Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

I can't have an honest conversation because in this case my opponent isn't honest.

Like all leftists, you rely on half truths and intentional ignorance to make your supposed points.
All I asked for was clarity on what you meant by biology.

That was just too much for you.

The reason you won’t answer is because you can see that answering would harm your argument. Because you’re dishonest and won’t admit it, you attack me instead.

I’ve been perfectly clear and 100% consistent. No one is asking you to ignore biology. No one is demanding you say their chromosomes are different than what they are.

You’re so obsessed with “biology” but the fact is that you don’t know anything about the biology of the people you interact with. How often do you inspect people’s genitals or examine their chromosomes? You don’t. You interact people based on secondary characteristics. Their dress. Their physical appearance. How everyone else treats them. That’s not biology.
All I asked for was clarity on what you meant by biology.

That was just too much for you.

The reason you won’t answer is because you can see that answering would harm your argument. Because you’re dishonest and won’t admit it, you attack me instead.

I’ve been perfectly clear and 100% consistent. No one is asking you to ignore biology. No one is demanding you say their chromosomes are different than what they are.

You’re so obsessed with “biology” but the fact is that you don’t know anything about the biology of the people you interact with. How often do you inspect people’s genitals or examine their chromosomes? You don’t. You interact people based on secondary characteristics. Their dress. Their physical appearance. How everyone else treats them. That’s not biology.
Exactly. Your entire position has nothing to do with science and biology. It's all about feelings.
The two ain't in the bible?
Ain't the whole bible God's word?
When and why did he/she flip from being an old-times diety to a being a modernist?
I kinda sorta thought God was a permanent entity. His/her word is true millions of years ago, or even just 6,000 years ago. Or today. He/she ain't a flipper. One of those....'Ummm, changed my mind on that'-types.
Did God change his/her mind? Discard all that work he/she put into the Old Testament and had a re-write edition for the New?

OK, I can have all kinds of fun with the bible-thumping constituency and their nutjobbery.
But in truth, I do believe that as a collected effort of many men over thousands of years what we call 'the bible' does have some practical direction.

"Do not kill".....OK, that's a pragmatic suggestion for any society.
'Do not steal'.....same.
'Do not take your neighbor's spouse'.....true that.
Practical stuff. Not sure you really need a godhead to steer away from that merde'.
All those advisories we see in this cumulative bible are efforts of mankind to keep their societies, tribes, clans, and collectives whole, healthy, conflict free. Even thousands of years ago mankind realized that killing each other or filching someone's paleo-points is gonna cause problems within the cave. So some here want to interpret god as sort of Captain Obvious.

So the bible is sort of a suggestion box for how some issues can be addressed.
But while it has some good and practical stuff.....it also has a bunch of ancient old-ways nutjobbery (witness inviting your neighbors over to stone your daughter to death). Which leaves us wondering when do we believe god's word and when do we not.

The problem ain't god or gods.....it is the god-nutters. the bible-thumpers. The uber-christianists. They want to insert their particular flavor of God into their interpretation of what was recorded by men thousands of years ago.
And their god keeps going through system-upgrades.....v.3.0, v.3.1, etc.

Ain't the bible sorta like the horoscope?
You can read into it anything you want?
Take from it anything that suits you?


That is a silly shibboleth by the prolific poster 'hadit' that some MAGAphiles self-amuse themselves with. It is nonsense.

He says "same people" as if it is a huge collective or constituency of like-minded people ...a big entity. And that they all espouse a group-think.*
( * how 'bout naming a whole bunch of those "same people"?)

A thin slice, a very thin slice, of American society thinks that nature dealt them a bad hand at birth.....not necessarily missing a foot, or hearing, or a cleft-palate ....but that somehow, someway, the opposite sex...be it male or female ....is more appealing -- or at least more simpatico ---than their own sex.

And a thin slice of that thin slice thinks that surgery may be able to correct what they think is a wrong dealing.
So what? It ain't a big deal for the rest of society.

Albeit, it IS for the grievance-filled MAGAnutters who are searching for yet another topic to be outraged and angry about as they suck on and nurture their personal victimhood.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral about the MAGA/QAnon jackassery.

