Out of ALL the Things Trump has been Accused of, this Could be the Worst

If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

Did you even bother to try and confirm this nonsense? The MSM got you again!

Yeah, Trump denied it. I guess we should take him for his word, I mean he doesn't tell lies right?

Care to regale us with all of the times the MSM has lied to try and undermine trump? I would think that after a while even you would figure it out.

Take the number of times you say the media has lied about Trump, and then divide that by the number of times Trump has told a verifiable lie. Get back with me on that number.

And tell me one lie that trump has made that hurt anybody else but him.

Go on, i will be happy with just one example.
AND it does not change the fact that there are NINE other countries closer to them than the USA, all of which makes them free of the danger they fled the moment they left their shithole country.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

Did you even bother to try and confirm this nonsense? The MSM got you again!

Yeah, Trump denied it. I guess we should take him for his word, I mean he doesn't tell lies right?

Care to regale us with all of the times the MSM has lied to try and undermine trump? I would think that after a while even you would figure it out.

Take the number of times you say the media has lied about Trump, and then divide that by the number of times Trump has told a verifiable lie. Get back with me on that number.

And tell me one lie that trump has made that hurt anybody else but him.

Go on, i will be happy with just one example.

Are you serious? He told Sessions to take the Family Separation Policy and make it ZERO tolerance. Then when kids were being put in cages, being sexually assaulted, and in some cases dying, what did Trump say? He said it was awful and blamed Democrats for it... despite the fact they were taking old retail buildings and building them out with cages to house more children. Then after the severe backlash they started changing things... only for Neilson to quit because Trump wanted her to not only start doing the same thing AGAIN, but extend the policy so that ANY time and ANY place in the country if an undocumented family is found they will separate the children.

That's not a lie that harms anyone right? Glad to see you don't care if the President lies. Kind of crazy we went from Clinton being impeached in the House for telling lies about cheating on his wife, to having people not give a shit if Trump lies multiple times on a daily basis.
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Jail time for Bonzo
So Trump told Homeland Security officials that what he was asking them to do was illegal.

His response?

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll just pardon you.”

Trump supporters: “nope, nothing to see here.”

Prove it.
And if it IS provable ?? Where do you go next??

I don't play "what if". If you've been paying attention to the last two years you know that everything about Rump has been a lie.
You're preaching to the choir

Then judge the Lefty liars.
Pardon mois I must have read your post in error I thought you said everything trump says is a lie That I believe
Strawman. Obama was not "my guy."
Not a straw man. A deflection on your part.

Did you pursue and attack Obama the same way you pursue and attack Trump of this or any other similar report? Did you wait and see if the news on Obama was verified and true before weighing in, or did you, as you are now with Trump, just jump in and attack because you don't like Trump and you want it to be true?

Either way, it doesn't matter if your guy was Obama, your ideology is the same as his and you did nothing like what you are doing now.

Yes, it is a strawman, because whenever there is a negative report on Trump, Trump supporters VERY FIRST reaction is to say Obama did it. This is when Trump's credibility comes into play. For example Trump mentioned Wikileaks over 160 times in speeches during just one month of his campaign. What was Trump's response when Assange got arrested?

Wow, chances are Obama did do it...which makes you loons a bunch of hypocrites.

Strawman. When are you guys going to quit trying to put words in someone else's mouth? First, prove that Obama told someone to break the law and offered them a pardon. Then show where I said I didn't care he did it.

LOL, what next, Obama had to do it on a Friday between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM....fricken hypocrite.

No, I'd just be happy if you could provide a shred of evidence of any accusations you continually make about me. Any.
Did you even bother to try and confirm this nonsense? The MSM got you again!

Yeah, Trump denied it. I guess we should take him for his word, I mean he doesn't tell lies right?

Care to regale us with all of the times the MSM has lied to try and undermine trump? I would think that after a while even you would figure it out.

Take the number of times you say the media has lied about Trump, and then divide that by the number of times Trump has told a verifiable lie. Get back with me on that number.

And tell me one lie that trump has made that hurt anybody else but him.

