Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

Waaaaay off.

Jesus wasn't influential. What was influential were crusaders with swords and colonialists with rifles.

If Jesus was so influential, the early christians would not have had to convert people at the ends of swords and rifles.

As for the children who have been brainwashed since: it's not Jesus that influenced them. It was their parents.

Sure, parents and teachers most certainly influence kids. We have generations today that can’t do basic math or answer basic science questions but somehow believe they fully understand the intricacies and validity of climate change and the origin of the universe. They are merely regurgitating what they have been taught to believe. The difference between them and those with a Christian upbringing is that children brought up in Christian households are capable of actually understanding what they have been taught, therefore, can come to a reasonable conclusion as to their beliefs on their own. Some may choose not to believe based on their own analysis. The overwhelming majority of secular people simply put their faith and trust in science without having nearly enough knowledge or understanding to come to an objective conclusion. It is because Dr. KnowItAll at Liberal Studies U. told me it is.
They didn't think chemistry was based on faith. Do you have any education?

I don’t think anyone is saying that all of science requires faith, however, you must have faith to believe that science will eventually figure out the origin of the universe. The ole something from nothing problem is hardly scientific by any measure.
I don’t think anyone is saying that all of science requires faith, however, you must have faith to believe that science will eventually figure out the origin of the universe. The ole something from nothing problem is hardly scientific by any measure.
Lol.. is that your argument for saying faith and science are the same?
Lol.. is that your argument for saying faith and science are the same?

What is yours? That science can prove some things, ergo, it can prove all things? LOL..yeah, that’s a good one.
I don’t think anyone is saying that all of science requires faith, however, you must have faith to believe that science will eventually figure out the origin of the universe. The ole something from nothing problem is hardly scientific by any measure.

So is getting swallowed by a fish and then getting spit back up elsewhere.
Then there was Covid and all you leftist idiots lost total track of what "science" is. For leftists, it's all about politics. Things like science only matter when it's established you don't need to support something stupid politically

surada disagrees. Thank you my dear for confirming I was right on that since you couldn't get it right if the answer was printed on your ass

You're pathetic. Don't put words in my mouth, you moron.

That's hilarious. That's exactly what you did to him in the post he's replying to.

Cant make up how stupid you actually are, classic. And you're a racist
So let me get this straight.

He made no direct mention of his views on creation and evolution? He is just being smeared for his affiliations with Young Earth Creationists?

Sounds about right, why not indict him or impeach him? It's the democrat way as I'm sure we can find another Leftist activist judge or two who will throw him in jail over and throw away the key.

But even if he did believe in a Young earth, it is far better than having someone in there who does not know what a woman is, but at the same time, tells you a man can have a baby. I'm guessing he is also appalled at mutilating the genitals of children. Just a guess really.

Also, being able to condemn acts of terrorism against Jews, the largest Jewish massacre since the Holocaust, instead of refusing to condemn it is also very refreshing.
Johnson is a dangerous Christian Dominionist and he has giving every indication of such beliefs. Is this what you really want for this country?

Christian Dominionism-The Real Threat to Our Secular Republic

Disclaimer: I strongly disavow the blanket condemnation of any religion what so ever. Religion has the enormous potential to bring out the best in humankind but can also be a catalyst for oppression and violence. Recognizing this dark side to religion, I do in fact condemn those who disrespect the Constitution and our tradition of a secular government free of the undue influence of religion -that is what this thread is about.

Xenophobes, bigots and conspiracy neurotics are wringing their hands, and lamenting the rise of Islam in our country, which they claim will bring about the implementation of Sharia law. However, whether out of ignorance or the belief that religious freedom and the first amendment does not apply equally to all religions, they fail to focus on the real threat to secularism.

We are talking about Christian Dominionism:

Very few Christians identify themselves as “Dominionists.” But experts say the New Apostolic Reformation has gained traction among charismatic Christians and Pentecostals under the influence of C. Peter Wagner, a church-growth guru and prolific author. Prominent “apostles” in the NAR include Lou Engle, co-founder of The Call assemblies and Mike Bickle, director of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Mo.


While there is no reason to believe that the few Muslims in our government harbor a desire to usurp secularism, there are appointed and elected Christians in our government right now – or are aspiring to high office-who have openly expressed the belief that the bible is superior to the constitution and cavorting with those who are like minded.