Nut-jobs are the ones like you that turn away from God and make up your own values. This is the actual message of the Bible, especially the Old Testament. It sounds like you really hate the God of the ancient Israelites, so I suspect some anti-Semitism there. But it really comes down to your hatred of God.

You don’t like being told what is right and wrong, because you’re so smart you can determine that on your own. So you believe homosexuality is perfectly fine, because that is what the lying propagandists have told you. You can also make up your own reality and the laws of nature, such as believing humans can be more than two genders, or can change genders.

So tell us, who are the real nut-jobs? The ones that believe it’s okay to mutilate children in the name of “transgenderism”, and believe there are more than two genders? Or the people that believe humans were made as males and females as stated in the Bible?
The two ain't in the bible?
Ain't the whole bible God's word?
When and why did he/she flip from being an old-times diety to a being a modernist?
I kinda sorta thought God was a permanent entity. His/her word is true millions of years ago, or even just 6,000 years ago. Or today. He/she ain't a flipper. One of those....'Ummm, changed my mind on that'-types.
Did God change his/her mind? Discard all that work he/she put into the Old Testament and had a re-write edition for the New?

OK, I can have all kinds of fun with the bible-thumping constituency and their nutjobbery.
But in truth, I do believe that as a collected effort of many men over thousands of years what we call 'the bible' does have some practical direction.

"Do not kill".....OK, that's a pragmatic suggestion for any society.
'Do not steal'.....same.
'Do not take your neighbor's spouse'.....true that.
Practical stuff. Not sure you really need a godhead to steer away from that merde'.
All those advisories we see in this cumulative bible are efforts of mankind to keep their societies, tribes, clans, and collectives whole, healthy, conflict free. Even thousands of years ago mankind realized that killing each other or filching someone's paleo-points is gonna cause problems within the cave. So some here want to interpret god as sort of Captain Obvious.

So the bible is sort of a suggestion box for how some issues can be addressed.
But while it has some good and practical stuff.....it also has a bunch of ancient old-ways nutjobbery (witness inviting your neighbors over to stone your daughter to death). Which leaves us wondering when do we believe god's word and when do we not.

The problem ain't god or gods.....it is the god-nutters. the bible-thumpers. The uber-christianists. They want to insert their particular flavor of God into their interpretation of what was recorded by men thousands of years ago.
And their god keeps going through system-upgrades.....v.3.0, v.3.1, etc.

Ain't the bible sorta like the horoscope?
You can read into it anything you want?
Take from it anything that suits you?


That is a silly shibboleth by the prolific poster 'hadit' that some MAGAphiles self-amuse themselves with. It is nonsense.

He says "same people" as if it is a huge collective or constituency of like-minded people ...a big entity. And that they all espouse a group-think.*
( * how 'bout naming a whole bunch of those "same people"?)

A thin slice, a very thin slice, of American society thinks that nature dealt them a bad hand at birth.....not necessarily missing a foot, or hearing, or a cleft-palate ....but that somehow, someway, the opposite sex...be it male or female ....is more appealing -- or at least more simpatico ---than their own sex.

And a thin slice of that thin slice thinks that surgery may be able to correct what they think is a wrong dealing.
So what? It ain't a big deal for the rest of society.

Albeit, it IS for the grievance-filled MAGAnutters who are searching for yet another topic to be outraged and angry about as they suck on and nurture their personal victimhood.

Other than that, I'm pretty neutral about the MAGA/QAnon jackassery.
Oh, look, an attempt to mask the very real phenomenon that a lot of people believe that a man who makes his body look more feminine actually becomes a woman, or a woman who makes her body look more masculine actually becomes a man. They are anti-biology.
Well, this is reassuring.

The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.​
In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.​

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio showof Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.​

There are those who adhere to ideological dogma in lieu of scientific data and expertise.

If th empirical reality concerning paleontology, archeology, biology, climatology, gender identity, etc., etc., etc, does not defer to their dogma, they reject reality, and rage against those with the most knowledge in that discipline.

That penchant for angry, aggressive irrationality metastasizes into other realms of blind faith such as election denial, even after all fifty states certify their results, after recounts, audits, investigations, and dozens of court appeals reaffirm the results they don't like.
So you agree that the theory of evolution is true.

