Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

You are equating Old Testament commandments with New Testament.

We don’t need to stone them, but they still need to be called out, mocked, and possibly criminalized.
What about adulterers? Shouldn't they be called out, mocked, and possibly criminalized?

Jesus never mentioned gays, but he sure did mention adulterers.
Democrats don't like Johnson but only have themselves to blame by not supporting McCarthy.
Soooooo, Dems were suppose to support McCarthy when his own party wouldn't? Where was McCarthy's assbuddy Trump when the wackos in the NutHouse showed him the door? Playng with himself?

An observation that both the Old Testament and the New Testament are supposedly 'the-word-of-god'.......morphs into poster 'Hadit's' interest in gender dysphoria?

Whadahell is that all about? How did we go to that place?

Well, it is the internet and anyone can be anybody they wanna be.
I suppose.

So go for it, poster 'Hadit'.
We all be cool with you.......no matter what you look like.
Wow, this is a classic course in how to present yourself as an idiot on the internet. Just make up your own dialog as you go and pretend the other person said things they never said. Then, when you're inevitably painted into a corner, attempt to make the whole thing about the other person and hope desperately that the other person is not someone who not only doesn't care what you think about them but continues to destroy your argument.

Now, what do we do with all those people who think a man magically becomes a woman because he thinks he ought to be one, in the face of biological fact? And how do we handle the miracle that happens when a straight man suddenly, upon becoming a woman, realizes he is in fact a lesbian and has pulled off the impossible?
What about adulterers? Shouldn't they be called out, mocked, and possibly criminalized?

Jesus never mentioned gays, but he sure did mention adulterers.
They certainly should be admonished and hear from the pulpit that what they're doing is wrong. The same with liars, cheats and the greedy. Of course, should a pastor actually do that, the usual suspects (you know who you are) would be all over him for not being tolerant and accepting of sin the way they think he should.
Wow, this is a classic course in how to present yourself as an idiot on the internet. Just make up your own dialog as you go and pretend the other person said things they never said. Then, when you're inevitably painted into a corner, attempt to make the whole thing about the other person and hope desperately that the other person is not someone who not only doesn't care what you think about them but continues to destroy your argument.

Now, what do we do with all those people who think a man magically becomes a woman because he thinks he ought to be one, in the face of biological fact? And how do we handle the miracle that happens when a straight man suddenly, upon becoming a woman, realizes he is in fact a lesbian and has pulled off the impossible?
It's very simple. If someone wants to be called she/her, you call them she/her. It isn't complicated and its no skin off your dick.

But someone wants you to be distracted by this nonsense while they spend us into oblivion and tilt the legislative field to the advantage of the special interests who own them. They want you distracted from tax breaks for millionaires and to cut back the IRS from auditing their cheating on their tax returns.

Get your priorities straight, kid!
It's very simple. If someone wants to be called she/her, you call them she/her. It isn't complicated and its no skin off your dick.

But someone wants you to be distracted by this nonsense while they spend us into oblivion and tilt the legislative field to the advantage of the special interests who own them.

Get your priorities straight, kid!
This whole thing is in the context of the new House Speaker's ASSUMED beliefs, so is a valid topic when the usual suspects complain that some political people are anti-science. If someone wants me to call them Godzilla and asks me personally to do it, I have no problem doing so. I do, however, have a problem when it becomes such a fad that people lose jobs, careers, and family over some idiot being outraged that they called someone with testicles a man 20 years ago.
They certainly should be admonished and hear from the pulpit that what they're doing is wrong.

Ya think so?



The same with liars, cheats and the greedy.
Ya think so?

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'​

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds​

Trump was ordered to pay $2 million, or $250,000, a piece to eight different charities. Those charities are Army Emergency Relief, the Children’s Aid Society, Citymeals-on-Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha’s Table, the United Negro College Fund, the United Way of National Capital Area, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business​

Ya think so?


Ya think so?