David Barton is a chief proponent of what he calls Seven Mountains Dominionism : Seven Mountains theology teaches that conservative Christians are to take control of the seven primary institutions, or “mountains,” that shape and control our culture — (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion — and use them to implement biblical standards and spread the Gospel.
It is worth remembering that Barton is not only an influential Republican activist but also runs one of the main super PACs supporting Ted Cruz.

David Barton Will Train Christians To Take Control Of Government And Transform America Into The 'Nation That God Wants It To Be' | Right Wing Watch

Barton is also the longtime chairman of the Texas Republican Party

But most of all, Barton is vehemently anti-gay, claiming that schools are forcing students to be gay and that the government should regulate gay sex. Recently, he has been telling audiences that the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage will force all student athletes to share the same locker rooms and churches to hire pedophiles to run their nurseries while requiring the military to protect those who engage in bestiality.
Anti-Gay Psuedo-Historian David Barton Tapped To Run Ted Cruz's Super PAC | Right Wing Watch

And guess who else is in bed with the Dominionists?
Donald Trump’s Amen Corner: Prosperity Preachers and Dominionists

It’s not really surprising that preachers who tout wealth as a sign of God’s favor would line up with a blustery billionaire like Trump, who says his riches are proof that he’s qualified to fix what’s wrong with the country. What is a bit more surprising is the support Trump is getting from a leading advocate of Seven Mountains dominionism, which teaches that government and other spheres of influence — “mountains” like media, entertainment, business — are meant to be run by the right kind of Christians.
Donald Trump's Amen Corner: Prosperity Preachers and Dominionists | Right Wing Watch
So let me get this straight.

He made no direct mention of his views on creation and evolution? He is just being smeared for his affiliations with Young Earth Creationists?

Sounds about right, why not indict him or impeach him? It's the democrat way as I'm sure we can find another Leftist activist judge or two who will throw him in jail over and throw away the key.

But even if he did believe in a Young earth, it is far better than having someone in there who does not know what a woman is, but at the same time, tells you a man can have a baby. I'm guessing he is also appalled at mutilating the genitals of children. Just a guess really.

Also, being able to condemn acts of terrorism against Jews, the largest Jewish massacre since the Holocaust, instead of refusing to condemn it is also very refreshing.
Well, this is reassuring.

The new Speaker appears to believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Before arriving in Washington less than a decade ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a deeply religious Christian, was a legal crusader associated with a fringe evangelical movement called “young Earth creationism,” based on a literal reading of the Bible’s Book of Genesis that posits the Earth is only several thousand years old.​
In the mere hours since Johnson was elected speaker Wednesday, he hadn’t had to address his views on creationism and evolution. But his close ties to a leader of the creationist movement and his past legal work — on behalf of the Ark Encounter creationist theme park, where children can learn that dinosaurs were passengers on Noah’s Ark — seem to suggest that he’s also personally aligned with these beliefs.​

“The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” Johnson said in a 2021 interview with Ark Encounter founder Ken Ham while guest-hosting the radio showof Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, an evangelical activist group.​

What people are finding out quite clearly now is what a piece of shit Mike Johnson is with the hate based Right wing christian ugliness. You want to chase people away from Christianity, just let any right winger preach his gospel to everyone. They have achieved the impossible make something as beautiful and helpful as Christianity ugly to the core. Only their level of hatred can and does achieve that.
How can this happen, it is quite simple , it is what you make important about biblical writings. You can make it ugly or you can make it beautiful, the right picks ugly because of the ugliness in their hearts.

New Speaker Mike Johnson says the way to learn how feels about any issue is to read the Bible: 'That's my worldview, that's what I believe'​

I know, I know. "Fake news".
If you want to know Johnson, make sure you read the ugly parts of the bible.
So, what's that to you? Joe was a sworn marriage is between a man and a woman politician. Many other agendas also. He has changed sides on near everything to keep power, plagiarized at times and do his duty for the corporate interests of Delaware and the world. The world is falling apart, and Progs keep up their head in the sand reactions. Two regional wars with possible expansions and hot spots for possible more wars.
and if we went the way of the right we would be a dictatorship , with one of the ugliest dictators in history. Trumps supporters are his brown shirts and we all know what happened to the brown shirts , I guaranty the same will happen to this MAGA group of brown shirts.
I don’t see anything about 6000 years in that quote, Simp.

Try again.
And I see 3 sins against the rules of Rhetoric in your post
1) But did he say it qua Speaker
2) If it is his opinion you can't say it's wrong just because it is not your opinion
3) Where is the CITATION for context

I might use your post in class to tell students what is wrong to do

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