Our New Speaker Thinks the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

I'm talking about efficacy, and actual results, not wishful thinking with shitty mask use.

Oh, they sure as hell sold them as that, and don't lie about it being otherwise.
So this is another example of you demanding I agree with you unquestioningly.

Your biased impression of how it was “sold” is worthless without proof.
So this is another example of you demanding I agree with you unquestioningly.

Your biased impression of how it was “sold” is worthless without proof.

No, this is me voicing my views. You can take them or leave them as you wish.

The thing is my views are based on more "science" than yours, and that's what is putting the sand in your vagina.
Because most scientists are not Christians. So it is kind of dumb to use a date that stands for after an imaginary magical zombie was born.

Just imagine how influential this “imaginary magical zombie” had to be for the entire world to adopt his death as the beginning date for a new calendar. Maybe scientists can get the entire world to adopt a new calendar based on some significant imaginary climate change cow fart threshold that we have surpassed that will most certainly lead to our extinction. Oh wait, no they can’t because only completely indoctrinated idiots buy into their fake science and there aren’t enough of them…yet.
And scientists who are Christian correctly understand that the old testament is not to be taken literally, that it’s a collection of ancient myths and legends devoid of facts.
No wonder you sleep in every Sunday morning. Any preacher with half a brain could beat you in a debate about the Bible.
No, this is me voicing my views. You can take them or leave them as you wish.

The thing is my views are based on more "science" than yours, and that's what is putting the sand in your vagina.
No, this is you saying I’m a liar if I don’t accept your version of events, which is the typical argument from you. No evidence, just personal attacks for disagreeing. I provided an article proving my point. You don’t.

You misapplied science, by using principles that are not generalizable. Scientists know better. You don’t.
No, this is you saying I’m a liar if I don’t accept your version of events, which is the typical argument from you. No evidence, just personal attacks for disagreeing. I provided an article proving my point. You don’t.

You misapplied science, by using principles that are not generalizable. Scientists know better. You don’t.

I'm saying you are misinformed, and stuck to the dogmatic "masks are kewl" mantra foisted on you.

All you have is appeal to authority, and we've seen in reality some of those authorities are morons.
Or worse.

Most of them, I say, knew damn well what they were doing, and fully intended it. I do not excuse any of them for merely being “morons”.

I think most of them dug their hole when they thought it had a 3%-4% general mortality rate, and when it turned out that number was far smaller without co-morbidities they couldn't bring themselves to admit they over-reacted at the time.

The sad thing is many of us could have forgave them for over-reacting, because at a 3%-4% general mortality rate the methods proposed were probably needed. Their sin is not being able to admit they needed to reduce the response.
No wonder you sleep in every Sunday morning. Any preacher with half a brain could beat you in a debate about the Bible.
Depends on whether the preacher was educated or not. Lots of them aren't. They got their education from Hal Lindsey.
I think most of them dug their hole when they thought it had a 3%-4% general mortality rate, and when it turned out that number was far smaller without co-morbidities they couldn't bring themselves to admit they over-reacted at the time.

The sad thing is many of us could have forgave them for over-reacting, because at a 3%-4% general mortality rate the methods proposed were probably needed. Their sin is not being able to admit they needed to reduce the response.

Much of what was done to us in the name of the #CoronaHoax2020 would not have been anywhere close to justifiable, even with a 3% to 4% mortality rate from the disease; especially given how obvious it has to have been to anyone with better than a room-temperature IQ that much of what was done had no chance of being effective anyway.

I do not believe that any but a tiny handful of ignorant fools among the public servants responsible for this hoax sincerely believed that any of this bullshit was about protecting anyone from any disease. It was a raw grab for political power, nothing else. They knew that it wasn't in our best interests, they knew that the results would be harmful, and they did it anyway, to enrich and empower themselves.
Much of what was done to us in the name of the #CoronaHoax2020 would not have been anywhere close to justifiable, even with a 3% to 4% mortality rate from the disease; especially given how obvious it has to have been to anyone with better than a room-temperature IQ that much of what was done had no chance of being effective anyway.

I do not believe that any but a tiny handful of ignorant fools among the public servants responsible for this hoax sincerely believed that any of this bullshit was about protecting anyone from any disease. It was a raw grab for political power, nothing else. They knew that it wasn't in our best interests, they knew that the results would be harmful, and they did it anyway, to enrich and empower themselves.

Some were into a raw power grab, but the thing is this was the first real pandemic since the 50's or 60's with a global reach, and to be honest I don't think the people in power planned for it (except the power grab people).
Some were into a raw power grab, but the thing is this was the first real pandemic since the 50's or 60's with a global reach, and to be honest I don't think the people in power planned for it (except the power grab people).

You have much more confidence than I do, in the good intentions of criminals and tyrants.

To me, it was obvious, from the very beginning, that we were being lied to, by people who had no excuse not to know better. It was obvious to me that the danger of COVID-1984 was being massively exaggerated, and that we were being told to do things and endure things to mitigate it which would have no useful effect at all, and which would cause us considerable harm. It was blatantly obvious from the very beginning, to me, that those in charge of telling us what we faced, and what we needed to do about it, knew damn well that they were lying, that they were intentionally harming us, for their own purposes.
You have much more confidence than I do, in the good intentions of criminals and tyrants.

To me, it was obvious, from the very beginning, that we were being lied to, by people who had no excuse not to know better. It was obvious to me that the danger of COVID-1984 was being massively exaggerated, and that we were being told to do things and endure things to mitigate it which would have no useful effect at all, and which would cause us considerable harm. It was blatantly obvious from the very beginning, to me, that those in charge of telling us what we faced, and what we needed to do about it, knew damn well that they were lying, that they were intentionally harming us, for their own purposes.

In the beginning it wasn't lying, it turned into lying when more data was collected and they stuck to their original viewpoint.

The overhype was them being afraid 3%-4% mortality could morph into 5%-10% mortality. After they could confirm that wasn't the case, and that anyone under 20 without vast co-morbidities would be unaffected, they should have shifted to isolating the at risk and letting the rest of us get it, get immunity, then move on. The shots could have then gone to the old and ones with co-morbidities thus protecting them and letting them out of isolation protocols.
In the beginning it wasn't lying, it turned into lying when more data was collected and they stuck to their original viewpoint.

I call bullshit.

It was blatantly obvious to me, from the very beginning, that they were all lying. That many more people were foolish enough to believe them, at first, doesn't mean that they were telling the truth; it just means that more people were fooled. I wasn't. I saw through the lies right away. It is probably possible to verify this, by searching back on this forum to see what I was saying about the #CoronaHoax2020 back in early 2020, when it was first coming out. I was never fooled by any of it.

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