Out of touch with reality

The ACA was passed without a single Republican vote, so I find it difficult to accept that Obama compromised with the Republicans. And, I will continue to call them the Democrat Party since they are Democrats and not Democratics. Also because it seems to bother bedwetters!

Blah blah no GOP votes..blah blah blah!

Meaningless. They were voting against a plan that they created. Obama was compromising by not insisting on single payer.

Too easy. You are too simple.

I had no idea that the Republicans created the ACA and then not a damned one of them voted for it. How could I possibly have missed that.

It's called politics. Politicians vote against shit they once supported all the time. I'll bet you knew that. You just decided to forget in this case. Typical.

I know that you are brain dead if you think that Republicans created the ACA, and you are a complete waste of bandwidth.

Have you never heard that claim before?

Of course I have heard that claim made by brain dead bedwetters attempting to rewrite history. Here is a list of the members in the House of Representatives that created the ACA, and don't bother me any more with your delusions.

Sponsors and Co-Sponsors of the ACA

Charles Rangel D-NY

Co Sponsors
o Xavier Becerra
o Shelley Berkley
o Earl Blumenauer
o Virginia Brown-Waite
o Joe Courtney
o Joseph Crowley
o Danny K. Davis
o Artur Davis
o Lloyd Doggett
o Bob Etheridge
o Bob Filner
o Al Green
o Luis V. Gutiérrez
o Brian Higgins
o Henry C. "Hank" Johnson Jr.
o Walter B. Jones
o Steve Kagen
o Ron Kind
o John B. Larson
o Sander M. Levin
o John Lewis
o Jim McDermott
o James P. McGovern
o Kendrick Meek
o Walter Minnick
o Dennis Moore
o Richard E. Neal
o Bill Pascrell Jr.
o Gary C. Peters
o Todd Russell Platts
o Earl Pomeroy
o Linda T. Sánchez
o Allyson Y. Schwartz
o Ike Skelton
o Fortney Pete Stark
o John Tanner
o Mike Thompson
o Dina Titus
o Chris Van Hollen
o John A. Yarmuth
Give us an official list of the above. Blumenauer, for instance, merely refused to give his position on ACA. That is not co-sponsorship.
The stimulus (lots of tax cuts), ACA IS a Pub plan- the sequester Boehner:"I got 98% of what I wanted"- just to get a routine debt rise. You people are nuts, now more will see it. Prepare to get your ass kicked in '16.

Do you never weary of making a fool of yourself here? If the Repubs only benefit the rich - as you so regularly claim - their voter base would be too small to elect anyone. As it is they are always competitive and since last week's elections "hater-dupes" like you have been whistling past the graveyard and whining like spanked Jackasses. Face it, Princess, the Dem fan base sat out the election because there wasn't enough in the gov't trough to give them all a new Mercedes.
Dems put in 40% tax cuts in the stimulus. Put up the Pub plan for health care, talked for 6 months- all a ploy by Pubs, GOT NO VOTES. Pubs admitted they would not compromise, only wanted O to fail. In the middle of THEIR meltdown. Total a-holes with their brainwashed chumps- YOU. You're just incredible chumps of the greedy rich- always want Dem positions, but get snapped back by your shortsighted greed, racism and bigotry. Anti-minority, women, furriners- pathetic.

Wow --- sophomoric name calling is now a debate strategy?

You fail to acknowledge that the Dems put several no-go suggestions in the stimulus, and then refused to negotiate on those. "It's my way - or the highway" is not a compromising strategy.
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.
Without Bill she'd be a just another fishwife.
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.
Except you didn't even though I asked about both her Senate and Sectary of State record.
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.
Except you didn't even though I asked about both her Senate and Sectary of State record.

Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.
Except you didn't even though I asked about both her Senate and Sectary of State record.

Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?
I don't agree there. Obama chose between universal care and his call for more compromise, and chose universal care. It's true that the TPM movement predated the ACA, but Obamacare made things even more contentious. The Right here is saying the gop no longer has any reason to compromise, when nothing could be further from the reality. Obama was rejected because he is seen as much a part of dysfunction as the gop (even though he STILL polls 20 pts higher than the gop congress). After a typical second term, off year bruising election, a potus looks for areas where he can compromise with the other party, and still protects the central tenant of his/her (-: presidency.

No. Obama wanted Single Payer. He COMPROMISED by accepting the ACA plan which is far from single payer. He also caved on the public option.

This isn't debatable.

He compromised with his own Democrat party, not the Republicans.

That makes no sense. In order to do one....he'd basically have to do the other. Is this too complicated for you?

And.......LOL! You said Democrat party instead of Democratic Party! You are so cool and funny!

The ACA was passed without a single Republican vote, so I find it difficult to accept that Obama compromised with the Republicans. And, I will continue to call them the Democrat Party since they are Democrats and not Democratics. Also because it seems to bother bedwetters!

Blah blah no GOP votes..blah blah blah!

Meaningless. They were voting against a plan that they created. Obama was compromising by not insisting on single payer.

Too easy. You are too simple.

You are an even bigger idiot than I thought.

He compromised and nobody voted for the compromise?

Are you retarded?
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.
Except you didn't even though I asked about both her Senate and Sectary of State record.

Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.
Except you didn't even though I asked about both her Senate and Sectary of State record.

Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.

Without much thought, I'll be glad to take up your challenge ... let's start with Ryan.
Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.
Except you didn't even though I asked about both her Senate and Sectary of State record.

Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.
Really? That's wonderful news. I hope you're correct.

Christie...probably closer to Obama than Clinton
Walker...non college grad (aka no chance)
Kunisch (the guy from Ohio)....too good to be true (for the Democrats that is).
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.
Except you didn't even though I asked about both her Senate and Sectary of State record.

Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
LMFAO... :lol:
Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.
Except you didn't even though I asked about both her Senate and Sectary of State record.

Few (if any) SoS's have accomplishments to hang their hats on. When they do, it often gets attributed to the President. So I have no illusions of her far reaching accomplishments as SoS except that she served and there were very few major crises requiring hundreds of thousands of troops to be shipped over-seas, Europe stabilized economically due in no small part to her helping to get one another on the same page.

Again, stack her resume/record against that of Rand Paul or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio...no contest.
So she has nothing as Sectary of State and her Senate accomplishments are what?

Says you. Getting 20 different finance ministers to agree (sometimes) isn't nothing. Being the head of State during the demobilization of our large armies overseas isn't nothing either.

As for the Senate; the same as every GOP Senator that may be running against her.
So bottom line you got nothing and FYI I think it's highly likely the Republican nominee will be a Governor not a member of the House or Senate.

Unless something strange happens - a Ben Carson catches fire, or some other guy comes riding out of the clouds. There are too many good governors available -
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

Again, I'll be happy to stack her record/resume up with anyone on the GOP side.

Without much thought, I'll be glad to take up your challenge ... let's start with Ryan.

Still crying from the debate with Biden where he was asking for pork in a letter
Austerity budgets aren't popular with anyone (especially folks like Romney it turned out)
Accomplishments...thin as are most in the Congress.

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