Our President is clueless

"Presdent"? Are you a little giddy or simply hungover with grief?

Clueless Presidents have become an American tradition dating back to Jimmy Carter.

Here come the typo police
1) You totally disregarded my comment about clueless Presidents.

2) Typos happen, but this isn't the first time you've been guilty of politically partisan premature-ejaculation in the title of a thread.

Yes, we have had clueless Presidents......Bush and Reagan come to mind
But they surrounded themselves with trusted advisors who kept them from making complete fools of themselves

Trump insists that is advisors act like fools to cover for him

more left wing lies and propaganda. He has the most qualified cabinet in history. Surrounding oneself with fools is what Obama did. That's why he was a failed president in every way.

Qualified in that they oppose the branches of government they lead
Yes, that does make them qualified, because most of the employees in those branches are hostile to the American people, especially the ones at the EPA. The last thing this country needs is a lot of party apparatchiks in collusion with their employer to screw America. We already had 8 years of that.
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This protest is scary. Maybe we need a finance-minded U.S. President, and Trump is certainly a finance-wizard.

What does the world perceive when they see that Americans do not trust their new president who is in fact a finance wizard?

Do they think that Americans really do care about more than just finances?

It's not like the pro-democracy counter-culture movement dissuaded the Taliban from attacking the World Trade Center.

I'd feel much better if these anti-Trump protests came with clearer slogans such as, "We don't mind a finance-wizard, but we do not care for a loudmouth taking advantage of media airtime!"

Maybe Trump is the new David Duke. That's scary too...
What did the protesters want? I heard very few give a coherent response to what they were protesting for most but not all were simply there to make a scene and cause trouble.

They will say they are concerned about "Women's reproductive rights" which is a totally made up thing.

FACT: no one has a right to an abortion. No one has a right to birth control. Row v Wade did not give women the right to an abortion. It only told the government that it could not prevent abortions.

Roe clearly gave women the right to an abortion, every bit as much as you have the right to own a gun.
Roe is based on some judge's figment of the imagination. The 2nd Amendment is part of the Constitution. No judge "gave us" the right to keep and bear arms.
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Trump: Why didn't marchers vote?

2.5 million come out in protest and rather than offer a hand and promise to work with them.....Trump chooses to mock them

You mean the way Obama said in 2009 he didn't want the Republicans having a seat at the table?

I wouldn't extend those loons an olive branch either. Some of the issues they are protesting about are completely inane.
In 2009 it was Nancy Pelosi who wouldn't allow Republicans a seat at the table. President Obama's failure was a failure of leadership in allowing her to do it. Remember how he sat back and let the Democratic Congress run things for so long? It was just one of his many mistakes in the first months of office; mistake he never quite recovered from making.

Republicans were begged to participate in the development of ACA, They refused, to a man, to participate or vote for the act

Conservative attempts to blame Republican intransigence on the Democrats is revisionist history
You're contradicting all the leftwing douche bags in here who claim the ACA was "bipartisan."
Row is based on some judge's figment of the imagination. The 2nd Amendment is part of the Constitution. No judge "gave us" the right to keep and bear arms.
Disagreed a bit. The Constitution doesn't give us rights, it empowers government,with the consent of "We, the People", to govern as our collective representative. There was a huge controversy about the Bill of Rights since some saw it as a reason to limit rights, hence the addition of the 9th Amendment. Thank you James Madison!

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

A person's right to their own body, to not have government shove shit up them or otherwise interfere with the way they want to live their life is a natural right, unenumerated in the Constitution. I'm tired of government dictating to Americans how to live, what to think and what to believe. Government's function is to resolve disputes between citizens and protect the nation. Otherwise it should butt the fuck out.
Trump: Why didn't marchers vote?

2.5 million come out in protest and rather than offer a hand and promise to work with them.....Trump chooses to mock them

Oh God the irony, Obama and Hillary mocked 10's of millions of Americans. You libs got some balls I'll give you that.
How many times did we hear cracks about "old white men?" "Bitter clingers?" "deplorables?"

Typical do as we say not as we do liberals. And they spew this crap with a straight face, standing on their pedestal pointing a finger at everyone else.
Row is based on some judge's figment of the imagination. The 2nd Amendment is part of the Constitution. No judge "gave us" the right to keep and bear arms.
Disagreed a bit. The Constitution doesn't give us rights, it empowers government,with the consent of "We, the People", to govern as our collective representative. There was a huge controversy about the Bill of Rights since some saw it as a reason to limit rights, hence the addition of the 9th Amendment. Thank you James Madison!

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

A person's right to their own body, to not have government shove shit up them or otherwise interfere with the way they want to live their life is a natural right, unenumerated in the Constitution. I'm tired of government dictating to Americans how to live, what to think and what to believe. Government's function is to resolve disputes between citizens and protect the nation. Otherwise it should butt the fuck out.

