Out of ALL the Things Trump has been Accused of, this Could be the Worst

If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

How many more illegal aliens should we allow into the country?
10 million?
20 million?
All of them?

What part of REFUGEES do you idiots not understand. Why is it so hard to comprehend that these families are fleeing the narco-terrorists in their home countries, because the USA just pulled all of the anti-gang foreign aid out of these countries. You want to stop the influx of refugees, stop the narco-terrorists.

You want to stop the econonmic refugees, start prosecuting people who hire illegals. Obama was doing that. Trump hasn't filed charges against a single corporation hiring illegals. I threatened to evict our tenant when I discovered she was feeding the raccoons which were overrunning our property. They come back, they bring their families and their friends if you feed them.

American businesses who give illegals jobs are encouraging them to come. You don't need a wall to stop them. You need to know that when they get here, no one will hire them. 300,000 illegal immigrants self-deported between 2008 and 2010 because THERE WERE NO JOBS. First offence - $10,000 fine - each. Second offence, $50,000 fine, each. Third offence, cancel their charter. Put them out of business. Stop giving the people who are giving them reason to come, a big break.

Trump doesn't charge the employers because HE'S ONE OF THEM.

Yet you fight sendings them where you live. Racist.
Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.

No kidding, is that how we got DACA?

DACA and what Trump did is not the even close to being in the same ballpark.
DACA was an abuse of power, you just probably agree with it.
And we actually know that happened.
So that's the difference? Laws and policies can be made by a president, depending on how close?

You can't stay on topic.

Well, considering your "expertise" on how laws and policies pass, I thought that was on topic. But hey, what do I know.

DACA was a policy, not a law. I said the Legislative Branch creates and passes laws, not the Executive Branch.

Policies are not the same as laws... thus why Trump said that he would end the policy because he said Congress needed to create and pass a law to replace it.
Where did trump say he was going to pass a law?

Just like allowing illegals immigrants to cross into our country, and the left allows them to stay is against the law, and sanctuary cities are against our immigration laws, the same as trump instituting a policy to side with people who are trying to enforce our laws

Hiring illegals like trump has done in his business life is illegal also. This is why we need to jail employers like trump who hire the undocumented.
So, you want illegals here, but want to jail everyone who would give them employment while they are waiting on a backlogged immigration system.

How would they support themselves, how would they eat and survive? Oh my goodness, you want illegals to starve to death and not have clean water and safe accommodations! How cruel of you!
Actually, it looks like tRump was both encouraging someone to break the law, and promising he himself would break it as well.

Based on what evidence?
Did you not read the OP?

You should really read the OP before commenting on the thread.

Yeah, the OP says an Obama judge hostile to America ordered the President not to enforce the laws on the book. The president rightly told the little dictator to fuck himself.
Yeah, no. That's not what it said.

Go back and read it again.

Yeah, actually it is. Detaining illegals coming in IS the law. An Obama judge placing an injunction to THWART THE LAW as is the case here should be told to fuck off.

You are waging war against the United States, you expect that we should not resist your invasion - you are wrong.

The fuse is short, creep.
Oooh, threats from the peanut gallery.

I'm shakin' in my boots.
Yet you fight sendings them where you live. Racist.

No, we fight sending them where they don't want to go.

It's a liberty thing, hence you'll be completely incapable of understanding. Or is it that you think rounding people up and forcing them into certain locations is pro-liberty?
When Obama talked about going around Congress and how he had a pen and a phone, you didnt seem to hear much pushback from dems....hmm...but trump does it and, well, it's just the most horrible thing..
Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.
No liar, you traitors are doing that.
Based on what evidence?
Did you not read the OP?

You should really read the OP before commenting on the thread.

Yeah, the OP says an Obama judge hostile to America ordered the President not to enforce the laws on the book. The president rightly told the little dictator to fuck himself.
Yeah, no. That's not what it said.

Go back and read it again.

Yeah, actually it is. Detaining illegals coming in IS the law. An Obama judge placing an injunction to THWART THE LAW as is the case here should be told to fuck off.

You are waging war against the United States, you expect that we should not resist your invasion - you are wrong.

The fuse is short, creep.
Oooh, threats from the peanut gallery.

I'm shakin' in my boots.

What threat, creep?

It's you Marxists that are assaulting the nation.

All we decent people have done so far is call you out on your treason.
Still can’t give us an example of you ever thinking like a republican, Lewdog?

Thinking like a Republican? I've said quite a few things on here that Republicans support. The problem is, people like you are unable to understand that just because people don't support Trump that it doesn't make them all Democrats. I'm no different than people like David Jolly, Steve Schmidt, and many others who have been life-long Republicans until the party gave up their principles to support Trump.

