Out of ALL the Things Trump has been Accused of, this Could be the Worst

When Obama talked about going around Congress and how he had a pen and a phone, you didnt seem to hear much pushback from dems....hmm...but trump does it and, well, it's just the most horrible thing..

Strawman. Feel free to post anything where I said that.

My apologies, when I said "you" I should have said "leftists". And the concept itself is not a strawman
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

The left and their media parrots are constantly accusing Trump of nefarious activities. Why should they be believed this time?

If proven true where you going to stand on this? This is quite the egregious abuse of power.

How can it be an "abuse of power" when the constitution clearly gives him a right to pardon anyone for any reason? He can also promise to pardon someone and then decide not to.

I know this is a hard concept for liberals to grasp, but this is still a free country.

He is given pardoning power, HOWEVER it is abusing his power to offer it in return of someone carrying out his wishes to break the law he would pardon him for.

It's pretty disheartening that you don't understand that.

What part of anyone for any reason do you not comprehend? Your entire argument is a strawman anyway, but its funny to entertain.
Liar. You are just shitting your pants because you don’t want brown people where you live.

Don't project, little racist. We are not like you. We're happy for anyone to come around, as long as it's of their free will.

You demtards are showing your true racist colors again and it’s grand.

Again, it's a liberty thing, so it's something you can't even imagine. The concept of liberty is just too alien to you.

Oh, let us know when the government gets to haul you off to a random location that you don't want to go, since you don't think it's a problem. Better yet, don't let us know, because you don't get a choice about the scheduling either.
When Obama talked about going around Congress and how he had a pen and a phone, you didnt seem to hear much pushback from dems....hmm...but trump does it and, well, it's just the most horrible thing..

Strawman. Feel free to post anything where I said that.

My apologies, when I said "you" I should have said "leftists". And the concept itself is not a strawman

No it is a Strawman to say I supported something without proof just to try and undermine my current statement.
Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.
you should try and read the duties of POTUS in the constitution,,,no where does it say he is to enforce laws,,,
but there is a place where he is to grant pardons,,,

Enforcing laws is what the Executive Branch does... that's why the President is called the chief law enforcement official in the country. :rolleyes:

This means he doesn't physically enforce the laws, but rather that he manages those that do.

This is a perfect example of why civics courses need to be a higher priority. If people don't understand the powers of different political positions then they certainly shouldn't be voting people into office without realizing if they are right for the job or have been executing their job correctly.

seriously,,,how stupid can people get,,,

hes the chief executive officer and the AG is the top law enforcement officer

POTUS has no law enforcement powers at all

there is a section that clearly defines his powers,,,try reading it sometime

like I said people need to read the constitution before making a dumbass of themselves

I already stated this. He has the duties of MAKING SURE LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ENFORCING THE LAWS.

Therefor telling someone to purposely BREAK the law is against his constitutional appointed duties. :rolleyes:

what you said is he is the chief law enforcement officer,,,and he is not

and you also said that law enforcement is what the executive branch does,,,again that is not true,,that falls under the dept of justice

the duties of POTUS are clearly defined and you should read them sometime,,,they are very enlightening,,,
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

The left and their media parrots are constantly accusing Trump of nefarious activities. Why should they be believed this time?

If proven true where you going to stand on this? This is quite the egregious abuse of power.

How can it be an "abuse of power" when the constitution clearly gives him a right to pardon anyone for any reason? He can also promise to pardon someone and then decide not to.

I know this is a hard concept for liberals to grasp, but this is still a free country.

He is given pardoning power, HOWEVER it is abusing his power to offer it in return of someone carrying out his wishes to break the law he would pardon him for.

It's pretty disheartening that you don't understand that.

What part of anyone for any reason do you not comprehend? Your entire argument is a strawman anyway, but its funny to entertain.

No, the President can't use his pardon power as a bargaining chip to get someone to break the law for him. Are you really arguing this?
No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.
you should try and read the duties of POTUS in the constitution,,,no where does it say he is to enforce laws,,,
but there is a place where he is to grant pardons,,,

Enforcing laws is what the Executive Branch does... that's why the President is called the chief law enforcement official in the country. :rolleyes:

This means he doesn't physically enforce the laws, but rather that he manages those that do.