So someone commits the act of procreation and then changes their mind, thus effecting a future citizen if allowed to go to term. Apparently it is better to extinguish all the rights of a person, than inconvenience a single right of another.
He's their President. Like it. Don't like it. Doesn't matter, that's the way our system works.

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You still have no idea what a shovel ready job was

I work construction and know exactly what a shovel ready job is. I also know that none of the projects that you messiah Obama said were "shovel ready" were actually "shovel ready". Obama didn't even know what "shovel ready" meant.

I am beginning to doubt that you do either.
Like I thought ....you are clueless

Shovel Ready was a requirement for funding, not a promise of jobs
Row is based on some judge's figment of the imagination. The 2nd Amendment is part of the Constitution. No judge "gave us" the right to keep and bear arms.
Disagreed a bit. The Constitution doesn't give us rights, it empowers government,with the consent of "We, the People", to govern as our collective representative. There was a huge controversy about the Bill of Rights since some saw it as a reason to limit rights, hence the addition of the 9th Amendment. Thank you James Madison!

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

A person's right to their own body, to not have government shove shit up them or otherwise interfere with the way they want to live their life is a natural right, unenumerated in the Constitution. I'm tired of government dictating to Americans how to live, what to think and what to believe. Government's function is to resolve disputes between citizens and protect the nation. Otherwise it should butt the fuck out.

So someone commits the act of procreation and then changes their mind, thus effecting a future citizen if allowed to go to term. Apparently it is better to extinguish all the rights of a person, than inconvenience a single right of another.
So every sperm is sacred? I disagree. Manypeople shouldn't have children, but when they do, those children become burdens on society as criminals and welfare sponges. Better to provide a low-cost abortion for $500 than burden "We, the People" with a $30,000/year liability per asshole.

You still have no idea what a shovel ready job was

I work construction and know exactly what a shovel ready job is. I also know that none of the projects that you messiah Obama said were "shovel ready" were actually "shovel ready". Obama didn't even know what "shovel ready" meant.

I am beginning to doubt that you do either.
Like I thought ....you are clueless

Shovel Ready was a requirement for funding, not a promise of jobs
Please point to where I said that "shovel ready" was a promise of jobs.

Shovel ready is all things in place to begin a project and waiting on funding. Things such as equipment and materiel is known to be available, property and/or right-of-way have been made available, etc.

Shovel ready usually means ALL a project needs is funding and ground can be broken within 30 days of receiving funds.
You still have no idea what a shovel ready job was

I work construction and know exactly what a shovel ready job is. I also know that none of the projects that you messiah Obama said were "shovel ready" were actually "shovel ready". Obama didn't even know what "shovel ready" meant.

I am beginning to doubt that you do either.
Like I thought ....you are clueless

Shovel Ready was a requirement for funding, not a promise of jobs
Please point to where I said that "shovel ready" was a promise of jobs.

Shovel ready is all things in place to begin a project and waiting on funding. Things such as equipment and materiel is known to be available, property and/or right-of-way have been made available, etc.

Shovel ready usually means ALL a project needs is funding and ground can be broken within 30 days of receiving funds.

It also means all government permits are obtained and regulatory obstacles are eliminated. That can take many years for big projects.
A small minority were mocking the marchers, while the marchers and America were mocking Trump and the Alt Right.

Yeah right....take your musings and BS and try to snow someone else, toad
You can't handle the facts whenever they discount your feelings.

Yesterday was a great march and victory for the women of America.

Instead of coming to terms with reality, the WH spokesman came out and talked stupid.

Your "fact" is simply your own opinion....learn the difference and you won't be mocked time after time after time
You are writing out of your emotions not facts again. The numbers across the country were in the many millions, Trump has chosen to mock it, and you folks operating on your feelings are going to end up in misery. Mocking the American woman's movement is a rejection of reality. You live in your fantasy world.

You can run around shouting "we are number two" all you want, but the fact remains HRC won the PV. America was lucky and dodged that bullet. The next one is Trump to lose if he does not wise up. You people need to stop talking stupid.

it was not a "women's" movement. It was a movement of lesbians, and promoters of infanticide. Real women watched and laughed.
Real women will stay away from you. What do you know of real women?
Trump: Why didn't marchers vote?

2.5 million come out in protest and rather than offer a hand and promise to work with them.....Trump chooses to mock them

Exactly the proper response and another reason to appreciate his election!

He's not their president, are you listening?

Trump is my President even if I didn't vote for him
That makes him accountable to me and 2.5 million who protested yesterday
Trump: Why didn't marchers vote?

2.5 million come out in protest and rather than offer a hand and promise to work with them.....Trump chooses to mock them

Half the USA was mocking the mental midgets.

They marched....what did they accomplish?

Answer: Not a damn thing other than looking like a bunch of deranged jackasses

Protests don't have to "accomplish" something in order to be worthwhile. The act itself, especially on such a massive global scale as yesterday, will reverberate for months and speak volumes. The fact that it pissed off the pussy grabber in chief alone makes it worth all the effort.

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