Great. You just passed 6th grade science. Good for you.

You never even grasped the discussion. Typical Democrat, you saw me say what you wanted me to say, not what I said. I can't get past all the stupid. Later, bitch
When you stop being a fake conservative! Just like the rest of the MAGA cult!

You know the rules. I'm not interacting with you until you're honest about who you are. It's not Toro, he's a good guy and you're a dick
Well, this is reassuring.

The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.​
In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.​

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio showof Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.​

Guilt by association, classic democrat SOP. One is excused for thinking they would attack Mother Theresa because she was associated with the Catholic Church that had some priests abuse children.
Guilt by association, classic democrat SOP. One is excused for thinking they would attack Mother Theresa because she was associated with the Catholic Church that had some priests abuse children.

Fake Toro is too cowardly to admit who he is, he should be ignored until he grows a pair and does. But he is not Toro, he was a good guy
All I asked for was clarity on what you meant by biology.

That was just too much for you.

The reason you won’t answer is because you can see that answering would harm your argument. Because you’re dishonest and won’t admit it, you attack me instead.

I’ve been perfectly clear and 100% consistent. No one is asking you to ignore biology. No one is demanding you say their chromosomes are different than what they are.

You’re so obsessed with “biology” but the fact is that you don’t know anything about the biology of the people you interact with. How often do you inspect people’s genitals or examine their chromosomes? You don’t. You interact people based on secondary characteristics. Their dress. Their physical appearance. How everyone else treats them. That’s not biology.

Like asking what a woman is?

It's minutiae and word play to avoid realizing you are trying to alter reality to fit your dipshit worldview.

I am answering that I am not going to play your SJW Orwellian game.

No, you have not.

And they demand I treat them as what they are cosplaying as.

Would you fuck a tranny?
Like asking what a woman is?

It's minutiae and word play to avoid realizing you are trying to alter reality to fit your dipshit worldview.

I am answering that I am not going to play your SJW Orwellian game.

No, you have not.

And they demand I treat them as what they are cosplaying as.

Would you fuck a tranny?
Jesus. I didn’t expect you to have such an epic melt down.

Just asking what you mean by “biology”. I didn’t expect that would turn you into such an emotional child.
Jesus. I didn’t expect you to have such an epic melt down.

Just asking what you mean by “biology”. I didn’t expect that would turn you into such an emotional child.

No meltdown, a question. Since you have such a concern of biology, would you fuck a tranny? pre OR post-op?
Nut-jobs are the ones like you that turn away from God and make up your own values. ......... It sounds like you really hate the God of the ancient Israelites, so I suspect some anti-Semitism there. But it really comes down to your hatred of God.

"Turn away from God"?
Which "God"?
A quick google will give you an answer ranging from 18,000 gods, to 330,000. Or more.
Is it OK if I turn away from your flavor of god and choose one of my own?

Nonetheless, don't worry 'Hawk'.....your god has gotta be the right one.
And Malachai's over there is the right god.....for him.
And Rajajesh's over there is right.....for him.
And Wild Eagle's over there is right.....for him.

But 'Hawk' be happy with yours and don't fret about the gods of others.....even if those 'other' gods are referenced in that 'bible' of yours, e.g., Adrammelech and Anammelech, Asherah, Baal, Chemosh, Dagon, and Molech.

Poster Hawk....you got a lot of flavors to choose from.
I personally (and my avatar too).....don't think you can make a wrong choice.

If some particular he/she as a godhead works for you then that is the right one. For you.

Good luck, and have a blessed day. ;)
Its intensely personal and irrelevant.

You are engaging in the definition of trolling.

So OK to let them wrestle and fight women, OK for them to get undressed around women, but not OK to fuck them.

I am making you take a stand on a position, and you are weaseling your way out of it with typical SJW aplomb.
"Oh, look, an attempt to mask the very real phenomenon that a lot of people believe...."


An observation that both the Old Testament and the New Testament are supposedly 'the-word-of-god'.......morphs into poster 'Hadit's' interest in gender dysphoria?

Whadahell is that all about? How did we go to that place?

Well, it is the internet and anyone can be anybody they wanna be.
I suppose.

So go for it, poster 'Hadit'.
We all be cool with you.......no matter what you look like.

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