Out of touch with reality

That makes no sense. In order to do one....he'd basically have to do the other. Is this too complicated for you?

And.......LOL! You said Democrat party instead of Democratic Party! You are so cool and funny!

The ACA was passed without a single Republican vote, so I find it difficult to accept that Obama compromised with the Republicans. And, I will continue to call them the Democrat Party since they are Democrats and not Democratics. Also because it seems to bother bedwetters!

Blah blah no GOP votes..blah blah blah!

Meaningless. They were voting against a plan that they created. Obama was compromising by not insisting on single payer.

Too easy. You are too simple.

I had no idea that the Republicans created the ACA and then not a damned one of them voted for it. How could I possibly have missed that.

It's called politics. Politicians vote against shit they once supported all the time. I'll bet you knew that. You just decided to forget in this case. Typical.

I know that you are brain dead if you think that Republicans created the ACA, and you are a complete waste of bandwidth.

Have you never heard that claim before?
The Democrats are already having to contend with whites fleeing the party, so you think that amnestying 20 million illegal infiltrators and privileging them over American whites is going to help Democrats win back the white vote? Whites are already pissed off with the demographic transformation that liberals have inflicted on society, so I really doubt that amnesty is going to go well for Democrats vis a vis white voters.

You pretty much described the Demo M/O but they have no interest in "the white vote." They attract (or create) a large underclass, bestow upon them great gifts from the gov't trough and gather them like so many small coins in their vest pockets. Of course, they also shower themselves and their friends with gifts from that trough.
a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely or willing to sustain themselves are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Did not work for Rome, will not work here.

Domestic tranquillity cannot be obtained by providing bread and circuses to the masses on money borrowed from enemies.

Or by importing voters as a remedy to the problem of a party's philosophy not appealing to the existing citizenry. This is how civil war is incubated.
This discussion goes off the rails before it begins because USMB nutters refuse to acknowledge that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP......and to compromise from day one.

It's what happens when you don't accept reality. You fail to grasp what is likely to occur down the road.

Of course the American people want compromise in Washington. It's not even debatable.

Could you give us one ... just one ... example "... that the POTUS did everything possible to try to work with the GOP"?

We'll wait ...

Dont hold your breath.
Meaningless. They were voting against a plan that they created. Obama was compromising by not insisting on single payer.

Too easy. You are too simple.

Obama couldn't get his own party to accept single payer. They rightly feared American public opinion and backlash but they were blindsided last week anyway (and justifiably so).

You are too simple-minded. Must be a liberal thing.
President Obama = President Compromise

Someday....maybe....some of you will try a little honesty.
Ya lets see, Obama announced he did not need republicans in 2009. He said he did not need republicans for his health care bill in 2010. He and Reid shit canned 350 bills from the Republican house with out even sending them to committee, At the super committee he got everything he asked for from Republicans and then demanded more causing the committee to fail. He campaigned this season on making this election about HIS agenda and soundly lost. Sure thing Obama has sure tried to compromise.

Blah.....blah...RW fucking talking point....blah....blah!

Get a new tune.
You can not defend nor refute what happened yet you pretend otherwise and then try to dismiss it. Obama has NEVER tried to compromise on anything. And the historical record proves it. I cited examples for you, prove them wrong.

You didn't do shit. Your bar for evidence is frighteningly low.

Obama has consistently compromised on a range of issues....big and small.

Name em or STFU.
Are you all saying that the new GOP majority in the Senate and the sustained majority in the House should try to ram through a GOP agenda regardless of what the President thinks and shouldn't compromise when they have their inevitable disagreements?
Going back to REGULAR ORDER - the main tool of negotiation and compromise - in the House and Senate will decide what goes to the President for his signature, INSTEAD OF how it has operated for 6 years; legislation as decided by Harry Reid.and the president.

There are bills sitting in Harry Reid's Senate hopper with significant bipartisan votes to commend them for action by the senate and the president.

Even if the president vetoes everything that comes out of the H&S they will have been presented to the public at large and a certain number of them will get through and passed.

Eventually some Dems will vote to over ride the veto if the president continues to go down that path and then the dam will break
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President Obama = President Compromise

Someday....maybe....some of you will try a little honesty.
Ya lets see, Obama announced he did not need republicans in 2009. He said he did not need republicans for his health care bill in 2010. He and Reid shit canned 350 bills from the Republican house with out even sending them to committee, At the super committee he got everything he asked for from Republicans and then demanded more causing the committee to fail. He campaigned this season on making this election about HIS agenda and soundly lost. Sure thing Obama has sure tried to compromise.

