Out of touch with reality

We'll see, won't we. But in 86, Reagan compromised with Dems over defense, including reductions in nukes. In 94, Slick compromised on welfare and balanced budget. But in neither case did a second term potus give up the central concept of his presidency. Reagan lowered top rates; Slick took care of the middle.

I don't think anything would please Hillary more that Boehner not bringing up immigration and the gop running Cruz.
This discussion goes off the rails before it begins because USMB nutters refuse to acknowledge that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP......and to compromise from day one.

It's what happens when you don't accept reality. You fail to grasp what is likely to occur down the road.

Of course the American people want compromise in Washington. It's not even debatable.
This discussion goes off the rails before it begins because USMB nutters refuse to acknowledge that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP......and to compromise from day one.

It's what happens when you don't accept reality. You fail to grasp what is likely to occur down the road.

Of course the American people want compromise in Washington. It's not even debatable.
I don't agree there. Obama chose between universal care and his call for more compromise, and chose universal care. It's true that the TPM movement predated the ACA, but Obamacare made things even more contentious. The Right here is saying the gop no longer has any reason to compromise, when nothing could be further from the reality. Obama was rejected because he is seen as much a part of dysfunction as the gop (even though he STILL polls 20 pts higher than the gop congress). After a typical second term, off year bruising election, a potus looks for areas where he can compromise with the other party, and still protects the central tenant of his/her (-: presidency.
I don't agree there. Obama chose between universal care and his call for more compromise, and chose universal care. It's true that the TPM movement predated the ACA, but Obamacare made things even more contentious. The Right here is saying the gop no longer has any reason to compromise, when nothing could be further from the reality. Obama was rejected because he is seen as much a part of dysfunction as the gop (even though he STILL polls 20 pts higher than the gop congress). After a typical second term, off year bruising election, a potus looks for areas where he can compromise with the other party, and still protects the central tenant of his/her (-: presidency.

Each of those GOP Congressmen polled higher than Obama - they pulled >50% of the vote compared to Obama's surrogates. The "what have you done for me lately?" question applies here, the last election counts more than the one before it. Obama supporters had a chance to reaffirm his popularity, his policies, his direction, and they didn't.

What's this "his/her" Presidency stuff? We've never had a female President so who are you referring to or are you snidely implying that President Obama is a transsexual?
Are you all saying that the new GOP majority in the Senate and the sustained majority in the House should try to ram through a GOP agenda regardless of what the President thinks and shouldn't compromise when they have their inevitable disagreements?

Wasn't it Barry that proclaimed "elections have consequences?" He's right, you know - they do. As he will now see.
This discussion goes off the rails before it begins because USMB nutters refuse to acknowledge that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP......and to compromise from day one.

It's what happens when you don't accept reality. You fail to grasp what is likely to occur down the road.

Of course the American people want compromise in Washington. It's not even debatable.

You, sir, are out of your friggin mind......
I don't agree there. Obama chose between universal care and his call for more compromise, and chose universal care. It's true that the TPM movement predated the ACA, but Obamacare made things even more contentious. The Right here is saying the gop no longer has any reason to compromise, when nothing could be further from the reality. Obama was rejected because he is seen as much a part of dysfunction as the gop (even though he STILL polls 20 pts higher than the gop congress). After a typical second term, off year bruising election, a potus looks for areas where he can compromise with the other party, and still protects the central tenant of his/her (-: presidency.

No. Obama wanted Single Payer. He COMPROMISED by accepting the ACA plan which is far from single payer. He also caved on the public option.

This isn't debatable.
This discussion goes off the rails before it begins because USMB nutters refuse to acknowledge that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP......and to compromise from day one.

It's what happens when you don't accept reality. You fail to grasp what is likely to occur down the road.

Of course the American people want compromise in Washington. It's not even debatable.

You, sir, are out of your friggin mind......

You summed it up.

Remember, the election was not about the Dem candidates, it was about Obama and his policies.

That's what he said, not me.

I have a question, why would you want Hillary, an old school crone with a dismal record, instead of a new face, like Elizabeth Warren?

You know the Clintons were not able to carry but one candidate they campaigned for, and both the Carter and the Nunn lost is GA.

Nobody really wants those names; and Jeb should note this too.

I'll be happy to compare Clinton's resume/record with anyone on the GOP side.
We don't have any comparables. No one who rode the coattails of her husband into office and then achieved spectacular failure in all she undertook.

LMAO. Touche'
Are you all saying that the new GOP majority in the Senate and the sustained majority in the House should try to ram through a GOP agenda regardless of what the President thinks and shouldn't compromise when they have their inevitable disagreements?

Are you suggesting that Republicans need to compromise where Democrats wouldn't?

The House and Senate are doing what they were sent there to do ... The President has the ability to obstruct whatever he wants ... But it won't be the Republican's fault.

This discussion goes off the rails before it begins because USMB nutters refuse to acknowledge that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP......and to compromise from day one.

It's what happens when you don't accept reality. You fail to grasp what is likely to occur down the road.

Of course the American people want compromise in Washington. It's not even debatable.
Ya Obama compromised so much he had Reid shit can 350 bills from the house over the last 3 years. Bills that were bipartisan and in some cases sponsored by democrats to boot.
This discussion goes off the rails before it begins because USMB nutters refuse to acknowledge that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP......and to compromise from day one.

It's what happens when you don't accept reality. You fail to grasp what is likely to occur down the road.

Of course the American people want compromise in Washington. It's not even debatable.
What's adorable is you believe that :lol:
President Obama = President Compromise

Someday....maybe....some of you will try a little honesty.
Ya lets see, Obama announced he did not need republicans in 2009. He said he did not need republicans for his health care bill in 2010. He and Reid shit canned 350 bills from the Republican house with out even sending them to committee, At the super committee he got everything he asked for from Republicans and then demanded more causing the committee to fail. He campaigned this season on making this election about HIS agenda and soundly lost. Sure thing Obama has sure tried to compromise.
President Obama = President Compromise

Someday....maybe....some of you will try a little honesty.
Ya lets see, Obama announced he did not need republicans in 2009. He said he did not need republicans for his health care bill in 2010. He and Reid shit canned 350 bills from the Republican house with out even sending them to committee, At the super committee he got everything he asked for from Republicans and then demanded more causing the committee to fail. He campaigned this season on making this election about HIS agenda and soundly lost. Sure thing Obama has sure tried to compromise.

Blah.....blah...RW fucking talking point....blah....blah!

Get a new tune.
You summed it up.

Remember, the election was not about the Dem candidates, it was about Obama and his policies.

That's what he said, not me.

I have a question, why would you want Hillary, an old school crone with a dismal record, instead of a new face, like Elizabeth Warren?

You know the Clintons were not able to carry but one candidate they campaigned for, and both the Carter and the Nunn lost is GA.

Nobody really wants those names; and Jeb should note this too.

I'll be happy to compare Clinton's resume/record with anyone on the GOP side.

... to include the Republican Congress that forced him to the middle?
This discussion goes off the rails before it begins because USMB nutters refuse to acknowledge that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP......and to compromise from day one.

It's what happens when you don't accept reality. You fail to grasp what is likely to occur down the road.

Of course the American people want compromise in Washington. It's not even debatable.

Could you give us one ... just one ... example "... that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP"?

We'll wait ...
This discussion goes off the rails before it begins because USMB nutters refuse to acknowledge that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP......and to compromise from day one.

It's what happens when you don't accept reality. You fail to grasp what is likely to occur down the road.

Of course the American people want compromise in Washington. It's not even debatable.

You, sir, are out of your friggin mind......
When ever a dem says something, the truth lies in the exact opposite direction.

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