This is a perfect example of why civics courses need to be a higher priority. If people don't understand the powers of different political positions then they certainly shouldn't be voting people into office without realizing if they are right for the job or have been executing their job correctly.

seriously,,,how stupid can people get,,,

hes the chief executive officer and the AG is the top law enforcement officer

POTUS has no law enforcement powers at all

there is a section that clearly defines his powers,,,try reading it sometime

like I said people need to read the constitution before making a dumbass of themselves

I already stated this. He has the duties of MAKING SURE LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ENFORCING THE LAWS.

Therefor telling someone to purposely BREAK the law is against his constitutional appointed duties. :rolleyes:

what you said is he is the chief law enforcement officer,,,and he is not

and you also said that law enforcement is what the executive branch does,,,again that is not true,,that falls under the dept of justice

the duties of POTUS are clearly defined and you should read them sometime,,,they are very enlightening,,,

The Department of Justice is in the Executive Branch.

"The Department of Justice – commonly referred to as the ‘DOJ’, is a federal agency within the Executive Branch of the government responsible for the supervision of all sub divisions, agencies, and department existing under the United States Department of Justic; amongst the most primary objectives of the Department of Justice include the regulation and administration of legal activity, statutory legislation, and lawful behavior with regard Federal government. The USDOJ not only serves to ensure that the Federal government acts in accordance with the law, which includes all branches of the Federal Government:"

Department Of Justice - Department Of Justice | Laws.com
you should try and read the duties of POTUS in the constitution,,,no where does it say he is to enforce laws,,,
but there is a place where he is to grant pardons,,,

Enforcing laws is what the Executive Branch does... that's why the President is called the chief law enforcement official in the country. :rolleyes:

This means he doesn't physically enforce the laws, but rather that he manages those that do.

This is a perfect example of why civics courses need to be a higher priority. If people don't understand the powers of different political positions then they certainly shouldn't be voting people into office without realizing if they are right for the job or have been executing their job correctly.

seriously,,,how stupid can people get,,,

hes the chief executive officer and the AG is the top law enforcement officer

POTUS has no law enforcement powers at all

there is a section that clearly defines his powers,,,try reading it sometime

like I said people need to read the constitution before making a dumbass of themselves

I already stated this. He has the duties of MAKING SURE LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ENFORCING THE LAWS.

Therefor telling someone to purposely BREAK the law is against his constitutional appointed duties. :rolleyes:

what you said is he is the chief law enforcement officer,,,and he is not

and you also said that law enforcement is what the executive branch does,,,again that is not true,,that falls under the dept of justice

the duties of POTUS are clearly defined and you should read them sometime,,,they are very enlightening,,,

The Department of Justice is in the Executive Branch.

"The Department of Justice – commonly referred to as the ‘DOJ’, is a federal agency within the Executive Branch of the government responsible for the supervision of all sub divisions, agencies, and department existing under the United States Department of Justic; amongst the most primary objectives of the Department of Justice include the regulation and administration of legal activity, statutory legislation, and lawful behavior with regard Federal government. The USDOJ not only serves to ensure that the Federal government acts in accordance with the law, which includes all branches of the Federal Government:"

Department Of Justice - Department Of Justice | Laws.com
again you said he was Chief law enforcement and he is not

POTUS has specific duties and none of them involve law enforcement
Enforcing laws is what the Executive Branch does... that's why the President is called the chief law enforcement official in the country. :rolleyes:

This means he doesn't physically enforce the laws, but rather that he manages those that do.

This is a perfect example of why civics courses need to be a higher priority. If people don't understand the powers of different political positions then they certainly shouldn't be voting people into office without realizing if they are right for the job or have been executing their job correctly.

seriously,,,how stupid can people get,,,

hes the chief executive officer and the AG is the top law enforcement officer

POTUS has no law enforcement powers at all

there is a section that clearly defines his powers,,,try reading it sometime

like I said people need to read the constitution before making a dumbass of themselves

I already stated this. He has the duties of MAKING SURE LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ENFORCING THE LAWS.

Therefor telling someone to purposely BREAK the law is against his constitutional appointed duties. :rolleyes:

what you said is he is the chief law enforcement officer,,,and he is not

and you also said that law enforcement is what the executive branch does,,,again that is not true,,that falls under the dept of justice

the duties of POTUS are clearly defined and you should read them sometime,,,they are very enlightening,,,

The Department of Justice is in the Executive Branch.

