Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

If it weren’t true, conservatives never would have elected Trump.
Oh, I get it. You DON'T know any conservatives, but you think you do because some of them might have done something you don't like. In the light of day, that sounds quite lame.
I think the exception proofs the rule here. Someone with complete androgen insensitivity proves that’s not the case.

Gender is a set of characteristics we associate with a sex, but is not necessarily the same thing.

No it doesn't. Miniscule numbers of mutations and defects do not eliminate the default.

That's the definition the nutters want, not what reality is.
Or, he doesn't know any genuine science.

Or both.
I do find it interesting that the same people who complain that conservatives are anti-science believe that men can literally become women and vice versa, directly contradicting science. What they also don't seem to understand is the miracle that occurs when a straight man becomes a lesbian woman. We were told very emphatically that you cannot change your sexual orientation just be deciding to do so, but lo and behold, there it is.
Really? You think trans people are running around demanding people say they have XX chromosomes instead of XY?

No one gives a shit what your chromosomes are.

You say they’re the same. I say they’re not. How is my opinion unscientific?

They are demanding to be treated as such, thus demanding we ignore basic biology.

When you force your fetish on the rest of us, we then have to give a shit.

Because reality is a bitch, bitch.
They are demanding to be treated as such, thus demanding we ignore basic biology.

When you force your fetish on the rest of us, we then have to give a shit.

Because reality is a bitch, bitch.
What biology are they asking you to ignore exactly?
Their actual biology. Stop trying to be obtuse. One of the things normal people can't stand about leftists is they can never be 100% honest about any of their positions.
What does “their actual biology” mean?

Their chromosomes? Nope. No one is asking you pretend their chromosomes are different than what they actually are.

Im the one being honest here. You’re ducking and dodging to avoid losing.
What does “their actual biology” mean?

Their chromosomes? Nope. No one is asking you pretend their chromosomes are different than what they actually are.

Im the one being honest here. You’re ducking and dodging to avoid losing.

Yes they are, they are asking you to pretend that they are something they are not. It's why they want to compete in women's sports, use women's restrooms and wonder why straight guys don't want to fuck them.

No, you aren't. you are playing word games to avoid the actual topic at hand.
Yes they are, they are asking you to pretend that they are something they are not. It's why they want to compete in women's sports, use women's restrooms and wonder why straight guys don't want to fuck them.

No, you aren't. you are playing word games to avoid the actual topic at hand.
Im still waiting to hear what you mean by “biology”.

These aren’t word games. You said something and I want you to explain what you meant by it. Words matter. Definitions matter.
Im still waiting to hear what you mean by “biology”.

These aren’t word games. You said something and I want you to explain what you meant by it. Words matter. Definitions matter.

And you will keep waiting because all you want to play is word games.
You are equating Old Testament commandments with New Testament.
The two ain't in the bible?
Ain't the whole bible God's word?
When and why did he/she flip from being an old-times diety to a being a modernist?
I kinda sorta thought God was a permanent entity. His/her word is true millions of years ago, or even just 6,000 years ago. Or today. He/she ain't a flipper. One of those....'Ummm, changed my mind on that'-types.
Did God change his/her mind? Discard all that work he/she put into the Old Testament and had a re-write edition for the New?

OK, I can have all kinds of fun with the bible-thumping constituency and their nutjobbery.
But in truth, I do believe that as a collected effort of many men over thousands of years what we call 'the bible' does have some practical direction.

"Do not kill".....OK, that's a pragmatic suggestion for any society.
'Do not steal'.....same.
'Do not take your neighbor's spouse'.....true that.
Practical stuff. Not sure you really need a godhead to steer away from that merde'.
All those advisories we see in this cumulative bible are efforts of mankind to keep their societies, tribes, clans, and collectives whole, healthy, conflict free. Even thousands of years ago mankind realized that killing each other or filching someone's paleo-points is gonna cause problems within the cave. So some here want to interpret god as sort of Captain Obvious.

So the bible is sort of a suggestion box for how some issues can be addressed.
But while it has some good and practical stuff.....it also has a bunch of ancient old-ways nutjobbery (witness inviting your neighbors over to stone your daughter to death). Which leaves us wondering when do we believe god's word and when do we not.

The problem ain't god or gods.....it is the god-nutters. the bible-thumpers. The uber-christianists. They want to insert their particular flavor of God into their interpretation of what was recorded by men thousands of years ago.
And their god keeps going through system-upgrades.....v.3.0, v.3.1, etc.

Ain't the bible sorta like the horoscope?
You can read into it anything you want?
Take from it anything that suits you?


I do find it interesting that the same people who complain that conservatives are anti-science believe that men can literally become women and vice versa, directly contradicting science.

That is a silly shibboleth by the prolific poster 'hadit' that some MAGAphiles self-amuse themselves with. It is nonsense.

He says "same people" as if it is a huge collective or constituency of like-minded people ...a big entity. And that they all espouse a group-think.*
( * how 'bout naming a whole bunch of those "same people"?)

A thin slice, a very thin slice, of American society thinks that nature dealt them a bad hand at birth.....not necessarily missing a foot, or hearing, or a cleft-palate ....but that somehow, someway, the opposite sex...be it male or female ....is more appealing -- or at least more simpatico ---than their own sex.

And a thin slice of that thin slice thinks that surgery may be able to correct what they think is a wrong dealing.
So what? It ain't a big deal for the rest of society.

Albeit, it IS for the grievance-filled MAGAnutters who are searching for yet another topic to be outraged and angry about as they suck on and nurture their personal victimhood.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral about the MAGA/QAnon jackassery.
Duck and dodge. That’s all you do.

You can’t have an honest conversation because you lack courage.

I can't have an honest conversation because in this case my opponent isn't honest.

Like all leftists, you rely on half truths and intentional ignorance to make your supposed points.
The problem ain't god or gods.....it is the god-nutters. the bible-thumpers. The uber-christianists. They want to insert their particular flavor of God into their interpretation of what was recorded by men thousands of years ago.
The world has seen the perversion and weaponization of religion so many times how, there's no way to count.

So now we have a group of people who literally think they're saving America from Satan. Our very own Holy War.

I guess I never thought I would see this here.
The real problem that libs have with the Holy Bible isn't the age of the earth, but the fact that the Scriptures take a dim view of men violating each other's buttholes. They are still pissed at the judgment Almighty God imposed on the LGBTQ+ community in Sodom- a city that loved butt sex so much they named the town after it.
The world has seen the perversion and weaponization of religion so many times how, there's no way to count.

So now we have a group of people who literally think they're saving America from Satan. Our very own Holy War.

I guess I never thought I would see this here.
What Mac1958 calls “nutters” are Christians who believe in God and take Scripture seriously

And that drives godless libs like him crazy
"...men violating each other's buttholes. They are still pissed at the judgment Almighty God imposed on the LGBTQ+ community in Sodom- a city that loved butt sex so much they named the town after it."

Now, I have no wish to play pop-psychiatrist, but......but I gotta admit Polish that such a diatribe as written in the quoted post above......sounds an awful lot like 'projection'.
An over-compensation?

Maybe it is.
Maybe it ain't.
But it kinda sorta looks like it.
Just sayin'.
What does “their actual biology” mean?

Their chromosomes? Nope. No one is asking you pretend their chromosomes are different than what they actually are.

Im the one being honest here. You’re ducking and dodging to avoid losing.
Bullshit. That is exactly what they are demanding. They want everyone to recognize them as the opposite of what science says they are, Stupid.

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