Out of the mouths of Babes

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This young evangelist is on fire for God and full of faith for the lost to be saved! Listen to his message and ask yourself this question: If a young boy can share his faith so boldly? What is stopping me from doing the same? The world is perishing and if we have the Words of life abiding in us? We need to be sharing it with others! Amen? Amen!

Poor child, indoctrinated into superstitionism by tales of woe.
The young boy is correct.

People need to accept Islam and Muhammad as their prophet before it's too late and they die and go to Hell. ...... :cool:

There is no salvation in Islam. Muhammad didn't die on a cross for your sins, Sunni Man. Jesus Christ did. There is no other name by which we can be saved. Only the name of Jesus. Jesus Christ is LORD and Jesus Christ is God. Thomas said, My LORD and My God. Jesus didn't correct him - take note of that please. Rather He let Thomas know that blessed is the man or woman who believes He is Lord and He is God and has not seen Him (as Thomas did). Jesus Christ is LORD. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Including Mohammad and Satan.
Poor child, indoctrinated into superstitionism by tales of woe.

How do you know that it was not you who was indoctrinated to believe the Bible is superstition while the truth is that you are headed for hell at this very hour? You see, if that young boy is right? Then he has nothing to lose while you stand to lose everything. If he is wrong? He has lost nothing and you of course - still would have nothing. Thank God that he is not wrong. He is 100% correct! Apart from Christ there is no salvation for any human being. What shall happen to those who neglect so great a salvation? Let's not find out. Call upon the name of the LORD and be saved. Today is the day of Salvation, Blind Boo. TODAY.
Poor child, indoctrinated into superstitionism by tales of woe.

How do you know that it was not you who was indoctrinated to believe the Bible is superstition while the truth is that you are headed for hell at this very hour? You see, if that young boy is right? Then he has nothing to lose while you stand to lose everything. If he is wrong? He has lost nothing and you of course - still would have nothing. Thank God that he is not wrong. He is 100% correct! Apart from Christ there is no salvation for any human being. What shall happen to those who neglect so great a salvation? Let's not find out. Call upon the name of the LORD and be saved. Today is the day of Salvation, Blind Boo. TODAY.

I was indoctrinated into Christianity but I moved away from polytheism.
Poor child, indoctrinated into superstitionism by tales of woe.

How do you know that it was not you who was indoctrinated to believe the Bible is superstition while the truth is that you are headed for hell at this very hour? You see, if that young boy is right? Then he has nothing to lose while you stand to lose everything. If he is wrong? He has lost nothing and you of course - still would have nothing. Thank God that he is not wrong. He is 100% correct! Apart from Christ there is no salvation for any human being. What shall happen to those who neglect so great a salvation? Let's not find out. Call upon the name of the LORD and be saved. Today is the day of Salvation, Blind Boo. TODAY.

I was indoctrinated into Christianity but I moved away from polytheism.

God is one. Hear O Israel! The LORD Thy God is One! Your math is wrong. It isn't 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 .............it's 1 x 1 x 1 = 1

p.s. you moved in the wrong direction. Go back to where you first left off with God and start there. He's waiting for you, Blind Boo.
God never had a son.......nor does he need one.

That is just a false teaching of the christian cult. ...... :cool:

Really? Are you calling your prophet a liar? He said that Jesus Christ was sinless. If Jesus said he was the Son of God and He wasn't the Son of God that would mean he had lied and according to the Ten Commandments - telling a lie is a sin.

So is your prophet a liar or was he telling the truth when he said that Jesus was sinless? If he was telling the truth that Jesus was sinless and we know that Mohammad did sin - even calling for his followers to worship his daughters at one point ( idolatry is another sin! ) then who is greater? The One who is sinless and came to take away the sins of the world or the one who has sinned and had no power to take anyone's sin away?

Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the Throne of God right now. Mohammad is in hell. What does that tell you?
Poor child, indoctrinated into superstitionism by tales of woe.

How do you know that it was not you who was indoctrinated to believe the Bible is superstition while the truth is that you are headed for hell at this very hour? You see, if that young boy is right? Then he has nothing to lose while you stand to lose everything. If he is wrong? He has lost nothing and you of course - still would have nothing. Thank God that he is not wrong. He is 100% correct! Apart from Christ there is no salvation for any human being. What shall happen to those who neglect so great a salvation? Let's not find out. Call upon the name of the LORD and be saved. Today is the day of Salvation, Blind Boo. TODAY.

I was indoctrinated into Christianity but I moved away from polytheism.

God is one. Hear O Israel! The LORD Thy God is One! Your math is wrong. It isn't 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 .............it's 1 x 1 x 1 = 1

p.s. you moved in the wrong direction. Go back to where you first left off with God and start there. He's waiting for you, Blind Boo.

Christianity is filled with a whole host of supernatural beings. God is the big one. But Satan is another almost as big. Then there are the Arch-Angels and Demons......When I left God he was playing checkers with the Devil, or was it tic tac toe, I don't know.....
ha! ha! You must be joking! Jesus Christ is Satan's Master! He cannot do a thing without getting permission from God first, Blind Boo. Almost as big? THINK AGAIN!
Really? Are you calling your prophet a liar? He said that Jesus Christ was sinless. If Jesus said he was the Son of God and He wasn't the Son of God that would mean he had lied and according to the Ten Commandments - telling a lie is a sin.

So is your prophet a liar or was he telling the truth when he said that Jesus was sinless? If he was telling the truth that Jesus was sinless and we know that Mohammad did sin - even calling for his followers to worship his daughters at one point ( idolatry is another sin! ) then who is greater? The One who is sinless and came to take away the sins of the world or the one who has sinned and had no power to take anyone's sin away?
Yes, Jesus was sinless but he wasn't God.

Jesus never claimed to be God. ...... :cool:

And no,...... Muhammad never ordered people to worship his daughters. .... :lol:

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