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement for 'victims of Donald Trump's fraudulent university'​

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds​

Trump was ordered to pay $2 million, or $250,000, a piece to eight different charities. Those charities are Army Emergency Relief, the Children’s Aid Society, Citymeals-on-Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha’s Table, the United Negro College Fund, the United Way of National Capital Area, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business​

What does TRUMP! have to do with anything? Are you obsessed with him or something?
What does TRUMP! have to do with anything? Are you obsessed with him or something?
He's an adulterer, a thief, a liar. A man who made his living from gambling, contests of the flesh, and a game show focused on greed.

Everything an evangelical bible-thumping moralizer could ask for!

You can marry three times, cheat on all three wives, fuck a porn star while your third wife is home nursing your newborn. You can steal from cancer kids (try THAT in a small town), defraud the elderly at your fake university, barge into underaged girls' dressing rooms to catch them naked, rob donors' money to your foundation to buy a painting of yourself, and violate at least six out of ten commandments repeatedly, but DON'T YOU DARE BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO OR YOU WILL GO TO HELL!
For MAGAts, the Bible is a weapon of hate. Just like the old right wing Christian terrorist Klan days when it was used against blacks.

The MAGA religion is a buffet-style Christianity. Don't just ignore certain sins, praise, and even deify, the man who is a profligate agent of Satan.

But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

For those who guide this people are leading them astray; And those who are guided by them are brought to confusion.
So OK to let them wrestle and fight women, OK for them to get undressed around women, but not OK to fuck them.

I am making you take a stand on a position, and you are weaseling your way out of it with typical SJW aplomb.
None of this has anything to do with biology. the rules for who wrestles who and who shares a locker room are social rules that we invented and we can change.
For MAGAts, the Bible is a weapon of hate. Just like the old right wing Christian terrorist Klan days when it was used against blacks.

The MAGA religion is a buffet-style Christianity. Don't just ignore certain sins, praise, and even deify, the man who is a profligate agent of Satan.

But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

For those who guide this people are leading them astray; And those who are guided by them are brought to confusion.

Sounds like you’ve made a good excuse to persecute Christians. If they are saying things you don’t like, you can just label them “MAGAts” and throw them in gulags. I guess only certain Christians are okay to you, the ones that only pick and choose a few things from the Bible and don’t confront the dangerous lies of the Satanic left. Like “Christian” Obama or “Catholic” Biden.

You seem to hate the Bible because it is a weapon of truth, I suspect because it exposes your lies.
What about adulterers? Shouldn't they be called out, mocked, and possibly criminalized?

Jesus never mentioned gays, but he sure did mention adulterers.

Yes, adulterers should be called out and shamed. Will Dems ever move to do such a thing? The people that say pornography is “frees speech”?
Sounds like you’ve made a good excuse to persecute Christians. If they are saying things you don’t like, you can just label them “MAGAts” and throw them in gulags. I guess only certain Christians are okay to you, the ones that only pick and choose a few things from the Bible and don’t confront the dangerous lies of the Satanic left. Like “Christian” Obama or “Catholic” Biden.

You seem to hate the Bible because it is a weapon of truth, I suspect because it exposes your lies.
I attend church more frequently than most of the members on this forum. I also know the bible better than most as evidenced by their ignorance of the Bible.

I can't tell you how many times so-called Christians who hate gays have claimed Jesus had something to say about gays. He never said a word about gays.

You worship a man who violates every principle of the Bible. A man who is leading Christians far, far astray.

And then you have pinch-faced hater Lauren Boebert who exposes her biblical ignorance with "wonton killing" while sermonizing from the pulpit when she knows people are watching, and then goes out and gives a handjob in a crowded theater while wearing a hooker costume and getting her tits groped when she thinks no one is watching.

These are your holy idols.
I attend church more frequently than most of the members on this forum. I also know the bible better than most as evidence by their ignorance of the Bible.

You worship a man who violates every principle of the Bible. A man who is leading Christians far, far astray.

And then you have pinch-faced hater Lauren Boebert who exposes her biblical ignorance with "wonton killing" while sermonizing from the pulpit when she knows people are watching, and then goes out and gives a handjob in a crowded theater while wearing a hooker costume and getting her tits groped when she thinks no one is watching.

These are your holy idols.

I worship only Jesus.

I look forward to debating you in the Religion sub forum.

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