Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

I worship only Jesus.

I look forward to debating you in the Religion sub forum.
I am a Deist, though I currently attend a Pentacostal church. Most of the members love Trump. Adore Trump. I have absolutely no idea why. The man is the devil's surrogate.

Other than their adoration of Trump, I find them to be the some of the nicest people you could meet. Though some claim to see demons, and have "visions' they share during church, and other freaky shit.

I have had to restrain myself from asking if they can see Trump is a demon, believe me.

Every time I attend a new church, I let the pastor or priest know I am a Deist and can't claim to be a Christian at this time. They are perfectly okay with that.
None of this has anything to do with biology. the rules for who wrestles who and who shares a locker room are social rules that we invented and we can change.
Um, college men's wrestling and college women's wrestling has everything to do with biology, you raving lunatic.

Just admit you hate science and are all about the feelz.
It should worry people the person second in line to the presidency believes the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

Young Earth Creationists tend to believe Jesus is returning any moment now. I don't want a guy with his hands on the controls of our country making decisions based on the belief the world is ending soon.

I doubt the thought crosses his mind, "Gee, maybe I should heed Our Savior's admonition to take care of the hungry and homeless."
And yet Trump never is. And he is much worse than just an adulterer.

What a joke, he has been. Most of his life he was a Democrat. But he certainly seems to have repented and become a better man, which I suspect is the real reason you hate him.

No one expects politicians to be perfect, no human is. But shamelessly being a hypocrite like Obama and Biden? It’s ridiculous to complain about President Trump compared to those two. We now know Barack was having gay sex with strangers back in the day. We know Biden was having an affair with his teenage babysitter and ended up marrying her. Yet you call yourself a Christian when you ”worship” those two.
I attend church more frequently than most of the members on this forum. I also know the bible better than most as evidenced by their ignorance of the Bible.

I can't tell you how many times so-called Christians who hate gays have claimed Jesus had something to say about gays. He never said a word about gays.

You worship a man who violates every principle of the Bible. A man who is leading Christians far, far astray.

And then you have pinch-faced hater Lauren Boebert who exposes her biblical ignorance with "wonton killing" while sermonizing from the pulpit when she knows people are watching, and then goes out and gives a handjob in a crowded theater while wearing a hooker costume and getting her tits groped when she thinks no one is watching.

These are your holy idols.
Your Vegetable Messiah had an affair with "Dr" Jill and ruined her marriage, hypocrite.
It should worry people the person second in line to the presidency believes the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
Do you have a quote by him yet, or are you just going to continue to lie, liar?
I am a Deist, though I currently attend a Pentacostal church. Most of the members love Trump. Adore Trump. I have absolutely no idea why. The man is the devil's surrogate.

Other than their adoration of Trump, I find them to be the some of the nicest people you could meet. Though some claim to see demons, and have "visions' they share during church, and other freaky shit.

I have had to restrain myself from asking if they can see Trump is a demon, believe me.

Every time I attend a new church, I let the pastor or priest know I am a Deist and can't claim to be a Christian at this time. They are perfectly okay with that.
LOL, no wonder you are so screwed up. A “Deist” who attends a Pentecostal church of all churches. That would probably freak me out as well.

It‘s interesting how you have to equate everything to President Trump. Sounds like an obsession. I just look at him as the best possible warrior to fight the Satanic loving filth of the radical left. He exposed how utterly useless neocon Republicans are as well as how evil and corrupt Democrats are. But it’s funny when a “better” example of a Christian comes along, like Mike Johnson, how viscously he is attacked by the left for being a “crazy Bible thumper”. Make up your minds. Do you want a religious guy or a flawed not so religious guy?
LOL, no wonder you are so screwed up. A “Deist” who attends a Pentecostal church of all churches. That would probably freak me out as well.

It‘s interesting how you have to equate everything to President Trump. Sounds like an obsession. I just look at him as the best possible warrior to fight the Satanic loving filth of the radical left. He exposed how utterly useless neocon Republicans are as well as how evil and corrupt Democrats are. But it’s funny when a “better” example of a Christian comes along, like Mike Johnson, how viscously he is attacked by the left for being a “crazy Bible thumper”. Make up your minds. Do you want a religious guy or a flawed not so religious guy?
g5000 is a perpetual whiny bitch.

He will whine, piss, and moan about anything Republican. And lie the entire time he is doing it.
It should worry people the person second in line to the presidency believes the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

Young Earth Creationists tend to believe Jesus is returning any moment now. I don't want a guy with his hands on the controls of our country making decisions based on the belief the world is ending soon.

I doubt the thought crosses his mind, "Gee, maybe I should heed Our Savior's admonition to take care of the hungry and homeless."
It's a global embarrassment, is what it is.
Cult fucks believe Biden is a good POTUS.

81 million votes. 81 million dumb motherfuckers.
81 million knew that Trump was a lousy POTUS & threw his ass out of office.

But keep crying about it if it makes you feel better, Anus.
He's an adulterer, a thief, a liar. A man who made his living from gambling, contests of the flesh, and a game show focused on greed.

Everything an evangelical bible-thumping moralizer could ask for!

You can marry three times, cheat on all three wives, fuck a porn star while your third wife is home nursing your newborn. You can steal from cancer kids (try THAT in a small town), defraud the elderly at your fake university, barge into underaged girls' dressing rooms to catch them naked, rob donors' money to your foundation to buy a painting of yourself, and violate at least six out of ten commandments repeatedly, but DON'T YOU DARE BAKE A CAKE FOR A HOMO OR YOU WILL GO TO HELL!
Okay, you don't like TRUMP!, but that has nothing to do with what I said. Shall I start pointing out things other people have done as well?
You really have an unhealthy relationship with sex and sexuality.

Says the fucked-up mental case that doesn't know the difference between men and women.

Well, this is reassuring.

The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.​
In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.​

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio showof Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.​

The operative question here is "Define a year". Whose year? Nobody said we were talking about an earthly year. That's why I'm fine with both evolution and the literal bible on this.
The operative question here is "Define a year". Whose year? Nobody said we were talking about an earthly year. That's why I'm fine with both evolution and the literal bible on this.
That's a great attitude. You have to assimilate facts like evolution. Else, you're nutty.
None of this has anything to do with biology. the rules for who wrestles who and who shares a locker room are social rules that we invented and we can change.

More dodging because you don't want to talk about the topic at hand.

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