Out of touch with reality

Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college ... But you probably don't know who those stupid people are.

Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.


we have been hearing for three elections

how walker is toast

this time


Put him on the national ticket. He'll be breakfast food.
Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college ... But you probably don't know who those stupid people are.

Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.


we have been hearing for three elections

how walker is toast

this time


Put him on the national ticket. He'll be breakfast food.

yes we have heard it so many times he is going down

Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college ... But you probably don't know who those stupid people are.

Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.


we have been hearing for three elections

how walker is toast

this time


Put him on the national ticket. He'll be breakfast food.

yes we have heard it so many times he is going down


Feel free to nominate college drop-out Scott Walker for President.
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college ... But you probably don't know who those stupid people are.

Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.


we have been hearing for three elections

how walker is toast

this time


Put him on the national ticket. He'll be breakfast food.

yes we have heard it so many times he is going down


Feel free to nominate college drop-out Scott Walker for President.

blah blah blah ok whatever

he never said he is running

and you folkies are already freaking out

Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college ... But you probably don't know who those stupid people are.

Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.

The Progressive Liberals got a community organizer elected as President ... Just proving it isn't that hard to qualify for the job.

The funny part is that he says he spent time as a Constitutional law professor at Chicago Law School ... And doesn't know shit about the Constitution or the separation of powers therein. Like when he said the Supreme Court had no business ruling on the Constitutionality of ACA legislation.

Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.
They tried to kill him off, what, five times? Talking shit is easy.

The liberal arrogance became too noticeable for the media to sweep under the rug and they paid the price. Keep it up!
Feel free to nominate college drop-out Scott Walker for President.

Hey ... The architect of the ACA legislation admitted it was nothing more than a bunch of lies designed to fool stupid people.

That fucking blows your theory Progressive Liberals have a lick of sense with or without a college degree.

Feel free to nominate college drop-out Scott Walker for President.

Hey ... The architect of the ACA legislation admitted it was nothing more than a bunch of lies designed to fool stupid people.
Is that a quote? Or what you wish someone had said.

That fucking blows your theory Progressive Liberals have a lick of sense with or without a college degree.

Your post does blow...on that we agree.
Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.


we have been hearing for three elections

how walker is toast

this time


Put him on the national ticket. He'll be breakfast food.

yes we have heard it so many times he is going down


Feel free to nominate college drop-out Scott Walker for President.

blah blah blah ok whatever

he never said he is running

and you folkies are already freaking out


Freaking out? I was asked about my support of Hillary and simply said that she has a better resume/record than Congressional Republicans. When the person I was debating couldn't think of a thing that Rubio, Paul, Cruz, Cornyn, or any other GOP congressional member had done, they said that they would likely support a GOP governor.

So we ran down the list.

Christie is likely a better Democrat than most democrats in some ways.
Jindal doesn't seem ready for Prime Time.
Walker...we have discussed. When I bring up he is a college drop-out you guys act like it's a merit badge he should wear because it speaks to some sort of 'underdog' status...that he was able to overcome the odds of getting a high level State seat without knowing how to solve for X.

Few, if anyone, fears Walker running. Go for it.
Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college ... But you probably don't know who those stupid people are.

Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.

The Progressive Liberals got a community organizer elected as President ... Just proving it isn't that hard to qualify for the job.

The funny part is that he says he spent time as a Constitutional law professor at Chicago Law School ... And doesn't know shit about the Constitution or the separation of powers therein. Like when he said the Supreme Court had no business ruling on the Constitutionality of ACA legislation.


The funny thing is that you believe your own bullshit.
Yup. Same guy. No chance as a college drop-out. The votes you guys need to flip 64 electoral votes are in states that that don't celebrate stupidity as much as the GOP does.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of college ... But you probably don't know who those stupid people are.

Hey if you want to elect any of them President...feel free.

Walker is a dead man walking in terms of national politics.

The Progressive Liberals got a community organizer elected as President ... Just proving it isn't that hard to qualify for the job.

The funny part is that he says he spent time as a Constitutional law professor at Chicago Law School ... And doesn't know shit about the Constitution or the separation of powers therein. Like when he said the Supreme Court had no business ruling on the Constitutionality of ACA legislation.


The funny thing is that you believe your own bullshit.

Oh ... What do you think is bullshit?

In the clip he mentions that he hopes the Supreme Court doesn't take an unprecedented action towards ruling unfavorably on the Constituionality of the democratically passed legislation.

He explains how it is wrong for an unelected court to make a ruling against duely passed legislation.

I don't guess he knows that the Supreme Court's job is to review the Constitutionality of legislation passed by Congress ... Nor that it wouldn't be the first piece of legislation thrown out by the Supreme Court.

But hey ... Keep kicking, your people are convinced you are stupid enough to believe in it even after they told you it was wrong.

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Is that a quote? Or what you wish someone had said.
Your post does blow...on that we agree.

Holy crap ... I guess you haven't watched the video where the ACA legislation's architect (Johnathan Gruber) said it himself ... Several different times. He states plainly that without the lies, lack of transparency or stupidity of the American people the ACA legislation would never have passed.

I cannot speak to his actual emotions ... but watching the video he seems to be pleased you were stupid enough to fall for it.

Freaking out? I was asked about my support of Hillary and simply said that she has a better resume/record than Congressional Republicans.

Few, if anyone, fears Walker running. Go for it.
I'd love to see a debate between the two. I think most libs know better than to put out an old gas bag for their one opportunity to hang on to power.

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