Go on, i will be happy with just one example.
A sampling of trumps lies

Search Results
Web results
Trump's lies hurt all of us - Daily Republic


When you think of all the lies Donald Trump has told over the course of his .... of others who also take Trump seriously too, and that is a national problem.
Why Trump lies, and why you should care - The Boston Globe


Jan 17, 2019 - The fact that President Trump lies multiple times a day has become ... own lies, because of delusions, paranoia, or some otheroverwhelming ...

Yeah? So? None of them hurt ANYBODY! obummers lies hurt tens of millions of Americans. The shrilary's lies got four Americans killed. You are an idiot.
Not a straw man. A deflection on your part.

Did you pursue and attack Obama the same way you pursue and attack Trump of this or any other similar report? Did you wait and see if the news on Obama was verified and true before weighing in, or did you, as you are now with Trump, just jump in and attack because you don't like Trump and you want it to be true?

Either way, it doesn't matter if your guy was Obama, your ideology is the same as his and you did nothing like what you are doing now.

Yes, it is a strawman, because whenever there is a negative report on Trump, Trump supporters VERY FIRST reaction is to say Obama did it. This is when Trump's credibility comes into play. For example Trump mentioned Wikileaks over 160 times in speeches during just one month of his campaign. What was Trump's response when Assange got arrested?

Wow, chances are Obama did do it...which makes you loons a bunch of hypocrites.

Strawman. When are you guys going to quit trying to put words in someone else's mouth? First, prove that Obama told someone to break the law and offered them a pardon. Then show where I said I didn't care he did it.

LOL, what next, Obama had to do it on a Friday between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM....fricken hypocrite.

No, I'd just be happy if you could provide a shred of evidence of any accusations you continually make about me. Any.

Accusations….about you being a hypocrite? Your posts aren't clear enough?
His duty as head of the Executive branch is to make sure that his subordinates execute the laws, not break them.
Interesting blinders.

But I know, Obama isn't President now, right? That is the convenience of not giving a shit when your guy is wrong and then trying to hold that standard against those you don't like.

It was the duty of Barak Obama to ensure that his subordinates enforced the individual mandate of the Affordable Healthcare Act when it was passed into law.

I did not see a single progressive, Democrat, or even a moderately leaning leftist scream about Obama not enforcing that law.

But hey, what is done is done, isn't that the case and to hell with the hypocrisy of it all.

Strawman. Obama was not "my guy."
Not a straw man. A deflection on your part.

Did you pursue and attack Obama the same way you pursue and attack Trump of this or any other similar report? Did you wait and see if the news on Obama was verified and true before weighing in, or did you, as you are now with Trump, just jump in and attack because you don't like Trump and you want it to be true?

Either way, it doesn't matter if your guy was Obama, your ideology is the same as his and you did nothing like what you are doing now.

Yes, it is a strawman, because whenever there is a negative report on Trump, Trump supoporters VERY FIRST reaction is to say Obama did it. This is when Trump's credibility comes into play. For example Trump mentioned Wikileaks over 160 times in speeches during just one month of his campaign. What was Trump's response when Assange got arrested?

I'm not talking about Trump supporters. I'm talking about YOU and those of YOUR ideology.

Fucking hypocrites, the lot of you.

Obama bold faced lied to the American people.

Nothing from you people when it happened. Now, you want to justify your BS by trying to say that the volume of lies is what matters, not the severity of them.

I call Trump out when he does the same shit I called Obama out on. I hammer him on his lack of budgetary discipline and his spinelessness on standing up to the American hating Democrats.

I did not compile lists of things Obama did that I found immoral (There were hundreds of them) and I did not lose My shit over Obama's election.

None of you can say any of that.

You grab onto EVERY LITTLE THING, conflate it to be the worst possible thing in the world, and then add it to your little lists, pat yourselves on the back for nailing him once again, and complete disregard an America that is in serious crisis financially and at our southern border.

So, when you can show even the smallest iota of intellectual consistency, get back to Me. Otherwise, go back do diddling whatever it is you diddle.