Blah.....blah...RW fucking talking point....blah....blah!

Get a new tune.
You can not defend nor refute what happened yet you pretend otherwise and then try to dismiss it. Obama has NEVER tried to compromise on anything. And the historical record proves it. I cited examples for you, prove them wrong.

You didn't do shit. Your bar for evidence is frighteningly low.

Obama has consistently compromised on a range of issues....big and small.

Name em or STFU.

Not again. Not without a commitment on your part to never make the claim again. At some point....the lies have to stop. If even from just one of you. Progress must be made.
Ya lets see, Obama announced he did not need republicans in 2009. He said he did not need republicans for his health care bill in 2010. He and Reid shit canned 350 bills from the Republican house with out even sending them to committee, At the super committee he got everything he asked for from Republicans and then demanded more causing the committee to fail. He campaigned this season on making this election about HIS agenda and soundly lost. Sure thing Obama has sure tried to compromise.

Blah.....blah...RW fucking talking point....blah....blah!

Get a new tune.
You can not defend nor refute what happened yet you pretend otherwise and then try to dismiss it. Obama has NEVER tried to compromise on anything. And the historical record proves it. I cited examples for you, prove them wrong.

You didn't do shit. Your bar for evidence is frighteningly low.

Obama has consistently compromised on a range of issues....big and small.

Name em or STFU.

Not again. Not without a commitment on your part to never make the claim again. At some point....the lies have to stop. If even from just one of you. Progress must be made.

If you want the lies to stop.......STFU.
You pretty much described the Demo M/O but they have no interest in "the white vote." They attract (or create) a large underclass, bestow upon them great gifts from the gov't trough and gather them like so many small coins in their vest pockets. Of course, they also shower themselves and their friends with gifts from that trough.
a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely or willing to sustain themselves are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Did not work for Rome, will not work here.

Domestic tranquility cannot be obtained by providing bread and circuses to the masses on money borrowed from enemies.

The money isn't just borrowed under the Demo M/O but also CONFISCATED from "a diminishing number of producers."
Ineptocracy's inevitable demise comes when it runs out of other peep's money to give away to an insatiable, demanding and ever-growing underclass.
Lowest turnout ever will change in 2016.

Hater dupes are all ginned up by their demagogues.

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP"- TIME. Also incredibly ignorant. This election was typical of a 6th year one.
You pretty much described the Demo M/O but they have no interest in "the white vote." They attract (or create) a large underclass, bestow upon them great gifts from the gov't trough and gather them like so many small coins in their vest pockets. Of course, they also shower themselves and their friends with gifts from that trough.
a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely or willing to sustain themselves are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Did not work for Rome, will not work here.

Domestic tranquility cannot be obtained by providing bread and circuses to the masses on money borrowed from enemies.

The money isn't just borrowed under the Demo M/O but also CONFISCATED from "a diminishing number of producers."
Ineptocracy's inevitable demise comes when it runs out of other peep's money to give away to an insatiable, demanding and ever-growing underclass.
"Incompetence is the most insidious form of corruption."
Not again. Not without a commitment on your part to never make the claim again. At some point....the lies have to stop. If even from just one of you. Progress must be made.

Progress in Demo parlance:

The development of a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely or willing to sustain themselves are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

We even have a new name for it: INEPTOCRACY.
Lowest turnout ever will change in 2016.

Hater dupes are all ginned up by their demagogues.

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP"- TIME. Also incredibly ignorant. This election was typical of a 6th year one.

Would you like some cheese with that whine, Princess? Dems were punished by their "fan base" because there just wasn't enough in the trough to give them all Porsches. For too many that is the main function of our gov't.
Ya lets see, Obama announced he did not need republicans in 2009. He said he did not need republicans for his health care bill in 2010. He and Reid shit canned 350 bills from the Republican house with out even sending them to committee, At the super committee he got everything he asked for from Republicans and then demanded more causing the committee to fail. He campaigned this season on making this election about HIS agenda and soundly lost. Sure thing Obama has sure tried to compromise.

Blah.....blah...RW fucking talking point....blah....blah!