"The Department of Justice – commonly referred to as the ‘DOJ’, is a federal agency within the Executive Branch of the government responsible for the supervision of all sub divisions, agencies, and department existing under the United States Department of Justic; amongst the most primary objectives of the Department of Justice include the regulation and administration of legal activity, statutory legislation, and lawful behavior with regard Federal government. The USDOJ not only serves to ensure that the Federal government acts in accordance with the law, which includes all branches of the Federal Government:"

Department Of Justice - Department Of Justice | Laws.com
again you said he was Chief law enforcement and he is not

POTUS has specific duties and none of them involve law enforcement

His duty as head of the Executive branch is to make sure that his subordinates execute the laws, not break them.
seriously,,,how stupid can people get,,,

hes the chief executive officer and the AG is the top law enforcement officer

POTUS has no law enforcement powers at all

there is a section that clearly defines his powers,,,try reading it sometime

like I said people need to read the constitution before making a dumbass of themselves

I already stated this. He has the duties of MAKING SURE LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ENFORCING THE LAWS.

Therefor telling someone to purposely BREAK the law is against his constitutional appointed duties. :rolleyes:

what you said is he is the chief law enforcement officer,,,and he is not

and you also said that law enforcement is what the executive branch does,,,again that is not true,,that falls under the dept of justice

the duties of POTUS are clearly defined and you should read them sometime,,,they are very enlightening,,,

The Department of Justice is in the Executive Branch.

"The Department of Justice – commonly referred to as the ‘DOJ’, is a federal agency within the Executive Branch of the government responsible for the supervision of all sub divisions, agencies, and department existing under the United States Department of Justic; amongst the most primary objectives of the Department of Justice include the regulation and administration of legal activity, statutory legislation, and lawful behavior with regard Federal government. The USDOJ not only serves to ensure that the Federal government acts in accordance with the law, which includes all branches of the Federal Government:"

Department Of Justice - Department Of Justice | Laws.com
again you said he was Chief law enforcement and he is not

POTUS has specific duties and none of them involve law enforcement

His duty as head of the Executive branch is to make sure that his subordinates execute the laws, not break them.

correct..,,,but if laws are broken it is the job of the AG to enforce the law and prosecute if needed not POTUS,,
All hyperbole and conjecture. Prior presidents have said and done questionable things as well.
Quote me where Obama or Bush ever told their law enforcement branches -- any of them -- to break the law and not worry--he'd pardon them.
You have a direct quote from a recording of Trump saying this?
I'm surprised you aren't requiring that I actually was there. But then if I bore witness to it, you still wouldn't believe me.
Recording.... lol. Wouldn't that be spying in your book? Shouldn't I be locked up for that?
A recorder eliminates the charge of 'hearsay'. We have far too many fake news stories that are based on 'anonymous' sources and hearsay.

What I want to know is why are you and the left so ready to believe this without any proof? Can it be you are hoping that he is like that so that you can be right on an internet message board?

So, you have proof he said this?
Funny that people around here only insist on "proof" when it is something they don't want to hear.
I actually wish the source had come forward, too, but I'm sure he/she would have been fired on the spot. I believe Trump said it because it sounds exactly like the kind of half baked "solution" he would come up with. It's what he would like to have happen. Sadly, as President he has the bully pulpit and could be working with Congress on changes to the laws that would allow changes in policy, but NO. He's not able to do that, so he just says step around those laws that are inconvenient.

However, the fact that Trump said that doesn't actually amount to much. It is just another negative piece of gossip, because it was not acted on and the media made sure it got out there so he won't be able to get people to do it. We'll be watching now to be sure.
So you're wishing and hoping because you don't like him.

I am not suprised.
seriously,,,how stupid can people get,,,

hes the chief executive officer and the AG is the top law enforcement officer

POTUS has no law enforcement powers at all

there is a section that clearly defines his powers,,,try reading it sometime

like I said people need to read the constitution before making a dumbass of themselves

I already stated this. He has the duties of MAKING SURE LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ENFORCING THE LAWS.

Therefor telling someone to purposely BREAK the law is against his constitutional appointed duties. :rolleyes:

what you said is he is the chief law enforcement officer,,,and he is not

and you also said that law enforcement is what the executive branch does,,,again that is not true,,that falls under the dept of justice

the duties of POTUS are clearly defined and you should read them sometime,,,they are very enlightening,,,

The Department of Justice is in the Executive Branch.