For me to be a hypocrite, you need to provide evidence of ANY of the accusations you are making about me. You have none. It's the very definition of a strawman... because you keep making up stories about something I stand for only to attack it, yet you have NOTHING to actually link me to what you link to me. Nothing, period.

You want to make a wager? You can get rid of me for good.
No kidding, is that how we got DACA?

DACA and what Trump did is not the even close to being in the same ballpark.

So that's the difference? Laws and policies can be made by a president, depending on how close?

You can't stay on topic.

Well, considering your "expertise" on how laws and policies pass, I thought that was on topic. But hey, what do I know.

DACA was a policy, not a law. I said the Legislative Branch creates and passes laws, not the Executive Branch.

Policies are not the same as laws... thus why Trump said that he would end the policy because he said Congress needed to create and pass a law to replace it.
DACA violated the law. US immigration law says that illegal aliens are not eligible to receive work permits. DACA granted work permits to illegal aliens.
Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.
You mean like how Obama enforced the Immigration laws?

Not sure what is so hard to understand here. Trump TOLD SOMEONE TO BREAK THE LAW. The President of the United States told someone to purposely break the law, and then abused his power by offering to pardon him for it. Nothing Obama did is remotely the same to this. Quit trying the old, "Well but so and so did it!"

No, pay attention to what is going on NOW. In the present. There is a reason politics has become a complete cesspool, and that is because no one wants to hold the politicians accountable for what they are doing, instead people just compare them to other politicians and let it slide. Trump ran on the idea of "Draining the swamp" and holding people accountable... and here we are talking about him doing this, and none of you want to hold him accountable.
I don't recall you whining when Obama ordered immigration to break the law.
Yes, it is a strawman, because whenever there is a negative report on Trump, Trump supporters VERY FIRST reaction is to say Obama did it. This is when Trump's credibility comes into play. For example Trump mentioned Wikileaks over 160 times in speeches during just one month of his campaign. What was Trump's response when Assange got arrested?

Wow, chances are Obama did do it...which makes you loons a bunch of hypocrites.

Strawman. When are you guys going to quit trying to put words in someone else's mouth? First, prove that Obama told someone to break the law and offered them a pardon. Then show where I said I didn't care he did it.

LOL, what next, Obama had to do it on a Friday between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM....fricken hypocrite.

No, I'd just be happy if you could provide a shred of evidence of any accusations you continually make about me. Any.

Accusations….about you being a hypocrite? Your posts aren't clear enough?

Do you know what the definition of a hypocrite is? I'll give you a hint, it takes two parts. Let me give you an example.

Republicans impeached Clinton for lying about cheating on his wife. Some of those VERY same Republicans don't care one bit if Trump lies. I was against Clinton lying and thought he should be removed from office. What he did lower the legitimacy of the position. Which is the very same way I feel about Trump now.

Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.

It is an impeachable offense...

it is also impeachable for him to direct the IRS not to follow 6103f and give Chairman Neal, the tax returns requested by him.... and an abuse of power to dangle a pardon for illegal purposes...

Sometimes I wonder if he really wants to be removed from office? He sure does go out of his way, in trying to make that happen...

Does he want to be impeached so that he can resign beforehand, and then have Pence pardon him for any crimes known, and unknown that he may have committed?:dunno:

The constitution states that he MUST execute the laws of the land in good faith.... it's right there in the constitution.... to faithfully execute the laws passed by congress.... not change them, not tweak them, not break them...

The main responsibility of the President is to faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress. This means that it is the Executive’s sole responsibility to enforce the law, and they must do so as exactly as Congress has detailed in law. In Clinton v. City of New York, the Court held that “line-item” vetoes were unconstitutional. These vetoes allowed the President to cancel certain portions of budget bills while allowing the remainder of the bill to pass. The Court ruled this was unconstitutional because it let the President change the law that Congress had already passed. This was viewed as an unconstitutional expansion of the power of the Executive, whose role was solely to carry out the laws rather than change them.

