Our President telling the press what to report

Okay backing off a taking a look at arms length and getting my usual partisan ass out of the way. What an earlier poster said was exceedingly accurate. Clinton bicthed about all that coverage going to Monica, Nixon Bitched about all the Watergate coverage, Hell about the only president I can remember not bitching about how the media treated him to any great extent was Reagan and that was largely because Reagan was better at using the media than the media folks were and because of that the media's constant sniping didn't impact much of anything other than their own credibility.

So basically this is just more of the same with a little extra preaching to choir thrown in for good measure. The only media that really bothers him is of course Fox News which actually does report crap and does a good job of it.

I agree 100% with the first paragraph of your post.

As for the second, rest assured FOX does nothing more than preach to their own choir as much as all the rest of the corporate infotainment media. They just created themselves a conservative brand to market.
Okay backing off a taking a look at arms length and getting my usual partisan ass out of the way. What an earlier poster said was exceedingly accurate. Clinton bicthed about all that coverage going to Monica, Nixon Bitched about all the Watergate coverage, Hell about the only president I can remember not bitching about how the media treated him to any great extent was Reagan and that was largely because Reagan was better at using the media than the media folks were and because of that the media's constant sniping didn't impact much of anything other than their own credibility.

So basically this is just more of the same with a little extra preaching to choir thrown in for good measure. The only media that really bothers him is of course Fox News which actually does report crap and does a good job of it.

I agree 100% with the first paragraph of your post.

As for the second, rest assured FOX does nothing more than preach to their own choir as much as all the rest of the corporate infotainment media. They just created themselves a conservative brand to market.

Actually you are wrong about FOX News. They are way more fair than other outlets, though CNN has recently been emulating them, has to do with ratings. Now if you want to get into their 'programming' on personalities, yeah, they lean right. Even there however, they bring on many dissenting voices, but they spin and dismiss just as the other stations do with the other side.
The only real clue is that they bitsh even louder when the truth is being told that when they are being lied about.
Obama denounces emphasis on health care protests - Yahoo! News

Notice how when the press is reporting things he likes he never complains?

Who cares? You're free to criticize the president when you don't like what he does - why shouldn't the president criticize the press when he disagrees with him. It's not like he's taking away their right to disagree - but he has just as much of a right to say whatever he likes.

Because Obama is a Federal Government official. The Bill of Rights protects the people from the Government. One of those rights is freedom of the Press. When a government official denounces the press, it is setting a dangerous precedent. He should remember who his bosses are.

When he tries to silence the press, then I'll worry. But he's still a citizen, and he has just as much a right to free speech as anyone else - and free speech includes the ability to criticize whatever he wants.

For now, I'll file this under "paranoia".
Okay backing off a taking a look at arms length and getting my usual partisan ass out of the way. What an earlier poster said was exceedingly accurate. Clinton bicthed about all that coverage going to Monica, Nixon Bitched about all the Watergate coverage, Hell about the only president I can remember not bitching about how the media treated him to any great extent was Reagan and that was largely because Reagan was better at using the media than the media folks were and because of that the media's constant sniping didn't impact much of anything other than their own credibility.

So basically this is just more of the same with a little extra preaching to choir thrown in for good measure. The only media that really bothers him is of course Fox News which actually does report crap and does a good job of it.

I agree 100% with the first paragraph of your post.

As for the second, rest assured FOX does nothing more than preach to their own choir as much as all the rest of the corporate infotainment media. They just created themselves a conservative brand to market.

Actually you are wrong about FOX News. They are way more fair than other outlets, though CNN has recently been emulating them, has to do with ratings. Now if you want to get into their 'programming' on personalities, yeah, they lean right. Even there however, they bring on many dissenting voices, but they spin and dismiss just as the other stations do with the other side.

I rarely watch their straight news, so I couldn't tell you about that. You're right, I was thinking of their personalities and programming which is on when I'm normally near a TV. I simply don't think highly of the dumbing down and branding strategies corporate news in general, left right or in between. As you point out, they all spin.
Notice how when the press is reporting things he likes he never complains?

I think this should be an encouraging sign if you are of the opinion that Obama has the press in his pocket.

If he had control over the press, why would he need to state something like this publicly and open himself up to the exact criticism you have voiced? He would just send a private correspondence to the mainstream media outlets that he puppeteers and tell them to how he wants their coverage to be.

Personally I don't have a problem with a president criticizing the media. When push comes to shove, the media will do what is best for the media. Which means that they will do whatever gets them the ratings required to stay in operation. Of course the political bias of the reporters always plays some factor in how the news is covered, but if it gets to a point where they lose credibility with the public and they being to tune out, they will either be forced to straighten up or disappear. If the public doesn't tune out, then it's the public's fault.

I think that if he does it too often he is more likely to create a backlash against him than he is to convince them to see it his way.

