Our President is tweeting about Obama's H1N1 Swine Flu disaster!

It doesn't hurt to remind the electorate what an epic failure the kenyan lawn jockey was. Even graded on the AA curve.
He just gave the democrats a reminder of what their guy did in a similar situation.

Why does it fucking matter?

Does it matter when Johnny Manziel tells his team after a beating "Hey, remember how bad Ryan Leaf was".

Obama is gone, he is no longer an issue...you and your god need to quit letting him live in your head rent free

Why does it matter?

Because Trump is not a pussy who does not defend himself when getting attacked. The democrats handled similar situation massively worse - as did Europe.

Trump creamed the enemies of America. What's the last time you have stood up to an enemy Gator?
He's just making excuses and blaming others for his failures.

Like he always does.
Petulantly blaming Obama for a poor Ebola response in no way excuses Trump's failures with respect to the c-virus.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
I have yet to see any failures in our response beyond the NORMAL BUREAUCRATIC NONSENSE because entities are bloated beyond functionality.
Trump and his supporters have been trashing the government for years and now they’re looking for them to save their asses.

The irony.
Wrong dickweed. I could care less what the government did, for the government is a bunch of useless idiots who do nothing but sit on their asses plotting the next event to do US harm. All those hangers on by Oblummers last 8 years, we see how feckless they are, and all President Trump is doing is pointing those people out. TPP, NAFTA, all the other bullshit manufacturing destroying bills, that now we pay the piper for not having the necessary means to tackle this "virus", that came from Wuhan China. Everyday, I pray that dumbasses like you get a disease from those coming here illegally thus removing your from society and in the long term will make the world a better and safer place...
He just gave the democrats a reminder of what their guy did in a similar situation.

Why does it fucking matter?

Does it matter when Johnny Manziel tells his team after a beating "Hey, remember how bad Ryan Leaf was".

Obama is gone, he is no longer an issue...you and your god need to quit letting him live in your head rent free

Why does it matter?

Because Trump is not a pussy who does not defend himself when getting attacked. The democrats handled similar situation massively worse - as did Europe.

Trump creamed the enemies of America. What's the last time you have stood up to an enemy Gator?
He's just making excuses and blaming others for his failures.

Like he always does.

His "failure" is that despite the America hating communists who have infiltrated the CDC and other institutions, America is still better off than Europe.
more truth bombs, thank you Mr President for working to make us safe!

Donald J. Trump

For decades the @CDCgov
looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it. It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further.....

Donald J. Trump

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!
great to know that your internet troll is hard at work blaming obama, europe and china.

No one is blaming Obama. Trump is just pointing out what fricken hypocrites you loons are....although many of us already knew that.
more truth bombs, thank you Mr President for working to make us safe!

Donald J. Trump

For decades the @CDCgov
looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it. It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further.....

Donald J. Trump

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

What a sad and pathetic human being our president is.

He is truly obsessed with Obama, all he cares about is being better than Obama. The problem with that is, being better than Obama is a very low bar. It is like a QB that gets drafted and stands on the podium and says "My goal is to be better than Ryan Leaf".
followed by claiming that ryan leaf had only one arm, was born in switzerland, and had a total number of rushing yards of -300.
followed by a self-sack, under thunderous applause by morons.
He just gave the democrats a reminder of what their guy did in a similar situation.

Why does it fucking matter?

Does it matter when Johnny Manziel tells his team after a beating "Hey, remember how bad Ryan Leaf was".

Obama is gone, he is no longer an issue...you and your god need to quit letting him live in your head rent free

Why does it matter?

Because Trump is not a pussy who does not defend himself when getting attacked. The democrats handled similar situation massively worse - as did Europe.

Trump creamed the enemies of America. What's the last time you have stood up to an enemy Gator?
He's just making excuses and blaming others for his failures.

Like he always does.

His "failure" is that despite the America hating communists who have infiltrated the CDC and other institutions, America is still better off than Europe.
We don't know whether we are or not, until large scale testing gets underway.
It's reasonable to point out that the response isn't as bad as some have been trying to portray for political aims.