In Printz v. The United States, the Brady Handgun Prevent bill was struck down as unconstitutional because it forced state officials – local police officers – to enforce a federal regulatory scheme. The Court listed various reasons for striking down the bill, one of which was the role of the Executive as the only branch responsible for executing the law. Justice Scalia, writing for the majority, stated “The Constitution does not leave to speculation who is to administer the laws enacted by Congress; the President, it says, “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

The President cannot alter how the law is to be implemented when specific instructions have been provided by Congress. This was affirmed recently in the 2014 decision Utility Air Regulatory Group v. E.P.A., where the Court held that the EPA had over-stepped its authority in changing certain limits in a statute to make the law more workable. Determining that the language in the law was clear, the Court held that the agency could not change the limits in the law. The Executive branch did not have the power to change the law once passed, even if it wasn’t working well in practice.

Clinton v. City of New York (1998)
Printz v. US (1997)

Article II, Section 3 Responsibilities of the Executive
Go for it: start the impeachment proceedings.
Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.
You mean like how Obama enforced the Immigration laws?

Not sure what is so hard to understand here. Trump TOLD SOMEONE TO BREAK THE LAW. The President of the United States told someone to purposely break the law, and then abused his power by offering to pardon him for it. Nothing Obama did is remotely the same to this. Quit trying the old, "Well but so and so did it!"

No, pay attention to what is going on NOW. In the present. There is a reason politics has become a complete cesspool, and that is because no one wants to hold the politicians accountable for what they are doing, instead people just compare them to other politicians and let it slide. Trump ran on the idea of "Draining the swamp" and holding people accountable... and here we are talking about him doing this, and none of you want to hold him accountable.
I don't recall you whining when Obama ordered immigration to break the law.

Of course you didn't, because I wasn't a member here at that time.
Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.

It is an impeachable offense...

it is also impeachable for him to direct the IRS not to follow 6103f and give Chairman Neal, the tax returns requested by him.... and an abuse of power to dangle a pardon for illegal purposes...

Sometimes I wonder if he really wants to be removed from office? He sure does go out of his way, in trying to make that happen...

Does he want to be impeached so that he can resign beforehand, and then have Pence pardon him for any crimes known, and unknown that he may have committed?:dunno:

The constitution states that he MUST execute the laws of the land in good faith.... it's right there in the constitution.... to faithfully execute the laws passed by congress.... not change them, not tweak them, not break them...

The main responsibility of the President is to faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress. This means that it is the Executive’s sole responsibility to enforce the law, and they must do so as exactly as Congress has detailed in law. In Clinton v. City of New York, the Court held that “line-item” vetoes were unconstitutional. These vetoes allowed the President to cancel certain portions of budget bills while allowing the remainder of the bill to pass. The Court ruled this was unconstitutional because it let the President change the law that Congress had already passed. This was viewed as an unconstitutional expansion of the power of the Executive, whose role was solely to carry out the laws rather than change them.

In Printz v. The United States, the Brady Handgun Prevent bill was struck down as unconstitutional because it forced state officials – local police officers – to enforce a federal regulatory scheme. The Court listed various reasons for striking down the bill, one of which was the role of the Executive as the only branch responsible for executing the law. Justice Scalia, writing for the majority, stated “The Constitution does not leave to speculation who is to administer the laws enacted by Congress; the President, it says, “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

The President cannot alter how the law is to be implemented when specific instructions have been provided by Congress. This was affirmed recently in the 2014 decision Utility Air Regulatory Group v. E.P.A., where the Court held that the EPA had over-stepped its authority in changing certain limits in a statute to make the law more workable. Determining that the language in the law was clear, the Court held that the agency could not change the limits in the law. The Executive branch did not have the power to change the law once passed, even if it wasn’t working well in practice.

Clinton v. City of New York (1998)
Printz v. US (1997)

Article II, Section 3 Responsibilities of the Executive
Go for it: start the impeachment proceedings.
He's in the jail house now Told him once or twice,,,,.........
Top stories
Report: Trump told acting DHS head he'd pardon him if he were sent to jail for closing the border

NBC News
1 day ago
Trump Urged Homeland Security Official to Close Border Despite an Earlier Promise of a Delay

The New York Times
22 hours ago
Trump urged now-Homeland Security boss to close US-Mexico border, said he'd pardon him if necessary: Reports

1 day ago
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Trump urged now-Homeland Security boss to close border, offered ...

