“Our diversity is our strength”....why do Dems say this without offering data to prove it?

haha…you’re quite funny Gustavo.
Since when does some other asswipe's opinion count as "proof?"
Los Angeles was BUILT by Mexican immigrants, fool.
As was Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, Denver...
Geez, the ignorance is astounding.
Since when does some other asswipe's opinion count as "proof?"
Los Angeles was BUILT by Mexican immigrants, fool.
As was Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, Denver...
Geez, the ignorance is astounding.
Haha…thanks for playing Gustavo from Tijuana
Democrats do….how can they make such a claim- “our diversity is our strength” if all diverse communities, cities and states are such filthy, dangerous, divided shitholes?
The phrase is quite misleading and dishonest isn’t it?
How do you people not understand how cities work? Regardless of what political party controls them, they will inevitably have more crime the bigger they get. Like it’s pretty fucking stupid to compare them to rural areas.
Democrats do….how can they make such a claim- “our diversity is our strength” if all diverse communities, cities and states are such filthy, dangerous, divided shitholes?
The phrase is quite misleading and dishonest isn’t it?
Diversity is democrat for segregation.
How do you people not understand how cities work? Regardless of what political party controls them, they will inevitably have more crime the bigger they get. Like it’s pretty fucking stupid to compare them to rural areas.
So you honestly believe it‘s a matter of size and not a matter of race demographics? Are you fucking serious?
Democrats do….how can they make such claim- “our diversity is our strength” if all diverse communities, cities and states are such filthy, dangerous, divided shitholes?
The phrase is quite misleading and dishonest isn’t it?
They're only shitholes because the evil white man exploits them 😄
Democrats do….how can they make such a claim- “our diversity is our strength” if all diverse communities, cities and states are such filthy, dangerous, divided shitholes?
The phrase is quite misleading and dishonest isn’t it?
They do? Can you show some examples?
How do you people not understand how cities work? Regardless of what political party controls them, they will inevitably have more crime the bigger they get. Like it’s pretty fucking stupid to compare them to rural areas.
WHY do big cities have more crime the niggar they get?
Didn’t hear her say any of what you said… want to try again?
At 11 seconds in she says “our diversity is our strength” implying that America is clean, safe, prosperous and united because of diversity / multiculturalism.
The candid accurate truth would be- “diverse, multicultural communities, cities and states are all dirty, disgusting, crime ridden, dangerous, divided shitholes”
I don’t make up the data…it is what it is.
At 11 seconds in she says “our diversity is our strength” implying that America is clean, safe, prosperous and united because of diversity / multiculturalism.
The candid accurate truth would be- “diverse, multicultural communities, cities and states are all dirty, disgusting, crime ridden, dangerous, divided shitholes”
I don’t make up the data…it is what it is.
Yup she said diversity is our strength. Not implying what you are saying, nice try though

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