will die or retire next. Good riddance too.

Seeing how hard McConnell and Ryan have worked so hard to help Hillary win, do you think they will quit working with her after the election? It doesn't matter who takes the house or the Senate. Their favorite candidate will be president.
I think Ryan will work with Hillary after the election, but I do not believe that McConnell will in the least.

McConnell's job will be to keep Hillary's communists OFF the SCOTUS.

Ryan has an easy job -- he can play the game of give and take -- which he is good at.

Give and take is what his job is. The right wing forgot that. The Senate will be Democratic, so that won't be a problem.

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