Out of ALL the Things Trump has been Accused of, this Could be the Worst

Looks like Lewdog is reaching deep to take the focus away from the mess democrats created. :)

Are you concerned about the voters seeing the problems your party has created, Lewdog?

Democrats are not my party. The only party I was ever a part of was Republicans until they decided to back this shit show called Trump.

Are you saying you suddenly became stupid when Trump kicked hillary’s ass? lol

I've been quite clear and never wavered from my political stance since joining this forum. Anyone that has paid attention instead of making strawman arguments would see that, but Trump supporters can never reason out HIS actions but instead always act like petulant children yelling "But Obama did this!" "But Hillary did this!" "But Clinton did this!" The Republican party no longer holds their own people accountable, despite the fact that they cheered at Trump's rallies to drain the swamp, not "Let's do what the swamp does when we get in office!"

I have never voted for a Democrat candidate in my life, but will never vote for Trump. I may however vote for a Democrat in 2020 if Trump is the Republican candidate and I agree with enough of the principles of the Democrat one.

Sadly this is what Trump supporters devolve every Trump thread to, making it about the posters and not the actual topic of the thread.
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What you don't understand is that people who support trump will never have any problem with anything he does.

trump was right, he can shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters.

There is nothing that man can do that his supporters won't either try to justify, excuse or lie or change the subject.

We saw the same behavior with the same people during the bush boy's time in the White House. They lied and rationalized and tried to justify torture, invading Iraq using lies, outing a CIA spy and a long list of other crimes. To this day those people still blame democrats for the crash of our economy by the bush boy and republican deregulation and tax cuts.

You're wasting your time with these people.

What we DO understand is that people who hate America will NEVER allow immigration law to be enforced. You will always find some sleazy and dishonest Obama judge to halt enforcement of laws passed by the actual legislature.

You want to end this nation and will do ANYTHING to do so. Your coup failed, this is just a temper tantrum, what will you traitors do now? I'm guessing violence.
Obama deported more illegals than any President before him.

Based on statements so far, Trump's plan to remove the undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes is similar to what President Obama declared in 2014. Here's a look at some of the numbers:

How many people have been deported under Obama?
President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."
Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

How does he compare to other presidents?
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other Presiden
Looks like Lewdog is reaching deep to take the focus away from the mess democrats created. :)

Are you concerned about the voters seeing the problems your party has created, Lewdog?

Democrats are not my party. The only party I was ever a part of was Republicans until they decided to back this shit show called Trump.

Are you saying you suddenly became stupid when Trump kicked hillary’s ass? lol

I've been quite clear and never wavered from my political stance since joining this forum. Anyone that has paid attention instead of making strawman arguments would see that, but Trump supporters can never reason out HIS actions but instead always act like petulant children yelling "But Obama did this!" "But Hillary did this!" "But Clinton did this!" The Republican party no longer holds their own people accountable, despite the fact that they cheered at Trump's rallies to drain the swamp, not "Let's do what the swamp does when we get in office!"

I have never voted for a Democrat candidate in my life, but will never vote for Trump. I may however vote for a Democrat in 2020 if Trump is the Republican candidate and I agree with enough of the principles of the Democrat one.

Sadly this is what Trump supporters devolve every Trump thread to, making it about the posters and not the actual topic of the thread.
Give us a link to anything you’ve posted that supports this.
DACA and what Trump did is not the even close to being in the same ballpark.

So that's the difference? Laws and policies can be made by a president, depending on how close?

You can't stay on topic.

Well, considering your "expertise" on how laws and policies pass, I thought that was on topic. But hey, what do I know.

DACA was a policy, not a law. I said the Legislative Branch creates and passes laws, not the Executive Branch.

Policies are not the same as laws... thus why Trump said that he would end the policy because he said Congress needed to create and pass a law to replace it.
Where did trump say he was going to pass a law?

Just like allowing illegals immigrants to cross into our country, and the left allows them to stay is against the law, and sanctuary cities are against our immigration laws, the same as trump instituting a policy to side with people who are trying to enforce our laws

Hiring illegals like trump has done in his business life is illegal also. This is why we need to jail employers like trump who hire the undocumented.
Looks like Lewdog is reaching deep to take the focus away from the mess democrats created. :)

Are you concerned about the voters seeing the problems your party has created, Lewdog?

Democrats are not my party. The only party I was ever a part of was Republicans until they decided to back this shit show called Trump.

Are you saying you suddenly became stupid when Trump kicked hillary’s ass? lol

I've been quite clear and never wavered from my political stance since joining this forum. Anyone that has paid attention instead of making strawman arguments would see that, but Trump supporters can never reason out HIS actions but instead always act like petulant children yelling "But Obama did this!" "But Hillary did this!" "But Clinton did this!" The Republican party no longer holds their own people accountable, despite the fact that they cheered at Trump's rallies to drain the swamp, not "Let's do what the swamp does when we get in office!"

I have never voted for a Democrat candidate in my life, but will never vote for Trump. I may however vote for a Democrat in 2020 if Trump is the Republican candidate and I agree with enough of the principles of the Democrat one.

Sadly this is what Trump supporters devolve every Trump thread to, making it about the posters and not the actual topic of the thread.

This whole thing is very inconvenient to trump supporters so they will do anything to change the subject of the thread.