"The Department of Justice – commonly referred to as the ‘DOJ’, is a federal agency within the Executive Branch of the government responsible for the supervision of all sub divisions, agencies, and department existing under the United States Department of Justic; amongst the most primary objectives of the Department of Justice include the regulation and administration of legal activity, statutory legislation, and lawful behavior with regard Federal government. The USDOJ not only serves to ensure that the Federal government acts in accordance with the law, which includes all branches of the Federal Government:"

Department Of Justice - Department Of Justice | Laws.com
again you said he was Chief law enforcement and he is not

POTUS has specific duties and none of them involve law enforcement

His duty as head of the Executive branch is to make sure that his subordinates execute the laws, not break them.
Interesting blinders.

But I know, Obama isn't President now, right? That is the convenience of not giving a shit when your guy is wrong and then trying to hold that standard against those you don't like.

It was the duty of Barak Obama to ensure that his subordinates enforced the individual mandate of the Affordable Healthcare Act when it was passed into law.

I did not see a single progressive, Democrat, or even a moderately leaning leftist scream about Obama not enforcing that law.

But hey, what is done is done, isn't that the case and to hell with the hypocrisy of it all.
I already stated this. He has the duties of MAKING SURE LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ENFORCING THE LAWS.

Therefor telling someone to purposely BREAK the law is against his constitutional appointed duties. :rolleyes:

what you said is he is the chief law enforcement officer,,,and he is not

and you also said that law enforcement is what the executive branch does,,,again that is not true,,that falls under the dept of justice

the duties of POTUS are clearly defined and you should read them sometime,,,they are very enlightening,,,

The Department of Justice is in the Executive Branch.

"The Department of Justice – commonly referred to as the ‘DOJ’, is a federal agency within the Executive Branch of the government responsible for the supervision of all sub divisions, agencies, and department existing under the United States Department of Justic; amongst the most primary objectives of the Department of Justice include the regulation and administration of legal activity, statutory legislation, and lawful behavior with regard Federal government. The USDOJ not only serves to ensure that the Federal government acts in accordance with the law, which includes all branches of the Federal Government:"

Department Of Justice - Department Of Justice | Laws.com
again you said he was Chief law enforcement and he is not

POTUS has specific duties and none of them involve law enforcement

His duty as head of the Executive branch is to make sure that his subordinates execute the laws, not break them.
Interesting blinders.

But I know, Obama isn't President now, right? That is the convenience of not giving a shit when your guy is wrong and then trying to hold that standard against those you don't like.

It was the duty of Barak Obama to ensure that his subordinates enforced the individual mandate of the Affordable Healthcare Act when it was passed into law.

I did not see a single progressive, Democrat, or even a moderately leaning leftist scream about Obama not enforcing that law.

But hey, what is done is done, isn't that the case and to hell with the hypocrisy of it all.

I think I see your point,,
but I think you are confusing executing the law verses enforcing the law
I already stated this. He has the duties of MAKING SURE LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ENFORCING THE LAWS.

Therefor telling someone to purposely BREAK the law is against his constitutional appointed duties. :rolleyes:

what you said is he is the chief law enforcement officer,,,and he is not

and you also said that law enforcement is what the executive branch does,,,again that is not true,,that falls under the dept of justice

the duties of POTUS are clearly defined and you should read them sometime,,,they are very enlightening,,,

The Department of Justice is in the Executive Branch.

"The Department of Justice – commonly referred to as the ‘DOJ’, is a federal agency within the Executive Branch of the government responsible for the supervision of all sub divisions, agencies, and department existing under the United States Department of Justic; amongst the most primary objectives of the Department of Justice include the regulation and administration of legal activity, statutory legislation, and lawful behavior with regard Federal government. The USDOJ not only serves to ensure that the Federal government acts in accordance with the law, which includes all branches of the Federal Government:"

Department Of Justice - Department Of Justice | Laws.com
again you said he was Chief law enforcement and he is not

POTUS has specific duties and none of them involve law enforcement

His duty as head of the Executive branch is to make sure that his subordinates execute the laws, not break them.
Interesting blinders.

But I know, Obama isn't President now, right? That is the convenience of not giving a shit when your guy is wrong and then trying to hold that standard against those you don't like.

It was the duty of Barak Obama to ensure that his subordinates enforced the individual mandate of the Affordable Healthcare Act when it was passed into law.

I did not see a single progressive, Democrat, or even a moderately leaning leftist scream about Obama not enforcing that law.