Get a new tune.
You can not defend nor refute what happened yet you pretend otherwise and then try to dismiss it. Obama has NEVER tried to compromise on anything. And the historical record proves it. I cited examples for you, prove them wrong.

You didn't do shit. Your bar for evidence is frighteningly low.

Obama has consistently compromised on a range of issues....big and small.
And yet you can not refute a single one of my examples.

The facts refute your talking points. I'm not going to spend time reciting facts AGAIN on all of that shit. You assholes run your traps with a string of obvious bullshit and then claim a win when nobody feels like wasting time on you.

Let's try another method.

Can you find me one example of Obama compromising with the GOP? Just one?
That is the point, he never has dumb ass.
You pretty much described the Demo M/O but they have no interest in "the white vote." They attract (or create) a large underclass, bestow upon them great gifts from the gov't trough and gather them like so many small coins in their vest pockets. Of course, they also shower themselves and their friends with gifts from that trough.
a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely or willing to sustain themselves are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Did not work for Rome, will not work here.

Domestic tranquility cannot be obtained by providing bread and circuses to the masses on money borrowed from enemies.

The money isn't just borrowed under the Demo M/O but also CONFISCATED from "a diminishing number of producers."
Ineptocracy's inevitable demise comes when it runs out of other peep's money to give away to an insatiable, demanding and ever-growing underclass.

"Incompetence is the most insidious form of corruption."

Today it isn't just the incompetent officials but rather self-serving (read: Reelection) ones.
Blah.....blah...RW fucking talking point....blah....blah!

Get a new tune.
You can not defend nor refute what happened yet you pretend otherwise and then try to dismiss it. Obama has NEVER tried to compromise on anything. And the historical record proves it. I cited examples for you, prove them wrong.

You didn't do shit. Your bar for evidence is frighteningly low.

Obama has consistently compromised on a range of issues....big and small.

Name em or STFU.

Not again. Not without a commitment on your part to never make the claim again. At some point....the lies have to stop. If even from just one of you. Progress must be made.

If you want the lies to stop.......STFU.
The stimulus (lots of tax cuts), ACA IS a Pub plan- the sequester Boehner:"I got 98% of what I wanted"- just to get a routine debt rise. You people are nuts, now more will see it. Prepare to get your ass kicked in '16.
Dems put in 40% tax cuts in the stimulus. Put up the Pub plan for health care, talked for 6 months- all a ploy by Pubs, GOT NO VOTES. Pubs admitted they would not compromise, only wanted O to fail. In the middle of THEIR meltdown. Total a-holes with their brainwashed chumps- YOU. You're just incredible chumps of the greedy rich- always want Dem positions, but get snapped back by your shortsighted greed, racism and bigotry. Anti-minority, women, furriners- pathetic.
You summed it up.

Remember, the election was not about the Dem candidates, it was about Obama and his policies.

That's what he said, not me.

I have a question, why would you want Hillary, an old school crone with a dismal record, instead of a new face, like Elizabeth Warren?

You know the Clintons were not able to carry but one candidate they campaigned for, and both the Carter and the Nunn lost is GA.

Nobody really wants those names; and Jeb should note this too.

I'll be happy to compare Clinton's resume/record with anyone on the GOP side.

OK, let's start with how many blow jobs did Clinton get in the Oval Office compared to anyone on the GOP side?

Seriously, compare the number of bills passed by the Congress that Clinton sign compared to how many Obama signed. And I don't mean bills that named a post office, but substantial bills, such as a budget instead of a continuing resolution. I really don't know, but just wonder if you do.

You summed it up.

Remember, the election was not about the Dem candidates, it was about Obama and his policies.

That's what he said, not me.

I have a question, why would you want Hillary, an old school crone with a dismal record, instead of a new face, like Elizabeth Warren?

You know the Clintons were not able to carry but one candidate they campaigned for, and both the Carter and the Nunn lost is GA.

Nobody really wants those names; and Jeb should note this too.

I'll be happy to compare Clinton's resume/record with anyone on the GOP side.

... to include the Republican Congress that forced him to the middle?

Was speaking of Hillary
What is Hillary's record of achievements? Her most noteworthy thing in the Senate was voting in favor of the Iraq war a vote which played a big part in her losing the 2008 Democratic nomination. As Sectary of State her major standout accomplishment was what?

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