It's typical trump supporter behavior.
Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

Trump is NOT trying to enforce the laws. He's asking people to break the laws, violate people's rights and just fucking doing whatever he wants. That's the part you fools fail to grasp. The JUDGES are enforcing the law.

You have a President who has no respect for the rule of law, and who thinks that laws don't apply to him. He grabs women by the pussy when he wants, routinely stiffs contractors on business deals, and walks away from bankruptcies with millions of dollars stuffed in his pockets while everyone who trusted him and invested in his properties loses everything. He has committed fraud, routinely lies about everything, and has never kept his word to anyone.

Trump was an abject failure as a business man. Laundering money for Russians has been the source of his wealth, after he lost his entire inheritance in failed projects.
Most here know you’re full of shit with your claims of ever being a republican, Lewdog. You now have a chance to prove us wrong.

If you kind find a single post here that says I have ever voted Democrat I'll leave the forum for good. I mean in over 20,000 posts I'm sure if you are right you can find at least one? But, if you can't find a single post I said I voted Democrat you have to quit the forum. Deal? Put up or shut up.

...and as always you make the thread about something other than the topic. Never fails.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

How many more illegal aliens should we allow into the country?
10 million?
20 million?
All of them?

Then change the law, don't be a scumbag that makes dictator type political moves.

What you don't understand is that people who support trump will never have any problem with anything he does.

trump was right, he can shoot someone on 5th avenue and not lose any supporters.

There is nothing that man can do that his supporters won't either try to justify, excuse or lie or change the subject.

We saw the same behavior with the same people during the bush boy's time in the White House. They lied and rationalized and tried to justify torture, invading Iraq using lies, outing a CIA spy and a long list of other crimes. To this day those people still blame democrats for the crash of our economy by the bush boy and republican deregulation and tax cuts.

You're wasting your time with these people.

What we DO understand is that people who hate America will NEVER allow immigration law to be enforced. You will always find some sleazy and dishonest Obama judge to halt enforcement of laws passed by the actual legislature.

You want to end this nation and will do ANYTHING to do so. Your coup failed, this is just a temper tantrum, what will you traitors do now? I'm guessing violence.
Obama deported more illegals than any President before him.

Based on statements so far, Trump's plan to remove the undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes is similar to what President Obama declared in 2014. Here's a look at some of the numbers:

How many people have been deported under Obama?
President Barack Obama has often been referred to by immigration groups as the "Deporter in Chief."
Between 2009 and 2015 his administration has removed more than 2.5 million people through immigration orders, which doesn’t include the number of people who "self-deported" or were turned away and/or returned to their home country at the border by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

How does he compare to other presidents?
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.

Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other Presiden

During Obama's tenure, the definition of what a deportation was had been changed. It increased the stats.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

How many more illegal aliens should we allow into the country?
10 million?
20 million?
All of them?

Then change the law, don't be a scumbag that makes dictator type political moves.

I'm in favor of a 20 foot wall and machine guns.
Catch an illegal, ship his ass back within 24 hours.

You didn't answer the question...…...
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

And what is the definition of an assylum seeker? As it is the system is being abused. People can simply enter illegally, then claim assylum to prevent being deported. Now if Trump was turning back people who had previously applied through legal channels for assylum, that would be a little different from having to make an on spot judgment call by some border agent.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

How many more illegal aliens should we allow into the country?
10 million?
20 million?
All of them?

Then change the law, don't be a scumbag that makes dictator type political moves.

I'm in favor of a 20 foot wall and machine guns.
Catch an illegal, ship his ass back within 24 hours.

You didn't answer the question...…...

I didn't answer your question because that's not the topic of the thread and I would prefer to keep it on track. What is the topic of this thread however, is if you don't like the laws as they are now, you change it the way it is written in the Constitution, you don't break the law and abuse your power by offering pardons to those who break the law because you ask them to.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

And what is the definition of an assylum seeker? As it is the system is being abused. People can simply enter illegally, then claim assylum to prevent being deported. Now if Trump was turning back people who had previously applied through legal channels for assylum, that would be a little different from having to make an on spot judgment call by some border agent.

Don't like the law, change it.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

How many more illegal aliens should we allow into the country?
10 million?
20 million?
All of them?

What part of REFUGEES do you idiots not understand. Why is it so hard to comprehend that these families are fleeing the narco-terrorists in their home countries, because the USA just pulled all of the anti-gang foreign aid out of these countries. You want to stop the influx of refugees, stop the narco-terrorists.

You want to stop the econonmic refugees, start prosecuting people who hire illegals. Obama was doing that. Trump hasn't filed charges against a single corporation hiring illegals. I threatened to evict our tenant when I discovered she was feeding the raccoons which were overrunning our property. They come back, they bring their families and their friends if you feed them.

American businesses who give illegals jobs are encouraging them to come. You don't need a wall to stop them. You need to know that when they get here, no one will hire them. 300,000 illegal immigrants self-deported between 2008 and 2010 because THERE WERE NO JOBS. First offence - $10,000 fine - each. Second offence, $50,000 fine, each. Third offence, cancel their charter. Put them out of business. Stop giving the people who are giving them reason to come, a big break.

Trump doesn't charge the employers because HE'S ONE OF THEM.

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