Out of touch with reality

[QUOisE="candycorn, post: 10143246, member: 20614"]Are you all saying that the new GOP majority in the Senate and the sustained majority in the House should try to ram through a GOP agenda regardless of what the President thinks and shouldn't compromise when they have their inevitable disagreements?[/QUOTE]
How Is that different from the liberal douchebags trying to ram through their agenda when they controlled
I would prefer Christie or Paul. Quite a few on the left will want Hillary, definitely.

Yes, the GOP should try to work with the Dems. The voters selected us for the majority in order to govern, not ram through rigid ideaologoy
I would prefer Christie or Paul. Quite a few on the left will want Hillary, definitely.

Yes, the GOP should try to work with the Dems. The voters selected us for the majority in order to govern, not ram through rigid ideaologoy
Ya they knew before the election the dems were not compromising and that the republicans had an agenda AGAINST the President so they elected republicans to do what the President wanted? Do you honestly think before you type?
RGS, you know your health and your religion prohibit drinking alcoholic beverages.

Sober up, please. The American people do not want far right ideology, and the President won't permit it.
I don't agree there. Obama chose between universal care and his call for more compromise, and chose universal care. It's true that the TPM movement predated the ACA, but Obamacare made things even more contentious. The Right here is saying the gop no longer has any reason to compromise, when nothing could be further from the reality. Obama was rejected because he is seen as much a part of dysfunction as the gop (even though he STILL polls 20 pts higher than the gop congress). After a typical second term, off year bruising election, a potus looks for areas where he can compromise with the other party, and still protects the central tenant of his/her (-: presidency.

No. Obama wanted Single Payer. He COMPROMISED by accepting the ACA plan which is far from single payer. He also caved on the public option.

This isn't debatable.

He did that so the Democrats would vote for it, not the Republicans. He compromised with his own party.
Yup, he compromised with the Dems not the Pubs on ACA.

The Pubs said they would play then tried to delay and succeeded into the following year.

If HRC had been president, we would have been Medicare from birth to grave beginning 2010.
I don't agree there. Obama chose between universal care and his call for more compromise, and chose universal care. It's true that the TPM movement predated the ACA, but Obamacare made things even more contentious. The Right here is saying the gop no longer has any reason to compromise, when nothing could be further from the reality. Obama was rejected because he is seen as much a part of dysfunction as the gop (even though he STILL polls 20 pts higher than the gop congress). After a typical second term, off year bruising election, a potus looks for areas where he can compromise with the other party, and still protects the central tenant of his/her (-: presidency.

No. Obama wanted Single Payer. He COMPROMISED by accepting the ACA plan which is far from single payer. He also caved on the public option.

This isn't debatable.

He did that so the Democrats would vote for it, not the Republicans. He compromised with his own party.

Is that right? You are the second person to say that.

Think now. If he wasn't compromising with the GOP.......why would he need Democrats to move to the right?

RGS, you know your health and your religion prohibit drinking alcoholic beverages.

Sober up, please. The American people do not want far right ideology, and the President won't permit it.
There is no reason for the republicans in Congress to do the compromising, the election proves that the people want the President to compromise not the other way round.
Your logic is fucked up, silly.

BHO had to negotiate with his left who wanted single payer NHS and with his right democrats over abortion exemptions.

He sure was not negotiating with the Pubs, who did not want any of it.
RGS, the American people do not want far right ideology any more than lefty nonsense.

That requires the Pres and our Party to negotiate with each other.

We will lose to a massive Dem win in 2016 if we don't.
RGS, the American people do not want far right ideology any more than lefty nonsense.

That requires the Pres and our Party to negotiate with each other.

We will lose to a massive Dem win in 2016 if we don't.
Which means the President must compromise yet you and your lefty brothers claim the right must do all the compromising, the republicans were not put in power to surrender to Obama.
RGS, the American people do not want far right ideology any more than lefty nonsense.

That requires the Pres and our Party to negotiate with each other.

We will lose to a massive Dem win in 2016 if we don't.
Which means the President must compromise yet you and your lefty brothers claim the right must do all the compromising, the republicans were not put in power to surrender to Obama.

Or to Jake ;)
I don't agree there. Obama chose between universal care and his call for more compromise, and chose universal care. It's true that the TPM movement predated the ACA, but Obamacare made things even more contentious. The Right here is saying the gop no longer has any reason to compromise, when nothing could be further from the reality. Obama was rejected because he is seen as much a part of dysfunction as the gop (even though he STILL polls 20 pts higher than the gop congress). After a typical second term, off year bruising election, a potus looks for areas where he can compromise with the other party, and still protects the central tenant of his/her (-: presidency.

No. Obama wanted Single Payer. He COMPROMISED by accepting the ACA plan which is far from single payer. He also caved on the public option.

This isn't debatable.

He did that so the Democrats would vote for it, not the Republicans. He compromised with his own party.

Is that right? You are the second person to say that.

Think now. If he wasn't compromising with the GOP.......why would he need Democrats to move to the right?


Because Landrieu and others knew their constituents would not go for single payor. It had to be something they could sell to their voters, or at least defend.
I don't agree there. Obama chose between universal care and his call for more compromise, and chose universal care. It's true that the TPM movement predated the ACA, but Obamacare made things even more contentious. The Right here is saying the gop no longer has any reason to compromise, when nothing could be further from the reality. Obama was rejected because he is seen as much a part of dysfunction as the gop (even though he STILL polls 20 pts higher than the gop congress). After a typical second term, off year bruising election, a potus looks for areas where he can compromise with the other party, and still protects the central tenant of his/her (-: presidency.

No. Obama wanted Single Payer. He COMPROMISED by accepting the ACA plan which is far from single payer. He also caved on the public option.

This isn't debatable.

He did that so the Democrats would vote for it, not the Republicans. He compromised with his own party.

Is that right? You are the second person to say that.

Think now. If he wasn't compromising with the GOP.......why would he need Democrats to move to the right?


Because Landrieu and others knew their constituents would not go for single payor. It had to be something they could sell to their voters, or at least defend.

Don't bother, LL has OWS, Obama worship syndrome.
Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college ... But you probably don't know who those stupid people are.

Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.
Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.
Really? That's wonderful news. I hope you're correct.

Christie...probably closer to Obama than Clinton
Walker...non college grad (aka no chance)
Kunisch (the guy from Ohio)....too good to be true (for the Democrats that is).
Walker no chance? Would that that be the Walker who won in Wisconsin took on the unions and won was then recalled won that and won reelection a week ago today?

Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.
Since I'm guessing he has defeated three college graduate Democrats I wouldn't be calling others stupid if I were you. On the subject of stupid yes by all means call people who are not college graduates stupid as part of a 2016 campaign strategy I'm sure that will be a big hit.

Feel free to nominate him to head a national ticket if this is what you want your party standard bearer to look like...
Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college ... But you probably don't know who those stupid people are.

Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.


we have been hearing for three elections

how walker is toast

this time


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