Our President telling the press what to report

Obama denounces emphasis on health care protests - Yahoo! News

Notice how when the press is reporting things he likes he never complains?

Not only that Gunny...but the Dear Leader is now asking for the names of people who are "dissenters"!!

He has sent out emails and asked people to report others who are against healthcare reform!!!

What the f*ck is going on with this CLOWN!!!!!

That's another outright lie perpetuated by the right-wing. There is no "enemies" list. Rather, there is an invitation to report the type of information that a citizen believes to be true and an answer can usually be found at the new website (found within the link below). After all, even letters to Obama or his staff can be anonymous. Why would they bother spending time trying to figure out the name of a person who wrote it and add him to an "enemies" list. THINK!!!

Something worth forwarding
And yet they are prevented from erasing any said emails by federal law so they've got a list and may do with it anything they like. By the way like it or not Gibbs has as much as admitted that such a list exists in a recent press conference. I don't no where Obama got that guy. Maybe he was better before the lobotomy?
And yet they are prevented from erasing any said emails by federal law so they've got a list and may do with it anything they like. By the way like it or not Gibbs has as much as admitted that such a list exists in a recent press conference. I don't no where Obama got that guy. Maybe he was better before the lobotomy?

» Sound of the Day: 8/14 The Great American Blog « FOXNews.com

The email stuff is at about 2:49.

Little bit of update here.

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If Obama were in fact to tell the press what to cover and they complied, whose fault is that? Obama's, or the media's?
If Obama were in fact to tell the press what to cover and they complied, whose fault is that? Obama's, or the media's?



But Presidents have been bitching about and attempting to manipulate the press since at least Adams. I don't know about you, but I don't expect anything else from any pol. I want more from the people who are supposed to be holding them accountable.
Like that they actually do so would be a good start. By the way maggie if you believe anything MSNBC told you, you shouldn't be let out with out a keeper and I hope your mommie is making sure you don't buy too many Nigerian lottery tickets.
The President did not tell the press what to report. If he did, you didn't get that from the article you linked to.

You are correct, but Obama is setting a dangerous precendent by "denouncing the news media's emphasis on angry protesters at town hall meetings."

I don't know . . . it seems to me that the media was only reporting on the 'angry mobs' and I didn't hear or see much on the well-run meetings. From what I saw I got the impression that every meeting was ah, tumultuous - and I don't think that's true, is it? Even Fox kept repeating the footage of the one guy from Specter's Lebenon meeting who was all pissed and was eventually taken out of the meeting, when the rest of the meeting was cordial and as a town hall meeting should be. But I didn't see much coverage of that (the cordial stuff) . . . anywhere.

Of course you don't see honest media coverage about the events, far be it from them to actually report news without their spin on it.
He's the most thin-skinned President ever. And this carries down to all his underlings and Obamaphile minions...

I love it when people play psychiatrist. Good job!

Don't be a fool. You have no idea how "thin-skinned" Obama is.
He makes it quite evident every day, and if you had read his books (I have) you would not only know that he is thin-skinned, but also know why.

Instead of demonstrating yourself to be a fool, try getting educated on the topic!
He's the most thin-skinned President ever. And this carries down to all his underlings and Obamaphile minions...

I love it when people play psychiatrist. Good job!

Don't be a fool. You have no idea how "thin-skinned" Obama is.
He makes it quite evident every day, and if you had read his books (I have) you would not only know that he is thin-skinned, but also know why.

Instead of demonstrating yourself to be a fool, try getting educated on the topic!

I am educated on the topic. I also was a licensed therapist. And you're talking out of your ass.
There is a reason you know that people have a higher rate of recovery if they don't go to therapists than if they do. To say nothing of which it is so rediculously easy to get such a license these days and their are so many absolutely bogus therapies that it is a wonder they don't run you all out of dodge for fraud.
There is a reason you know that people have a higher rate of recovery if they don't go to therapists than if they do. To say nothing of which it is so rediculously easy to get such a license these days and their are so many absolutely bogus therapies that it is a wonder they don't run you all out of dodge for fraud.

Nice dodge. Notice how I said I had a license. Now I work in politics.
What did I dodge? Just because one has a license in therapy doesn't mean one is any more competent to judge than any one else.

Frankly, given the rate at which the leftward ho crowd appears to be becoming completely unhinged. I don't expect you to see the obvious signs.
The President did not tell the press what to report. If he did, you didn't get that from the article you linked to.

You are correct, but Obama is setting a dangerous precendent by "denouncing the news media's emphasis on angry protesters at town hall meetings."
Its Nixonian.

And we all know what happened to tricky dick.

Actually, its Bushian, who imitated Nixon. BHO just doesn't take crap from the loozers.

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