Trump is trying to enforce the law, democrooks are trying to get judges to rewrite it.

No, he is trying usurp the way this country is supposed to work. It isn't up to the Executive Branch of the government to create and pass laws. It's his job to ENFORCE it. This country has systems in place for a reason, to keep any branch of government from having too much power. Him telling a person to BREAK the law purposely, and that he promised them a pardon, is not how to handle things. If he don't like the law, then he needs to get Congress to change it. The Republican party is supposed to be the "party that supports law enforcement," and this is certainly not a way to show it.

It is an impeachable offense...

it is also impeachable for him to direct the IRS not to follow 6103f and give Chairman Neal, the tax returns requested by him.... and an abuse of power to dangle a pardon for illegal purposes...

Sometimes I wonder if he really wants to be removed from office? He sure does go out of his way, in trying to make that happen...

Does he want to be impeached so that he can resign beforehand, and then have Pence pardon him for any crimes known, and unknown that he may have committed?:dunno:

The constitution states that he MUST execute the laws of the land in good faith.... it's right there in the constitution.... to faithfully execute the laws passed by congress.... not change them, not tweak them, not break them...

The main responsibility of the President is to faithfully execute the laws passed by Congress. This means that it is the Executive’s sole responsibility to enforce the law, and they must do so as exactly as Congress has detailed in law. In Clinton v. City of New York, the Court held that “line-item” vetoes were unconstitutional. These vetoes allowed the President to cancel certain portions of budget bills while allowing the remainder of the bill to pass. The Court ruled this was unconstitutional because it let the President change the law that Congress had already passed. This was viewed as an unconstitutional expansion of the power of the Executive, whose role was solely to carry out the laws rather than change them.

In Printz v. The United States, the Brady Handgun Prevent bill was struck down as unconstitutional because it forced state officials – local police officers – to enforce a federal regulatory scheme. The Court listed various reasons for striking down the bill, one of which was the role of the Executive as the only branch responsible for executing the law. Justice Scalia, writing for the majority, stated “The Constitution does not leave to speculation who is to administer the laws enacted by Congress; the President, it says, “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

The President cannot alter how the law is to be implemented when specific instructions have been provided by Congress. This was affirmed recently in the 2014 decision Utility Air Regulatory Group v. E.P.A., where the Court held that the EPA had over-stepped its authority in changing certain limits in a statute to make the law more workable. Determining that the language in the law was clear, the Court held that the agency could not change the limits in the law. The Executive branch did not have the power to change the law once passed, even if it wasn’t working well in practice.

Clinton v. City of New York (1998)
Printz v. US (1997)

Article II, Section 3 Responsibilities of the Executive
Go for it: start the impeachment proceedings.
He's in the jail house now Told him once or twice,,,,.........
Top stories
View attachment 255726
Report: Trump told acting DHS head he'd pardon him if he were sent to jail for closing the border
NBC News
1 day ago
View attachment 255727
Trump Urged Homeland Security Official to Close Border Despite an Earlier Promise of a Delay
The New York Times
22 hours ago
View attachment 255728
Trump urged now-Homeland Security boss to close US-Mexico border, said he'd pardon him if necessary: Reports
1 day ago
More for trump told homeland
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Trump urged now-Homeland Security boss to close border, offered ...


I opened just one of your links and found this...."according to three people briefed about the conversation." No identity, no proof just 'because we say so'.....Wanna bet not one of your links names anyone? Such bullshit you people swallow.
If it is true that he told someone to break the law purposely, and told them he would just give them a pardon, that is a serious abuse of power, and a slap in the face of this nation's criminal justice system.

Trump reportedly promised to pardon CBP head if he violated immigration law – as it happened

Your desire to turn this nation into a third world shit hole is a slap in the face of every real American, living and dead.

This thread topic has absolutely nothing to do with what you just posted.

If you don't agree with the law, change it. As long as it is the law everyone, including the President is supposed to follow it. If the President doesn't agree with the law... change it.

Now about your fake moral, exaggerated outrage, stop, you are embarrassing yourself.

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