He has a right to defend himself against that disgusting display by the left in the early days of this situation, during which they were slobbering all over themselves to kneecap him in any way possible for their own gain. That was despicable.

The 'but' is that now he needs to step up and stop misinforming people in his own right. The noise from the left early on misinformed people, contributed to confusion and panic and did not serve the public interest. He must, as in absolutely must, stop spewing bullshit numbers and predictions of how this is going to play out, as that is also misinforming people and contributing to confusion and panic.

He has the highest profile stage. He's got to stop playing CYA and get real with people on this.

Between the 2 'sides' it is no wonder that people think our 'leaders' are a bunch of useless morons. This info has been out there for weeks in terms of the epidemiology and they can't bother to do a couple of of hours of due dilgence to inform themselves before running to the nearest microphone to score some points.

This utter panic lies at the feet of all of these incompetent morons, and there's plenty to go around, as they've played their usual game of political football, this time the situatuation was real, and they've fucked us all by not recognizing it and doing their jobs for once, but instead have been running around willy nilly, without facts, and playing politics.

No more games, no more BS. This effects us all. It's time to step up, suck it up, forget the politics and do their jobs for a change. Right now that entails supporting the medical community, informing people of facts as supplied by that medical community, and getting people to calm the fuck down- and that is pretty much it. If they're not involved in one of those functions they need to sit down and STFU.
more truth bombs, thank you Mr President for working to make us safe!

Donald J. Trump

For decades the @CDCgov
looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it. It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further.....

Donald J. Trump

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!
great to know that your internet troll is hard at work blaming obama, europe and china.

No one is blaming Obama. Trump is just pointing out what fricken hypocrites you loons are....although many of us already knew that.
I am blaming Obama, that brown turd did nothing for US, but cause misery and poverty on the masses, and signing into law a broken healthcare system that we are paying for now.
When you're President of the United States...


"The buck stops here"...

Not with your predecessors...

Not with your subordinates...



But that only works with mature, rational mindsets...

With men who "own a pair" and have the courage to shoulder the blame when it comes their way...

Which rules out the current blame-shifting, lying Empty Suit sitting in the Big Chair... :cranky:


I remember that same picture being posted when Obama was blaming Bush.

Some things never change.
When you're President of the United States...


"The buck stops here"...

Not with your predecessors...

Not with your subordinates...



But that only works with mature, rational mindsets...

With men who "own a pair" and have the courage to shoulder the blame when it comes their way...

Which rules out the current blame-shifting, lying Empty Suit sitting in the Big Chair... :cranky:


I remember that same picture being posted when Obama was blaming Bush.

Some things never change.

Why would it when we keep voting the same old same old back into office.
Petulantly blaming Obama for a poor Ebola response in no way excuses Trump's failures with respect to the c-virus.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
I have yet to see any failures in our response beyond the NORMAL BUREAUCRATIC NONSENSE because entities are bloated beyond functionality.
Trump and his supporters have been trashing the government for years and now they’re looking for them to save their asses.

The irony.
Wrong dickweed. I could care less what the government did, for the government is a bunch of useless idiots who do nothing but sit on their asses plotting the next event to do US harm. All those hangers on by Oblummers last 8 years, we see how feckless they are, and all President Trump is doing is pointing those people out. TPP, NAFTA, all the other bullshit manufacturing destroying bills, that now we pay the piper for not having the necessary means to tackle this "virus", that came from Wuhan China. Everyday, I pray that dumbasses like you get a disease from those coming here illegally thus removing your from society and in the long term will make the world a better and safer place...
You’re delightful.
When you're President of the United States...


"The buck stops here"...

Not with your predecessors...

Not with your subordinates...



But that only works with mature, rational mindsets...

With men who "own a pair" and have the courage to shoulder the blame when it comes their way...

Which rules out the current blame-shifting, lying Empty Suit sitting in the Big Chair... :cranky:


I remember that same picture being posted when Obama was blaming Bush.

Some things never change.