Now how about we talk about the topic? Or you could also accept my wager.
When Obama talked about going around Congress and how he had a pen and a phone, you didnt seem to hear much pushback from dems....hmm...but trump does it and, well, it's just the most horrible thing..

Strawman. Feel free to post anything where I said that.
Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.
you should try and read the duties of POTUS in the constitution,,,no where does it say he is to enforce laws,,,
but there is a place where he is to grant pardons,,,

Enforcing laws is what the Executive Branch does... that's why the President is called the chief law enforcement official in the country. :rolleyes:

This means he doesn't physically enforce the laws, but rather that he manages those that do.

This is a perfect example of why civics courses need to be a higher priority. If people don't understand the powers of different political positions then they certainly shouldn't be voting people into office without realizing if they are right for the job or have been executing their job correctly.

seriously,,,how stupid can people get,,,

hes the chief executive officer and the AG is the top law enforcement officer

POTUS has no law enforcement powers at all

there is a section that clearly defines his powers,,,try reading it sometime

like I said people need to read the constitution before making a dumbass of themselves
Still can’t give us an example of you ever thinking like a republican, Lewdog?

Thinking like a Republican? I've said quite a few things on here that Republicans support. The problem is, people like you are unable to understand that just because people don't support Trump that it doesn't make them all Democrats. I'm no different than people like David Jolly, Steve Schmidt, and many others who have been life-long Republicans until the party gave up their principles to support Trump.

Now how about we talk about the topic? Or you could also accept my wager.
I'm good with you not being able to back up your previous comments. That's typical with people of your caliber.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

The left and their media parrots are constantly accusing Trump of nefarious activities. Why should they be believed this time?

If proven true where you going to stand on this? This is quite the egregious abuse of power.

How can it be an "abuse of power" when the constitution clearly gives him a right to pardon anyone for any reason? He can also promise to pardon someone and then decide not to.

I know this is a hard concept for liberals to grasp, but this is still a free country.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

How many more illegal aliens should we allow into the country?
10 million?
20 million?
All of them?

Then change the law, don't be a scumbag that makes dictator type political moves.

Which law, comrade?

THIS bit of slander is based on Trump reversing parts of DACA, which an Obama judge then ruled "unconstitutional" because reasons. See, Trump is following the law, and an unelected thug is shitting on the law; yet YOU think we should be outraged that Trump told a law enforcement officer to ignore the corrupt Obama judge.

You have fucked up thinking, because you're a leftist.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

The problem is, accusations fly all over the place and yet nothing comes from them.

I put little if any weight into all the accusations. Russia collusion, Benghazi, taxes related to illegal activity, birth certificates and on and on and on.

So if and when this alleged allegation becomes something more, then I’ll look at it, until then, it is just white noise to distract and divide.
Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.
you should try and read the duties of POTUS in the constitution,,,no where does it say he is to enforce laws,,,
but there is a place where he is to grant pardons,,,

Enforcing laws is what the Executive Branch does... that's why the President is called the chief law enforcement official in the country. :rolleyes:

This means he doesn't physically enforce the laws, but rather that he manages those that do.

This is a perfect example of why civics courses need to be a higher priority. If people don't understand the powers of different political positions then they certainly shouldn't be voting people into office without realizing if they are right for the job or have been executing their job correctly.

seriously,,,how stupid can people get,,,

hes the chief executive officer and the AG is the top law enforcement officer

POTUS has no law enforcement powers at all

there is a section that clearly defines his powers,,,try reading it sometime

like I said people need to read the constitution before making a dumbass of themselves

I already stated this. He has the duties of MAKING SURE LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ENFORCING THE LAWS.

Therefor telling someone to purposely BREAK the law is against his constitutional appointed duties. :rolleyes:
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

The left and their media parrots are constantly accusing Trump of nefarious activities. Why should they be believed this time?

If proven true where you going to stand on this? This is quite the egregious abuse of power.

How can it be an "abuse of power" when the constitution clearly gives him a right to pardon anyone for any reason? He can also promise to pardon someone and then decide not to.

I know this is a hard concept for liberals to grasp, but this is still a free country.

He is given pardoning power, HOWEVER it is abusing his power to offer it in return of someone carrying out his wishes to break the law he would pardon him for.

It's pretty disheartening that you don't understand that.
Yet you fight sendings them where you live. Racist.

No, we fight sending them where they don't want to go.

It's a liberty thing, hence you'll be completely incapable of understanding. Or is it that you think rounding people up and forcing them into certain locations is pro-liberty?

Liar. You are just shitting your pants because you don’t want brown people where you live. You demtards are showing your true racist colors again and it’s grand.

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