But hey, what is done is done, isn't that the case and to hell with the hypocrisy of it all.

Strawman. Obama was not "my guy."
what you said is he is the chief law enforcement officer,,,and he is not

and you also said that law enforcement is what the executive branch does,,,again that is not true,,that falls under the dept of justice

the duties of POTUS are clearly defined and you should read them sometime,,,they are very enlightening,,,

The Department of Justice is in the Executive Branch.

"The Department of Justice – commonly referred to as the ‘DOJ’, is a federal agency within the Executive Branch of the government responsible for the supervision of all sub divisions, agencies, and department existing under the United States Department of Justic; amongst the most primary objectives of the Department of Justice include the regulation and administration of legal activity, statutory legislation, and lawful behavior with regard Federal government. The USDOJ not only serves to ensure that the Federal government acts in accordance with the law, which includes all branches of the Federal Government:"

Department Of Justice - Department Of Justice | Laws.com
again you said he was Chief law enforcement and he is not

POTUS has specific duties and none of them involve law enforcement

His duty as head of the Executive branch is to make sure that his subordinates execute the laws, not break them.
Interesting blinders.

But I know, Obama isn't President now, right? That is the convenience of not giving a shit when your guy is wrong and then trying to hold that standard against those you don't like.

It was the duty of Barak Obama to ensure that his subordinates enforced the individual mandate of the Affordable Healthcare Act when it was passed into law.

I did not see a single progressive, Democrat, or even a moderately leaning leftist scream about Obama not enforcing that law.

But hey, what is done is done, isn't that the case and to hell with the hypocrisy of it all.

I think I see your point,,
but I think you are confusing executing the law verses enforcing the law
No, I'm not confusing it.

The laws, when passed, are to be enforced and that means keeping those in power from breaking them, in addition to requiring those in power to enforce them.

It is two sides of the same coin.

The same with immigration law. It is NOT being enforced. If we demand that our government obey the law, then we also demand that they enforce the laws that they pass.

This particular news item is being pushed, not because it is true, but they desperately NEED it to be true. If not this then anything. They desperately need it like most people need air.
what you said is he is the chief law enforcement officer,,,and he is not

and you also said that law enforcement is what the executive branch does,,,again that is not true,,that falls under the dept of justice

the duties of POTUS are clearly defined and you should read them sometime,,,they are very enlightening,,,

The Department of Justice is in the Executive Branch.

"The Department of Justice – commonly referred to as the ‘DOJ’, is a federal agency within the Executive Branch of the government responsible for the supervision of all sub divisions, agencies, and department existing under the United States Department of Justic; amongst the most primary objectives of the Department of Justice include the regulation and administration of legal activity, statutory legislation, and lawful behavior with regard Federal government. The USDOJ not only serves to ensure that the Federal government acts in accordance with the law, which includes all branches of the Federal Government:"

Department Of Justice - Department Of Justice | Laws.com
again you said he was Chief law enforcement and he is not

POTUS has specific duties and none of them involve law enforcement

His duty as head of the Executive branch is to make sure that his subordinates execute the laws, not break them.
Interesting blinders.

But I know, Obama isn't President now, right? That is the convenience of not giving a shit when your guy is wrong and then trying to hold that standard against those you don't like.

It was the duty of Barak Obama to ensure that his subordinates enforced the individual mandate of the Affordable Healthcare Act when it was passed into law.

I did not see a single progressive, Democrat, or even a moderately leaning leftist scream about Obama not enforcing that law.

But hey, what is done is done, isn't that the case and to hell with the hypocrisy of it all.

Strawman. Obama was not "my guy."
Not a straw man. A deflection on your part.

Did you pursue and attack Obama the same way you pursue and attack Trump of this or any other similar report? Did you wait and see if the news on Obama was verified and true before weighing in, or did you, as you are now with Trump, just jump in and attack because you don't like Trump and you want it to be true?

Either way, it doesn't matter if your guy was Obama, your ideology is the same as his and you did nothing like what you are doing now.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

Did you even bother to try and confirm this nonsense? The MSM got you again!

Yeah, Trump denied it. I guess we should take him for his word, I mean he doesn't tell lies right?
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

Did you even bother to try and confirm this nonsense? The MSM got you again!

Yeah, Trump denied it. I guess we should take him for his word, I mean he doesn't tell lies right?

Care to regale us with all of the times the MSM has lied to try and undermine trump? I would think that after a while even you would figure it out.

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