Why would it when we keep voting the same old same old back into office.
I guess , you fucking idiot, that it wasn't same old same old, otherwise the sick bitch who kept falling down Hitlery would of been in office, drinking her chardonnay and doing nothing while the US dies from the Wuhan Virus.
Petulantly blaming Obama for a poor Ebola response in no way excuses Trump's failures with respect to the c-virus.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
I have yet to see any failures in our response beyond the NORMAL BUREAUCRATIC NONSENSE because entities are bloated beyond functionality.
Trump and his supporters have been trashing the government for years and now they’re looking for them to save their asses.

The irony.
Wrong dickweed. I could care less what the government did, for the government is a bunch of useless idiots who do nothing but sit on their asses plotting the next event to do US harm. All those hangers on by Oblummers last 8 years, we see how feckless they are, and all President Trump is doing is pointing those people out. TPP, NAFTA, all the other bullshit manufacturing destroying bills, that now we pay the piper for not having the necessary means to tackle this "virus", that came from Wuhan China. Everyday, I pray that dumbasses like you get a disease from those coming here illegally thus removing your from society and in the long term will make the world a better and safer place...
You’re delightful.
I know how the government runs......or doesnt run....
Petulantly blaming Obama for a poor Ebola response in no way excuses Trump's failures with respect to the c-virus.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
I have yet to see any failures in our response beyond the NORMAL BUREAUCRATIC NONSENSE because entities are bloated beyond functionality.
Trump and his supporters have been trashing the government for years and now they’re looking for them to save their asses.

The irony.
Oh, bullshit! Trump is doing his job. You Big Government lovers are hoping this virus derails the economy enough that people elect the village idiot...Joe "Hair Plugs" Biden!

Trump won’t even speak to Pelosi at this time.

He’s too busy whining on twitter and lets his hurt feelings allow him to do his job.

Nobody in their right mind would speak to that demented hate filled piece of Moon Bat shit Pelosi nowadays.

She is fucking this country by being in the position she is in and letting her Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness get in the way of doing her duty to the country.
I wonder if Trumpers will ever get tired of this man-child always blaming others but himself. Trump is always the victim. A whiner, just a pathetic whiner.
More people are dying from street crime each week in Democrat control Chicago than are dying from this disease.
New Orleans as well

hell, just pick a democrat run city...

More people will probably die here in Central Florida this year getting struct by lightning than will die of the virus and we have a lot of old people.
Everybody knows the "So Called" President is a lying POS.

"Accurate diagnosis is critical for pandemic influenza recognition, surveillance, and public health interventions. Without available and reliable laboratory testing, early response efforts are fraught with uncertainty and delays. In 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with other federal agencies and laboratory partners, began implementing a strategy for improving global diagnostic preparedness for pandemic influenza. This plan included development of new diagnostic tests, guidance to clinicians, increased capacity for critical diagnostic reagents, and enhancement of surveillance for novel influenza virus strains.

In April 2009, the emergence of a transmissible, novel, swine-origin influenza virus among humans prompted public health and clinical laboratories to quickly identify means for diagnosing suspected cases and monitoring the spread of influenza illness. Over the months after the recognition of the 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 (pH1N1) virus, testing was performed at various points across the spectrum of clinical laboratories, ranging from high-complexity reference laboratories to point-of-care testing in clinicians' offices. The availability, speed, and accuracy of testing varied considerably and revealed a number of challenges for clinicians and public health officials in providing medical care and responding to the pandemic. In this article, we describe the important role of molecular diagnostic testing, the benefit of predeployed testing capacity in public health laboratories, and the challenges of patient treatment decisions when accurate clinical diagnostic tests are not available."

Detecting 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection: Availability of Diagnostic Testing Led to Rapid Pandemic Response

Within 2 weeks after the first recognition of a pandemic influenza virus, a new, FDA-authorized, accurate, sensitive, and virus-specific diagnostic test was manufactured and distributed to laboratories in the United States and abroad. The rapid availability of virus sequence information and the quick translation of these data into diagnostic tools allowed clinicians and public health officials in the United States and worldwide to determine the magnitude of the emerging pandemic, to identify groups at highest risk of infection, and to tailor vaccine and treatment recommendations to have the greatest impact.

2009 H1N1 Flu Pandemic Timeline

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