The difference seems to be that he's not complaining about the media outlets that look down on protesters and blame them for speaking out. He's more upset with the FOX news types that are focusing on how the protests are actually working against the reform. He's totally happy with Chris Matthews, and the like, bashing protesters.
Chris Matthews joined anti-war rockers David Crosby and Graham Nash as they pined for the good old days of Vietnam war era campus activism and hoped it would rise up again to oppose the "shameless liars" in the Bush administration. Invited on Monday night's "Hardball" to promote their appearance at a peace concert at the National Cathedral, Crosby and Nash riffed with the "Hardball" host about everything from the trashing of the Dixie Chicks and Bill Maher to how Big Oil has made "obsence" profits off the Iraq war.
Chris Matthews Riffs With Anti-war Rockers Crosby and Nash | NewsBusters.org

Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's "Hardball," invited on California Senator Barbara Boxer to dismiss the increasing number of townhall protestors opposed to Obama's liberal agenda as the "angry, and "noisy," "well-dressed middle-class people in pinks and limes...Brooks Brothers Brigade." After playing brief clips from the townhall protests Matthews devoted the first half of his show to knocking down their legitimacy, something Boxer actually instructed Matthews to do, as she urged the MSNBC host: "You, you in the media have to take a look at what's going on here. This is all planned. It's to hurt our president and it's to change the Congress." To which Matthews suggested the grassroots revolt should be ignored, as he depicted the protestors as stooges of the health care industry.
Matthews Joins Barbara Boxer in Dismissing 'Brooks Brothers' Protestors | NewsBusters.org

It does seem when a news channel be it MSNBC,FOX,CNN, or whomever try's to portray themselves as real newsmedia when in fact all they are is propaganda arms for the various sides they happen to represent. So if you are watching any of these stations and thinking for a moment you are actually getting your news from them your sadly mistaken.
You really think CNN and the rest of the alphabet soup bunch are out to get Obama? You need to put away the wacky baccy it's beginning to affect your judgement.

So how would people who ONLY watch FoxNews know anyway?
Who cares? You're free to criticize the president when you don't like what he does - why shouldn't the president criticize the press when he disagrees with him. It's not like he's taking away their right to disagree - but he has just as much of a right to say whatever he likes.

Because Obama is a Federal Government official. The Bill of Rights protects the people from the Government. One of those rights is freedom of the Press. When a government official denounces the press, it is setting a dangerous precedent. He should remember who his bosses are.

When he tries to silence the press, then I'll worry. But he's still a citizen, and he has just as much a right to free speech as anyone else - and free speech includes the ability to criticize whatever he wants.

For now, I'll file this under "paranoia".

Yeah, and I'll file it under FOXNEWS, my subfile called "Fair & Balanced: Laugh Out Loud."
Notice how when the press is reporting things he likes he never complains?

I think this should be an encouraging sign if you are of the opinion that Obama has the press in his pocket.

If he had control over the press, why would he need to state something like this publicly and open himself up to the exact criticism you have voiced? He would just send a private correspondence to the mainstream media outlets that he puppeteers and tell them to how he wants their coverage to be.

Personally I don't have a problem with a president criticizing the media. When push comes to shove, the media will do what is best for the media. Which means that they will do whatever gets them the ratings required to stay in operation. Of course the political bias of the reporters always plays some factor in how the news is covered, but if it gets to a point where they lose credibility with the public and they being to tune out, they will either be forced to straighten up or disappear. If the public doesn't tune out, then it's the public's fault.

I think that if he does it too often he is more likely to create a backlash against him than he is to convince them to see it his way.

The difference seems to be that he's not complaining about the media outlets that look down on protesters and blame them for speaking out. He's more upset with the FOX news types that are focusing on how the protests are actually working against the reform. He's totally happy with Chris Matthews, and the like, bashing protesters.

When has Obama "bashed" simple protesting? What he has bashed are the blatant lies being told and repeated by the protesters. It's a historic trend that when mob mentality has momentum, the truth gets buried.
Chris Matthews joined anti-war rockers David Crosby and Graham Nash as they pined for the good old days of Vietnam war era campus activism and hoped it would rise up again to oppose the "shameless liars" in the Bush administration. Invited on Monday night's "Hardball" to promote their appearance at a peace concert at the National Cathedral, Crosby and Nash riffed with the "Hardball" host about everything from the trashing of the Dixie Chicks and Bill Maher to how Big Oil has made "obsence" profits off the Iraq war.
Chris Matthews Riffs With Anti-war Rockers Crosby and Nash | NewsBusters.org

Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's "Hardball," invited on California Senator Barbara Boxer to dismiss the increasing number of townhall protestors opposed to Obama's liberal agenda as the "angry, and "noisy," "well-dressed middle-class people in pinks and limes...Brooks Brothers Brigade." After playing brief clips from the townhall protests Matthews devoted the first half of his show to knocking down their legitimacy, something Boxer actually instructed Matthews to do, as she urged the MSNBC host: "You, you in the media have to take a look at what's going on here. This is all planned. It's to hurt our president and it's to change the Congress." To which Matthews suggested the grassroots revolt should be ignored, as he depicted the protestors as stooges of the health care industry.
Matthews Joins Barbara Boxer in Dismissing 'Brooks Brothers' Protestors | NewsBusters.org

It does seem when a news channel be it MSNBC,FOX,CNN, or whomever try's to portray themselves as real newsmedia when in fact all they are is propaganda arms for the various sides they happen to represent. So if you are watching any of these stations and thinking for a moment you are actually getting your news from them your sadly mistaken.

Navy, you are just making the case for right-wing biased news by posting stuff from NewsBusters. Have they ever had a kind word to say about Obama? You might as well quote from WorldNetDaily all that birther shit.

Just as I won't go directly to MoveOn.org for my "news" stories, smart conservatives shouldn't be relying on right-wing Internet sites for theirs either. THEY WILL BE BIASED in that, whether or not a particular story is true, the stories they print ALL favor their own political agenda. Period.
I think Fox has been trying to respond to the backlash they've been getting for biased coverage. But if you are among those who think "Fair and Balanced" is an accurate description, try this.

Just watch for a while looking at their ticker at the bottom of the screen. Count how many of these headlines appear critical of the administration and how many appear supportive.

Remember, you can always find someone to quote on either side of the issue. How many critics do they choose to quote/cover as opposed to how many supporters they choose to quote/cover.

Bias is contained in WHAT you choose to report as much as in HOW you choose to report it.
Chris Matthews joined anti-war rockers David Crosby and Graham Nash as they pined for the good old days of Vietnam war era campus activism and hoped it would rise up again to oppose the "shameless liars" in the Bush administration. Invited on Monday night's "Hardball" to promote their appearance at a peace concert at the National Cathedral, Crosby and Nash riffed with the "Hardball" host about everything from the trashing of the Dixie Chicks and Bill Maher to how Big Oil has made "obsence" profits off the Iraq war.
Chris Matthews Riffs With Anti-war Rockers Crosby and Nash | NewsBusters.org

Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's "Hardball," invited on California Senator Barbara Boxer to dismiss the increasing number of townhall protestors opposed to Obama's liberal agenda as the "angry, and "noisy," "well-dressed middle-class people in pinks and limes...Brooks Brothers Brigade." After playing brief clips from the townhall protests Matthews devoted the first half of his show to knocking down their legitimacy, something Boxer actually instructed Matthews to do, as she urged the MSNBC host: "You, you in the media have to take a look at what's going on here. This is all planned. It's to hurt our president and it's to change the Congress." To which Matthews suggested the grassroots revolt should be ignored, as he depicted the protestors as stooges of the health care industry.
Matthews Joins Barbara Boxer in Dismissing 'Brooks Brothers' Protestors | NewsBusters.org

It does seem when a news channel be it MSNBC,FOX,CNN, or whomever try's to portray themselves as real newsmedia when in fact all they are is propaganda arms for the various sides they happen to represent. So if you are watching any of these stations and thinking for a moment you are actually getting your news from them your sadly mistaken.

Navy, you are just making the case for right-wing biased news by posting stuff from NewsBusters. Have they ever had a kind word to say about Obama? You might as well quote from WorldNetDaily all that birther shit.

Just as I won't go directly to MoveOn.org for my "news" stories, smart conservatives shouldn't be relying on right-wing Internet sites for theirs either. THEY WILL BE BIASED in that, whether or not a particular story is true, the stories they print ALL favor their own political agenda. Period.

All editorials aside I could have gotten those quotes from Matthews anywhere, newbusters means nothing to me. I fact I could care less what the writer of the article said, the quotes from Matthews were what was important Maggie. so in the interest of being fair and I would hardly call a group like moveon.org a non-biased source as well , that like saying mediamatters or DailyKos or perhaps Fox are all totally unbiased. If they were so unbiased then please send me a list of the contributions that the organization has sent to republican candidates as opposed to democratic ones. However in the interests of fairness on the Matthews issue and you seem to impune the site....

Guests: Thomas Ricks, Bobby Ghosh, David Crosby, Graham Nash, Michael Eric Dyson, Chrystia Freeland, Howard Fineman, Chris Cillizza

CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Did I just hear something, that we‘ve won the war in Iraq? Is that what the general just told us?

Let‘s play HARDBALL
'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for Oct. 15 - Hardball with Chris Matthews- msnbc.com

You can get the other one from the same site Maggie, I'm sure you knew what the point was in the previous posting and that was that groups like MSNBC are no more unbiased than your local rapid football fan is, they are just better at pretending to be than most.

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